





Lesson 6 The sporting spirit体育的精神

发布者: 上官飞飞 | 发布时间: 2007-5-15 00:00| 查看数: 3573| 评论数: 0|





Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible.Use one complete sentence for each answer.

1Why, according to the author, do international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred?

2What, according to the author, do spectators believe when they watch international sporting contests?


ARefer to the text to see how the following words have been used, then write sentences of your own using these words: amazed (1.1); goodwill (1.1); inclination (1.3); deduce (1.4); utmost (1.7); prestige (1.9); disgraced (1.9); significant (1.11).

BExplain the following phrases as they have been used in the passage: pick up sides (1.7); local patriotism (11.7-8); the most savage combative instincts are aroused (11.9-10); frankly mimic warfare (1.11); absurd contests (1.13).

Sentence structure句子结构

ASupply the missing words in the following paragraph.Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:

You play to win, ______ the game has little meaning _______ you do your utmost to win.On the village green, ________ you pick up sides __________ no feeling of local patriotism is involved, it is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise; but ________ the question of local prestige arises, ________ you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced _______ you lose, the most savage combative instincts are aroused.Anyone _______ has played even in a school football match knows this.(11.6-10)

BCombine the following sentences to make one complete statement.Make any changes you think necessary, but do not change the sense of the original.Refer to the passage when you have finished the exercise: The significant thing is not the behaviour of the players.It is the attitude of the spectators.Behind the spectators, it is the attitude of the nations.They work themselves up into furies over these absurd contests.Running, jumping and kicking a ball are tests of national virtue.They seriously believe this ---- at any rate for short periods.(11.11-13)

CComplete the following sentences in any way you wish.Then compare what you have written with the sentences in the passage:

1I am always amazed when ____.(1.1)

2Nearly all the sports practised _____.(1.6)

DState in a single sentence what you think the author believes about competitive sports.

Key structures关键句型

AStudy the form of the verbs after if in these sentences:

If only the common peoples of the world could meet one another at football or cricket, they would have no inclination to meet on the battlefield.(11.1-3)

If one didn't know from concrete examples that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred, one could deduce it from general principles.(11.3-5)

Some larger unit will be disgraced if you lose.(1.9)

Complete the following in any way you wish:

1If you play a game to win ______.

2If only we could afford to ______.

3You could learn to play golf if you ______.

4You won't find it difficult if you _____.

BNote carefully the form of the verbs after the phrase as soon as in this sentence:

As soon as the question of prestige arises, as soon as you feel that you and some larger unit will be disgraced, the most savage combative instincts are aroused.(11.8-10)

Supply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses in these sentences:

1If he _________ (make) any trouble, he will be asked to leave the meeting.

2You will feel much better when you ________ (stop) smoking.

3As soon as he _______ (arrive) in New York, he will send me a fax.

4You can wait here until the rain ______ (stop).

5When you _______ (move) to your new house, you will be far more comfortable than you are now.

CSupply the missing words in the following paragraph.Do not refer to the passage until you have finishedthe exercise:

Anyone who has played even ______ a school football match knows this._____ the international level, sport is frankly mimic warfare.But the significant thing is not the behaviour _______ the players but the attitude _____ the spectators: and, ______ the spectators, _______ the nations who work themselves _____ furies _____ these absurd contests.(11.10-13)

Special difficulties难点

AStudy the following pairs of words and then write sentences of your own to bring out the difference.

1hear (1.1) ---- listen

The walls of this house are so thin, you can hear the neighbours cough next door.

I often listen to music.

2even (1.3) ---- still

Mr.Wilks is not only working at the age of 95; he's even running a company.

Though he's 95, Mr.Wilks still plays bowls.

3lead (1.4) ---- guide

Walking just in front, and pausing to check everyone was following, the young man led them to the market place.(i.e.He went in front)

The doorman drew a quick sketch map to guide us through the narrow streets.(i.e.to show the way)

4principle (1.5) ---- principal

A good principle is not to borrow money you can't repay.

He has just been appointed principal of the college.

5practise (1.6) ---- practice

I practise lifting every day.

Your tennis will improve with practice.

However, in American English, both the noun and the verb are spelt practice.

6win (1.6) ---- beat

Tottenham won the Cup Final.

Tottenham beat Liverpool in the Cup Final.

7lose (1.9) ---- loose

Try not to lose your ticket.

The handle on this suitcase is very loose.

8arise (1.10) ---- arouse

A serious problem has arisen which will take time to solve.

His behaviour was arousing the interest of his neighbours.

9level (1.11) ---- flat

Inflation had dropped to its lowest level in five years.

It is much easier to walk on the flat.

BExplain the meaning of the word peoples in this sentence:

If only the common peoples of the world could meet.(11.1-2)

Write two sentences using the words people and peoples.

CCompare these two expressions:

Instead of saying: The Olympic Games that were held in 1936 …

We can say: The 1936 Olympic Games … (11.3-4)

What can we say in place of the phrases in italics?

1I shall catch the train that leaves at four o'clock.

2I have a copy of the edition that was published in 1937.

3The Education Act of 1944aimed at providing equal opportunities for every child in the country.

4The revolution of 1917 had important consequences.

DCompare these two sentences:

One could deduce it from general principles.(11.4-5)

You play to win, and the game has little meaning unless you do your utmost to win.(11.6-7)

Write two sentences using the words one and you in the ways shown above.

EExplain the words and phrases in italics:

1It is possible to play simply for the fun and exercise.(1.8)

2There was a lot of fun and laughter at the party.

3He didn't mean any harm; it was all in good fun.

4He's upset because everyone made fun of him.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.

Comprehension 理解

1The writer questions the assumption that ______.

a.people enjoy sport

b.there are general principles governing sport

c.sport makes war less likely

d.sport is enjoyed by common people

2According to the writer, the only purpose of competitive games is _______.

a.beating your opponent

b.getting plenty of exercises

c.having fun

d.doing your best

3A competitive sportsman is likely to feel _____ if he loses.




d.even more competitive

4At the international level _____.

a.the players are at war with each other

b.the spectators take part in the sporting contests

c.nations appear to be at war with one another

d.sport brings out the best qualities in a nation


5If only ______ possible for the common peoples to meet each other.(11.1-2)

a.it would be

b.it could be

c.it were

d.it might be

6You play ______ win.(1.6)

a.in order to

b.in order that

c.so that


7The village green is the _____ you pick sides.(1.7)

a.the place

b.the time

c.the reason

d.the cause

8______ the question of national prestige arises … (11.8-9)

a.The moment


c.As long as


Vocabulary 词汇

9If we could meet at football, we would have no _____ to meet on the battlefield.(11.1-2)





10You could _____ from general principles that international sporting contests lead to orgies of hatred.(11.4-5)





11If you lose, the ______ combative instincts are aroused.(11.9-10)


b.most serious

c.most frightening

d.most dangerous

12The ____ thing is not the behaviour of the players -(11.11-12)






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