





[每日时文] [原汁原味] 10 Top Food Mistakes

发布者: soso | 发布时间: 2005-12-1 14:41| 查看数: 2251| 评论数: 0|

The following information is brought to you by soso from <a href="http://articles.health.msn.com/id/100111839" target="_blank" >http://articles.health.msn.com/id/100111839</A> <br>
<H2>10 Top Food Mistakes</H2>
<DIV class=textStoryTag>Mistakes you don't know you're making—and what to choose instead</DIV>
<DIV class=textMedBlackBold>by Peter Jaret, Prevention magazine<br><br>
Maybe it was easier when the only thing on the table was what you could hunt and gather. Sure, the menu was primitive. But at least there weren't any experts hovering over the fire, wagging their fingers and saying, "Eat this. No, no, don't eat that." Ours is an age of unprecedented bounty and convenience—and almost nonstop nutritional advice, much of it subject to change as new research findings come along or scientists change their minds. You try to keep up with the latest research and make the smartest choices—but are they as healthy as you think? Here's a reality check, with tips from experts on how to make the very best of your good intentions.<br><br><B>1. You reach for multigrain bread or cereal</B><br><STRONG>2. You buy bottled water laced with vitamins<br>3. <FONT color=#000000>You choose veggie chips over potato chips</FONT></STRONG><br><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>4. You choose snacks that are "made with real fruit"</STRONG></FONT><br><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>5. You buy low-sodium products to cut down on salt</STRONG></FONT><br><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>6. You drink fat-free milk to bone up on nutrients</STRONG></FONT><br><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>7. You toast your health with a glass of wine or beer</STRONG></FONT><br><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>8. You grab a granola bar for a quick breakfast</STRONG></FONT><br><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>9. You have an after-dinner mint instead of dessert</STRONG></FONT><br><FONT color=#000000><STRONG>10. You save restaurant leftovers to reheat later</STRONG></FONT>
<EM>eter Jaret is an award-winning health writer based in California.</EM></DIV>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-1 14:42:42编辑过]


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