






发布者: zoe | 发布时间: 2006-12-29 11:55| 查看数: 4553| 评论数: 1|

A.There are 20 incomplete statements. You are required to complete each statement by choosing the appropriate answer from the 4 choices (20 points).

1. She has becomehis study, so she often daydreams in class.()

a. boring ofb. boring withc. bored withd. bored of

2. Some of the teachers went on strike for a long time tothe large size of their classes.()

a. protest againstb. protest for c protest in protest at

3. Andy willat the train station on Saturday.()

a. see him offb. see away him c. see off himd. see him away

4. I hope you the exam.()

a. to passb. will passc. passedd. could have passed

5. Not only I but also Jane tired of having one exam after another.()

a. amb. arec. be d. is

6. She worked quietly no one knew she was there.()

a. so … asb. so … thatc. very … to d. too … to

7. Mr. Black has a son.()

a. six-years-oldb. six year old c. six-year-oldd. six-years old

8. To write a resume, you may your hobbies and other personal data.( )

a. put upb. put off c. put ond. put in

9. I feel I’m qualified tothe requirements.()

a. meetb. buy c. getd. want

10. “Package Holidays”more and more popular.()

a. becomesb. becomingc. is becoming d. are becoming

11. You can learn to speak English by it often.()

a. practise to speakb. practising to speakc. practise speakingd. practising speaking

12. She is particularwhat she wears.()

a. on b. about c. ind. at

13. We wish the matter as soon as possible.()

a. to be settledb. to settlec. being settledd. settle

14. Will you show me the green blouse the third shelf, next those blue socks?(  )

a. in … to b. on … toc. from … ind. for … on

15. I’m confident that I shall be suitable the kind of work.()

a. atb. inc. ford. on

16. This decision was made the specific circumstances.()

a. in front ofb. due to c. according tod. involving in

17. It is about from here to the beach.()

a. a ten-minutes walk b. ten minutes’ walkc. ten-minutes’ walk d. ten minutes’s walk

18. It’s all right, but I think you had betterthe expert’s advice.()

a. to ask for b. to ask aboutc. ask for d. ask to

19. Did your teacher feel with your term paper?

a. satisfiedb. satisfyc. satisfactoryd. satisfaction

20. Are you that you can live alone for a year on an island () without any other people?

a. believeb. confidencec. think ofd. confident

B. There are 10 sentences. You are required to rewrite each sentence according to the instructions in the brackets (10 points).

1. She is going to ask some questions about the requirement of the job. (请改写为过去时)

2. My friend invited me to have dinner last night. (请改写为被动语态)

3. Many good books are written for middle school students. (请改写为主动语态)

4. You may take the book away and keep it for two weeks. (请改写为被动语态)

5. Andrew will be introduced to our manager by his friend. (请改写为主动语态)

6. Bill was offered a job in a firm. (请改写为现在完成时)

7. Lessen Five has been learned. (请改写为一般现在时)

8. This book has been translated into many foreign languages. (请改写为一般将来时)

9. The new railway station will be built. (请改写为一般现在进行时)

10. Children should be taught to speak the truth. (请改写为主动语态)

C. There are 15 incomplete statements. You should fill in each blank with the proper form of the word given in the brackets (15 points).

1. You (require) to be present at 7 pm.

2. When you have made your (choose), telephone us.

3. She has been (success) in keeping her privacy.

4. Brown (major)in English when he was at college.

5. The manager ordered the men to return to work (immediate), but they refused to.

6. The old lady felt so angry that she (tear up) the check into pieces.

7. I want to get some (information) about tours in Shanghai.

8. We are discussing the (detail)of the plan.

9. We need to take (responsible) for looking after our own heath.

10. They (not arrange) the meeting for Saturday afternoon yet.

11. My wife (wait … for)in our car me to come back.

12. Thank you so much for inviting us to dinner on next Saturday and we (be) there by six.

13. She is preparing an applicant interview to (give) by a famous joint-venture.

14. Last summer my brother and I (stay) for a week with some friends in Boston.

15. Supermarkets standing along the main street show that people’s living conditions (improve)a lot.

Part II: Reading Comprehension (30 points):

You will find 5 questions or unfinished statements following passages A and B. For each question or statement there are 4 choices marked a), b), c), and d). Please mark a proper answer for each question or statement after reading the passages.

Passage A:

The United States is a very large country. It has many different kinds of landscapes and many different kinds of people.

In the East, the countryside is green and fresh. Here are some of the first states and some of the big cities. New York and the capital, Washington D. C., are in the East.

In the South, there is the beautiful city of New Orleans, the capital of jazz. It is sometimes hot here, and the people here are very different from those in the East.

The Central Plains of the United States are fertile (富饶的) with big fields of wheat and corn.

In the South-West it is often hot and dry. But the deserts and mountains are beautiful. And California, on the West Coast, is famous as a “paradise” state.

The weather in the Mid-West, near the Great Lakes, is often cold and windy, and there is a lot of snow in winter.

1. It’s well-know that the United States had many different kinds of .

a. landscape

b. people

c. climates

d. all of the above

2. Some of the first states and some of the big cities are in the East, including .

a. Washington D. C.

b. New Orleans

c. California

d. Los Angeles

3. New Orleans is famous for its.

a. ballet

b. country music

c. jazz

d. classic music

4. Big fields of wheat and corn can be found in.

a. the East

b. the Central Plains

c. the South-West

d. the South

5. In the fifth paragraph, the word “paradise” means .

a. wonderful

b. clean

c. terrible

d. large

Passage B:

Perhaps you are going to finish school soon and, like many other students, you want to further your study abroad. Here are some points you should bear in mind if you intend to apply for a scholarship to study in the United States of America.

First of all, you will have to ask for an application form, fill in the form with great care, and then send it in with a copy of your records. After that, you will have to ask your teachers to write some letters of recommendation. You will also need to take some tests such as TOEFL and GRE. You may apply to several universities at the same time. Overseas students in the States are not allowed to work in their spare time expect in the summer, and you need to get permission from US Immigration to do that.

1. This passage is taken from a booklet for .

a. visiting scholars to America

b. workers who are going to work in America

c. American students who are going to graduate

d. those who want to study in American universities

2. The author intends to give somein the passage.

a. warnings

b. comments

c. solutions

d. special knowledge

3. What is the first step to take in applying to an American university?

a. To send school records.

b. To write to ask for an application form.

c. To provide the TOEFL score report.

d. To supply letters of recommendation.

4. Which documents are needed to be sent in addition to the application form?

a. A copy of your school records.

b. English test score reports.

c. Reference letters.

d. All of the above.

5. Which of the following statements is NOT true?

a. Oversea students are not allowed to work in their spare time in the States.

b. Oversea students must get permission from US Immigration to work during the summer.

c. Summer is the time when foreign students can work in their spare time.

d. You can apply to several universities at the same time.

Passage C:

Read passage C carefully and answer the following questions.

The English classroom is on the tenth floor of the Commerce Building. It is a large room about twenty feet long and ten feet wide. The walls are light green and the ceiling is white. Under the windowsthere are two painted radiators (取暖器) for heating the room in the winter time. On the opposite wall, near one end, there is a brown door and next to it there is a thermostat (恒温器). There is a large blackboard on the front wall of the room with chalk (粉笔) and erasers (黑板擦) on the ledge (壁架). The teacher’s desk is in front of this blackboard. In the back of the room there is a row of hooks (挂钩) on the wall for the students. Each chair has a flat right arm. This arm is the student’s desk. On the whole, it is a pleasant and comfortable room.

1. Where is the English classroom? How large is it?

2. What is there under the windows?

3. What is there on the front wall of the room?

4. Where is the teacher’s desk?

5. How many chairs are there in the room for the students?

Part III: Translation (20 points)

A. Translate the following sentences into Chinese (10 points).

1. We are looking for someone who is good at dealing with people and who is able to make new contracts faster than our competitors.

2. You also need to think about what kind of person you are, what you like to do and why.

3. The teacher smiles at me and encourages me to make even bigger progress.

4. Great changes have taken place in my hometown since 1978 when China started to put into effect the policies of reform and opening to the outside world.

5. When you walk out of this room, turn left and then turn right. It’s the second door on your left.

B. Translate the following sentences into English (10 points).

1. 你要和他们一起去看电影吗?

2. 我觉得我会符合你们对这项工作的要求。

3. 您若能为我们安排一次约会,我们将非常感激。

4. 正如你所知,我的专业是计算机,所以我对电脑很熟悉。

5. 他们会和我们分享他们在中国的经历。

Part IV: Writing (5 points)

You are going to have an informal dinner party at your home on Saturday. You’d like to invite your American friend, Michael. Write an invitation card to him.

An Invitation Card


zoe 发表于 2006-12-29 12:02:47
Do the exercise by yourself firstly, and show your answer here following.

I will give the key late
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