





maples's diary

发布者: maples | 发布时间: 2006-11-25 21:07| 查看数: 8328| 评论数: 19|

nce 2lesson 11 one good turn deserves another

one day,writter had a (a要去掉)dinner in a restaurant and met his friend Tony.Tony worked at a bank andgot a good salary,but he always borrowed money from his friends and never paid it back. Tony saw the writter and came and sat (in) at the same table. when he was eating,the writter asked him to (borrow ) lendtwenty pounds. To the wirtter surprise(d),Tony gave him money immediately. "now ,you can pay for my dinner" ,Tony said to the writter.

hehe. i think this lesson is very interesting . Tony must be a slefish person.

[ 本帖最后由 maples 于 2006-11-26 12:11 编辑 ]


maples 发表于 2006-11-25 22:07:16
lesson 11

单词:turn解为行为时,很少用,一般还是用behavior. one good turn deserves another。

deserve 应得到,中国很少用,但是英国人很常用到,所以还是记下了,就是说应得到的意思,就是你做了什么,你应得到什么。 如good work deserves good pay,(btw在中国根本不是这样的)。 Good work deserves success.

lawyer,lawyer's office 律师事务所。那么会计事务所应是accounting office ?

bank at bank在银行

salary是工资的意思。是稳定的收入。wage是每个周的收入,不太稳定collectsalary 或collect wage.get a good salary. pay money back 还钱。

immediately=at once =right now。
maples 发表于 2006-11-25 22:26:43
in one's honor. 纪念某人。in honor of sb 也是这个意思。

call in 召集。 gather 聚集。 

双宾语有:ask,want,order,except,wish 但是没有hope不能说hope sb to do sth.

[ 本帖最后由 maples 于 2006-11-26 17:03 编辑 ]


参与人数 1鲜花 +12 收起 理由
redwheat + 12


redwheat 发表于 2006-11-26 01:53:38
maples, how hard working you are. Haha.

But I think that you should check out the mistakes in your texts, OK?

Wish you happy everyday!
maples 发表于 2006-11-26 12:14:58
原帖由 redwheat 于 2006-11-26 01:53 发表

maples, how hard working you are. Haha.

But I think that you should check out the mistakes in your texts, OK?

Wish you happy everyday!

thank you redwheat. next time ,i wil pay attention to my text. i check the text,to my surprise ,there are so many mistakes in it.

ferly 发表于 2006-11-27 14:06:47
hah, maple is here,

u don't need worried about your mistake at all, you'vechecked it, so you may remember it deeply,

it's so glad i can see you here, pls insist on writing your diary, you will make progress fast
maples 发表于 2006-11-27 23:00:35
原帖由 ferly 于 2006-11-27 14:06 发表

hah, maple is here,

u don't need worried about your mistake at all, you'vechecked it, so you may remember it deeply,

it's so glad i can see you here, pls insist on writing your diary, yo ...


it is nice of you to recommend this forum to me. thanks a lot.

you are the moderator in thebbs forum,you are great !
maples 发表于 2006-11-27 23:09:13
lesson 12 Goodbye and Good luck

Our neighbour Captain Charles Alison,will sail from Portsmounth tomorrow. We will meet him atthe harbour in the early morning. He will be in his small boat Topsail. Topsail is a famous little

boat.it has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Captain Alison will set out at eight o'clock,so we will have plenty of time. We will see his boat and then say goodbye to him.He will be away for two months. We are proud of him.He will be in a race across the Atlantic.(默写)
maples 发表于 2006-11-27 23:18:52
the writter's neighbour Captain Alisonwill take part in an improtance race across the Atlantic. he will sail from portsmonth tomorrow. the writter will meet him at the harbour.the name of the boat is Topsail. it has sailed across the Atlantic many times. Alison will sailed at eight o'clock,so there is plenty of time for writter to say goodbye to Alison. Everyone take pride in Captain Alison.
maples 发表于 2006-11-27 23:52:21


luck n 运气 

lucky adj 幸运的。

be proud of sb= take pride in sb

meet sb someplace = 在某地接某人。 送某人用see off (是目送,呵呵)

early in the morning ,late in the afternoon.

be in small boat be+ 介词短词 be也可加副词,老师说就当作短语记住了。

书上的练习有:be away 离开=leave,, be away 可用作和一段时间状语连用。

be in 在家。 be out 出去。 

be on 上映 what is on the cinema today? 今天电影院上映什么电影?

be up to胜任。

be all over 结束。


set off =set out 出发 i will set off early in the morning

如果是出发去某地呢,就用set off for someplace.

set off 还有点鞭炮的意思 set off firecrackers

set up 创造 liuxiang set up a new world record for the 100m.

see his boat ,此处的see 是有欣赏的意思, u have a samrt hat ,let me see it .

race across the Atlantic .介词短语做定语,放在修饰的词的后面。the book on the desk is yours.

大西洋the Atlantic

太平洋the Pacific

印度洋the  Indian Ocean.

北冰洋 theArctic Ocean




[ 本帖最后由 maples 于 2006-11-28 00:02 编辑 ]
maples 发表于 2006-11-30 00:27:56
lesson 13 The Greenwood BOy

The Greenwood Boy is a group of pop singers. At present, they are visting all parts of country. They will be arrivinghere tomorrow. They will be coming by train and most of young people in the town will be meeting them at the station. Tomorrow evening , they will be singing at the Works’ club. They will be staying for five days. During this time, they will give five performances. As usual, the police will have a difficult time. They will be trying to keep order. It is always the same on these occasions.
maples 发表于 2006-11-30 00:31:22
[copy from tea]

difficultadj. 困难的difficultyn.困难

different adj. 不同的differencen.不同,差异

groupn. 小组,团体 a group of pop singer 合唱组合(其中每个人都是歌手)

band n. 乐队(其中只有一个主唱,其他人分别都有演奏乐器方便的分工)

pop = popularadj.受欢迎的

pop singer 流行歌手/ pop star 明星/pop songs(music) 流行音乐

at present = nowadays  adj. 目前

up to now= up till now= so far 到现在为止

visitv. 访问,拜访(带有某种职业目的)

singers visit... 去某地演出/headmasters visit... 去某地开讲座/president [ 'prezidənt ]visit... 国事访问,首脑活动

(in) all parts of the country 全国各地/ (in) all parts of the world 世界各地

will be doing 等同于 will do

most of the ... =most ...most of the young people = most young people


短语 作定语时,放在被修饰词之后.

meet sb. at someplace在某地接某人

at the Worker's Club/night club 夜总会

performance n. (可数名词)演出 (-ance名词标志)

performv. 演出

as usual像往常一样

have a good time 玩得开心/ have a hard time 生活得艰辛(贫苦) / have a difficult time 不像平时那样惬意,忙碌的

policen. 警察(一般表示警察都用police,且是复数的概念)

try to do设法做某事, 尽力做某事

keep order 维持秩序

on these occasions 每逢这种场合

on this occasion当这一种场合


Why are you late?/ What took you so long?


结构:1. shall/ will + 动词原形(基本结构)

2. be going to do ... 打算做某事

3. be to do ... 表示计划安排作某事,或用来征求意见.be to=will

4. be about to do表示将要做某事,即将be about to = will

5. will be doing表示将要做某事, 将来进行时往往等同于一般将来时

6. be doing(瞬时动词)瞬间动词用现在进行时态表将来.go arrive come leave die join land

7. 一般现在时表示将要发生 一般出现在状词从句中. If it rains tomorrow, I'll stay at home.

[S.D] 名词所有格

1. 在单数名词及不以-s结尾的人名后加's

2. 在以-s结尾的单数名词后加's

3. 在规则的复数名词的-s后面加所有格符号 '

4. 在以-s结尾的人名后既可以用 's 也可以用所有格符号 '

[Useful] three munites' time /one hour's walk /five hours' journey / a hundred pounds' worth of

[Exesice] during this time = in this time 在这段时间

this time这一次

situationn.情况in the situation

condition n.状态,条件 in the condition

occasionn.场合(time)on the occasion
maples 发表于 2006-12-2 21:44:42


lesson fourteen do you speaking English?

I had a amusing experience last year. After I had left a small village in the south of France, I drove on to the next town. On the way , a young man waved to me, I stopped and he ask me for a lift. As soon as he had got into the car, I said good morning to him in French and he replied to me in the same language. Apart from a few words, I did not know any French at all. Neither of us spoke during the journey. I had nearly reached the town, when the young man suddenly said ,very slowly, “do you speak English ?” as I soon learnt ,he was English himself.
maples 发表于 2006-12-2 22:50:02

lift搭便车  take a lift

给某人搭便车give sb a lift.

Amusing , amusedamuse

Ing, 是让人感到有趣。This book is amusing.

Ed 被感到有趣,主语是人 I was amused by this book

Wave to me ,向某人招手。


A is to the south of B 在 someplace 的南面,(A,B是相离的)

A is on the south of BA 和B是相接的。

A is in the south of B A 在B里面。

South ,north ,east west 用作名词,形容词都可以。

但是,东南,south-east, 西南 south-west,东北north-east 西北north-east,只能用作名词,或者副词。

如果用作形容词,则应为south-eastern 要加ern.

Drive on .on 有继续的意思。

Lift,搭便车。Take a lift.

Ask me for a lift.

As soon as 一什么 就什么 假如是说明过去的情况,一那个要用现在完成式, as soon as I had 怎么怎么。


answer(名词亦为answer)在这三个词中使用范围也最广。它可以用于“回答”别人提出的问题,这是用语言回答。电话铃响了,你去answer the telephone(接电话)这种“回答”即包含语言又包含行动。门铃响了,你去开门(answer the door bell)却只用行动。

In answer to these questions I either nodded or made strange noises.



I struck him a crack and he responded with a kick.



The officer answered the guard's saltue by a nod.


The officer replied the guard's salute.


因为reply一词从词源学角度上讲,其含义是fold back使返回羊栏。sheep有教区居民的意思。因此foldback(即reply)也有使返回老家或原处的意思。此外,answer a letter所表示的“回信”,可以只是表示“收到了某人某月某日的来信”,但对来信提出的问题并不一定作了答复,而reply a letter则可以表示回答了来信提出的一切细节。

They would be able to reply to our signals using similar methods.


Apart from ,except ,except for

Apart from ,except for 可以放在句首,except for 只能放在后面

Apart from 有except ,besides 的意思。

Except for 对除了那个部分不太满意的意思。

Except for 只能做副词。

Except 可以接从句。

Apart from being too large, the trousers don't suit me.


Apart from a few words, I do not know any French at all.


maples 发表于 2006-12-11 22:20:23
lesson sixteen a polite request

If you park your car in the wrong place, a traffic policeman will soon find it. You will be very lucky if he lets you go without a ticket. However, this does not always happen. Traffic police are sometimes very polite. During the holiday in Sweden, I found this note on my car: “ sir ,we welcome you to our city. This is “no parking” area. You will enjoy your stay here if you pay attention to the street sign. This note is only a reminder. If you receive a request like this, you can not failed to obey it.
maples 发表于 2006-12-11 22:30:47
[copy from tea]

parkv. 停放(车辆)park your car停放你的车,泊车

stopv. 停止(强调这一动作)stop your car停下你的车

wrong adj. 不合适的 I met the wrong person in the wrong place at the wrong time.

rightadj.合适的He is the right person who you are looking for.


traffic police交警 (看作复数)

traffic lights交通灯,路口的代名词 / crossing 交叉路口/ turning 拐弯口[指路]

(in) traffic jam 交通堵塞/(in) heavy traffic 交通拥挤

without+ n. 如里没有(n. 在这里叫条件; without 在这里是介词)

if + 从句如果…(从句在这里是条件)


Without water, fish cannot live.

If he is sleeping, don’t wake him up. (vt.+ pron.+adv.)

however = but 然而, but在使用中常常被however 取代。

however 放在句首、句中都可以,与逗号紧密相连。

but 习惯放在两句中间。


noten. (与纸有关)纸条,纸钞,笔记 make notes 做笔记

messagen.(与信息有关) 消息,信息,留言

on my car车外部的上面

welcome sb. to someplace 欢迎某人到某地



regionn. 地区(交战,开火) In this region, there were a lot of wars.

enjoy one’s stay here祝某人在这里过的开心

You’ll enjoy your stay here./ Have you enjoyed your stay here?/ I’ve enjoyed my stay here.

pay attention to指思想上的注意。 (可能看到过,但没有加以重视)

notice = see用眼睛注意看

care关心,在意I can’t care. / Who care(升调)?我不在乎。

take care of = look after照料,照顾

remindv. 提示,提醒

remindern. 起到提醒、提示作用的人或物

remind sb. of sth.提醒某人想起某事

remind sb. to do sth. 提醒某人去做某事

An old photo can remind me of my childhood./ You remind me you mother.

Please remind him to finish his homework, If I’m not here.

rememberv. 记得,记住

remember sth. 记住某事,记得某事

You must remember the grammar in this lesson. / Do you remember?Remember?

remember to do sth.记得要去做某事(事情还没做)

remember doing sth.记得已经做了 (事情已经做过了)

remember A to B记得代A向B表示问候Remember me to your family.

like this 像这样的(介词短语作定语,修饰前面的n.)

failv. 无视,忘记,失败

can fail to do没有能够做某事

can’t fail to do一定能做某事,强调肯定能够(信心十足)

fail + 宾语 做某事失败了

fail in doing sth.在某些方面失败了

He failed. / He failed in examination. 他考试失败了(他没能通过考试)

He can fail to pass.他没能通过。

I can’t fail to pass it. 我一定能通过考试。

He failed in sleeping.


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
ferly + 20 送钱.加油.


ferly 发表于 2006-12-12 08:41:45
MAPLES同学是咱背背群的骄傲, 写了这么多..加油,别松劲..
maples 发表于 2007-3-31 22:51:42
原帖由 ferly 于 2006-12-12 08:41 发表

MAPLES同学是咱背背群的骄傲, 写了这么多..加油,别松劲..

ferly 好久不见了,前一段时间有些事情,现在继续学英语of nce2
maples 发表于 2007-4-23 22:17:44
lesson 27

Late in the afternoon,the boys (began to去掉) put up the(要用their) tent in the middle of a field.As soon as this was done, they cooked a meal over an open fire. They all were hungry and the food smelt good. After a wonderful meal, they told stories and sang songs by the campfire. But some time later it began to rain. The boys felt tired, so they put out the fire and crept intothe tent.Their Sleeping bags were warm and comfortable ,so they all slept soundly.In the middle of night, two boys woke up and began shouting. The tent was full of water. (All the children) they leapt out their sleeping bags and hurried outside. it rained heavily and they found that a stream had formed in the field. The stream wound its way across the field and then flowed right under the tent.

[ 本帖最后由 maples 于 2007-4-23 22:27 编辑 ]
maples 发表于 2007-6-28 10:04:51
lesson 32

People are not so honest as they once were. The temptation to steal are more greater than ever before---especially in large shops. A detective recently watched a well-dressed woman who always went into the large stroe on monday mornings. One monday , there are fewer people than usual when the woman came in. so it was easier for the detective to watch her. The woman first bought a few small articles. After a little time ,shechose one of the most expensive dress in the shop and handed it to a assistant who wraped it up for her as quickly as posibble. Then she took the parcel and walk out without paying. when she was arrested ,the detectivefound out that assistant was her daughter. The girl gave her mother a free dress once a week.
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