





[附图介绍]看越狱男主角泡MM-The Human Stain 人性污点

发布者: 7719835 | 发布时间: 2006-12-2 12:20| 查看数: 6229| 评论数: 3|

Plot Summary for

The Human Stain (2003)

The Human Stain is the story of Coleman Silk (Hopkins), a classics professor with a terrible

secret that is about to shatter his life in a small New England town. When his affair with a

young troubled janitor (Kidman) is uncovered, the secret Silk had harbored for over fifty

years from his wife, his children and colleague, writer Nathan Zuckerman, fast explodes in a

conflagration of devastating consequences. It is Zuckerman who stumbles upon Silk's secret

and sets out to reconstruct the unknown biography of this eminent, upright man, esteemed as

an educator for nearly all his life, and to understand how this ingeniously contrived life

came unraveled.


I honestly can not think of a single thing wrong with this movie. The actors are top rate

actors that consistently turn in exceptional performances. This movie is no exception.

The plot is intriguing. The pasts of the main protagonists unfold, making their characters

exceptionally deep. We get to see these characters evolve in interesting and compelling

ways. There are shades-of-grey in these characters. We don't have the perfect hero. We have

gentle people with kind hearts who make mistakes.

The direction is perfectly understated. There is a lot of nuance in the way the scenes are

filmed and the way in which the actors are framed. Instead of the love scenes being the all

-to-familiar humping and groaning, these scenes are filmed without graphic nudity. Note the

way in which Anthony Hopkins places his hands on Nicole Kidman's back. It is so loving and

tender and intimate.

Even the editing is right on. The length of the film, at 106 minutes, is the perfect length.

There are no wasted scenes.

Some of the material is hard to watch. Note the posture and the facial expression on Anthony

Hopkins in the kitchen scene in which Nicole Kidman is giving him a hard time. It is subtle

and painful to watch.

If you are into light-hearted escapist film, this isn't for you. The subject matter is deep

and difficult. I like these kinds of movies and this one is one of the best in class.

Kudos to all involved with this film.




“he made a good many enemies.”---a good many

"Achilles"阿基里斯 -老汉讲的应该是希腊神话荷马诗史之类的.“阿基里斯”经常看外国电影经常可以




Achilles的致命部位。人称:Achilles heel。来形容人的致命部位。从前新闻里就说:背伤是麦迪的阿



因为有俩个学生长期翘老汉的课。老汉心里不爽啊就随口叨咕几句:We're five weeks into the

semester and I haven't even laid eyes on these folks.Can anyone tell me, do these people

exist?Or are they spooks?






[美俚] 出没无常行踪古怪的人, 暗探



[俚]间谍, 特务




控告方:ware you aware, Professor Silk,that Tracy Cummings and William Thomas are African-


汉:How could I be?I've never seen them.

But you are aware of the connotation of the word "spook."

汉:Ghost .Professor Roux. Ghost.I was referring to their ectoplasmic character.(翻出字典)

Here is the, uh, first definition of the word. I quote.

"Spook, Informal Ghost, Spectre"

But, Dean Silk, let me remind you of the second definition----“Negro”。

Negro 这个词不是给我们用的。不要用。

汉:I'd never laid eyes on them.How could I know they were black? Hmm?All I did know was

that they were invisible.

Nevertheless,they have lodged a complaint.Miss Cummings was devastated.Now the issue


lodged a complaint 对...提出控告


Veronica and LJ have his 1st hearing for double homicide and attempted murder. Things don’t

go well and a trial date is set. Veronica calls Lincoln to update him, he’s devastated.

issue:意思多。一般杂志上都可看到 ISSUE 1 ,第几期的意思。口语比较多,有Problem的意思“it's

not a big issue”。

(老汉打断对方)These students have never attended a single class.Do they exist or are they

spooks?Consider the context.

- But, Dean Silk。。。

汉:- I've not finished!(老汗突然小宇宙爆发,把一堆人吓了一跳)The only issue is the

nonattendance of these students, their inexcusableneglect of work and their sheer

chutzpah.....Oh, Miss Cummings is devastated.Give me a break, will you?To charge me with

racism is not only false,it is spectacularly false!And you know it!

To charge me with racism is not only false,it is spectacularly false!And you know it!


spectacular:引人入胜的, 轰动一时的, 惊人的; 激动人心的

give me a break 口语。。。你快算了吧~饶了我吧~Consider the context

--You mean to tell me you're President of the United States and you're banging some 22 year

-old intern in the White House and you ask her to keep her mouth shut,and you really think

she's gonna do it?I mean, come on, give me a break!

---Clinton. He should count himself lucky she didn't go straight to Oprah.

-Oh, Miss Cummings is devastated.Give me a break, will you?

--You really think Jennifer is the prettiest girl in our class? Give me a break! There're

several girls in our class who are better looking then she is. To my mind, Lisa is tops. She

not only has looks; she also has brains.

--Look, kid, I'm working on a term paper that's due tomorrow. I promise to play the video

game with you after dinner, OK? Come on, give me a break so I can finish this!









This book will change your life, I promise.

I can't stay long.

Come on in. Just take me a minute to find it.

Oh, this is beautiful.I have two roommates and we live in this dungeon at the bottom of an

air shaft on West 26th Street.

Would you like some coffee?

- No. Thank you. I should get back.

It's just one cup.That's all, I promise.And the, uh, the library

stays open until ten.

- Sure. Why not?

- Good.

- How do you take it?

- Black is fine, thanks.

- So "Steena Paulsson." That's,-----what is that, Swedish?

Close.It's Danish and Icelandic.

- So you're not from New York?

- How could you tell?

Fergus Falls, Minnesota.

Well Miss Steena Paulsson from Fergus Falls, Minnesota 。this is my gift for you.Tender is

the Night.F. Scott Fitzgerald.He's from the Midwest, too.

Thank you.

You're welcome.

The coffee?


What happened?

- To what?

- The cut over your eye.

-Oh uh, boxing.It's just a hobby.

You like that sort of thing?

Yes, I do.

I mean, don't get the wrong idea.It's not about strength.It's really all about how smart you

are.Are you smart. Miss Paulsson?

What do you think, Mr. Silk?

I think you'd make a great boxer.

Good answer.

Well, come on.Let's see.

- See what?

- Show me.

- Show you what?

- Show me how good you are.


- Okay. You're right-handed?

- Yes.

All right. Put your left leg forward,your right leg back.Bend at the knees.


Two fists.

Bring your right one back by your chin. Keep it cocked here.Left one comes out in front of


That's what you jab with.

All right. And your thumbs

are on the outside,

yeah? Okay. It's like this

- Jab. Jab. Jab.

- Jab. Jab. Jab.

That's pretty good for starters.

Um, your right hand,

throw that in once in a while.

Just to mix the other guy up.

It's a right cross. Like this

- Jab. Jab right.

- Jab. Jab right.

- That's good.

- Jab. Jab right.

- All right. The hands.

- Okay. I'm getting hot.

Jab. Jab right.

Jab. Jab right.

Nice. Keep the right

back by your chin.

Okay. Jab. Jab right.

Jab. Jab right.

- Watch the hands.

- Stop moving! Jab. Jab right.

- Jab. Jab right.

- That's good.

Jab. Jab right.

Jab. Jab right!

Did I hurt you?


Your heart's beating fast.



[ 本帖最后由 7719835 于 2006-12-2 16:49 编辑 ]


南宫绝 发表于 2006-12-2 12:39:51
mengxxx911 发表于 2006-12-2 13:04:50
7719835 发表于 2006-12-2 16:48:36
有呀~~不过是我自己 找的外挂 字幕。图上的效果就是截下的。速度还可以

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