





Lesson 23 Bird flight 鸟的飞行方法

发布者: 上官飞飞 | 发布时间: 2007-5-15 00:09| 查看数: 4298| 评论数: 0|




Answer these questions:

1Why is the albatross described as‘the king of the gliders’?

2Why does the author single out the swallow for special praise?


Refer to the text to see how the following words have been used, then write sentences of your own using these words: infinite (1.1); sufficient sustenance (1.5); harness (1.6); yield (1.6); endowed (1.8); irresistible power (1.9); bore(1.9); like(1.11); utter(1.11); adverse(1.15); omens(1.16)

The paragraph段落

ADrawing your information from lines 1-10(‘No two sorts…exhaustion follows.’)write a list of points in note form to answer the following question: How does the flight of an albatross differ from that of a duck?

BRead lines 12-17 again.(‘The swallow shares…wish it good-morning.’)Then, using the list of points given below, reconstruct the author's description in your own words as far as possible.Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise.

1Swallow: the good qualities of both schools.

2Does not tire; has great power.

3Flies as much as 6,000 miles to and from nesting home.

4Feeds young in flight.

5Good progress in adverse conditions.

6Such birds do us good.

7No omens----even among superstitious villagers.

CWrite a paragraph of about 200 words on one of the following subjects:

1The power of flight.


Key structures关键句型

ASupply a, an or the where necessary in the following.Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:

No two sorts of______ birds practise quite ______ same sort of______ flight;______ varieties are infinite; but______ two classes may be roughly seen.Any ship that crosses ______Pacific is accompanied for many days by______ smaller albatross, which may keep company with______ vessel for ______hour without______ visible or______ more than occasional movement of______ wing.______currents of______ air that______ walls of______ ship direct upwards, as well as in ______line of its course are enough to give______ great bird with______ its immense wings sufficient sustenance and______ progress.______ albatross is______ king of______ gliders, ______class of______ fliers which harness______ air to their purpose, but must yield to its opposition.(11.1-6)

BNote the form of the verbs in italics:

You may pick them up in utter exhaustion, if wind over the sea has driven them to a long journey.(11.11-12)Complete the following sentences:

1If you have ever driven at a hundred miles an hour______

2If you have never been to New Zealand______

3If you have finished your work______

CSupply the correct form of the verbs in parentheses.Do not refer to the passage until you have finished the exercise:

The swallow______(share)the virtues of both schools in highest measure.It______(tire) not nor ______(boast) of its power; but______(belong) to the air,______(travel)it may be six thousand miles to and from its northern nesting home,______(feed) its flown young as it______(fly), and (slip)through a medium that______(seem)to help its passage even when the wind______(be)adverse.(11.12-15)

Special difficulties难点

AStudy the following pairs of words and then write sentences of your own to bring out the difference:


I'm quite happy at my new school.

Please be quiet.I can't think with all that noise you're making.


He has a good collection of butterflies with beautiful markings on their wings.

Old-fashioned quill pens were made from strong goose feathers.


The ship had been blown off course in the storm.

He wore an old jacket made of coarse cloth.

BNote how the words sort and kind can be used in the singular and in the plural:

No two sorts(or kinds)of birds practise quite the same sort(or kind)of flight.(1.1)

Write two sentences using the words sort and sorts.

CExplain the meaning of rough and roughly in these sentences:

1Two classes may be roughly seen.(11.1-2)

2The surface of this road is very rough.

3Roughly six hundred people attended the meeting.

4Last night the sea was very rough.

DWrite sentences using the following expressions:

keep company with(1.3); as well as(1.4); take off their hats to(1.17).

ENote the use of good in this phrase:‘a good part of the weight of the bird’(11.8-9).

Write sentences using the following phrases:

a good fifteen minutes; a good twenty miles; a good five hundred people; a good many;a good few

FNote how such as may be used to introduce an example:

Their humbler followers, such as partridges,…(11.10-11)

Write two sentences using such as in this way.

GNoth the phrase do us good(1.15).Which of the following words are used with do and which with make: your duty; an excuse; a fortune; wrong; harm; an attempt; a bed; a proposal; sense; a speech; the shopping; a problem; a lesson; a difference; a copy; an announcement; an agreement; some work; a job; money; a mistake; a noise.

With which of the above words would it be possible to use either do or make?

HNote the phrase: wish it good-morning(1.17).

Write sentences using the following phrases:

wish me luck; wish me well; wish me good-night.

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1The two classes of flight depend on ______.

a.occasional movement and progress

b.wing span and gliding

c.gliding and muscle-power

d.wind currents and machinery

2The albatross can keep flying for very long periods because it ______.

a.actively uses air movement to stay in the sky

b.it is a very great bird

c.recognizes ships at sea

d.it can glide in any direction, regardless of air currents

3Ducks can fly in any direction ______.

a.and stay in the air indefinitely

b.but are too heavy to fly for long

c.and uses engine power

d.but can run out of energy

4The swallow ______.

a.is often greeted by superstitious villagers

b.is good for people

c.combines both forms of flight

d.is an omen of good luck


5The albatross ______to yield to the opposition of the wind.(1.6)





6The duck comes nearer to the engines ______man has‘conquered’the air with.(11.7-8)





7Partridges ______a like power of strong propulsion.(1.11)





8It ______, not does it boast of its power.(1.13)

a.does not tire

b.not tire

c.not tires

d.do not tire


9There is no ______to the variety of flight practised by birds.(1.1)





10The great bird has______ wings.(1.5)





11Duck, like pigeons, are ______with steel-like muscles.(1.8)





12We no longer look for ______in the way they fly.(11.15-16)






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