






发布者: phantom | 发布时间: 2006-12-28 09:30| 查看数: 3867| 评论数: 2|

"We Are Ready!": Simon Fraser University


The University, named after explorer Simon Fraser opened in September 1965. In less than 40 years SFU has gained an international reputation for its strengths in the liberal arts and sciences, as well as for its innovative interdisciplinary1 and professional programs. It has been rated as Canada's best comprehensive university five times (1993, '96, '97, '98, and2000) in the annual rankings of Maclean's magazine.


Designed by a world famous Canadian architect, Arthur Erickson the campus is situated on the top of a mountain overlooking the nearby cities and the Pacific Ocean.

I remember the beautiful setting was often an excuse for professors and graduate students to take their classes outside. There we could listen to a lecture on environmental responsibility and appreciate the stunning beauty of the mountaintop and the power of the Pacific Ocean.The far away horizons helped take our minds to far away places to better appreciate the big world, although sometimes we were just distracted by the rabbits and the deer that would come by to see what was happening.

Educational Features

Simon Fraser was the first in Canada to offer the tri-mester system. Year round schooling for those in a hurry! It was also the first to offer the tutorial system. Students attended one or two hours of lectures by professors and one or two hours of tutorials (small groups of 10 to 20 students) with graduate students. Fierce debate and enlightening discussion were the result, almost every time.

SFU also offers the Chinese Culture and Communication Program with courses in Mandarin and Cantonese, as well as Chinese diet, Feng Shui and Yi Jing.

My university was the first to offer full athletic scholarships in Canada. Students who excelled in certain sports could have their education paid for in return for participation in the athletic programs of the university. It continues to support and develop world-class athletes with some holding Olympic medals in their sport. It is also home to a world champion bagpipe band.

A Great Place for Me to Study

One reason I chose SFU was the small population and small class sizes. My university gave me the chance to sit and talk with professors and graduate students.

Professors invited us to their houses for seminars4 and discussions. I remember the awkward situation where, after visiting a professor's home, I became attracted to his daughter and she to me. Awkward indeed! We decided we would wait until after the semester to see each other. Still, I remember I got an A!

There was one Pub where professors were always willing to engage in discussion and debate. There was one professor who became quite argumentative after a couple of beers and we had to learn to pick the time and judge the condition of the professor before engaging him in debate. As a matter of fact, an award was given each year to the professor the students thought was the best teacher.

I am proud to be a graduate of Simon Fraser University. Whenever SFU grads meet personally we all remember:“Nous Sommes Prets”! You can be “ready ” too.













我为自己毕业于西蒙佛斯大学而自豪,我们西蒙佛斯的校友一见面,都会记起那句校训“时刻准备着”(Nous Sommes Prets)!你也可以“时刻准备着”!

do you know

①Simon Fraser: 知名的苏格兰探险家,他是第一位通过陆路到达太平洋第49纬线的欧洲人。西蒙佛斯大学是加拿大最好的大学之一,它注重教学的实用性,课堂教学与课外实践紧密结合,帮助学生在专业相关领域参加带薪实习以扩大知识面,为将来适应社会做好准备。比如,管理与运动学专业的学生可以到澳大利亚管理娱乐设施,社会学专业的学生可以到加拿大知名机构从事调查研究,工程与计算机专业的学生可以到世界最大的视频游戏制造公司进行设计工作。

②英国皇家建筑学会荣誉会员Arthur Erickson设计了世界各地诸多著名建筑,包括温哥华的Robson广场、西蒙佛斯大学、圣地亚哥会议中心、以及华盛顿特区的加拿大使馆。其专长,包括内部设计在内,涵盖了从城市规划和院校规划到政府、文化、商业、住宅及医用建筑等广泛领域。


④对中国学子而言,如果想到西蒙佛斯大学深造,可以登陆以下网站www.sfu.ca/international/ 了解详细信息。加拿大籍学生两学期的费用是25,000元人民币,而其他国家学生两学期的费用约为75,000元人民币。



南宫绝 发表于 2006-12-28 13:40:01
maybe i have no chance to go abroad all my life
phantom 发表于 2006-12-28 17:33:41
don't underestimate yourself, 小南
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