





研究:办公室噪音大 白领易患心脏病

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-10-12 11:21| 查看数: 1081| 评论数: 0|

  Working in a consistently noisy environment such as a factory more than doubles the risk of serious heart problems, research suggests. In the under-50s, the risk increases to fourfold, the study warns, and young male smokers are also particularly affected by noise.


  The U.S. team studied more than 6,000 employees over a five-year period, dividing them into those who endured persistent loud noise at work for at least three months and those who did not. Deadly combination: Working in a constantly noisy environment can double the risk of serious heart problems, a new study has found. It also found that those who work in noisy environments are more likely to smoke They found those in noisy environments tended to weigh and smoke more than those who worked in quiet offices, reports the British Medical Journal.


  The authors say: ‘Loud noise day after day may be as strong an external stressor as sudden strong emotion or physical exertion, the effect of which is to prompt various chemical messengers to constrict blood flow through the coronary arteries.‘This study suggests that excess noise exposure in the workplace is an important occupational health issue.’


  June Davison of the British Heart Foundation said: ‘Some people find sustained noise very taxing and stressful and that could explain this link between noisy workplaces and an increased risk of heart disease.



  stressor n. 紧张性刺激;光彩


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