





Lesson 41 lllusions of pastoral peace 宁静田园生活的遐想

发布者: 上官飞飞 | 发布时间: 2007-5-17 23:05| 查看数: 4151| 评论数: 0|





Give short answers to these questions in your own words as far as possible. Use one complete sentence for each answer.

1How long did one of the author's city friends live in the country?

2Why does the author find fault with his friend's description of the country?

3Why does the author consider people who have to travel from the country to the city every day unfortunate?


Explain the meanings of the following words and phrases as they are used in the passage: extol the virtues (1. 6); illusion (1. 7); superior to (1. 8); maintains (1. 9); glinting (1. 10); tolerate (1. 14); beyond me (1. 15).

Summary writing摘要写作

In not more than 80 words give an account of the advantages which the author attributes to living in the city. Use your own words as far as possible. Do not include anything that is not in the last paragraph.


Write a Composition in about 300 words on one of the following:

aWrite an answer to the above passage pointing out the advantages of living in the country and the disadvantages ofliving in the city.

bWhich part of your country would you prefer to live in and why?

Letter writing书信写作

A friend of yours who lives in the country intends to come to town for a few days and has written to you asking if you could put him up. Write him a letter of about 100 words offering him the use of your guestroom.

Key structures


Special difficulties关键句型和难点

Rewrite the following sentence without changing the meaning. Then refer to 11. 14-15.

I can't understand why people are prepared to tolerate a four-hour journey each day for the dubious privilege of living in the country.

Why people …

Multiple choice questions多项选择题

Choose the correct answers to the following questions.


1What is the main difference between the writer and most of his friends?

a.They often visit the country but he has only spent one weekend there.

b.Unlike them, being brought up in the city, he can appreciate its worth.

c.In contrast to them, he finds city people friendlier than country people.

d.He thinks them hypocritical to maintain a preference for country life.

2What advantage has the city dweller over the country dweller in terms of entertainment?

a.He can entertain his country friends more often than they can him.

b.His choice of entertainment is wide and within easy reach of him.

c.As he travels by bus and not by train, he can see the latest plays.

d.He does not need a major operation when planning a visit to the theatre.

3When he speaks of the beauty to be found in the city, the writer ______ .

a.alludes to the comparative cheerlessness of winter nights in the country

b.means that if more people settled in the city they would find peace

c.advertises the fact that the city is a warmer place than the country

d.implies that the country is less peaceful than the city at weekends


4I ______ and bred in the city and have always regarded …(11. 1-2)

a.being born

b.had been born

c.was born

d.am born

5He ______ talking about the friendly people … (11. 8-9)

a.never tires of

b.is never tiring of

c.is never tired

d.is never tiring when

6The latest exhibitions, films or plays are only ______ . (1. 23)

a.by bus a short distance away

b.a short distance by bus away

c.a short distance away by bus

d.the distance of a short bus away

7---- and stagger home loaded with ______ exotic items as they can carry. (11. 25-26)

a.as many of the

b.as many

c.so many

d.the most

8I have always been mystified ______ city dwellers, who …(11. 29-30)


b.by the fact that

c.for what



9______ the only form of entertainment (1. 12)

a.pretty well



d.in particular

10If you can ______ without the few pastoral pleasures of the country …(1. 17)





11As the play ______ … (11. 21-22)

a.reaches its climax

b.nears its end

c.ends its run

d.draws the curtain

12Few things can have such an ______ as the peace …(11. 27-28)






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