





达伦欲导《金刚狼2》 放弃华纳新片

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-10-14 11:15| 查看数: 1152| 评论数: 0|

  The countdown to Darren Aronofsky directing Wolverine 2 can officially begin. One obstacle that was in the film’s way was the Warner Bros production Tales From the Gangster Squad. Aronofsky was being heavily courted for the project after the studio decided to hire Zack Snyder to direct the Superman reboot Man of Steel, which Aronofsky was also in the running for. According to Deadline, he’s opted against directing Gangster Squad, which leaves the door wide open for Wolvie.

  目前看来,离正式宣布导演达伦-阿罗诺夫斯基正式挂帅执导《金刚狼2》已不需多少时日了,而排版前唯一的障碍便是华纳出品的电影《Tales From the Gangster Squad》。在电影公司决定选用扎克-施奈德导演新一集的《超人》电影,并重启《钢铁侠》的计划之后,达伦对就被认为是执导《金刚狼2》的大热人选。据报道,达伦-阿罗诺夫斯基也无意拍摄《Tales》,这让他‘驾驭’《金刚狼》有了更大的胜算。

  It’s no secret that X-Men Origins: Wolverine was visual cancer that placed the scarlet letter on the franchise. Fans are hoping that 20th Century Fox can get it right and hire someone who can restore the hero to his former glory. The studio is offering him $5 million against 5% of gross, which will be a nice pay day if the film’s a hit like its predecessors.


  Fox sees Wolverine 2 as the project that can move Aronofsky from low budget, modest grossing films to blockbuster tentpoles, much like Christopher Nolan and Bryan Singer. Their trust in him is only confounded by the positive buzz he’s received from critics regarding his latest work, Black Swan. The thriller opened this year’s Venice Film Festival and has Oscar written all over it.



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