





[Today on MSN] Telecommuting an Option for More U.S. Workers

发布者: soso | 发布时间: 2005-12-5 20:32| 查看数: 3524| 评论数: 1|

By Kate Lorenz, CareerBuilder.com <BR><IMG src="http://img.icbdr.com/images/pixel.gif"> <BR>Think being a virtual worker is for loners clad in sweat pants and fuzzy slippers? <BR><BR>Think again. <BR><BR>According to NetworkWorld, a Network IT news and information provider, top executives at the nation's most prominent companies report that they rarely spend much time in their offices. Instead, they work from wherever they are -- home, airport, a customer site or overseas field office.<BR><BR>"Work is what you do, not where you are," says Joseph Roitz, Telework Director at AT&amp;T. "And at AT&amp;T it's the norm, not the exception."<BR><BR>As many as 90 percent of AT&amp;T's managers work virtually in some capacity, and according to Roitz, they say that they are interrupted less frequently, have improved concentration and are better able to manage their time.<BR><BR>The Society for Human Resource Management estimates that nearly 40 percent of corporations nationwide offer some form of virtual work program. <BR><BR>And the numbers are growing as companies seek to get closer to their customers through simultaneously globalizing and decentralizing, and as employees have become increasingly unwilling to relocate due to working spouses, perceived lack of job security and an uncertain real estate market. <BR><BR>In addition to AT&amp;T, major companies that have embraced virtual work or e-work programs include: IBM, Putnam Investments, Allstate, Cigna Corporation and Texas Instruments. These programs may include one or all of these four types of arrangements: <BR><BR>
<LI>Teleworkers, who work from home on a regular basis (on average, two days a week).<BR>
<LI>Remote workers, who function full-time from a home location. <BR>
<LI>Mobile workers, who work from multiple locations including their car, home, hotels or various company sites.<BR>
<LI>Customer site workers, employees who work out of a client's office. <BR><BR>According to Thomas Davenport, the chairman of information technology and management at Babson College, virtual work arrangements are possible for almost any kind of knowledge worker. Salespersons, accountants, programmers, graphic artists, researchers, writers, engineers and architects all could potentially work remotely. <BR><BR>Administrative, clerical and office support jobs can be filled by virtual employees as well. For example, many smaller organizations and startup companies are using virtual assistants to do secretarial work, meeting and travel planning, project managing and logistics coordinating. <BR><BR>And call center and customer service representatives can find work as home-based agents through such companies as Alpine Access, Willow CSN and Working Solutions. <BR><BR>"The main thing is that in-person contact is generally not required and that progress in completing work can be easily measured," Davenport says. <BR><BR>Beyond that, a successful virtual worker must have good organization skills, be self-motivated and able to make decisions without always requiring input from others, have good technology and telecommunication skills and know how to handle the potential social isolation that comes with working off-site. <BR><BR>In addition, if working from home, a virtual worker must do the following:<BR>
<LI>Set up your home office in a separate room or place that will allow for uninterrupted work. <BR>
<LI>Develop a routine that ensures you are accessible during regular business hours.<BR>
<LI>Have confirmed procedures for forwarding calls or e-mails when you must leave your home office during business hours.<BR>
<LI>Establish protocol for client interactions, including proper stationery and meeting places.<BR>
<LI>Stay visible by keeping in close contact with your boss and co-workers as well as sending in regular reports of your progress and achievements.<BR>
<LI>Set goals and deadlines for completing your work. <BR>
<LI>Find ways to reward yourself for being productive. <BR>
<LI>And above all, maintain work/life boundaries by making it clear to your spouse, children, neighbors and friends that you are on the job (even if you are wearing sweatpants and fuzzy slippers)!<BR><BR><BR><I>Kate Lorenz is the article and advice editor for CareerBuilder.com. She researches and writes about job search strategy, career management, hiring trends and workplace issues.</I> </LI>


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