





Lesson 121 The man in a hat 载帽子的男士

发布者: 雪狼 | 发布时间: 2006-7-13 08:45| 查看数: 29965| 评论数: 24|


shuying201105 发表于 2011-7-29 11:00:49
The man who I served was wearing a hat.

The man was wearing a hat.

I served the man.
shuying201105 发表于 2011-7-29 11:06:55
The woman who/that is standing behined the counter served me.

This is the man who/whom/that I served .

I bought the books which/that are on the counter.
shuying201105 发表于 2011-7-29 11:48:56
A Rewrite these sentences using who, whom or which.

1.This is the car.The mechanic repaired it yesterday.

-This is the car which the mechanic repaired yesterday.

2.He is the man.I invited him to the party.

-He is the man who/whom I invited to the party.

3.These are the things. I bought the things yesterday.

-These are the things which I bought yesterday.

4.He is the man. He came here last week.

-He is the man who came here last week.

5.He is the policeman. He caught the thieves.

-He is the policeman who caught the thieves.

6.She is the nurse. She looked after me.

-She is the nurse who looked after me.

7.She is the woman. I met her at the party.

-She is the woman who/whom I met at the party

8.I'm the person. I wrote to you.

-I'm the person who wrote to you.

B C Write questions and answers.

1. She met him.

-Who met him?That lady?Yes, She is the lady who met him.

2.He sat there.

-Who sat there? Thatman?Yes, he is the man who sat there.

3.She made it.

-Who made it ? That woman?Yes , she is the woman who made it.

4.He read it.

-Who read it?That man?Yes, he is the man who read it.

5.He shut it.

-Who shut it ? That man?Yes, he is the man who shut it.

6.She took it.

-Who took it?That the lady.Yes, she is the lady who took it.

7.I heard her.

-Who heard her?Thatwoman?Yes, I'm the woman who heard her.

8.He told me.

-Who told me? That man? Yes, he is the man who told me.

9.She saw her.

-Who saw her?That ladyYes, she is the lady who saw her

C Write questions and answers.

1.I saw him.

-Whom did you see ? That man? Yes, he's the man whom I saw.

2.I telephoned her.

-Whom did you telephone? That woman? Yes, she's the woman whom I telephoned.

3.I invited him.

-Whom did you invite? That man? Yes, he's the man whom I invited.

4.I took him to the cinema.

-Whom did you take to the cinema?That man?Yes, he's the man whom I took to the cinema.

5.I found him in the garden.

-Whom did you find in the garden? That man?Yes, he's the man whom I found in the garden.

6.I drove her to London.

-Whom did you drive to London? That woman?Yes, she's the woman whom I drove to London.

7.I heard her.

-Whom did you hear?That woman? Yes, she's the woman whom I heard.

8. I remembered him.

-Whom did you remember ? That man?Yes, he's the man whom I remembered.
linuo68 发表于 2011-7-31 20:31:38
penny5.5 发表于 2015-4-10 14:13:51
who whom
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