





song-ceaigie hill

发布者: 古风新月 | 发布时间: 2007-2-14 20:05| 查看数: 3347| 评论数: 0|

Craigie Hill


It being in the (  )

and the small birds they were (  )

Down by yon (  )(  )

I (    did(  ),

The the thrushes they were(    ,

The violets they were ()

To view fond lovers (  )  ,

a (  )  I did ().

She said, my dear

don't leave me all

for another ( ) ,

Though fortune does be pleasing

I 'll go along with you,

I 'll (  ) friends

and relations and (  ) this Irish nation,

And to the bonny Bann banks forever

I 'll bid adieu.

He said, my dear

don't ()  . 

or yet () my patience,

You know I love you dearly

the more I'm going away,

I'm going to a foreign nation

to (  ) a(   ) ,

To () us hereafter

all in Amerika.

Then after a short

while a fortune does be pleasing,

T'will cause them for ()

at our late going away,

We'll be happy as Queen Victoria,

all in her greatest () ,

We'll be drinking wine

and porter all in Amerika.

If you were in your bed

lying and thinking on dying,

The ( )of the lovely Bann banks,

your sorrow you'd () over,

Or if were down one hour,

down in yon shady (),

Pleasure would ( ) you,

you'd think on death no more.

Then ()you well,

sweet Cragie Hills, where often times

I've (),

I never thought my childhood days

I 'd () you any more,

Now we're ( )on the ocean

for ( ) and ( ),

And the () boats are sailing,

way down by Door in ( ).

cara dillion.jpg


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