






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2005-10-9 15:28| 查看数: 6805| 评论数: 2|

Congratulations and Good Wishes 祝贺和回答   

Congratulations! 祝贺    

Please accept my congratulations on your promotion.   


I hear that you have won. Congratulations.听说你们赢了,祝贺你们。   

Let me congratulate you on your success. 祝贺您的成功。   

----Thank you. 谢谢。   

Festival Greetings and Replies 节日祝愿和回答   

Happy New Year!----Happy New Year to you,too. 新年快乐!   

Happy Spring Festival!春节快乐!   

Merry Christmas! 圣诞快乐!   

Best wishes!----The same to you. 致以最良好的祝愿。   

Birthday Greetings and Reply 生日祝愿和回答   

Happy birthday! 祝贺您生日快乐!   

Many happy returns of the day.祝您长寿。   


棗Thank you. 谢谢。   

Good wishes 祝愿   

Good luck to you. 祝您好运   

I wish you happiness. 祝你幸福   

I wish you the best of health. 祝您健康   

Have a good time.祝您快乐 

I hope you enjoy the film. 希望您喜欢那个影片   

Take care (of yourself).请保重    

Sleep well. 祝您睡好   

Pleasant dreams! 愿您睡得香甜!

I hope you have a pleasant journey home. 祝您归途一路顺风   

Parting Expressions 告别用语  

Good-bye.----Good-bye. 再见 Good night.----Good night.晚安   

So long.----So long. 再见   

注:比较随便的告别语。 Bye.----Bye. 再见   


Take care.保重 Keep well.祝您健康     

I’ve got to be going now. Good-bye.我得走了,再见。   

Come and see me when you have time.有空时请过来。   

----Thanks. I’ll certainly do that. 谢谢了,我一定会的。   

Happy landing. 祝您早安       注:是送行者向上飞机的人说的告别语。   

Bon voyage! 祝您一路平安 注:是法语   

I hope to see you again.希望能再见到您   

It’s very nice of you to come and see me off.   


See you later. 回头见 注:常用在平时暂别下次见面没有约定的时间。   

I’ll be seeing you.再见 注:是美国人喜欢使用的告别语


Quickie 发表于 2005-10-11 14:01:35
Notice on David's list here there is no " What's UP"
What's up in my opionion is a very low class greeting .
It is originally used by American Blacks, I have try my best to let people know that it is not a cool thing to say unless you are into ghatto Black culture. This is only my opionion.
Even thou I am a wolf and I joke around alot, I tried not to say low class words. [em11]
Mount-feng 发表于 2007-3-12 22:49:47
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