






发布者: katy | 发布时间: 2010-10-21 18:14| 查看数: 1723| 评论数: 0|


1. 连接两个不同的数词,如:

Can you count from one to a hundred? 你能从一数到一百吗?

Men from 16 to 30 are to be drafted into the army. 16岁到30岁的男子均应该应征入伍。

2. 接两个不同的数字,用于复数名词前,如:

The work should take us from two to three hours. 这工作要用去我们2至3小时。

The nursery is open to children from 2 to 6 years old. 这所幼儿园对2岁到6岁之间的儿童开放。

During the teacher’s absence from 5 to 7 minutes the children set the room at sixes and sevens.


3. 连接两个相同的名词,如:

The paper was passed from hand to hand. 这份文件从一个人手里传到另一个手里。

含有这种搭配的词组还有:from day to day日复一日地;from door to door挨门挨户地;

from house to house挨家挨户地;from place to place从一个地方到另一个地方;处处

from side to side从一边到另一边;from time to time不时地;有时

4. 连接两个不同的名词,如:

She moved from a house to a building. 她从平房搬到了楼房。

It’s quite a long way from Beijing to Guangzhou.从北京到广州有很长一段路。

Look at this letter from Wang Wei to her penfriend in Australia.看这封由王薇寄给她在澳大利亚笔友的信。

5. 连接两个反义的名词,如:

We’ve been working from morning to night. 我们从早工作到晚。

含有这种搭配的词组还有:from first to last自始自终;from start to finish从开始到结束;from beginning to end从头到尾;自始自终;全部 ;from top to bottom从头到尾;从顶到底

6. 连接被one修饰的名词和表示“其他”的不定代词,如:

We can use horses to carry things from one place to another.我们可以用马把东西从一个地方驮到另一个地方。

She read the book from one end to the other.她把这本书从头到尾地读完了。

7. 连接one和another两个不定代词,如:

They passed the coin from one to another.他们把硬币从一个人传到另一个人。

8. 连接两个不同的地点副词,如:

It’s only two hundred metres from here to there.从这里到那里仅有两百米远。

9. 接表示地点的副词和名词,如:

It’s only two hundred metres from here to my home. 从这里到我家仅有两百米远。


In autumn the leaves change from green to brown.秋天树叶由绿色变为褐色。

The reading books are written from easy to difficult.阅读课本是由易到难写的。

The sky slowly changed from blue to red.天空由蓝色慢慢地变为红色。


Her Chinese is going from bad to worse. 她的语文越来越差。


She knows me from A to Z. 她完全了解我。



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