






发布者: jinglake | 发布时间: 2006-12-3 16:06| 查看数: 4848| 评论数: 6|

How you doing=How've you been最近如何?

How have you been这些年怎么样?

we don't get to see enough of each other我们在一起的时间太少了

I feel the same way. I miss seeing you我也有同感,我很想见你

I've gotextra time on my hands我有许多空闲的时间

put my mind to good use充分发挥我的才能

what're you doing tommorrow?Nothing much明天有事吗?没什么重要的事

not a chance不可能

It always work for me它对我来说总是有效

Is it finished yet?(饭)熟了吗?(我总想用的一句超级白痴都会说的话,但是我就是经常想不起来,当然也可以用Is it ready?)

Easy does it=easy慢点

So long再见(我们可以不用这句说再见,但是最好能听懂)

It's not like I have nobody,but I still feel all alone并非我身边没有人,但是我还是总觉得孤单

That will cheer you up这会使你高兴起来

I come to that conclusion我也得出这样的结论

Thanks for hearing me out感谢你能听听我的意见

They didn't say anything for sure他们没有任何确定的答复

I know I must seem silly我知道我看上去很傻

a fraction of a second一转眼的工夫

I'm on my way over=I'll be right there我马上到

Can we be grown-ups?我们能不能成熟点?(在谈论幼稚的话题时说的)

pick on every little details在每件小事上都挑剔

Look, who's up?看看是谁出来了

How we doing?大家都准备得怎么样了?

we're looking into it我们正在观察中

Put sb on the phone让某人接电话

like that thought never entered my mind我从来没想过那种想法

This is so un-me这太不像我了

She is out of my league我配不上她

hey, back me up here帮我壮壮胆

you always see these really beautiful women with these really nothing guys你经常能看见美女配丑男

(see you next time, guys)


phantom 发表于 2006-12-3 17:21:06
i'm here to back you up
cornell 发表于 2006-12-3 21:04:32
support.go on.

thank you .
dasun 发表于 2006-12-4 08:32:22
she is out of my league..... omg
david 发表于 2006-12-4 09:45:39
very good, thank you. we can use them in our chatting.
Agatha 发表于 2006-12-9 21:28:49
qq87825152 发表于 2006-12-23 22:43:00

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