





[双语新闻]德前总理施罗德离职后苦学英语 闲暇泡酒吧

发布者: david | 发布时间: 2005-12-9 14:16| 查看数: 2347| 评论数: 2|

<FONT size=4><FONT color=#840084>[双语新闻]</FONT>德前总理施罗德离职后苦学英语 闲暇泡酒吧<BR>  Former German Chancellor Improving English in Wales </FONT>
<FONT size=4><FONT color=#0008ff><STRONG>摘要:</STRONG> <BR>    德国前总理格哈德·施罗德离职后并不轻松。日前,他正在英格兰和威尔士交界的一个小镇上,为提高自己的英语水平进行着不懈努力。不过,这位德国政坛曾经的大忙人现在却可以在学习之余,忙里偷闲地喝上一些自己钟爱的啤酒。 <BR>    Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is reportedly improving his English language skills and sinking a few pints of beer in a small town on the border of England and Wales.</FONT> </FONT>
<FONT size=4>    德国前总理格哈德·施罗德离职后并不轻松。日前,他正在英格兰和威尔士交界的一个小镇上,为提高自己的英语水平进行着不懈努力。不过,这位德国政坛曾经的大忙人现在却可以在学习之余,忙里偷闲地喝上一些自己钟爱的啤酒。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>    据法新社12月6日报道,11月22日,德国前总理施罗德正式离开总理府,让位给德国历史上首位女总理默克尔。日前,他正在威尔士蒙哥马利镇的一所18世纪建造的房子中苦学英语,而且课程安排一点也不轻松。对此,施罗德自己也坦白承认,在他长达7年的总理任期中,自己的英语水平并不是很理想。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>    报道还说,除了下苦功提高自己的英语水平之外,现年61岁的施罗德在学习之余,偶尔还会到当地一家酒吧喝上几杯啤酒。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>    离职后,施罗德曾于上个月宣布,将到瑞士规模最大的媒体集团担任顾问工作,主要负责一些“国际政治方面的问题”。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>    (国际在线独家资讯 王高山) </FONT>
<FONT size=4>本稿件为国际在线专稿,媒体转载请注明稿件来源和译者姓名。 </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    Former German Chancellor Gerhard Schroeder is reportedly improving his English language skills and sinking a few pints of beer in a small town on the border of England and Wales. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    Schroeder, who left office last month, is taking intensive lessons in the small Welsh town of Montgomery in an 18th century country house, the reports said. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    The website of the company offering courses at the house promises lessons "for business and professional people". </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    Schroeder, 61, was also reported to be occasionally enjoying a pint at the local pub, The Dragon Hotel. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    A member of staff at the pub told AFP she was not prepared to comment on the report. Schroeder freely admitted during his seven-year term in office that his English was not strong. </FONT>
<FONT size=4><FONT face=Arial color=#840084>    He announced last month that he was to work as an advisor to leading Swiss media group, Ringier, on "issues of international politics".</FONT> </FONT>


samin 发表于 2005-12-10 23:14:27
xiaowu 发表于 2005-12-23 15:49:12
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