





Lesson 66 Sweet as honey!像蜜一样甜!

发布者: tea | 发布时间: 2007-3-27 12:28| 查看数: 6652| 评论数: 2|

Summary writing摘要写作

Answer these questions in not more than 100 words.


1Was the Lancaster bomber badly damaged when it crashed on a remote island in the south Pacific?

2How long did the wreck remain undisturbed? How was it rediscovered?(Then…until…)

3What did the French authorities do with the plane? Who will be having it restored?(…,where…)

4How many engines will they have to have rebuilt? Why is the fourth engine still in perfect condition?(…,but… because…)


Rewrite the sentences below using the joining words in parentheses. Make any necessary changes:


1The Lancaster bomber crashed. It was not too badly damaged. The island was very remote. The wreck remainedundisturbed for more than twenty years.(When…,but… so… that)

2Now some enthusiasts in France plan to have the plane restored. They are absolutely delighted.(who)

3They will only need to have three of the engines rebuilt. The fourth engine was preserved in beeswax. It is still as sweet as honey.(because…and)

Letter writing书信写作

Write a short opening paragraph of a letter to a friend who has invited you to go to the circus with him.


Key structures关键句型


Study these sentences carefully.


I washed my car.(I washed it myself.)


I had my car washed.(Someone else washed it for me.)


I'm going to clean my suit.(I'm going to clean it by myself.)


I'm going to have my suit cleaned.(Someone else will do it for me.)


He had his hair cut yesterday.


I will have to have my watch repaired.


Did you have your watch repaired?


I didn't have my watch repaired.



AFind four examples in the passage of have+ object+ past participle: have something done.

从课文中找出 4个使役动词的例子,即have+宾语+过去分词。

BWrite these sentences again using have with the verbs in italics. Do not refer to the passage until youhave finished the exercise.


1The French authorities took charge of the plane. It was packaged and moved in parts back to France.

2The plane is going to be restored by a group of enthusiasts.

3The group are delighted. Only three of the engines will need to be rebuilt.

CRewrite these sentences using have with the verb in italics and making any necessary changes.


1He is building a new house.

2She will makea new dress.

3I did not decorate the house.

4They repaired the washing machine.

5We must cut this dangerous tree down.

6We have to install this new television set.

Special difficulties难点

A group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane repaired.

Collective noun+ singular or plural verb.


Study these Sentences:


The national team is travelling to London tomorrow.


The team are all highly talented young people.


The audience is made up of school children.


The audience were spellbound by the magic of the performance.



Choose the correct verb in these sentences:


1The Government(has)(have)taken strong measures against inflation.

2The shipwrecked crew (was)(were)rescued from the water by helicopter.

3(Has)(Have)the staff been informed about the meeting?

4This class(is)(are) a pleasure to teach.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题


1People are interested in restoring the Lancaster bomber because ____.

(a)it had crashed over twenty years ago

(b) the crash took place in a remote island in the South Pacific

(c) it was a rare model

(d) it was discovered accidentally

2What had preserved one of the four engines all these years?

(a) The kind efforts of the French government.

(b) A colony of bees.

(c) The interest of a group of enthusiasts.

(d) The remote island west of Samoa.


3Wallis Island is west of Samoa. Wallis is ____.

(a) to the west of Samoa

(b) to the east of Samoa

(c) in the west of Samoa

(d) in the east of Samoa

4The wreck remained undisturbed. It was not ____.

(a) moved

(b) damaged

(c) packaged


5By 1989, a Lancaster bomber was rare and worth ____.(a) to be saved

(b) to save

(c) saved


6Only three of the four Rolls Royce Merlin engines ____rebuilt.(a) will have to be

(b) need have been

(c)are being

(d)had to be


7A group of enthusiasts are planning to have the plane ____.

(a) repaired

(b) repairing


(d)being repaired

8The plane was moved back to France in parts. It was sent ____.

(a) as a whole

(b) bit by bit

(c) completely


9Wallis Island is a remote place in the South Pacific. It is ____.

(a)far away



(d)close to the European continent

10____the years that followed, the crash was forgotten.





11A Lancaster bomber was rare by 1989.It was ____.




12The bomber was in ____condition.





Sentence strucfure 句子结构

Join the following sentences, then check your answer against the text.


A Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island. The island is a remote place in the South Pacific. It is west of Samoa. It is a long way from Samoa.


健行见远 发表于 2009-10-8 21:25:06
CRewrite these sentences using have with the verb in italics and making any necessary changes.


1He is building a new house.

He is having a new house built.

2She will makea new dress.

She will have a new dress made.

3I did not decorate the house.

I did not have the house decorated.

4They repaired the washing machine.

They had the washing machine repaired.

5We must cut this dangerous tree down.

We must have this dangerous tree cut down.

6We have to install this new television set.

We have to have this new television set installed.

Special difficulties难点

A group of enthusiasts are going to have the plane repaired.

Collective noun+ singular or plural verb.


Study these Sentences:


The national team is travelling to London tomorrow.


The team are all highly talented young people.


The audience is made up of school children.


The audience were spellbound by the magic of the performance.



Choose the correct verb in these sentences:


1The Government(has)taken strong measures against inflation.

2The shipwrecked crew (were)rescued from the water by helicopter.

3(Have)the staff been informed about the meeting?

4This class(is)a pleasure to teach.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题


1People are interested in restoring the Lancaster bomber because __c__.

(a)it had crashed over twenty years ago

(b) the crash took place in a remote island in the South Pacific

(c) it was a rare model

(d) it was discovered accidentally

2What had preserved one of the four engines all these years? b

(a) The kind efforts of the French government.

(b) A colony of bees.

(c) The interest of a group of enthusiasts.

(d) The remote island west of Samoa.


3Wallis Island is west of Samoa. Wallis is __a__.

(a) to the west of Samoa

(b) to the east of Samoa

(c) in the west of Samoa

(d) in the east of Samoa

4The wreck remained undisturbed. It was not __a__.

(a) moved

(b) damaged

(c) packaged


5By 1989, a Lancaster bomber was rare and worth __d__.(a) to be saved

(b) to save

(c) saved


6Only three of the four Rolls Royce Merlin engines __a__rebuilt.(a) will have to be

(b) need have been

(c)are being

(d)had to be


7A group of enthusiasts are planning to have the plane _a___.

(a) repaired

(b) repairing


(d)being repaired

8The plane was moved back to France in parts. It was sent _b___.

(a) as a whole

(b) bit by bit

(c) completely


9Wallis Island is a remote place in the South Pacific. It is __a__.

(a)far away



(d)close to the European continent

10__b__the years that followed, the crash was forgotten.





11A Lancaster bomber was rare by 1989.It was ___b_.




12The bomber was in _a___condition.





Sentence strucfure 句子结构

Join the following sentences, then check your answer against the text.


A Lancaster bomber crashed on Wallis Island. The island is a remote place in the South Pacific. It is west of Samoa. It is a long way from Samoa.
Elain1984 发表于 2010-5-11 09:53:49

1People are interested in restoring the Lancaster bomber because ___C_.

(a)it had crashed over twenty years ago

(b) the crash took place in a remote island in the South Pacific

(c) it was a rare model

(d) it was discovered accidentally

2What had preserved one of the four engines all these years? B

(a) The kind efforts of the French government.

(b) A colony of bees.

(c) The interest of a group of enthusiasts.

(d) The remote island west of Samoa.
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