






发布者: phantom | 发布时间: 2006-12-28 08:39| 查看数: 2706| 评论数: 1|

Doing Well by Doing Good

  By William R. Brody from www.inspirationpeak.com

  Excerpted from a speech delivered by Mr. Brody to the graduating class of John Hopkins University on May 26, 2005.


  There is a man who I‘d like to tell you about. His name is Sandy Greenberg. In his youth, Sandy was a very good student, but he came from a poor family. And so he went to Columbia University on a scholarship and there he met his roommate who also was receiving financial aid.

  Now while he was a sophomore at Columbia University, Sandy contracted an eye disease that eventually proved to be glaucoma. But the trouble was, it wasn‘t detected early enough, and as a result he became legally blind. I ask you all to imagine for a moment having been sighted all your life, and then all of a sudden being faced, in a very competitive school, with losing so much sight you could no longer read. This is what happened to Sandy Greenberg.

  But something else happened to Sandy that may surprise you. Sandy said that when he lost his sight, his roommate would read his textbooks to him, every night.

  So I‘m going to put you in that position, in a competitive school like Columbia, or Johns Hopkins. If your roommate had a serious disability, would you take the time to read textbooks to him every night, knowing the more you spend time reading textbooks to your roommate, perhaps the less well you might do with your other activities? That's not as easy a question as it first appears.

  But luckily for Sandy, his roommate did. And as a result, Sandy went on to graduate with honors. He got a Fulbright Scholarship, and he went off to study at Oxford. He was still quite poor, but he said he had managed to save about five hundred dollars as he went along.

  His roommate, meanwhile, also went on to graduate school. One day, Sandy got a call from him at Oxford. And his former roommate said, "Sandy I‘m really unhappy. I really don‘t like being in graduate school, and I don‘t want to do this."

  So Sandy asked, "Well what do you want to do?"

  And his roommate told him, "Sandy, I really love to sing. I have a high school friend who plays the guitar. And we would really like to try our hand in the music business. But we need to make a promo record, and in order to do that I need $500."

  So Sandy Greenberg told me he took all his life savings and sent it to his roommate. He told me, "You know, what else could I do? He made my life; I needed to help make his life."

  So, I hope you‘ll remember the power of doing well by doing good. Each of you, in your own lives, will be faced with challenges, with roadblocks, with problems that you didn‘t anticipate or expect. How you are able to deal with adversity will be influenced, to no small extent, by how you deal with others along the way. What you get will depend a lot on what you give. And that's the end of the story of doing well, by doing good.

  Ah! I almost forgot. You probably are wanting to know who Sandy's roommate was. I think you've heard of him. Sandy's roommate was a fellow by the name of Art Garfunkel, and he teamed up with another musician by the name of Paul Simon. That $500 helped them cut a record that eventually became "The Sounds of Silence." Recently, we had the pleasure of going to Sandy's daughter's wedding, and it was Art Garfunkel who sang as Sandy walked his daughter down the aisle.

  When you get to be my age (which, for some of you, is really old, though it doesn‘t seem so old to me anymore), you will find yourself beginning to ask, did my life make a difference?

  That's the day of personal reckoning. And I think the only way to face it is to consider, every day of your life: How can I do something for somebody else? How can I give back to others? It may be teaching, it may be becoming a doctor, you may be successful in business - no matter what your career path, there will always be the opportunity to give back. The chance will present itself to be giving of your time, giving of your money, but mostly, to be giving of yourselves, of your own heart and soul.

My hope today, as you commence to new beginnings, is you will always keep your eyes open for those opportunities to give and embrace them as your best sure way of doing well.


  By William R. Brody 邹红云 译


  桑迪在读大学二年级时得了眼疾,最终确诊为青光眼。可问题是,由于没有及早发现,他结果成了法定的盲人。我请你们大家想象一下这样的境况:一向眼睛都看得见的你,在一个竞争性很强的学校里,突然视力下降厉害,再也无法看书。 这就是当时落到桑迪•格林伯格身上的灾难。














  legally blind:法定盲。即法律根据眼科医学的标准所制定的眼盲标准。按American Optometric Association(美国视光协会)的标准,所谓legally blind就是正常人在200英尺之外就能看到的东西,legally blind的人(即使在最佳矫正后)也需要在不超过20英尺的距离才能看清楚,也即20/200的视力;或者每只眼的视角不大于10度,视野异常狭小。物理上讲,光线仍然能够在视网膜上成像,但可用性几乎等于零。(新东方专稿


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海伦 发表于 2006-12-28 11:06:07
good,help others is help yourself
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