






发布者: Stone | 发布时间: 2005-12-7 16:45| 查看数: 10764| 评论数: 2|

<  align=left><B>特别推荐:英文电子邮件写作技巧</B><B>- -<o:p></o:p></B>
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<  align=left>日常要处理许多信件电邮,因而运用英语上不得不留神,以下有一些个人意见,也参考了一些书本,希望大家有所得益。 <BR><BR>  一、文法上 <BR>  1、切忌主客不分或模糊<BR>  例子: Deciding to rescind the earlier estimate, our report was updated to include $40,000 for new equipment.” <BR>  应改为:Deciding to rescind our earlier estimate, we have updated our report to include $40,000 for new equipment. (We决定呀, 不是report.) <BR>  2、句子不要凌碎 <BR>  例子: He decided not to audit the last ten contracts. Because of our previous objections about compliance. 应该连在一起. <BR>  3、结构对称,令人容易理解.<BR>   例子: The owner questioned the occupant’s lease intentions and the fact that the contract had been altered with ink markings.<BR>   应改为: The owner questioned the occupant’s lease intentions and ink alterations of the contract. <BR>  4.单众数不要搞乱,不然会好刺眼,看不舒服. <BR>  例如: An authorized person must show that they have security clearance. <BR>  5.动词主词要呼应. 想想这两个分别: <BR>  1).This is one of the public-relations functions that is underbudgeted. <BR>  2). This is one of the public-relations functions, which are underbudgeted. <BR>  6.时态和语气不要转变太多.看商务英语已经是苦事,不要浪费人家的精力啊. <BR>  7.标点要准确. <BR>  例如: He did not make repairs, however, he continued to monitor the equipment.<BR>   改为: He did not make repairs; however, he continued to monitor the equipment. <BR>  8.选词正确. 好像affect和effect, operative和operational等等就要弄清楚才好用啦. <BR>  9.拼字正确. 有电脑拼字检查功能后,就更加不能偷懒. <BR>  10.大小写要注意.非必要不要整个字都是大写,除非要骂人<BR>  例如: MUST change to OS immediately. 外国人就觉得不礼貌和喝令人一样. 要强调的话,用底线,斜字,粗体就可以了. <BR><BR>  二、 文体 <BR>  1.可读性.对象是大学程度的话,用高中的英文就行,不要以为人人都是语言大师.多用短句(15-20字吧), 技术性的字,就更加要简单易明. <BR>  2.注意段落的开头.一般来说,重要或强调的事情都放在信件或段落的开头,而句子就放在最尾. <BR>  例如: 1).Because he was unable to attend the meeting personally, he forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape. <BR>  2).He forwarded his congratulations on cassette tape because he was unable to attend the meeting personally. 两者强调的事情就有分别了. <BR>  3.轻重有分. 同等重要的用and来连接,较轻放在次要的句子里. <BR>  4.意思转接词要留神. 例如: but (相反), therefore (结论), also (增添), for example (阐明). 分不清furthermore和moreover就不要用啦. <BR>  5.句子开头不要含糊不清的主词. 例子: These decisions have been a big disappointment to the committee members. They have delayed further action. They是指什么呀????开头少用this, that, it, they, 或 which. <BR>  6.修饰词的位置要小心,例如: He could only reimburse the cost after July 15. 应为 He could reimburse the cost only after July 15. <BR>  7.用语要肯定准确.切忌含糊. 例如:The figures show a significant increase.” 怎样significant呀,大哥? 改为: The figures show an increase of 19%. <BR>  8.立场观点一致. 少用被动语. 例如: Partial data should be submitted by April. 改为: You should submit partial data by April.就很好了. <BR><BR>  三、 格调 <BR>  1.式样和句子长度不要太单调. 千篇一律的subject-verb-object会闷死人的.有时短句跟着长句可以化解一下. <BR>  2.弱软的词(e.g. was, were, is, are...)可以加强一点. 例如: Prunton products are highly effective in ... 改为: Prunton products excel in ...就有力很多了. <BR>  3.亲切,口语化是比较受欢迎! 用宾词和主动的词,让人家受落. 例如: 1. This information will be sincerely appreciated.” 2. We sincerely appreciate your information. 明显地,我们会喜欢第2句<o:p></o:p>


Stone 发表于 2005-12-7 16:46:14
< white; MARGIN: 7.5pt 0cm 7.5pt 30pt; WORD-BREAK: break-all; LINE-HEIGHT: 18pt; TEXT-ALIGN: left; mso-pagination: widow-orphan" align=left>四、 写信提示 <BR>  1.人家的名字千万不要错.老一辈的看到名字错就干脆撵去垃圾桶. 同样, 头衔都不要错. 头衔或学位,任择其一吧.以下是一样的: Howard E. Wyatt, D.D.SPhD. Dr. Howard E. Hyatt <BR>  2.多过一个男人,用Messrs,就是Misters的意思,不过不要跟名字,跟姓就行啦.例如: Messrs. Smith, Wyatt, and Fury 。女人呢? 用Mesdames, Mmes., or Mses. 同样不要跟名字. 例子: Mses. Farb, Lionel, and Gray 。男女一齐呢? 弄清楚称呼就行.例如: Dr. and Mrs. Harold Wright ;Mr. Harold Wright and Dr. Margaret Wright ;Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Adams-Quinn 。<BR>  3.有人有自己头衔就要跟紧,例如有人有荣誉学位就不喜欢用一般的头衔啊~有时大头不知道对方头衔,干脆用Ms.算了. Ms. Sarah Gray <BR>  4.地址要低日期至少两行.处名时,职衔短可以一行过,长就下一行吧.例如: <BR>  Ken Green, President /Ken Green /Vice President of International Operations <BR>  但这个就显得有点。。。: <BR>  Ken Green /Vice President of Unicom China <BR>  正确应为: <BR>  Ken Green /Vice President, Unicom China <BR>  5.老外的名字有时有Jr. 或 Sr.,之前的逗点是随你喜欢的,以下都是正确,不要笑人: <BR>  Michael J. Smith, Jr. /Michael J. Smith Sr. <BR>  6.外国国名尽量用大写.是为尊重,也方便邮差叔叔. <BR>  7.地址上的数字直接用阿拉伯数字吧,除了One,例子: <BR>  127 Ninth Avenue, North<BR>  127 E. 15 Street <BR>  5 Park Avenue <BR>  One Wingren Plaza <BR>  556 - 91 Street <BR><BR>  五、结尾部分<BR>  书信的结尾致意要留意,弄清大家的关系才选择用词,例子: <BR>  1. Very Formal非常正规的(例如给政府大老爷的) <BR>  Respectfully yours, Yours respectfully, <BR>  2. Formal正规的(例如客户公司之间啦) <BR>  Very truly yours, Yours very truly, Yours truly, <BR>  3. Less Formal不太正规的(例如客户) <BR>  Sincerely yours, Yours sincerely, Sincerely, Cordially yours, Yours cordially, Cordially, <BR>  4. Informal非正规的(例如猪朋狗友,同事之类) <BR>  Regards, Warm regards, With kindest regards, With my best regards, My best, Give my best to Mary, Fondly, Thanks, See you next week! <BR>  有时在we, I, and you之间选择是很烦的事-- 如果是公司代表联络生意之类,可以用: We will reimburse you for these legal expenses. Sinopec will reimburse you for these legal expenses. 如果单纯说你自己,可以用: I found the brochure very informative. 有时可以一起用啦...: We are pleased to offer you the position of sales director, and I am looking forward to our Tuesday morning meeting. <BR>  那么I和you呢?好烦好烦.一般来说,收信人的利益比较重要,名义上都要这样想.给人尊重的语气就一般不会错了. 多用you有时会有隔阂的感觉. <BR>  You will be pleased to learn that you have been selected to serve on our advisory board. Your prompt response will be appreciated. (好像欠你一样) <BR>  I’m pleased that our board has selected you as the best qualified candidate to serve on our advisory board. I hope you’ll agree to serve. (这就友善多了) <BR>  Your book was well written and comprehensive. (不用你来判断我呀~~) <BR>  I thoroughly enjoyed your book and found an answer to every one of my questions about performance appraisals. (客气一点,人家受落) <BR>  总之,语气和宾词的运用得当能决定你的礼貌程度. <BR><BR>  六、开头致意<BR>  用人家的名字总好过人家的头衔称呼. 如果没有名字,或者是好正规信的信件,可以考虑这些: <BR>  Dear Committee Membe:r: Dear Meeting Planner: Dear Colleagues: To All Sales Reps: To Whom It May Concern: Dear Sir or Madam: Dear Madam or Sir: Dear Purchasing Agent: <BR>  如果是公司呢? Gentlemen or Ladies: Ladies or Gentlemen: <BR>  什么怪事都有,如果那公司是全男班或全女班呢? Dear Sirs: Dear Ladies: Dear Mesdames: Gentlemen: Ladies: <BR>  有时见到人家用冒号就说人家错,其实也未必啊,看: Dear Mr. Jones: (非常正规) Dear Joan: <BR>Dear Jim, Jim, (非正规) <BR>  <BR>  七、签名<BR>  用笔亲自签名会比较受落,免到过都不要电脑贴图或盖章啦....不要把Mr., Ms., Mrs., Dr.之类一起签,人家会笑你的... 签名也看信件的语气.给朋友或公司客户,签Bill也可以,给陌生人就最好用Gates或者Bill Gates啦<o:p></o:p>
< 0cm 0cm 0pt"><o:p><FONT face="Times New Roman"> </FONT></o:p>
fantasy 发表于 2006-1-12 09:51:43
<FONT size=2>STONE好棒,我在看,在学!</FONT>
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