





李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第一至三辑 一百个超级短句

发布者: Stone | 发布时间: 2006-12-19 12:24| 查看数: 16543| 评论数: 13|







If you learn the following sentences and nothing else you will be able to communicate with no problem! Besides, you can try to teach these sentences to foreigners to help them communicate while they're China. You'll make friends and money. You'll gain valuable experience and a lot of confidence.

1Absolutely not.

(绝对不是。)jue dui bu shi

2Are you coming with me?

(你跟我一起去吗?)ni gen wo yi qi qu ma

3Are you sure?

(你能肯定吗?)ni neng ken ding ma

4As soon as possible.

(尽快。)jin kuai


A: When does this work need to be finished?


B: As soon as possible.(尽快。)

5Believe me.(相信我。)xiang xin wo

6Buy it!(买下来!)mai xia lai

7Call me tomorrow.(明天打电话给我。)

ming tian da dian hua gei wo

8Can you speak slowly?


qing nin shuo de man xie hao ma

9Come with me.(跟我来?)gen wo lai


(恭喜恭喜。)gong xi gong xi

11Do it right?(把它做对。)ba ta zuo dui

12Do you mean it?

(你是当真的吗?)ni shi dang zhen de ma

13Do you see him often?


ni jing chang jian dao ta ma

14Do you see it?=Do you understand?

(你明白了吗?)ni ming bai le ma

15Do you want it?

(你要吗?)ni yao ma

16Do you want something?


ni xiang yao xie shen me

17Don't do it.(不要做。)bu yao zuo

18Don't exaggerate.

(不要夸张。)bu yao kua zhang

19Don't tell me that.

(不要告诉我。)bu yao gao su wo


A: We have to attend a boring meeting tomorrow.


B: Don't tell me that. I wanted to relax and go shopping.


20Give me a hand.

(我一下。)bang wo yi xia

21Go right ahead.

(一直往前走。)yi zhi wang qian zou

22Have a good trip.

(祝旅途愉快。)zhu lu tu yu kuai

23Have a nice day.

(祝你一天过得愉快。)zhu ni yi tian guo de yu kuai

24Have you finished?

(你做完了吗?)ni zuo wan le ma

25He doesn't have time.

(他没空。)ta mei kong

26He is on his way.

(他现在已经在路上了。)ta xian zai yi jing zai lu shang le

27How are you doing?

(你好吗?)ni hao ma

28How long are you staying?

(你要呆多久?)ni yao dai duo jiu

29I am crazy about her.

(我对她着迷了。)wo dui ta zhao mi le

30I am wasting my time.

(我在浪费时间。)wo zai lang fei shi jian

31I can do it.(我能做的。)wo neng zuo de

32I can't belive it.

(我简直不能相信。)wo jian zhi bu neng xiang xin

A: Stone was thrown into jail last night!


B: I can't believe it! He's such a great guy. This news will kill his mother!


33I can't wait.

(我不能再等了。)wo bu neng zai deng le

34I don't have time.

(我没有时间。)womei you shi jian

35I don't know anybody.


wo yi ge ren dou bu ren shi

36I don't like it.(我不喜欢。)wo bu xi huan

37I don't think so.

(我认为不是。)wo ren wei bu shi

38I feel much better.

(我感觉好多了。)wo gan jue hao duo le

39I found it.

(我找到了。)wo zhao dao le

40I hope so.

(我希望如此。)wo xi wang ru ci

41I knew it.

(我早知道了。)wo zao zhi dao le

A: Stone flunked all his courses and got kicked out of school!


B: I knew it. He has never been the school type, but I'm sure he'll make it bigin business someday!


42I noticed that.

(我注意到了。)wo zhu yi dao le

43I see.(我明白了。)wo ming bai le

44I speak English well.

(我英语说得很好。)wo ying yu shuo de hen hao

45I think so.

(我认为是这样的。)wo ren wei shi zhe yang de

46I want to speak with him.

(我想跟他说话。)wo xiang gen ta shuo hua

47I won.(我赢了。)wo ying le

48I would like a cup of coffee, please.

(请给我一杯咖啡。)qing gei wo yi bei ka fei

49I'm hungry.(我饿死了。)wo e si le

50I'm leaving.(我要走了。)wo yao zou le

51I'm sorry.(对不起。)dui bu qi

52I'm used to it.

(我已经习惯了。)wo yi jing xi guan le

53I'llmiss you.

(我会想念你的。)wo hui xiang nian ni de



A: I'm leaving for Hong Kong tomorrow.


B: I'll miss you.


54I'll try.(我试试看。)wo shi shi kan

55I'm bored.(我很无聊。)wo hen wu liao

56I'm busy.(我很忙。)wo hen mang

57I'm having fun.

(我玩得很开心。)wo wan de hen kai xin

58I'm ready.

(我准备好了。)wo zhun bei hao le

59I've got it.(我明白了。)wo ming bai le

60I've had it.(我受够了。)wo shou gou le

61It's incredible!

(真是难以置信!)zhen shi nan yi zhi xin

62Is it far?(很远吗?)hen yuan ma

63It doesn't matter.

(没关系。)mei guan xi

64It smells good.

(闻起来很香。)wen qi lai hen xiang

65It's about time.

(是时候了。)shi shi hou le

66It's all right.(没关系。)mei guan xi

67It's easy.(很容易。)hen rong yi

68It's good.(很好。)hen hao

69It's near here.

(离这里很近。)li zhe li hen jin

70It's nothing.(没什么。)mei shen me

71It's time to go.(该走了。)gai zou le

72It's different.

(那是不同的。)na shi bu tong de

73It's funny.(很滑稽。)hen hua ji

74It's impossible.

(那是不可能的。)na shi bu ke neng de

75It's not bad.(还行。)hai xing

A: What do you think about the used car I just bought?


B: It's not bad.(还行。)

76It's not difficult.(不难。)bu nan

77It's not worth it.(不值得。)bu zhi de

78It's obvious.

(很明显的。)hen ming xian de

79It's the same thing.

(还是一样的。)hai shi yi yang de

80It's your turn.(轮到你了。)lun dao ni le

81Let me know.(告诉我。)gao su wo

82Let me see.

(让我想一想。)rang wo xiang yi xiang

83Me too.(我也一样。)wo ye yi yang

84Not yet!(还没有!)hai mei you


当你听到Are you ready?Have you eaten?就可以用到这个句子。

85Relax!(放松!)fang song

86See you tomorrow.

(明天见。)ming tian jian

87She is my best friend.

(她是我最好的朋友。)ta shi wo zui hao de peng you

88She is so smart.

(她真聪明。)ta zhen cong ming

89Show me.(指给我看。)zhi gei wo kan

90Tell me.(告诉我。)gao su wo

91Thank you very much.(多谢。)duo xie

92That happens.


zhe yang de shi qing jing chang fa sheng


A: I can't believe that I called my girlfriend/wife/father the wrong name.


B: That happens.(这种事情经常发生。)

93That's enought.(够了。)gou le

94That's interesting.(很有趣。)hen you qu

95That's right.(对了。)dui le

96That's true.


97There are too many people here.

(这里人太多。)zhe li ren tai duo

98They like each other.

(他互相倾慕。)ta men hu xiang qing mu

99Think about it.

(考虑一下。)kao lu yi xia

100Too bad!(太糟糕啦!)tai zao gao la

101Wait for me.(等等我)deng deng wo

102What did he say?

(他说什么?)ta shuo shen me

103What do you think?

(你认为怎样?)ni ren wei zen yang

104What is he talking about?

(他在说些什么?)ta zai shuo xie shen me

105What terrible weather!

(多坏的天气!)duo huai de tian qi

106What's going on/What's happening/What's the problem?

(怎么样啦?)zen mo yang la

107What's the date today?

(今天几号?)jin tian ji hao

108Where are you going?

(你去哪里?)ni qu na li

109Where is he?(他在哪里?)ta zai na li

110You are impatient.

(你太性急了。)ni tai xing ji le

A: I don't think my daughter will ever learn to speak English!


B: I think you're too impatient. She's only threeyears old!



111You look tired.

(你看上去很累。)ni kan shang qu hen lei

112You surprise me.

(你让我大吃一惊。)ni rang wo da chi yi jing

113You're crazy.(你疯了。)ni feng le

114You're welcome.(别客气)bie ke qi

115You're always right.

(你总是对的。)ni zong shi dui de

116You're in a bad mood.

(你心情不好。)ni xin qing bu hao

117You're lying.

(你在撒谎。)ni zai sa huang

118You're wrong.


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Stone 发表于 2006-12-19 12:27:13
blurt out two 一百个短句型

第二节: 一百个超级短句



【Kim’s Note】When Americans speak they like to use as few words as possible to get their meaning across. Learning these spoken elements will make you sound natural and more like a native speaker. These are the sentences that appear in movies and TV shows because they are the most authentic American English. These sentences are the way people really talk to each other! The formal dialogues in most traditional textbooks sound very unnatural and are more difficult to learn.




1.Any more?(还有吗?/ 还要吗?)

2.Are you alone?(你一个人吗?)

3.Are you ready?(你准备好了吗?)

【Kim’s Note】I always use this sentence to encourage someone who is taking too long. Teacher Li has heard me use this sentence hundreds of times!

4.Be my guest.(别客气!/ 请用!)

【Kim’s Note】 If you use these three little words when someone makes a request, you will amaze people with your English. In fact, if you say this when someone is just looking at an empty seat beside you, they will feel grateful and relieved! It is much more eloquent than saying “Sit down please!”


A: Pardon me, Miss, but may Isit here?


B: Be my guest.


5.Can you believe it?(你能相信吗?)

6.Don’t argue!(不要争辩!)

7.Don’t be childish.(别那么孩子气。)

8.Don’t bother.(不必麻烦。)

【Kim’s Note】This is a good way to put someone at ease when you feel she has done too much for you. It let’s a person know that it is not necessary to treat you as a guest!


A: Do you want me to help you with your bags.


B: Don’t bother, they’re not heavy.


9.Don’t get upset!(不要烦恼!)

【Kim’s Note】 Most of the time this sentence comes before news that is really upsetting, but it is still useful. In fact, sometimes clever people use this to deliver news that isn’t that bad. They know that when a person hears these words, she automatically assumes the worst. If the news isn’t that bad, it always comes as a big relief!

10.Don’t mind me.(别管我。)

11.Did you get it?(你懂了吗?)

12.Forget it!(算了吧!)

【Kim’s Note】 I always call this Teacher Li’s number one American sentence. It is without a doubt one of the most frequently heard sentences in American English!

13.Enjoy yourself!(尽情享受吧!)

14.Get off my back!(我受够了!/ 别烦我!)

【Kim’s Note】If you are facing too much pressure from your parents, your boss, or your boyfriend or girlfriend, you can yell this sentence to get some relief.


A: I really think you need to spend more time studying and less time watching TV.


B: Get off my back! I’ve been studying for six hours!


15.Go ahead!(去吧!/ 请便!)

16.He gave me the cold shoulder.(他对我很冷漠。)


A: I don’t know why Kim gave me the cold shoulder when I said “hi” to her.


B: You know, she is moody sometimes. I wouldn’t worry about it.


17.He hit the roof!(他勃然大怒!)

【Kim’s Note】Some people really hit the roof if you give them the cold shoulder. Both of these idioms are very useful in everyday conversations, but really have a different meaning than their words suggest.

18.He was a fake.(他是个骗子。)


A: Why didn’t you like Lily’s new boyfriend?


B: He was a fake. I always hate phony people like that.


19.He’s bad medicine.(他是个丧门星。)

20.Here you go.(就是这样。)




A: This is the first time I’ve used this copy machine. Can you show me how to use it?


B: Here you go. Just press the button.


【Kim’s Note】 Anytime you receive merchandise in a store or change from paying a bill you will automatically hear this sentence. Get into the habit of saying it in your daily life.

* You ordered the chicken right? Here you go.


* Your change is eleven dollars and thirteen cents. Here you go.


21.I am sorry to be late.(对不起我迟到了。)

22.I disagree.(我不同意。)

23.I don’t care.(我不在乎。)

24.I have no problem with that.(对此我没有问题。)

25.I wish it were true.(我希望这是真的。)

26.I’d be the last to know. = How would I know? / I really don’t know. / I have no idea. / I’m the wrong person to ask.(我怎么知道?/ 我真的不知道。/ 你问错人了。)


A: Kim, do you know where Li Yang is?


B: I’d be the last to know. I just got here myself.


A: Do you know how to make jaozi?


B: I’d be the last to know. I can’t cook anything. I can’t even boil water!


27.I’d rather not.(我不愿意。)

28. I'll say.(就是嘛!)


用于表示极为赞同对方的意思,用在表示强烈地附和对方所说的话。比如对方说“犯罪这种事真是难以叫人宽恕,其中又以诱拐妇女儿童最为卑鄙无耻,罪大恶极”,这时候如果自己对此看法也深表同感时,即可以说“I’ll say!”


A: I just don’t understand why she goes out with him. He’s so much younger than she is.


B: I’ll say! She must be old enough to be his mother.


29.I’m full.(我吃饱了。)

【Kim’s Note】This sentence is so useful at the end of a big Chinese banquet. However, the words “full” and “fool” are pronounced exactly the same. If you accidentally put the article “a” in front of full and say “I’m a full.” It will mean something totally different and make everyone at the table laugh!

30.It slipped my mind.(我记不起来了。)

【Kim’s Note】For some reason people find this sentence less offensive than just saying “I forgot”.

* I meant to call you when we got to Beijing. I was just so busy it slipped my mind.


31.It really got to me.(我太感动了。)




A: What are you crying for? It’s just a movie.


B: I know, but it really got to me when the little boy’s mother died.


32.It was all in vain.(一切都枉费心机。)

33.It is beyond my means.(我买不起。)

34.It’s a different way of life.(这是不同的生活方式。)

35.It’s a fact.(这是事实。)

36.It’s a good idea.(是个好主意。)

37.It’s all the same to me.(对我来说都一样。)

38.It’s driving me crazy.(简直要把我逼疯了。)

【Kim’s Note】This is the kind of strong language that is always heard in movies. You can also hear me say this in our office when the phone rings too many times and disturbs my work!

39.It’s getting worse!(越来越糟了!)

40.It’s inevitable.(这是不可避免的。)

41.It’s my treat!(我请客!)

【Kim’s Note】 This is a great sentence to use if you want to show someone a kindness or celebrate! Also, if you’re not sure a date will say “yes” when you ask her out, you can add this as a bonus!


A: Would you like to have lunch together sometime, my treat!


B: Sure, I’d love to.


42.It’s not going to happen again.(这种事不会再发生了。)

【Kim’s Note】Every liar and cheater in the world uses this sentence when they get caught! Unfortunately it is never true.

43.It’s painful to admit it.(承认这一点是痛苦的。)

44.It’s natural.(这很自然。)

45.It’s up for sale.(这是供出售的。)

46.Keep quiet!(安静!)

47.Keep out.(切勿入内!)

48.Let me explain.(让我来解释。)

49.Let’s keep in touch.(让我们保持联系。)

50.Like what?(比方说?)

【Kim’s Note】This has become so common in American English you can hear it every day!


A: I think we’re going to have some problems with this project.


B: Like what?


A: I’m tired of eating the same thing every day. I want something different.


B: Like what?


51.May I go now?(我可以走了吗?)

52.Mind your own business.(不要多管闲事。)

【Kim’s Note】This sentence is not polite, but it is effective when someone asks too many questions or gets involved in your affairs.

53.Neither can I.(我也不能。)


A: I can’t stand the way she gossips.


B: Neither can I.


54.Never again!(永远不再!)

55.Never mind.(算了;没关系。)


表示没什么重要的,就让它过去算了。你要告诉别人什么事,或要别人帮你做什么事,但他没听清楚,你也觉得不做也没关系,就说Never mind.


A: What were you going to tell me earlier?


B: Never mind, it wasn’t important.


56.No problem!(没问题!)

57.Not in my lifetime!(不可能!)

【Kim’s Note】This is an excellent way to refuse someone in a very clear way! It’s the same as saying “never! ”. It is also useful to express doubt or disbelief.


A: Do you think a woman will ever be President of the United States?


B: Not in my lifetime.


58.Now I understand.(现在我明白了。)

59.Only yourself to blame.(只能怪你自己。)

60.Parking is impossible!(请勿停车!)

【Kim’s Note】Americans are obsessed with parking. There are far more cars in America than there are places to put them. The situation is rapidly becoming the same in China!

61.Please forgive me.(请原谅我。)

62.See you soon.(呆会儿见。)

63.So far, so good.(目前为止,一切顺利。)

64.So what?(那又怎么样?)

65.Stay out of it.(你别管。)

【Kim’s Note】This is another sentence that isn’t polite, but it is still very effective. This sentence is often used when parents interfere with their grown children’s lives.

66.Take it easy.(别着急。)

67.That depends.(那要看情况。)

68.That doesn’t make sense.(那是胡说。)

69.That doesn’t matter at all.(真的没关系。)

70.That makes my mouth water.(真是让我垂涎欲滴。)

【Kim’s Note】 If you are tired of always using the word “delicious” to describe food, you can use this sentence instead. People will be shocked at your English knowledge. If you are among good friends you can also use this sentence to describe a good-looking boy or girl.

71.That looks easy.(看上去很容易。)

72.That should be easy.(那应该很容易。)

73.That surprises me.(真让我吃了一惊!)

74.That’s against the law.(那是违法的。)

75.That’s it!(就是这样!)



* Driving Teacher: Now stay on the road. Don’t go too far to the left. That’s it. That’s it. Good.


76.That’s life.(生活就是这样。)

77.That’s not fair.(那不公平。)

【Kim’s Note】These sentences are always used together when parents argue with children, especially teenage children!


A: You told me I could spend the weekend at my friend’s house and now you’re telling me I can’t go? That’s not fair!


B: Too bad, that’s life.


78.There’s no hurry.(不用着急。)

79.There’s not much hope.(没有多大希望。)

80.There’s something wrong here.(这儿有点不对劲。)

81.Things are looking good.(事情看起来很顺利。)

82.Well done!(干得好!)

83.What a bore!(真是个惹人讨厌的家伙!)

84.What a nice surprise!(真是令人喜出望外!)

85.What a shame!(真是可惜!)




A: Mary wrecked her brand new car.


B: Oh, what a shame!


86.What happened?(发生了什么事?)

87.What’s the problem?(怎么回事?)

88.What’s up?(怎么了?)

89.Who knows!(谁知道啊!)


当有人提出问题,你不知道问题的答案,而且有一种你也想知道该问题的答案,但似乎没有人会知道的无可奈何感时,就可以回答Who knows!


A: Do you know what we’re having for dinner?


B: Who knows – it could be anything.

(谁知道 —— 什么都有可能。)

90.Why not ask them?(为什么不问他们?)

91.You bet!(当然!)


A: Can you give me a ride home?


B: You bet.


92.You can say that again.(一点也没错。)

93.You can’t be serious!(你开玩笑吧!/ 你不会是当真吧!)

94.You know what I mean?(你懂我的意思吗?)

95.You said it.(我也这么觉得。)




A: That was a great movie. It really got to me.


B: You said it.


96.You should apologize.(你应该道歉。)

97.You should make up your mind.(你应该下决心。)

【Kim’s Note】Everyone knows a person who can never decide anything! Use this sentence to encourage him.

98.You should save your money.(你应该节约钱。)

99.You shouldn’t get your hopes up.(你不应该抱太大希望。)

100.You’re telling me!(说得一点没错。)




A: That was a tough test.


B: You’re telling me.


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12.01 KB, 下载次数: 22, 下载积分: 鲜花 -5 朵

Stone 发表于 2006-12-19 12:29:57





1.All at the same time.


2.Allow me.



当对方并没有提出要求,而你主动提出要帮助对方时,就可以说“Allow me.”。这是一种很有绅士风度、很有礼貌的说法,大都是男士对女士说的。


A: I need to open this jar.


B: Allow me.

(让我来吧。)3.Am I getting through to you?


4.Anything you say.



“Anything you say.”的根本意思就是说“你怎么说,我怎么做”。通常是在不太愿意却又不得不服从的情况下使用。


A: Get to work.


B: Anything you say, boss.


5.Are you ready for this?



当你想要告诉对方一个不寻常的消息时,可以先说“Are you ready for this?”让对方有心理准备来听一个会令他吃惊的消息。

6.As I see it.



当你想要表达你的看法和意见时,最好先说“As I see it.”这样语气较为委婉,容易让别人接受。


* As I see it, there is no way out of the problem without losing money.


7.Can you handle it?



A: This is a difficult situation, son. Can you handle it?


B: Yeah, Dad. Don't worry.


8.Catch you later.



“catch you later.”是用在彼此要离开时说的客套话,表示“再见,以后再聊”。


A: I'm leaving now.


B: OK. Catch you later.


9.Come see us again.


10.Could I join you?


11.Dear me!/Oh my!


12.Do I make myself clear?


13.Don't ask!


Andrew's Note: If someone asks you a question about a topic you wish to avoid, just use this handy spoken element. 如果有人问起你希望回避的问题,那就使用这个唾手可得的口语要素吧。


A: How old are you?


B: Don't ask!


14.Don't be too sure.


Andrew's Note:A great way of responding to people who are overconfident of their knowledge and abilities.这个口语要素对于回应那些对自己的知识和能力过于自信的人非常有用。

15.Don't drink and drive.


Andrew's Note: This is very good advice.这是一个非常好的忠告。

16.Don't even think about it.


17.Don't make me laugh.



当你认为对方的话太离谱,你可以说“Don't make me laugh.”,对方就知道你完全不赞同他所说的话。


A: One day, I am going to be the president.


B: Don't make me laugh.


18.Don's speak too soon.



你认为事情还没弄清楚前,不能太早下断言,你可以告诉对方说“Don't speak too soon.”,也就是告诉对方,“你说的未必对”。


A: I think I won the election.


B: Careful, don't speak too soon.


19.Every now and then/Every now and again.


20.Fine with me.


21.Get lost!


22.Go for it.


23.Have fun!/Have a good time!


Andrew's Note: Instead of saying “good-bye”, Americans often will just say “Have fun!” or “Have a good time!” 美国人常常会用“Have fun!”或者“Have a good time!”来代替“good-bye”,是一种常见的告别方式。


A: It's time I met my girlfriend, I really have to go now.


B: Have fun!


24.How's it going?


25.I am just looking.



当你在商店里看东西时,店员通常都会过来问你“Can I help you with something?”如果你还没想好买什么,或者你根本就不想买东西,只是来 window shopping,那么这时候你就可以回答说“I am just looking.”

26.I don't believe this.


Andrew's Note: This is a good phrase to express exasperation or disbelief without offending someone too much. 这一个用来表达恼怒或怀疑,而又不至于惹火别人的经典口语要素。


A: Your flight will be delayed for another two hours, sir.


B: I don't believe this. What's going on?


27.I guess.


Andrew's Note: This mild agreement can actually be used to passively disagree if you put enough reluctance in your voice. 如果你的口气表现得十分勉强,这个委婉的同意实际上可以用来表示消极的不同意。

28.I'll be back soon.


Andrew's Note: The line “I'll be back.” Made Astrian actor, Arnold Schwaarfzenegger, a famous American nearly overnight. 《终结者》这部电影中的台词“I'll be back.”使得奥地利影星阿诺德·施瓦辛格几乎在一夜间成为了家喻户晓的美国人。

29.Is that so?


30.It happens often.


31.It is becoming traditional.


32.It is inconvenient.


33.It was a stupid mistake.


34.It was a tie game./It ended in a tie.



A: How was the football match between Italy and England last night?


B: It was a tie game.


35.It was an afterthought.


36.It's a good deal.


37.It's a significant investment.


38.It's either yes or no.


Andrew's Note: This is a good phrase to use when someone just won't make a decision about something.这是一个人对某件事不会做出决定时使用的经典口语要素。

39.It's for you.



当你要送给对方礼物时,就可以说“It's for you.”此外,你还可以用这句话来告诉某人“是你的电话。”

40.It's hard to believe.


41.It's on me.



A: Let's go for Chinese food. It's on me.


B: Awesome!


42.It's really a different matter.


43.It's water under the bridge.


Andrew's Note: Use this to tell someone that you aren't upset with them about something they feel sorry for.这个口语要素是用来告诉别人你并没有对他们感到抱歉的事而生气。


A: I'm really sorry I lost your football.


B: Ah, don't worry about it. It's water under the bridge.


44.It's your best bet.


45.Just think about it.


46.Keep an eye on it.


47.Keep in touch.


48.Ladies first.


Andrew's Note: In this day and age, it is diffcult to know how to be polite. Traditionally, a gentleman always insists that a lady be first in all things. However, many modem women consider this practice sexist and chauvinistic. But if a man allows himself to go before a lady, he runs the risk of not being a gentleman.在如今这个年代,很难分清到底怎样才算有礼貌。在传统的观点上,一个绅士总是坚持在所有事情上女士优先。但是,很多时髦的女士认为这种行为是男性至上主义和沙文主义的作风。但是如果一位男士让自己优先于女士,那么他很有可能会被认为没有绅士风度。

49.Let it be.


50.Let's eat outside.


51.Long time no see.


52.Make it two.



在餐厅吃饭时,当你想跟同伴点相同的东西,就可以在对方点完之后,对服务员说“Make it two.”


A: Waiter, I'll have the fried chicken and a salad.


B: Make it two.


53.Make no mistake.



A: Make no mistake, this is my jacket.


B: But, it look just like mine.


54.Make up your mind.


55.Mark my word.


56.No sweat.


Andrew's Note: You can use this phrase to either express that something is easy for you to do, or that it wasn't a problem to do something for someone else.你可以用这个口语要素来表达某事对你来说很容易,或者表示你为他人所做的事情不是什么难题。

57.Not bad.


58.Now what?


59.Oh, please.



当你不相信对方说的话。就可以说“Oh, please.”表示请他不要信口开河。


A: I've made straight A's this year.


B: Oh, please, everybody knows your flunked math.


60.Once and for all.



“Once and for all.”的意思是不管事情原本如何,到最后还是有不同的做法。


A: Once and for all, I did not cheat on the test.


B: I don't believe you.


61.Please be more specific.


62.Same to you.


Andrew's Note: This can be used for replying to both compliments and insults! 这个口语要素既可以用来回应赞美,同样也可以用来回应凌辱。

63.Shame on you.


64.So do I.


65.Take charge of it.


66.That does it.



A: I can't stand you.


B: That does it. Get out of my house.


67.That makes me angry.


68.That makes sense.


69.That might explain it.


70.That's a good place to start.


71.That's a joke!


72.That's easy for you to say.



A: I can't wait until prom.


B: That's easy for you to say. You already have a date.


73.That's no excuse!


74.That's our policy.


75.That's too much.


76.That's your point of view.


77.The date is set.


78.The film was a box-office hit.


79.The rewards will be great.


80.There is no question about it.


81.There's first time for everything.


82.There's no guarantee.


83.Trust me!


Andrew's Note: Salesmen will use this phrase to try to convince you that what they're saying is true. 推销员常常会用这句话来设法使你相信他们所说的是真的。

84.Try and cooperate.


85.Use your head.


Andrew's Note: You can say this when somebody did something thoughtless or stupid. 当别人做了未加考虑的事或者愚蠢的事,你就可以用上这个口语要素了。

86.Use your imagination.


87.We had nothing but trouble.


88.What a struggle!


89.What about it?



A: Is this your shirt on the floor?


B: Yeah, what about it?


90.What can I tell you?



A: I cut my leg riding that motorcycle.


B: What can I tell you? You shouldn't have been riding it in the first place.


91.What day is today?


92.What do you say?


93.Where should I put this?


94.Who is it?



当你听到门外有人敲门或按门铃,你就可以问“Who is it?”


A: Did you hear the door?


B: Yes, who is it?


95.You're cheapskate!/You're cheap!/You cheap bestard!


96.You're a poor loser.


97.You can count on me.


98.You have my word of honor.


99.You just watch!


100.You know what?



You know what? 是用来打开话题的句子。


A: You know what?


B: What?


A: I'm going to America over Christmas.


李阳疯狂英语脱口而出第三辑 一百个超级句型.rar

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艾米 发表于 2006-12-24 16:44:45
I like crazy about english.thanks a million .stone.
Stone 发表于 2006-12-24 22:50:30
It is fantastic to hear that somebody is crazy about English。 Hoping to talk with you Amy
艾米 发表于 2006-12-26 21:17:19
Hi Stone. Nice to meet you.But i can't express myself very well in english.
kimliao 发表于 2007-10-17 23:30:58
kimliao 发表于 2007-10-17 23:32:34
jesseyuan 发表于 2007-10-24 15:05:49
wanzhouren 发表于 2007-12-9 02:22:31
多多鱼儿 发表于 2007-12-12 09:59:47
thank you !
nicole.su 发表于 2008-7-11 00:06:09
i'm crazy about english,too.and i will try my best to improve it.
feixiu 发表于 2008-10-6 20:02:30
thank you very much
旋转木鱼 发表于 2008-10-8 13:25:01
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