





Lesson 8 Trading standards 贸易标准

发布者: 上官飞飞 | 发布时间: 2007-5-15 00:01| 查看数: 3721| 评论数: 0|






Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible.Use one complete sentence for each answer.

1What does this phrase mean:… put sand in the wheels of trade between rich countries.(1.3)

2What point is made about European-approved electric razors compared with American dialysis machines?

3Why will the Americans and Europeans be‘hard-pressed to get a deal’? (11.11-12)


Give another word or phrase to replace these words as they are used in the passage: slaughtered(1.1);grace European tables(1.1); the EU' s okay(1.6); hits(1.6); eliminate the need(1.9); summit(1.10); complex(1.11);they may be hard-pressed(1.11); construct(1.13); accord(1.13); hammer out(1.14); products(1.16).

Sentence structure句子结构

ACombine the following sentences to make one complex statement out of each group.Make any changes you think necessary but do not alter the sense of the original.Refer to the passage when you have finished the exercise:

1Chickens have been slaughtered in the United States.They are not fit to grace European tables.Officials in Brussels claim this.(1.1)

2An electric razor meets the European Union's safety standards.It must be approved by American tests.Only then can it be sold in the United States.An American-made dialysis machine needs the EU' s okay.Only then can it be sold in Europe.(11.4-6)

3Politicians agree in principle.America and the EU have been trying to reach a deal.This would eliminate the need to double test many products.(11.8-10)

4Negotiators are optimistic.The details are complex.They may be hard-pressed to get a deal at all.(11.11-12)

5The EU follows fine continental traditions.It wants agreement on general principles.They could be applied to many types of products.Perhaps they could be extended to other countries as well.(11.15-16)

BWhat, in your opinion, is the author's main argument in this text?

Key structures关键句型

AWrite these sentences again changing the position of the words or phrases in italics.Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:

1Before it can be sold in the United States, an electric razor that meets the European Union's safety standards much be approved by American testers.(11.4-5)

2A razor that is safe in Europe is unlikely to electrocute Americans, as it happens.(1.7)

3The details are complex enough that they may be hard-pressed to get a deal at all, although negotiators are optimistic.(11.11-12)

BReplace the words in italics with suitable alternatives:

1Our fowl are fine, we simply clean them in a different way.(1.2)

2It is not just farmers who are complaining.(11.3-4)

3They hope to finish in time for a trade summit between America and the EU on May 28th.(1.10)

CSupply the missing words and explain their use, then refer to the passage.

1No, ...the Americans: our fowl are find.(1.2)

2The Americans would happily reach one accord on standards for medical devices and then hammer out different pacts cover,…, electronic goods and drug manufacturing.(11.13-15)

DSupply the missing words, then refer to the passage.

1It is not just farmers … are complaining.(11.3-4)

2An electric razor … meets the European Union's safety standards must be approved by American testers.(11.4-5)

3As it happens, a razor … is safe is unlikely to electrocute Americans.(1.7)

4America and the EU have been trying to reach a deal … would eliminate the need to double-test.(1.9)

5The EU wants agreement on general principles … could be applied to many types of products.(11.15-16)

Special difficulties难点

ANote this use of way:

We simply clean them in a different way.(1.2)

Explain the meaning of these phrases with way in these sentences:

1We simply clean them in a different way.

2I think they went this way.

3I bought an evening paper on my way home.

4In a way, I think you may be right.

5Could you move that step-ladder please? It's in my way.

BNote this use of the verb sell.

An electric razor must be approved by American testers before it can be sold in the US.(11.4-5)

Explain the various uses of sell and sale in these sentences:

1The house next door has been sold.

2The flat upstairs is for sale.

3I bought this coat quite cheaply in the sales.

4I've been asking for a reasonable amount for my car, but it's still unsold.

CNote the use of in time in this sentence:

They hope to finish in time for a trade summit.(1.10)

Explain these phrases with time:

1I was on time for my appointment with my dentist.

2In times like these people become cautious about spending money.

3I'm glad I didn't live in the middle ages.In those times people died young.

4Fortunately, I was just in time to catch the last train home.

5I missed the celebrations in Hong Kong.I was in Singapore at the time.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1Which one of these statements is true?

a.American farmers are the only ones who are complaining about trading standards.

b.Problems with trading standards don't affect only American farmers.

c.Europe is happy to import American poultry.

d.There is general agreement about regulations for world trade.

2An electric razor made in the EU can only be sold in the US ____.

a.if it conforms with European required standards

b.when it is safe to use

c.when it has hit the markets in Europe

d.after it has been given approval by US authorities

3Business people on both sides of the Atlantic ____.

a.question whether two sets of tests are necessary

b.think the present situation is satisfactory

c.have agreed to abandon two sets of tests

d.have set up a single test which has everyone's approval

4The main difference between the two sides is that ____.

a.it's difficult to construct agreements

b.one side wants a general agreement and the other wants lots of separate ones

c.neither of them can agree about electronic goods and drug manufacturing

d.the EU follows fine continental traditions


5American farmers can't export chickens to Europe ____ differences in national regulations.(1.1)


b.according to

c.in respect of

d.because of

6An electric razor from the EU ____ sold in the US unless it meets US standards.(11.4-5)

a.oughtn't to be

b.can't be

c.shouldn't be

d.doesn't have to be

7America and the EU ____ to reach a deal.(1.9)

a.are still trying

b.always try


d.were trying

8The details are ____ that they may be hard-pressed to get a deal.(11.11-12)

a.so complex

b.enough complex

c.such complexity

d.too complex


9 There are many differences in national ____.(11.2-3)





10An electric razor that ____ Europe must be approved by American testers.(11.4-5)



c.is suitable for


11America and the EU have been trying to get ____ double tests.(1.9)

a.away from

b.rid of

c.out of

d.lost in

12Although negotiators are ____...(1.11)






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