






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-9-27 12:24| 查看数: 1117| 评论数: 0|

  For years it has been one of the most basic rules of beauty: if you want a clear, youthful complexion, you must drink at least eight glasses of water every day. Facialists, make-up artists, alternative health practitioners, nutritionists — and yes, we beauty journalists — have all agreed that a good dose of H2O will ‘flush out’ our systems, banish spots, plump out wrinkles and moisturise our skin from the inside out. It really is the elixir of great-looking skin. Various dermatologists have suggested in recent years that this theory simply doesn’t wash, insisting the only thing maintaining moisture levels in our skin is the outer layer of skin.


  But most beauty devotees remain convinced; just look at all those female celebrities permanently clutching a bottle of the stuff. Recent research seemed to suggest the water lovers are right — and that certain types of water are even better for you than others. In a double-blind, placebo-controlled trial, female participants were told to drink one and a half litres of water a day for eight weeks without changing any other elements of their lifestyle. Some drank ordinary tap water. Others drank Willow Water, a natural mineral water sourced in the Lake District.


  At the end of the trial, the results were astonishing. Those who drank ordinary tap water saw a 19 per cent reduction in their wrinkles. Those who drank Willow Water (and no, until this point I hadn’t heard of it, either) saw a dramatic 24 per cent reduction.



  double-blind adj. (试验者和受试者)双盲的(试验或测试);双盲测试的


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