





Lesson 44 Through the forest 穿过森林

发布者: tea | 发布时间: 2007-1-9 09:03| 查看数: 9430| 评论数: 15|

Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 70 words.


1How many men tried to steal Mrs. Sterling's handbag?

2What was she doing at the time?

3Did they take the bag after a struggle or not? Where did they run? (and)

4Did she run after them or not? Did she catch up with them or not? (and)

5Had the men sat down or not? What were they doing? (and)

6What did Mrs. Sterling do? What did they do? (so)

Composition 作文

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses: 用括号内的连词改写以下句子:

1Thieves can be very daring. They can be very timid. (either…or)

2A thief once broke into a house. He stole some money. The lady of the house caught him. (and…but)

3The thief gave back the money. He paid for the window he had broken. (not only…but)

Letter writing 书信写作

Addressing the envelope: The name and address must appear in the middle of the envelope. Titles are always used with names. Study these examples:


Mr. James Thompson, James Thompson Esq.,

Miss H. Thompson, Mrs. D Thompson,

Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson,

Exercise 练习

Address an envelope to a friend who lives abroad.


Key structures 关键句型

Both men started running through the trees.

aDo you remember these sentences: (KS20)


Eating is always a pleasure. 吃总是一种享受。

I am very keen on cycling. 我很热衷骑自行车。

He sat there without saying anything. 他坐在那里,一言不发。

I must apologize for not letting you know earlier. 没有让你早点知道,我必须向你道歉。

bNow study these examples:


I am looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. (SD37) 我期待着明天与他会面。(第37课难点)

I am accustomed to getting up early. 我习惯早起。

I am used to getting up early. 我习惯早起。

(Compare: I used to get up early but I don't anymore. [KS31])(对比:我过去常早起,但现在不再早起了。


cInstead of saying:

We can say:



The men started to run through the trees.

The men started running through the trees.

They began to run.

They began running.

They continued to run.

They continued running.

dCompare these sentences:




I hate to disturb you, but can I come in for a moment please?

I hate disturbing people when they are busy.



I'd love (or like) to sit in the garden.

I love (or like) sitting in the garden when it's fine.



eStudy these expressions:


My shirt is torn. It needs mending. 我的衬衫撕破了,需要缝补。

Those windows are dirty. They want washing. 那些窗户很脏,需要洗刷。

Exercises 练习

AThere are some verbs in the passage which are similar in form to the examples given above. Can you find them?


BGive the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:


1I'd love______(see) that film. Will it be on tomorrow?

2He's accustomed to______(work) very hard.

3These shirts need______(iron).

4I hate______(leave) so early, but I'm afraid I have to.

5They continued______(argue) till after midnight.

6Would you like______(come) with me?

7I shall be looking forward to______(see) you soon.

8You must never come into this room without ______(knock) first.

9I got tired of______(wait) so I left.

10It began______(rain) just as I was going out.

11I don't believe in______(work) too hard.

12He accused me of______(take) his umbrella.

Special difficulties 难点

Study these uses of the verbs catch and run: 研究 catch 和 run的用法:

When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down. (11.8-9) (When she reached them…)

They dropped the bag and ran away.(11.9-10)

Exercise 练习

Write two sentences using each of the verbs given above.


Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The thieves ______.

a. found it easy to steal Mrs. Sterling's bag

b. found a bag

c.found it hard to steal the bag

d. didn't steal the bag

2Mrs. Sterling ______.

a.caught the thieves

b. followed the thieves and got her handbag back

c. never got her handbag back

d. stayed with her children

Structure 句型

3She was soon out of breath, but she continued ______.

a. runb. ran

c. runningd. in running

4They were going through the contents of the bag. ______she ran straight at them.

a. For thisb. That's because

c. That's why d. That's so

5They got such a fright. They were ______.

a.so frightfulb.such frightened

c.so frightenedd.such fright

6The strap needs mending. It ______.

a. has mendedb. has to be mended

c. has been mended d. has been mending

7They didn't steal anything. They stole ______.

a.anything b.not anything

c. not nothing d.nothing

Vocabulary 词汇

8She took a risk. What she did was ______.

a.dangerous b.brave

c.clever d.stupid

9She was at the edge of the forest. She was ______the forest.


c. among d.at the tip of

10They tried to steal her handbag. They tried to ______her of her handbag.

a. robb. steal

c. be robbedd. be stolen

11She was out of breath. She ______.

a.wasn't breathing b. was breathing with difficulty

c. couldn't breathed. stopped breathing

12The bag contains money. Let me see the ______of the bag.

a. containsb. containing

c.contenting d. contents


tea 发表于 2007-1-28 13:55:56
Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 70 words.


1How many men tried to steal Mrs. Sterling's handbag?

2What was she doing at the time?

3Did they take the bag after a struggle or not? Where did they run? (and)

4Did she run after them or not? Did she catch up with them or not? (and)

5Had the men sat down or not? What were they doing? (and)

6What did Mrs. Sterling do? What did they do? (so)

Two man tried to steal Mrs. Sterling's handbag. She was having a picnic at the edge of the forest with her children at the time. They took the bag after a struggle and ran through the trees. She ran after them and caught up with them. The men had sat down and were going through the contens of the bag. Mrs. Sterling ran straight at them, so they got such a fright that they dropped the bag and ran away.

Composition 作文

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses: 用括号内的连词改写以下句子:

1Thieves can be very daring. They can be very timid. (either…or)

2A thief once broke into a house. He stole some money. The lady of the house caught him. (and…but)

3The thief gave back the money. He paid for the window he had broken. (not only…but)

Thieves can be either very daring or very timid.

A thief once broke into a house and stole some money but the lady of the house caught him.

The thief not only gave backe the money but faid for the window he had broken.

Letter writing 书信写作

Addressing the envelope: The name and address must appear in the middle of the envelope. Titles are always used with names. Study these examples:


Mr. James Thompson, James Thompson Esq.,

Miss H. Thompson, Mrs. D Thompson,

Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson,

Exercise 练习

Address an envelope to a friend who lives abroad.


Key structures 关键句型

Both men started running through the trees.

aDo you remember these sentences: (KS20)


Eating is always a pleasure. 吃总是一种享受。

I am very keen on cycling. 我很热衷骑自行车。

He sat there without saying anything. 他坐在那里,一言不发。

I must apologize for not letting you know earlier. 没有让你早点知道,我必须向你道歉。

bNow study these examples:


I am looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. (SD37) 我期待着明天与他会面。(第37课难点)

I am accustomed to getting up early. 我习惯早起。

I am used to getting up early. 我习惯早起。

(Compare: I used to get up early but I don't anymore. [KS31])(对比:我过去常早起,但现在不再早起了。


cInstead of saying:

We can say:



The men started to run through the trees.

The men started running through the trees.

They began to run.

They began running.

They continued to run.

They continued running.

dCompare these sentences:




I hate to disturb you, but can I come in for a moment please?

I hate disturbing people when they are busy.



I'd love (or like) to sit in the garden.

I love (or like) sitting in the garden when it's fine.



eStudy these expressions:


My shirt is torn. It needs mending. 我的衬衫撕破了,需要缝补。

Those windows are dirty. They want washing. 那些窗户很脏,需要洗刷。

Exercises 练习

AThere are some verbs in the passage which are similar in form to the examples given above. Can you find them?


BGive the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:


1I'd love__to see____(see) that film. Will it be on tomorrow?

2He's accustomed to___working___(work) very hard.

3These shirts need__ironing____(iron).

4I hate___to leave___(leave) so early, but I'm afraid I have to.

5They continued__arguing/ to argue____(argue) till after midnight.

6Would you like__to come____(come) with me?

7I shall be looking forward to__seeing____(see) you soon.

8You must never come into this room without __knocking____(knock) first.

9I got tired of__waiting____(wait) so I left.

10It began___to rain/raining___(rain) just as I was going out.

11I don't believe in___working___(work) too hard.

12He accused me of___taking___(take) his umbrella.

Special difficulties 难点

Study these uses of the verbs catch and run: 研究 catch 和 run的用法:

When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down. (11.8-9) (When she reached them…)

They dropped the bag and ran away.(11.9-10)

Exercise 练习

Write two sentences using each of the verbs given above.


The boy caught up with a girl who left some money.

They have all run away.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The thieves ______.

a. found it easy to steal Mrs. Sterling's bag

b. found a bag

cfound it hard to steal the bag

d. didn't steal the bag

2Mrs. Sterling ______.

a.caught the thieves

b. followed the thieves and got her handbag back

c. never got her handbag back

d. stayed with her children

Structure 句型

3She was soon out of breath, but she continued ______.

a. runb. ran

c runningd. in running

4They were going through the contents of the bag. ______she ran straight at them.

a. For thisb. That's because

c That's why d. That's so

5They got such a fright. They were ______.

a.so frightfulb.such frightened

cso frightenedd.such fright

6The strap needs mending. It ______.

a. has mended b has to be mended

c. has been mended d. has been mending

7They didn't steal anything. They stole ______.

a.anything b.not anything

c. not nothing dnothing

Vocabulary 词汇

8She took a risk. What she did was ______.

adangerous b.brave

c.clever d.stupid

9She was at the edge of the forest. She was ______the forest.

ainside bnear √

c. among d.at the tip of

10They tried to steal her handbag. They tried to ______her of her handbag.

a robb. steal

c. be robbedd. be stolen

11She was out of breath. She ______.

a.wasn't breathing b was breathing with difficulty

c. couldn't breathed. stopped breathing

12The bag contains money. Let me see the ______of the bag.

a. containsb. containing

c.contenting d contents
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-2-14 16:09:42

Lesson 44 Through the forest 穿过森林

Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 70 words.


1How many men tried to steal Mrs. Sterling's handbag?

Two men trired to steal Mrs. Sterling's handbag.

2What was she doing at the time?

She was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children at the time.

3Did they take the bag after a struggle or not? Where did they run? (and)

They took the bag after a struggle and ran through the trees.

4Did she run after them or not? Did she catch up with them or not? (and)

She ran after them and caught up with them.

5Had the men sat down or not? What were they doing? (and)

The men had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag.

6What did Mrs. Sterling do? What did they do? (so)

Mrs. Sterling ran straight at them so they ran away.

Composition 作文

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses: 用括号内的连词改写以下句子:

1Thieves can be very daring. They can be very timid. (either…or)

Thieves can either be very daring or very timid.

2A thief once broke into a house. He stole some money. The lady of the house caught him. (and…but)

A thief once broke into a house and stole some money but the lady of the house caught him.

3The thief gave back the money. He paid for the window he had broken. (not only…but)

The thief not only gave back the money but paid for the window he had broken.
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-2-14 16:29:52

Lesson 44 Through the forest 穿过森林

BGive the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:


1I'd love__to see___(see) that film. Will it be on tomorrow?

2He's accustomed to__working____(work) very hard.

3These shirts need__ironing____(iron).

4I hate__to leave____(leave) so early, but I'm afraid I have to.

5They continued__to aruge____(argue) till after midnight.

6Would you like__to come____(come) with me?

7I shall be looking forward to__seeing____(see) you soon.

8You must never come into this room without __knocking____(knock) first.

9I got tired of__waiting____(wait) so I left.

10It began__to rain____(rain) just as I was going out.

11I don't believe in__working____(work) too hard.

12He accused me of___taking___(take) his umbrella.
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-2-14 16:38:34

Lesson 44 Through the forest 穿过森林

Write two sentences using each of the verbs given above.


1.In the last minutes of the race, Jim caught up with the leader and passed him.

2. The farmer shouted at the children and they ran way.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The thieves ______.

a. found it easy to steal Mrs. Sterling's bag

b. found a bag

c.found it hard to steal the bag

d. didn't steal the bag

2Mrs. Sterling ______.

a.caught the thieves

b. followed the thieves and got her handbag back

c. never got her handbag back

d. stayed with her children

Structure 句型

3She was soon out of breath, but she continued ______.

a. runb. ran

c. runningd. in running

4They were going through the contents of the bag. ______she ran straight at them.

a. For thisb. That's because

c. That's why d. That's so

5They got such a fright. They were ______.

a.so frightfulb.such frightened

c.so frightenedd.such fright

6The strap needs mending. It ______.

a. has mendedb. has to be mended

c. has been mended d. has been mending

7They didn't steal anything. They stole ______.

a.anything b.not anything

c. not nothing d.nothing

Vocabulary 词汇

8She took a risk. What she did was ______.

a.dangerous b.brave

c.clever d.stupid

9She was at the edge of the forest. She was ______the forest.

a.inside b.near

c. among d.at the tip of

10They tried to steal her handbag. They tried to ______her of her handbag.

a. robb. steal

c. be robbedd. be stolen

11She was out of breath. She ______.

a.wasn't breathing b. was breathing with difficulty

c. couldn't breathed. stopped breathing

12The bag contains money. Let me see the ______of the bag.

a. containsb. containing

c.contenting d. contents
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-2-14 16:42:55

Lesson 44 Through the forest 穿过森林

ivy21608 发表于 2008-11-29 11:10:52
Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 70 words.


1How many men tried to steal Mrs. Sterling's handbag?

Tow men tried to steal Mrs.sterling 's handbag.

2What was she doing at the time?

She was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children.

3Did they take the bag after a struggle or not? Where did they run? (and)

Yes,they take the bag after a struggle and ran through the trees.

4Did she run after them or not? Did she catch up with them or not? (and)

Yes she run after them and catch up with them.

5Had the men sat down or not? What were they doing? (and)

YES,the men had sat down and they were going through the contents of the bag.

6What did Mrs. Sterling do? What did they do? (so)

Mrs.sterling run straight at them ,so thdy get a fright that they troped the bag and ran alway

Composition 作文

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses: 用括号内的连词改写以下句子:

1Thieves can be very daring. They can be very timid. (either…or)

Thieves either be very daring or be very timid

2A thief once broke into a house. He stole some money. The lady of the house caught him. (and…but)

A thief once broke into a house and stole some money ,but the lady caught him of the house.

3The thief gave back the money. He paid for the window he had broken. (not only…but)

The thief not only gave back the money but paid for the window he had broken

Letter writing 书信写作

Addressing the envelope: The name and address must appear in the middle of the envelope. Titles are always used with names. Study these examples:


Mr. James Thompson, James Thompson Esq.,

Miss H. Thompson, Mrs. D Thompson,

Mr. and Mrs. J. Thompson,

Exercise 练习

Address an envelope to a friend who lives abroad.


Key structures 关键句型

Both men started running through the trees.

aDo you remember these sentences: (KS20)


Eating is always a pleasure. 吃总是一种享受。

I am very keen on cycling. 我很热衷骑自行车。

He sat there without saying anything. 他坐在那里,一言不发。

I must apologize for not letting you know earlier. 没有让你早点知道,我必须向你道歉。

bNow study these examples:


I am looking forward to seeing him tomorrow. (SD37) 我期待着明天与他会面。(第37课难点)

I am accustomed to getting up early. 我习惯早起。

I am used to getting up early. 我习惯早起。

(Compare: I used to get up early but I don't anymore. [KS31])(对比:我过去常早起,但现在不再早起了。


cInstead of saying:

We can say:



The men started to run through the trees.

The men started running through the trees.

They began to run.

They began running.

They continued to run.

They continued running.

dCompare these sentences:




I hate to disturb you, but can I come in for a moment please?

I hate disturbing people when they are busy.



I'd love (or like) to sit in the garden.

I love (or like) sitting in the garden when it's fine.



eStudy these expressions:


My shirt is torn. It needs mending. 我的衬衫撕破了,需要缝补。

Those windows are dirty. They want washing. 那些窗户很脏,需要洗刷。

Exercises 练习

AThere are some verbs in the passage which are similar in form to the examples given above. Can you find them?


BGive the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:


1I'd love___seeing___(see) that film. Will it be on tomorrow?

2He's accustomed to__owrk____(work) very hard.

3These shirts need__ironing____(iron).

4I hate_leaving_____(leave) so early, but I'm afraid I have to.

5They continued___arguing___(argue) till after midnight.

6Would you like__coming____(come) with me?

7I shall be looking forward to__see ____(see) you soon.

8You must never come into this room without ___knocking___(knock) first.

9I got tired of__waiting____(wait) so I left.

10It began_raining_____(rain) just as I was going out.

11I don't believe in___woring___(work) too hard.

12He accused me of__taking____(take) his umbrella.

Special difficulties 难点

Study these uses of the verbs catch and run: 研究 catch 和 run的用法:

When she caught up with them, she saw that they had sat down. (11.8-9) (When she reached them…)

They dropped the bag and ran away.(11.9-10)

Exercise 练习

Write two sentences using each of the verbs given above.


my study never cought up with my sister .

atrer three time in the bus,i reached my hometown.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The thieves __B,C____.

a. found it easy to steal Mrs. Sterling's bag

b. found a bag

c.found it hard to steal the bag

d. didn't steal the bag

2Mrs. Sterling __a,b,____.

a.caught the thieves

b. followed the thieves and got her handbag back

c. never got her handbag back

d. stayed with her children

Structure 句型

3She was soon out of breath, but she continued ___c___.

a. runb. ran

c. runningd. in running

4They were going through the contents of the bag. __a____she ran straight at them.

a. For thisb. That's because

c. That's why d. That's so

5They got such a fright. They were __c____.

a.so frightfulb.such frightened

c.so frightenedd.such fright

6The strap needs mending. It ____d__.

a. has mendedb. has to be mended

c. has been mended d. has been mending

7They didn't steal anything. They stole ____b__.

a.anything b.not anything

c. not nothing d.nothing

Vocabulary 词汇

8She took a risk. What she did was _a_____.

a.dangerous b.brave

c.clever d.stupid

9She was at the edge of the forest. She was ___d___the forest.


c. among d.at the tip of

10They tried to steal her handbag. They tried to __a____her of her handbag.

a. robb. steal

c. be robbedd. be stolen

11She was out of breath. She __b____.

a.wasn't breathing b. was breathing with difficulty

c. couldn't breathed. stopped breathing

12The bag contains money. Let me see the ___c___of the bag.

a. containsb. containing

c.contenting d. contents
健行见远 发表于 2009-9-8 21:07:22
Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The thieves ___c___.

a. found it easy to steal Mrs. Sterling's bag

b. found a bag

c.found it hard to steal the bag

d. didn't steal the bag

2Mrs. Sterling ___b___.

a.caught the thieves

b. followed the thieves and got her handbag back

c. never got her handbag back

d. stayed with her children

Structure 句型

3She was soon out of breath, but she continued __c____.

a. runb. ran

c. runningd. in running

4They were going through the contents of the bag. _c_____she ran straight at them.

a. For thisb. That's because

c. That's why d. That's so

5They got such a fright. They were ___c___.

a.so frightfulb.such frightened

c.so frightenedd.such fright

6The strap needs mending. It ____b__.

a. has mendedb. has to be mended

c. has been mended d. has been mending

7They didn't steal anything. They stole ___d___.

a.anything b.not anything

c. not nothing d.nothing

Vocabulary 词汇

8She took a risk. What she did was __a____.

a.dangerous b.brave

c.clever d.stupid

9She was at the edge of the forest. She was _b_____the forest.

a.inside b.near

c. among d.at the tip of

10They tried to steal her handbag. They tried to __a____her of her handbag.

a. robb. steal

c. be robbedd. be stolen

11She was out of breath. She ____b__.

a.wasn't breathing b. was breathing with difficulty

c. couldn't breathed. stopped breathing

12The bag contains money. Let me see the __d____of the bag.

a. containsb. containing

c.contenting d. contents
健行见远 发表于 2009-9-8 21:10:03
BGive the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:


1I'd love__to see___(see) that film. Will it be on tomorrow?

2He's accustomed to__working____(work) very hard.

3These shirts need__ironing____(iron).

4I hate__to leave____(leave) so early, but I'm afraid I have to.

5They continued__ aruging____(argue) till after midnight.

6Would you like__to come____(come) with me?

7I shall be looking forward to__seeing____(see) you soon.

8You must never come into this room without __knocking____(knock) first.

9I got tired of__waiting____(wait) so I left.

10It began_to_ rain____(rain) just as I was going out.

11I don't believe in__working____(work) too hard.

12He accused me of___taking___(take) his umbrella
健行见远 发表于 2009-9-8 21:12:21
Composition 作文

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses: 用括号内的连词改写以下句子:

1Thieves can be very daring. They can be very timid. (either…or)

2A thief once broke into a house. He stole some money. The lady of the house caught him. (and…but)

3The thief gave back the money. He paid for the window he had broken. (not only…but)

1.Thieves can be either very daring or very timid.

2.A thief once broke into a house and stole some money but the lady of the house caught him.

3.The thief not only gave backe the money but paid for the window he had broken.
健行见远 发表于 2009-9-8 21:20:22
Composition 作文

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses: 用括号内的连词改写以下句子:

1Thieves can be very daring. They can be very timid. (either…or)

1.Thieves can be either very daring or very timid.答案应该是

Thieves caneither be very daring or very timid.
快乐小静 发表于 2011-6-28 12:33:10
BGive the correct form of the verbs in parentheses:


1I'd love__to see____(see) that film. Will it be on tomorrow?

2He's accustomed to__working____(work) very hard.

3These shirts need_ironing_____(iron).

4I hate_to leave_____(leave) so early, but I'm afraid I have to.

5They continued__arguing____(argue) till after midnight.

6Would you like_to come_____(come) with me?

7I shall be looking forward to__seeing____(see) you soon.

8You must never come into this room without __knocking____(knock) first.

9I got tired of__waiting____(wait) so I left.

10It began__to rain____(rain) just as I was going out.

11I don't believe in__working____(work) too hard.

12He accused me of__taking____(take) his umbrella.
快乐小静 发表于 2011-6-28 12:42:02
Write two sentences using each of the verbs given above.


Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The thieves __c____.

a. found it easy to steal Mrs. Sterling's bag

b. found a bag

c.found it hard to steal the bag

d. didn't steal the bag

2Mrs. Sterling __b____.

a.caught the thieves

b. followed the thieves and got her handbag back

c. never got her handbag back

d. stayed with her children

Structure 句型

3She was soon out of breath, but she continued __c____.

a. runb. ran

c. runningd. in running

4They were going through the contents of the bag. __c____she ran straight at them.

a. For thisb. That's because

c. That's why d. That's so

5They got such a fright. They were ___c___.

a.so frightfulb.such frightened

c.so frightenedd.such fright

6The strap needs mending. It ___c___.

a. has mendedb. has to be mended

c. has been mended d. has been mending

7They didn't steal anything. They stole _d_____.

a.anything b.not anything

c. not nothing d.nothing

Vocabulary 词汇

8She took a risk. What she did was _a_____.

a.dangerous b.brave

c.clever d.stupid

9She was at the edge of the forest. She was __b____the forest.


c. among d.at the tip of

10They tried to steal her handbag. They tried to __a____her of her handbag.

a. robb. steal

c. be robbedd. be stolen

11She was out of breath. She __b____.

a.wasn't breathing b. was breathing with difficulty

c. couldn't breathed. stopped breathing

12The bag contains money. Let me see the __d____of the bag.

a. containsb. containing

c.contenting d. contents
shuizhongyue 发表于 2011-7-2 21:54:53

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses

1 Thieves can be very daring.They can be very timid( either ...or)

Thieves caneither bevery daring or very timid.

2A thief once broke into a house .He stole some money.The lady of the house caught him(and..but)

A thief once broke into a house and stole some money but the lady of the house caught him.

3 The thief gave back the money. He paid for the window he had broken.(not only...but)

The thief not only gave back the money but he paid for the window he had broken.
shuizhongyue 发表于 2011-7-2 22:52:13

Give the correct form of the verbs in parentheses

1 I'd love -seeing-(see) that film. Will it be on tomorrow?

2 He's accustomed to --working (work)-very hard.

3These shirts need -ironing-(iron)

4I hate -leaving-(leave) so early , but I',m afraid I have to

5They continued -arguing-(argue) till after midnight.

6Would you like - coming-(come)with me?

7I shall be looking forward to -seeing (see)you soon.

8You must never come into this room without -knocking-(knock)first

9I got tired of -waiting-so I left

10 It began -raining-(rain)just as I was going out.

11 I don't belive in -working-(work)too hard.

12 He accused me of -taking-(take)his umbrella.
shuizhongyue 发表于 2011-7-2 23:37:21
Summary writing

1 How many men tired to steal Mrs . Sterling's handbag?

2What was she doing at the time?

3Did they take the bag after a struggle or not? Where did they run?(and)

4Did she run after them or not? Did she catch up with them or not?(and)

5Had the men sat down or not? What were they doing ?(and)

6What did Mrs. Sterling do? What did they do?(so)

Two men tried to steal Mrs. Sterling's handbag.She was having a picnic at the edge of a forest with her children.They took the bag after did a struggle and they started running through the tress.She ran after them and catched up with them. They had sat down and were going through the contents of the bag.She ran straight at them so they droppedthe bag and ran away.
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