






发布者: christlulu | 发布时间: 2006-7-19 18:58| 查看数: 8057| 评论数: 11|



唱片:Jane 爱




这是张靓颖的第一张作品,承载了许多的爱与被爱。没有条条框框的风格设定,每一首歌都在唱她自己,词作丝丝入扣。她果然还是一样的自我、有主见及对自己的坚持,她拿自己喜欢的唱片到公司给制作团队听,告诉他们自己想做的东西,一首首认真地听制作团队找来的小样挑选,慢慢把她的喜欢传染给身边的人。 她是一个歌者,在冷清的后台孤独地准备着,为台前一瞬间的光芒绽放。



i can see your face everywhere i look

but everywhere is nowhere without you'

what seemed to be like days

was just a moment in time

but it meant the world to me

cuz i knew

what i've been searching for all of my life

i had it right here - in front of my eyes

and what i've wished for was nothing compared

to what i received - when you were here with me

and if you'll never come back

and today was all that we had

and if i won't see - tomorrow with you in my arms

it won't matter because

now i know what it's like to be loved

you're so far away but i feel you so near

it's like you never left me - never said good bye

i can hear your voice in the crowd

i can feel you touch me right now

i can see you smile when i close my eyes

and i hold on to that every night

to help me understand - when i ask myself why

of all the people out there - you chose to be with me

to share a love so rare

what a beautiful thing - to feel your love within

like a child that sees the sunshine on the first day of spring

just to know it's true - there is someone like you

who can make me believe there is nothing i can't do


christlulu 发表于 2006-7-19 21:57:20


Open Up Your Dreams(张靓颖)


这首歌是张靓颖为“娇子梦幻游戏港”代言,灌制的主题曲《Open Up Your Dreams》。


Open Up Your Dreams歌词:

Today we gonna show you every way

We gonna change it everyday

We gonna make you ever brave

You’re gotta know that you’ll be free

And if,

If I can open up your dreams

If I can open up your mind

Don’t say it never can be real

You could see miracles happen to you

I show you the way

I show you the way

We all have this only world

We all dream of being here

We should make the future come together all together

We will give what we’ve got

You will know where it’s from

This is the moment to be all that we can be

To make the world believe

And freak let me tell you something new

That you are chosen to be good

And when you dreams all come true

It is the right time to get you through

Don’t be a fool

Just join us to move


We all have this only world

We all dream of being here

We should take the future come together all together

We will give what we’ve got

You will know where it’s from

This is the moment to be all that we can be

To make the world believe

You could make yourself ever proud

You could see

You will believe

That we can do something that noboby else can achieve

Just open up your dream


We all have this only word

We all dream of being here

We should take the future come together

(make the future come together together Oh……)

We will give what we’ve got

(we’ve got)

You will know where it’s from

(It’s from the bottom of my heart)

This is the moment to be all that we can be

(that we can be)

To make the world believe

(To make the world believe)

We all have this only word

We all dream of being here

We should take the future come together

(being this one to let come together Oh……)

We will give what we’ve got

(what we’ve got)

You will know where it’s from

(what we’ve got)

This is the moment to be all that we can be

To make the world believe

(To make the world believe)

christlulu 发表于 2006-7-19 21:58:38

Make Your Own Kind Of Music


Make Your Own Kind Of Music(迷失插曲)歌词:

Nobody can tell ya

There's only one song worth singing

They may try and sell ya

Cause it hangs them up to see someone like you

But you've gotta make your own kind of music

Sing your own special song

Make your own kind of music

Even if nobody else sings along

You're gonna be nowhere

The loneliest kind of lonely

It may be rough going

Just to do your thing's the hardest thing to do

But you've gotta make your own kind of music

Sing your own special song

Make your own kind of music

Even if nobody else sings along

So if you cannot take my hand

And if you must be going

I will understand

You've gotta make your own kind of music

Sing your own special song

Make your own kind of music

Even if nobody else sings along

You've gotta make your own kind of music

Sing your own special song

Make your own kind of music


这是“爸爸妈妈乐队”的女歌手凯丝.艾略特(Cass Elliot)的独唱作品。提起“爸爸妈妈乐队”(The Mamas and the Papas),也许很多不了解美国六七十年代音乐的网友并不熟悉;但提起他们的作品,很多人就会恍然如悟:“噢!原来那是他们的作品”。

爸爸妈妈乐队成立稍晚于沙滩男孩组合(The Beach Boys),虽然没有能像沙滩男孩那样大红大紫,但也有过一段灿烂的辉煌:他们的《加州之梦》(California Dreamin')自从1966年问世以来,可以说是传唱不衰,风靡全球;看过《重庆森林》或是《阿甘正传》的人,一定记得《加州之梦》这首插曲。凯丝.艾略特(Cass Elliot)虽然身材肥胖,但性格却十分豪爽;其作品热情奔放,声音高亢有力,是乐队中最受听众欢迎的成员。而《打造自己的音乐》(Make Your Own Kind Of Music)一歌则是她最受欢迎的曲目之一。

比起别的流行歌曲,打造自己的音乐(Make Your Own Kind Of Music)显得很短,歌曲仅两分多钟长。因此,如果你只是聆听它的旋律,会觉得意犹未尽;而如果你能理解它的歌词,它传递给你的思考则远远不止两分钟的长度。

“没有人能告诉你,世上只有某一首歌值得去唱;即使有人这样说,也是因为他们想看你的笑话。你必须打造自己的音乐,唱自己的歌,就算没有任何人和你一起唱……做好自己,就是世界上最难做的事。”让我们一起来听听凯丝.艾略特的这首歌,真诚地希望每个人都能“Make your own kind of music,Sing your own special song,Even if nobody else sings along”。

christlulu 发表于 2006-7-19 21:59:26

Christmas in My Heart


专辑名称:Christmas in My Heart

专辑歌手:Sarah Connor






21世纪的开端,芳龄23岁的德国女生Sarah Connor,以甜美、带劲的节奏蓝调歌唱实力开始征服欧洲乐坛,祖父的纽澳良血缘让她在幼年时期即深受蓝调灵魂乐的薰陶,14岁时开始在教堂唱诗班担任演唱,并在学校演唱音乐剧,15、16岁便以试唱带向各大音乐厂牌投石问路。

2001年春季,Sarah Connor以挑动情欲的处女单曲“Let’s Get Back To The Bed Boy”,绽放狂野性格,歌曲强势占领德国排行榜亚军,并挥军直入欧陆各国排行榜TOP 10,抢攻欧洲流行单曲榜TOP 15;第二首单曲“French Kissing”转而释放灵魂乐的性感魅力,同年底改走情歌路线,推出感人恋曲“From Sarah With Love”成绩益发耀眼,光在德国就卖出75万张,歌曲轻易摘下德国榜冠军后座,窜登欧洲Music & Media排行榜TOP 5,并在瑞典与奥地利创造金唱片开出销售红盘;紧接着首张大碟《Green Eyed Soul》更上层楼,不但直袭德国专辑榜亚军,也攻克荷兰、波兰、芬兰、葡萄牙、希腊等国排行TOP 10。

2002年3月,Sarah Connor获颁德国乐坛最高荣耀的Echo音乐奖最佳流行摇滚女歌手大奖,稍后更勇夺Goldene Europe音乐奖最成功女歌手奖。美国嘻哈大将Wyclef Jean耳闻Sarah歌唱魅力,特地跨刀制作谱写并合唱一曲“One Nite Stand(Of Wolves And Sheep)”,Sarah Connor已然跻身全球节奏蓝调歌后之林。

德国女生Sarah Connor,以甜美、带劲的节奏蓝调歌唱实力进军欧洲乐坛。从2001年出道至今,每张唱片都能占据德国专辑榜的前列,甚至在其他国家也能进入前十的位置。临近圣诞节,Sarah Connor当然不会放弃机会,推出一张名为'Christmas in My Heart'的专辑,唱片依然延续她多样化的流行节奏蓝调风格!

christlulu 发表于 2006-7-19 22:00:40

Bills, Bills,帐单满天飞



天命真女合唱团的3位娇娃—碧昂丝、凯莉萝兰与蜜雪儿威廉斯,她们不仅是傲然出众的女子乐团的成员,她们个个更是可以独当一面的女艺人。天命真女自97年起大展动感女力,她们以"Bills, Bills, Bills"、"Say My Name"、"Independent Women Part 1"、"Bootylicious"等4首单曲在全美流行单曲榜上夺冠封后,并同时以"No, No, No Part 2"、"Jumpin', Jumpin'"、"Survivor"、"Emotion"、"Lose My Breath"、"Soldier"等6首单曲打进TOP10,历年所发表的6张专辑中也产生了3张全美TOP5专辑,其中的“The Writing's On The Wall”、“Survivor”这2张专辑更在全球创造超过1000万张的销售纪录。音乐奖上,她们总计抱走了12座灵魂列车奖、10座Billboard音乐奖、6座世界音乐奖、3座葛莱美奖、3座全美音乐奖、2座MTV音乐录影带大奖与1座全英音乐奖。

Bills, Bills, Bills(帐单满天飞)荣获全美节奏蓝调/嘻哈榜9周冠军、全美流行单曲榜冠军。



At first we started out real cool

Taking me places I ain't never been

But now, you're getting comfortable

Ain't doing those things you did no more

You're slowly making me pay for things

Your money should be handling

And now you ask to use my car (car)

Drive it all day and don't fill up the tank

And you have the audacity

To even come and step to me

Ask to hold some money from me

Until you get your check next week


You triflin', good for nothing type of brother

Silly me, why haven't I found another?

A baller, when times get hard

He's the one to help me out

Instead of a scrub like you

Who don't know what a man's about


(Chorus 2x)

Can you pay my bills?

Can you pay my telephone bills?

Can you pay my automo' bills?

If you did then maybe we could chill

I don't think you knew

So, you and me are through

Now you've been maxing out my card (card)

Gave me bad credit, buying gifts with mine

Haven't paid the first bill

But you're steady heading to the mall

Going on shopping sprees

Perpetrating to your friends that you be ballin'

And then you use my cell phone (phone)

Calling whoever that you think at home

And then when the bill comes

All of a sudden you be acting dumb

Don't know where none of these calls come from

When your momma's number I see more than once


(Chorus 2x)

You triflin', good for nothing type of brother

Oh silly me, why haven't I found another

You triflin', good for nothing type of brother

Oh silly me, why haven't I found another

You triflin', good for nothing type of brother

Oh silly me, why haven't I found another

You triflin', good for nothing type of brother

Oh silly me, why haven't I found another

christlulu 发表于 2006-7-19 22:01:38

Oh, Susanna,苏珊娜





I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee

I"m going to Louisiana, my true love for to see

It rained all night the day I left

The weather it was dry

The sun so hot, I froze to death

Oh, Susanna,

Oh don"t you cry for me

For I"m going to Louisiana

With my banjo on my knee

I had a dream the other night when everything was still

I thought I saw Susanna a-coming down the hill

The buckwheat cake was in her mouth

The tear was in her eye

Says I, I"m coming from the south

Susanna, don"t you cry

Oh, Susanna,

Oh don"t you cry for me

For I"m going to Louisiana

With my banjo on my knee

christlulu 发表于 2006-7-19 22:01:38

Oh, Susanna,苏珊娜





I come from Alabama with my banjo on my knee

I"m going to Louisiana, my true love for to see

It rained all night the day I left

The weather it was dry

The sun so hot, I froze to death

Oh, Susanna,

Oh don"t you cry for me

For I"m going to Louisiana

With my banjo on my knee

I had a dream the other night when everything was still

I thought I saw Susanna a-coming down the hill

The buckwheat cake was in her mouth

The tear was in her eye

Says I, I"m coming from the south

Susanna, don"t you cry

Oh, Susanna,

Oh don"t you cry for me

For I"m going to Louisiana

With my banjo on my knee

christlulu 发表于 2006-7-19 18:59:19

Starry Starry Night 星夜

美国著名民谣歌手Don McLean(唐·麦克林)的《Starry Starry Night》(星夜)是Don McLean为纪念荷兰的伟大画家文森特·梵高而作,收录在那张为其赢来巨大声誉的专辑《American Pie》(美国派)里,歌曲创作的灵感来自梵高的一幅著名的画作。歌的旋律流畅得浑如天成,词作也是如画般的唯美,让人想起德国小说家施笃姆的诗意小说中大段大段描写的空蒙月色,Don Mclean用原声吉它自始至终伴着他的叙事诗似的歌,把人们带入那冬天落雪的风景中。整首曲子的配器就是一把木吉他,极致的简约之美。

梵高最受人爱戴的名画就是1889年他住在St.Remy精神病院内所画的The Starry Night,也就是Don McLean在《Starry Starry Night》的第一句歌词。这幅名画The Starry Night现放于纽约Museum of Modern Art内,每天开始及完结时,艺术馆都会播放DonMcLean的《Starry Starry Night》这首名曲。


Starry Starry Night歌词:

Starry, starry night

Paint your palette blue and gray

Look out on a summer's day

With eyes that know the darkness in my soul

Shadows on the hills

Sketch the trees and the daffodils

Catch the breeze and the winter chills

In colors on the snowy linen land


Now I understand

What you tried to say to me

How you suffered for your sanity

How you tried to set them free

They would not listen they did not know how

Perhaps they'll listen now

Starry, starry night

Flaming flowers that brightly blaze

Swirling clouds in violet haze

Reflect in Vincent's eyes of china blue

Colors changing hue

Morning fields of amber grain

Weathered faces lined in pain

Are soothed beneath the artist's loving hand


For they could not love you

But still your love was true

And when no hope was left inside

On that starry, starry night

You took your life as lovers often do

But I could have told you Vincent

This world was never meant for one as

beautiful as you

Starry, starry night

Portraits hung in empty halls

Frameless heads on nameless walls

With eyes that watch the world and can't forget

Like the strangers that you've met

The ragged men in ragged clothes

The silver thorn of bloody rose

Lie crushed and broken on the virgin snow

Now I think I know

What you tried to say to me

How you suffered for your sanity

How you tried to set them free

They did not listen they're not listening still

Perhaps they never will

christlulu 发表于 2006-7-19 19:00:37

Home——Michael Buble










Song: Home

Artist: Michael Buble

Another summer day

Is come and gone away

In Paris and Rome

But I wanna go home

Maybe surrounded by

A million people I

Still feel all alone

I just wanna go home

Oh I miss you, you know

christlulu 发表于 2006-7-19 19:01:46


Each one a line or two

"I'm fine baby, how are you?"

Well I would send them but I know that it's just not enough

My words were cold and flat

And you deserve more than that

Another aeroplane

Another sunny place

I'm lucky I know

But I wanna go home

I've got to go home

Let me go home

I'm just too far from where you are

I wanna come home

It's like I just stepped outside

When everything was going right

And I know just why you could not

Come along with me

But this was not your dream

But you always believed in me

Another winter day has come

And gone away

And even Paris and Rome

And I wanna go home

Let me go home

And I'm surrounded by

A million people I

I still feel alone

Oh, let me go home

Oh, I miss you, you know

Let me go home

I've had my run

Baby, I'm done

I gotta go home

Let me go home

It'll all be right

I'll be home tonight

I'm coming back home

法兰克辛纳屈21世纪接班人,首张专辑全球销售逾300万张,新浪漫主义歌手麦可布雷2005年全新专辑 《时时刻刻It's Time》。收录14首横跨30~70年代的经典佳作,释放每个浪漫的瞬间:You Don't Know Me、Quando, Quando, Quando 、Can't Buy Me Love、Save The Last Dance For Me、Dream A Little Dream、I've Got You Under My Skin…


2003年首张专辑《温柔本色》中,麦可布雷以一种非常恣意随性、自我陶醉的歌唱方式,打通了传统流行乐、当代情歌、融合爵士、摇摆乐与古典浪漫派乐风的音乐界线,至今已在全球累积了超过300万张的销售纪录;2004年的加拿大朱诺(Juno)音乐奖,布雷不单获得“年度专辑”的提名,更一举抱回“年度新进艺人”大奖,同年夏季翻唱的《蜘蛛人》主题曲 "Spider-Man Theme" 更是拿下排行佳绩。2005年的浪漫春季,麦可布雷发行第2张大碟《时时刻刻》,除了恩师戴维佛斯特与葛莱美奖录音师Humberto Gatica外,这回应邀加入制作与伴奏的阵容皆为一时之选,包括流行/爵士乐界制作名匠Tommy Lipuma、11座葛莱美奖录音大师Al Schmitt、以及被赞誉为““自查特贝克以来最性感的小号乐手”Chris Botti。专辑中选唱的歌曲更是跨越了30-70年代,透过麦可布雷独到的嗓音触感诠释,这些当代经典再次绽放了耀眼的神采!《时时刻刻》发行首周即拿下6国排行冠军,并荣登英美专辑榜前十名,麦克风时代的璀璨风华,透过麦可布雷丝绒般歌声,于2005年再次展现。

上官飞飞 发表于 2007-1-17 18:44:05
kelly2243 发表于 2007-1-20 14:37:32
susanzhu5188 发表于 2007-7-2 05:11:03
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