






发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-10-22 11:29| 查看数: 1009| 评论数: 0|

  Twilight star Kristen Stewart has revealed she was offered a job as a stripper while researching her latest role. The 20-year-old had visited a strip club with the director of her latest filKristen Stewart m Welcome to the Riley's.

  幕光之城女吸血鬼克里斯汀Kristen Stewart 又有新工作了,这位20岁的冉冉升起的巨星即将“摆脱”吸血鬼的形象,等待她的新角色竟然是夜店的“脱衣舞娘。

  Stewart plays a 16-year-old stripper in the film and practised for hours to perfect the art of dancing around a metal pole. Bruised: Kristen Stewart was offered a job as a stripper as she researched her new film Welcome to the Riley's. Half-dressed: Stewart practised for hours to perfect the art of dancing around a metal pole for her new movie


  Stewart, who is dating Twilight co-star Robert Pattinson, said she was left covered in bruises while rehearsing for her role. 'I pole-danced for two weeks,' she said. 'I had bruises all over my legs… it hurts!,' she said.

  在现实生活中,克里斯汀和在电影《暮光之城》的男一号帕丁森Robert Pattinson是令人羡慕的一对。克里斯汀说:“我为了新作品练习了两周的钢管舞,腿全是青一块、紫一块的。”

  The film tells the story of a damaged man on a business trip to New Orleans - James Gandolfini's Doug Riley - who seeks salvation by caring for a wayward young woman - Kristen's character Mallory, a prostitute and stripper. The indie flick opens in limited cinemas across the UK next month.


  Meanwhile, Kristen, and Pattinson will soon start shooting the last in the Twilight franchise, Breaking Dawn parts one and two.

  在新片 《欢迎来到利雷家》上映期间,吸血鬼情侣档的电影暮光之城4《破晓》即将开机。


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