






发布者: phantom | 发布时间: 2006-11-21 15:59| 查看数: 2838| 评论数: 1|

Mobile phones gain on PCs for Internet


  WASHINGTON (AFP) — Mobile phones may soon challenge personal computers as the dominant platform for accessing the Internet, a recent survey suggests.

  A survey released this week by research firm Ipsos Insight showed that 28 percent of mobile phone owners worldwide have browsed the Internet on a wireless handset, up from 25 percent at the end 2004.

  This increase is due largely to participation by users above age 35, which analysts say suggests that the technology has gone mainstream.

  Japan is leading the growth, with 92 percent of mobile phone users having browsed the Internet or downloaded e-mail at least once a month on their phone in 2005.

  About four out of 10 Japanese adults went online using their mobile phones this year, up 50 percent from 2003. Next was Britain, where 29 percent used mobile phones for Internet, followed by the United States and South Korea, each with 26 percent.

  However, the study reported that US and Canadian markets for online mobile phone technology are flattening out, and pointed to the popularity of notebook PCs using wireless technology as the main out-of-home Internet platforms.

  The study predicts that the appeal of greater convenience and faster connection speeds could lead to changes in PC and mobile phone Internet use.

  “In the long term, many of today’s PC-centric online activities could be complemented through the mobile phone or migrate to the mobile phone altogether,” said Brian Cruikshanks of Ipsos.

  The study also noted that most wireless device activities increased, including financial transactions, dowloading entertainment, and sending or receiving text messages, e-mails, and digital pictures.

  “Accessing the Internet on a wireless handheld device is no longer a novelty1 for consumers in the major global economies. It’s becoming a common, everyday occurrence for many people,” said Cruikshanks.



  华盛顿(法新社)消息: 一项近期的调查表明,手机有可能很快成为主导性的上网平台,从而对个人电脑形成挑战。

  益普索-因塞特研究公司本周发布的一份调查显示, 全球28%的手机用户已经用手机无线上网, 高出了2004年末统计的数字:25%。


  日本正在引领这一潮流。 2005年, 日本有92%的手机用户每月至少会有一次通过手机浏览因特网或下载电子邮件。





  该项研究也表明,绝大多数无线活动呈现明显的增长趋势,其中包括金融交易, 娱乐节目下载,以及收、发短消息、电子邮件和数码图片等。



  Ipsos Insight,益普索-因塞特,是一家市场研究咨询公司, 属于Ipsos集团。



Quickie 发表于 2006-11-22 08:43:11
Mobile phone is taking over everything now...
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