





Lesson 54 sticky fingers 粘糊的手指

发布者: tea | 发布时间: 2007-3-17 11:07| 查看数: 16093| 评论数: 3|

Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 75words.


1Did the writer return home from the shops or not?What did she begin to make?(As soon as)

2Did the telephone ring soon afterwards or not? Were her hugers very sticky or not?(When)

3How long did she spend talking to Helen Bates on the telephone?

4Did she look at the mess she had made or not?(After that)

5What was covered with pastry?

6Who rang the doorbell?(Just then)

7What did he want her to do?

Composition 作文

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses:


1I put the cake in the oven. I forgot all about it. (After putting)

2Two hours had passed.I smelled something burning.(When)

3I went into the kitchen.I found it full of smoke.(On going)

Letter writing书信写作

In the first paragraph of your letter you should refer either to a letter you have received or to an event which has prompted you to write. Look at the example below. Note where the first paragraph begins:


Dear Fred,

I was very pleased to learn that you are well.

Exercise 练习

Write your address, the date and the first sentence of a letter to a friend beginning:‘Thank you for…’

写上你的地址、日期和给朋友的一封信的第一句话,用“Thank you for”开头。

Key structures 关键句型

A, The, Some and Any(KS30)(参见第30课关键句型)

aSome and Any.(KS30a,SD9)(参见第30课关键句型a和第9课难点)

Study the use of some and any in these sentences:


Did you get any information? I want some information. 你有任何消息吗?我想知道点消息。

Is there any news in the paper? There is some interesting news in the paper. 报上有什么消息吗?报上有些有趣的消息。

Did the storm do any damage? The storm did some damage to the crops. 风暴是否造成损失?风暴给庄稼带来了一些损失。

Did you do any work yesterday? I did some work before breakfast.昨天你干活了吗?我在早饭前干了点活。

Did you bring any luggage? I have some luggage in the car. 你带行李了吗?我在汽车里有行李。

bCompare these pairs of sentences:


He was very poor years ago, but now he is a rich man.几年前他很穷,但现在他成了一个富人。

The rich should help the poor.富人应该帮助穷人。

She was born deaf and blind. 她生下来就又聋又瞎。

There are many organizations to help the deaf and the blind. 有许多组织帮助聋人和盲人。

cCompare these pairs of sentences:


The school in our village was built last year. 我们村的那所学校是去年建的。

The children went to school early this morning.孩子们一早去上学了。

We need a new cinema and a new theatre. 我们需要一座新的电影院,一座新的剧场。

I often go to the cinema and the theatre. 我经常光顾电影院和剧场。

dCompare these sentences:


It is the most interesting exhibition I have ever seen.这是我参观过的最有趣的展览。

Most people enjoyed it. 大多数人都欣赏它。

It is the biggest shop in London. 这是伦敦最大的商店。

Most shops are closed on Saturday afternoon. 大多数商店星期六下午不营业。

Exercises 练习

AUnderline the words a, the and some in the passage.


BPut in the words a, the and some where necessary. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise:


After ______breakfast, I sent ______children to school and then I went to ______shops. It was still early when I returned home. ______children were at ______school, my husband was at ______work, and ______house was quiet. So I decided to make ______meat pies. In ______short time I was busy mixing ______butter and ______flour and my hands were soon covered with ______sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, ______telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up ______receiver between ______two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized ______voice of Helen Bates. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up ______receiver. What ______mess! There was ______pastry on my fingers, on ______telephone, and on ______door knobs. I had no sooner got back to ______kitchen than ______doorbell rang loud enough to wake ______dead. This time it was ______postman and he wanted me to sign for ______registered letter!

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The telephone rang ______.

a. at a convenient time

b.when the house was empty

c.when the tarts were in the oven

d. at an inconvenient time

2Everything got into a mess because ______.

a.the writer was making meat pies

b.the writer was interrupted several times while making meat pies

c.the writer answered the telephone

d. the writer opened the front door


3______breakfast is the first meal of the day.

a.The b.A


4She returned home. She was ______home all morning.

a.to b.at

c.in d.on

5Nothing could have been more annoying. It was ______annoying thing that could have happened.

a.the more



d. the most

6Whose voice did she recognize? Helen ______.




d. Bate

7She had hardly got back to the kitchen ______the doorbell rang.




d. as soon as


8She was busy mixing butter and flour. She was ______.

a.joining them

b.uniting them

c. unifying them

d. putting them together

9Pastry is as sticky as ______.


c.glue d.flour

10She was dismayed when she heard Helen Bates. She felt ______.





11She hung up the receiver. This means she ______.

a.let it hangb.didn't put it back

c.held it d. put it back in its place

12She has just ______up the receiver.





Sentence structure 句子结构

Join these sentences, then check your answer against the text. 连接以下句子,然后对照课文第7-9行,核对你的答案。

I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers. I was dismayed. I recognized the voice of Helen Bates.


tea 发表于 2007-3-21 15:06:55
Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 75words.


1Did the writer return home from the shops or not?What did she begin to make?(As soon as)

2Did the telephone ring soon afterwards or not? Were her hugers very sticky or not?(When)

3How long did she spend talking to Helen Bates on the telephone?

4Did she look at the mess she had made or not?(After that)

5What was covered with pastry?

6Who rang the doorbell?(Just then)

7What did he want her to do?

As soon as the writer returned home from the shops, she began to make some mean pies.

When her fingers were very sticky, the telephone rang soon afterwards.

She spent tolking to Helen Bates for a short time on the telephone.

After that she looked at the mess she had made.

Her fingers were covered with pastry.

Just then a postman rang the doorbell.

He wanted her to sign for the registered letter.

Composition 作文

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses:


1I put the cake in the oven. I forgot all about it. (After putting) After putting the cake in the oven, I forgot all about it.

2Two hours had passed.I smelled something burning.(When)Two hour had passed, when I smelled something burning.

3I went into the kitchen.I found it full of smoke.(On going) On going into the kitchen, I found it full of smoke.

Letter writing书信写作

In the first paragraph of your letter you should refer either to a letter you have received or to an event which has prompted you to write. Look at the example below. Note where the first paragraph begins:


Dear Fred,

I was very pleased to learn that you are well.

Exercise 练习

Write your address, the date and the first sentence of a letter to a friend beginning:‘Thank you for…’

写上你的地址、日期和给朋友的一封信的第一句话,用“Thank you for”开头。

3555King Str.,

Wu han city,

Hubei province.

March 21st., 2007.

Dear Carolyn,

Thank you for teaching me how to tell the difference between 'rise' and 'raise'.

Key structures 关键句型

A, The, Some and Any(KS30)(参见第30课关键句型)

aSome and Any.(KS30a,SD9)(参见第30课关键句型a和第9课难点)

Study the use of some and any in these sentences:


Did you get any information? I want some information. 你有任何消息吗?我想知道点消息。

Is there any news in the paper? There is some interesting news in the paper. 报上有什么消息吗?报上有些有趣的消息。

Did the storm do any damage? The storm did some damage to the crops. 风暴是否造成损失?风暴给庄稼带来了一些损失。

Did you do any work yesterday? I did some work before breakfast.昨天你干活了吗?我在早饭前干了点活。

Did you bring any luggage? I have some luggage in the car. 你带行李了吗?我在汽车里有行李。

bCompare these pairs of sentences:


He was very poor years ago, but now he is a rich man.几年前他很穷,但现在他成了一个富人。

The rich should help the poor.富人应该帮助穷人。

She was born deaf and blind. 她生下来就又聋又瞎。

There are many organizations to help the deaf and the blind. 有许多组织帮助聋人和盲人。

cCompare these pairs of sentences:


The school in our village was built last year. 我们村的那所学校是去年建的。

The children went to school early this morning.孩子们一早去上学了。

We need a new cinema and a new theatre. 我们需要一座新的电影院,一座新的剧场。

I often go to the cinema and the theatre. 我经常光顾电影院和剧场。

dCompare these sentences:


It is the most interesting exhibition I have ever seen.这是我参观过的最有趣的展览。

Most people enjoyed it. 大多数人都欣赏它。

It is the biggest shop in London. 这是伦敦最大的商店。

Most shops are closed on Saturday afternoon. 大多数商店星期六下午不营业。

Exercises 练习

AUnderline the words a, the and some in the passage.


BPut in the words a, the and some where necessary. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise:


After __/____breakfast, I sent ___the___children to school and then I went to ___the___shops. It was still early when I returned home. ___The___children were at __/____school, my husband was at ___/___work, and ___the___house was quiet. So I decided to make ___some___meat pies. In __a____short time I was busy mixing __/____butter and ___/___flour and my hands were soon covered with __/____sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, __the____telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up ___the___receiver between __/____two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized ___the___voice of Helen Bates. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up __the____receiver. What _____a_mess! There was ___some___pastry on my fingers, on ____the__telephone, and on __the____door knobs. I had no sooner got back to __the____kitchen than ____the__doorbell rang loud enough to wake ___the___dead. This time it was __a____postman and he wanted me to sign for ___a___registered letter!

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The telephone rang ______.

a. at a convenient time

b.when the house was empty

c.when the tarts were in the oven

d. at an inconvenient time

2Everything got into a mess because ______.

a.the writer was making meat pies

bthe writer was interrupted several times while making meat pies

c.the writer answered the telephone

d. the writer opened the front door


3______breakfast is the first meal of the day.

a.The b.A

c.This d----

4She returned home. She was ______home all morning.

a.to bat

c.in d.on

5Nothing could have been more annoying. It was ______annoying thing that could have happened.

a.the more



d. the most

6Whose voice did she recognize? Helen ______.




d. Bate

7She had hardly got back to the kitchen ______the doorbell rang.




d. as soon as


8She was busy mixing butter and flour. She was ______.

a.joining them

b.uniting them

c. unifying them

d putting them together

9Pastry is as sticky as ______.


cglue d.flour

10She was dismayed when she heard Helen Bates. She felt ______.





11She hung up the receiver. This means she ______.

a.let it hangb.didn't put it back

c.held it d put it back in its place

12She has just ______up the receiver.





Sentence structure 句子结构

Join these sentences, then check your answer against the text. 连接以下句子,然后对照课文第7-9行,核对你的答案。

I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers. I was dismayed. I recognized the voice of Helen Bates.

I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates.

[ 本帖最后由 tea 于 2007-3-21 19:00 编辑 ]
健行见远 发表于 2009-9-19 10:49:16
Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Comprehension 理解

1The telephone rang ___d___.

a. at a convenient time

b.when the house was empty

c.when the tarts were in the oven

d. at an inconvenient time

2Everything got into a mess because __b____.

a.the writer was making meat pies

b.the writer was interrupted several times while making meat pies

c.the writer answered the telephone

d. the writer opened the front door


3_____d_breakfast is the first meal of the day.

a.The b.A


4She returned home. She was ___b___home all morning.

a.to b.at

c.in d.on

5Nothing could have been more annoying. It was __d____annoying thing that could have happened.

a.the more



d. the most

6Whose voice did she recognize? Helen __b____.




d. Bate

7She had hardly got back to the kitchen ___a___the doorbell rang.




d. as soon as


8She was busy mixing butter and flour. She was ___d___.

a.joining them

b.uniting them

c. unifying them

d. putting them together

9Pastry is as sticky as __c____.


c.glue d.flour

10She was dismayed when she heard Helen Bates. She felt __b____.





11She hung up the receiver. This means she ___d___.

a.let it hangb.didn't put it back

c.held it d. put it back in its place

12She has just _d_____up the receiver.





Sentence structure 句子结构

Join these sentences, then check your answer against the text. 连接以下句子,然后对照课文第7-9行,核对你的答案。

I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers. I was dismayed. I recognized the voice of Helen Bates

I picked up the receiver between two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized the voice of Helen Bates.
健行见远 发表于 2009-9-19 11:12:50
Summary writing 摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 75words.


1Did the writer return home from the shops or not?What did she begin to make?(As soon as)

2Did the telephone ring soon afterwards or not? Were her hugers very sticky or not?(When)

3How long did she spend talking to Helen Bates on the telephone?

4Did she look at the mess she had made or not?(After that)

5What was covered with pastry?

6Who rang the doorbell?(Just then)

7What did he want her to do?

As soon as the writer returned home from the shops, she began to make some mean pies.

When the telephone rang soon afterwards,her fingers were very sticky.

She spent ten minutes talking to Helen Bates on the telephone.

After that she looked at the mess she had made.

Her fingers ,the telephone and the doornobs were covered with pastry.

Just then a postman rang the doorbell.

He wanted her to sign for a registered letter.

Composition 作文

Rewrite the following sentences using the joining words in parentheses:


1I put the cake in the oven. I forgot all about it. (After putting) After putting the cake in the oven, I forgot all about it.

2Two hours had passed.I smelled something burning.(When)Two hour had passed, when I smelled something burning.

3I went into the kitchen.I found it full of smoke.(On going) On going into the kitchen, I found it full of smoke.

Exercises 练习

AUnderline the words a, the and some in the passage.


BPut in the words a, the and some where necessary. Do not refer to the passage until you finish the exercise:


After __/____breakfast, I sent ___the___children to school and then I went to ___the___shops. It was still early when I returned home. ___The___children were at __/____school, my husband was at ___/___work, and ___the___house was quiet. So I decided to make ___some___meat pies. In __a____short time I was busy mixing __/____butter and ___/___flour and my hands were soon covered with __/____sticky pastry. At exactly that moment, __the____telephone rang. Nothing could have been more annoying. I picked up ___the___receiver between __/____two sticky fingers and was dismayed when I recognized ___the___voice of Helen Bates. It took me ten minutes to persuade her to ring back later. At last I hung up __the____receiver. What _____a_mess! There was ___/__pastry on my fingers, on ____the__telephone, and on __the____door knobs. I had no sooner got back to __the____kitchen than ____the__doorbell rang loud enough to wake ___the___dead. This time it was __a____postman and he wanted me to sign for ___a___registered letter!
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