





estate duty: 遗产税

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-9-22 18:23| 查看数: 807| 评论数: 0|


外电报道如下:The Revenue (Abolition of Estate Duty) Ordinance 2005 ["the Ordinance"] comes into effect on 11 February 2006.

"There were changes in circumstances since Estate Duty was first introduced in 1915," noted Mr Chan, a partner at E&Y, adding that the original objective of the tax when brought in was to "enable the whole community to benefit upon the death of persons who had grown very rich partly through the appreciation in value of assets and the progress of Hong Kong to which the whole community contributed. "

外电中,estate duty就是"遗产税"。Estate在我们日常所说的real estate(房地产)中,指"the nature and extent of an owner's rights with respect to land (地产权)";而在报道中出现的Estate侧重强调"the whole of one's possessions, especially all the property and debts left by one at death(死者留下的全部的遗产,包括财产和债务)。"

另外,请注意duty的用法,duty除了指"责任,职责"外,还用来表示"a tax charged by a government, especially on imports(一种由政府征收的税,尤指进口关税),如:I brought him a Valentine gift at the duty-free shop in the airport(我在机场的免税商店给他买了情人节礼物)。


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