





Lesson 17 A man-made disease 人为的疾病

发布者: 上官飞飞 | 发布时间: 2007-5-15 00:06| 查看数: 3245| 评论数: 0|




Comprehension 理解

Answer these questions:

1Why is the rabbit regarded as a serious pest in Australia?

2Why did it prove impossible to exterminate rabbits completely in Australia?

3How was myxomatosis introduced to Europe?


Refer to the text to see how the following words have been used, then write sentences of your own using these words: enterprising (1.1); devastation (1.3); burrowing (1.3); devouring the herbage (1.4); susceptible (1.5); fatal (1.5); epidemics (1.6); drastically reduced (11.9-10); completely exterminated (1.11); bequeathed (1.13); the confines of his estate (1.15); domesticated (1.17).

The paragraph 段落

ADrawing your information from the first paragraph (lines 1-12), write a list of points in note form to answer the following question:

How did the rabbit overrun the continent of Australia, and what steps were taken to exterminate it?

BRead the second paragraph again (lines 13-19).Then, using the list of points given below, reconstruct the paragraph in your own words as far as possible.Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise.

1Australia acquired rabbit from Europe: a pest.

2Europe acquired from Australia myxomatosis: a pestilence.

3French physician introduced it---- estate.

4It spread.

5France: rabbit not a pest; sport; food supply.

6Britain: rabbit: a pest; tame rabbits: fur industry.

7Could man control his artificial disease?

CWrite a paragraph of about 200 words on one of the following subjects:

1Pest control.

2The balance of nature.

Key structures关键句型

APut the words in parentheses in their correct position in these sentences.In many cases, more than one position is possible.Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:

1In the early days of the settlement of Australia, enterprising settlers introduced the European rabbit.(unwisely) (11.1-2)

2It was found that there was a type of mosquito which acted as the carrier of this disease and passed it on to the rabbits.(later) (11.7-8)

3It spread the disease all over the continent and reduced the rabbit population.(effectively, drastically) (11.9-10)

4It became apparent that rabbits were developing a degree of resistance to the disease, so that the rabbit population was unlikely to be exterminated.(later, completely) (11.10-11)5Europe, which had bequeathed the rabbit as a pest to Australia, acquired this man-made disease as a pestilence.(ironically) (11.13-14)

BCompare these two uses of so that:

1This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes, so that it multiplied with that promiscuous abandon characteristic of rabbits.(11.2-3)

2I went to Switzerland last winter so that I could do some skiing.

Write two sentences using so that in the ways shown above.

CNote the form of the verbs in italics in this sentence:

So while the rest of the world was trying to get rid of mosquitoes, Australia was encouraging this one.(11.8-9)

Complete the following sentences:

1While Tom was doing his homework, his sister ______.

2While my wife was seeing to the evening meal, I ______.

DSupply the missing words in this sentence.Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:

It spread through France, ______wild rabbits are not generally regarded as a pest but as a sport and a useful food supply, and it spread to Britain ______wild rabbits are regarded as a pest but ______domesticated rabbits, equally susceptible to the disease, are the basis of a profitable fur industry.(11.15-18)

Special difficulties难点

AStudy the following pairs of words and then write sentences of your own to bring out the difference.

1discovered (1.4) ---- invented

Captain Cook discovered Antarctica when he was exploring the Eastern Pacific Ocean.

Do you have any idea who invented the safety pin?

2disease (1.5) ---- decease

Poverty and disease usually go together.

A national crisis was caused by the sudden decease of the President.

3basis (1.18) ---- base

What's your basis for making such a decision?

The base of the memorial is engraved with the names of those who died.

4apparent (1.10) ---- obvious

It soon became apparent that our opponents were too strong for us.

It was obvious to the parents that Tom was lying.

5acquired (1.13) ---- obtained

He has acquired a fearsome reputation.

Further information can be obtained from the information centre.

6degree (1.10) ---- rank

To a certain degree, I accept the truth of what you say, even if I disagree with your conclusions.(degree = extent) The campaign to protect the countryside involves people from all degrees of society, not just the landowning classes.(degree = social class)

What rank was your father when he was in the army? (rank = an official position on a scale)

BNote the use of early in this phrase: in the early days (1.1).Write sentences using the following phrases:in the early hours; in the early years; at an early age.

CWrite sentences to illustrate the use of the following verbs: overrun (l.3); overtake; overdo; overlook.

DCompare the use of spread in these two sentences:

1It (the mosquito) effectively spread the disease all over the continent.(1.9)

2It (the disease) spread through France.(11.15-16)

Write two sentences to illustrate these uses of spread.

ENote the spelling of this word: manageable (1.12).Add -able to the following words, retaining or dropping the e where necessary: move; love; peace; knowledge; change; service; believe.

FNote the use of own in this phrase: on his own estate (1.14).Write sentences using the following phrases:my own; on my own; of my own.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1One of the reasons rabbits multiplied so rapidly in Australia is that they ______.

a.were unwisely introduced by enterprising settlers

b.breed rapidly

c.overran the continent

d.overcame their natural enemies in the Antipodes

2Scientists found ______ of spreading myxomatosis.

a.one way

b.two ways

c.three ways

d.a large number of ways

3The disease was spread right across the continent of Australia largely because ______.

a.of the mosquito

b.of the rabbit

c.scientists let infected animals loose in burrows

d.Australia encouraged diseased rabbits to migrate to other places

4Myxomatosis, that was a blessing in Australia, proved to be ______in Europe.


b.a disease


d.a curse


5This rabbit had no natural enemies in the Antipodes ______.(1.2)

a.and as a result it multiplied

b.in order to multiply

c.so that it might multiply

d.because it multiplied

6It______ and caused devastation.(1.3)



c.was burrowing

d.has burrowed

7______ were local epidemics created? By infecting animals.(1.6)





8It was ______ to create local epidemics of this disease.(11.6-7)






9It caused devastation by ______ the herbage.(11.3-4)

a.burrowing into




10By infecting animals and ______them loose in burrows ...(1.6)





11The rabbits were able to ______this disease to a certain extent.(1.10)

a.react to




12Australia ______the rabbit as a pest from Europe.(1.13)






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