






发布者: kevin | 发布时间: 2005-12-7 18:30| 查看数: 29572| 评论数: 17|

英语虽是当今的世界语,但依然充斥着歧义句,含糊不清,往往一句两解,不太明确。   英国近代两位文法大师Jocobs与Rosendbaum合著的English Transformational Grammar为我们提供了“一句六解”的例句,可说是当代歧义句子之中的最高纪录。   请大家细读这句有史以来最多解法的话:   The Seniors were told to stop demonstrating on campus.   暂时不要往下看,动一动脑筋,看看能列出多少个解法。   自我挑战,学思并重,也是提高中英语文水平的诀窍!   语文巨擘Jocobs与Rosenbaum说:非英语国家的学生能揣摩出三解就已很棒了!你试一试,可能也会觉得趣味盎然。 你可以点击帖子上端的“回复帖子”进行回复!设置定员贴!请参看此贴https://www.enfamily.cn/dispbbs.asp?boardID=11&ID=2108&page=1 回复后可看答案哦^_^:
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-7 18:35:31编辑过]


david 发表于 2005-12-8 09:49:07
哈哈,我来回答看看: [UserName=kevin] 高中生被告知停止在校园演示, 瞎翻的啊,我现在在深圳出差.关于怎么奖励成员的设定,最好设置成赠送贴的形式[/UserName]
kevin 发表于 2005-12-8 11:06:42
流水绯红 发表于 2005-12-9 13:22:14

my answer

[UserName=kevin] 这个句子的第1解:   (1)The seniors were demonstrating and were asked, on campus, to desist.   (高年级的学生在示威,校方在校园要求他们停止示威。)   第2个解法:   (2)The seniors were demonstrating and were asked to desist on campus (although they could demonstrate elsewhere).   (高年级学生在示威,校方要求他们停止在校园中示威但可在其他地方示威)。   第3个解法是:   The seniors were demonstrating on campus and were asked to desist.   (高年级的学生在校园示威,校方叫他们停止示威。)   第4个解法是:   People were demonstrating on campus, and seniors were asked to stop them.   (有人在校园中示威,高年级生被要求去制止他们。)   第5个解法:   People were demonstrating and seniors were asked, on campus, to stop them .   (有人在示威,高年级生在校园中被要求去制止他们。)   第6个解法:   People were demonstrating and seniors were asked, to stop them from doing so on campus (although they could do it elsewhere)   (有人在示威,高年级生被要求去制止他们在校园中示威(但他们可在别处示威。[/UserName]
kevin 发表于 2005-12-9 15:43:18
samin 发表于 2005-12-10 20:50:14
samin 发表于 2005-12-10 20:51:30
kevin 发表于 2005-12-12 18:13:43
看大家是不是对金币没感觉了?? 还是揭晓答案吧! 第1解:   (1)The seniors were demonstrating and were asked, on campus, to desist.   (高年级的学生在示威,校方在校园要求他们停止示威。)   第2个解法:   (2)The seniors were demonstrating and were asked to desist on campus (although they could demonstrate elsewhere).   (高年级学生在示威,校方要求他们停止在校园中示威但可在其他地方示威)。   第3个解法是:   The seniors were demonstrating on campus and were asked to desist.   (高年级的学生在校园示威,校方叫他们停止示威。)   第4个解法是:   People were demonstrating on campus, and seniors were asked to stop them.   (有人在校园中示威,高年级生被要求去制止他们。)   第5个解法:   People were demonstrating and seniors were asked, on campus, to stop them .   (有人在示威,高年级生在校园中被要求去制止他们。)   第6个解法:   People were demonstrating and seniors were asked, to stop them from doing so on campus (although they could do it elsewhere)   (有人在示威,高年级生被要求去制止他们在校园中示威(但他们可在别处示威。) 流水绯红答案正确,奖励金币6,samin,david 各1个 ,收到通知后,到我这领取![em07][em07]
boyln 发表于 2005-12-14 16:32:38
关于on campus的放置位置的理解,呵呵,还有紧要的好
NoNine 发表于 2005-12-18 14:42:08
无语 这句话真恐怖
steven_zhang 发表于 2006-1-19 15:07:20
臭猪 发表于 2006-1-20 14:20:12
TheYeti 发表于 2006-2-23 07:53:34
Very informative and illuminating. I have reprinted [转帖] it to our BBS as one example of ambiguity in writing. Your post now appears on the 第 32 楼 of http://www.rainlane.com/dispbbs.asp?boardid=8&id=13605&star=4#92662 as an extra and very interesting example to the topic of 'Ambiguity" that appears on 第 8 楼 of that thread.( Common Mistakes in Writing #4. Ambiguities. message 8 8 楼 ) And yes, I always follow the proper academic procedure of mentioning where the transfer is coming from. A link to the article here is attached to the reprint. Ha Ha. I don't think there is a problem, not like some other forums. One tutorial school (Enbo) has a feud with another tutorial school (diandian). Any link with diandian.net--even in the manner of a normal academic paper referece-- appearing on enbo school BBS will automatically be censored and replaced by ********. What kind of silly narrowmindedness is that? It is totally unbecoming for academics. They are behaving like merchants: MacDonald not allowing people to mention Harmburger King in their restaurants. Oh well, if they want to consider themselves as merchants instead of educators, so be it.[em06][em06]
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-2-23 7:54:55编辑过]
kevin 发表于 2006-2-23 10:18:21
It is good to have a goal to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters in the end." - Ursula LeGuin I second the idea.[em07]
mengxxx911 发表于 2006-2-27 14:08:49
山定子 发表于 2006-10-13 17:59:52
以下是引用kevin在2006-2-23 10:18:21的发言:

It is good to have a goal to journey towards, but it is the journey that matters in the end." - Ursula LeGuin

I second the idea.


I second that, too.[em07]
jersy03 发表于 2006-10-21 18:31:53


The Seniors were told to stop demonstrating on campus


rongren 发表于 2006-10-27 03:05:33
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