





[双语新闻]科学家揭示“泰坦尼克”新发现 船体裂为3段

发布者: david | 发布时间: 2005-12-9 14:21| 查看数: 3050| 评论数: 1|

<FONT size=4><FONT color=#840084>[双语新闻]</FONT>科学家揭示“泰坦尼克”新发现 船体裂为3段<BR>  Scientists Unveil New Titanic Discoveries </FONT>
<FONT size=4><FONT color=#0008ff><STRONG>摘要:</STRONG> <BR>    美国水下探险家12月5日表示,他们发现的更多的“泰坦尼克号”残骸说明,这一豪华客轮当初沉没时,船体断裂成了3部分,而并非以前人们普遍认为的两部分。正因为如此,船体下沉速度也要比先前认为的快。 <BR>    Undersea explorers said Monday that the discovery of more wreckage from the Titanic suggests that the luxury liner broke into three sections — not two, as commonly thought — and thus sank faster than previously believed.</FONT> </FONT>
<FONT size=4>    美国水下探险家12月5日表示,他们发现的更多的“泰坦尼克号”残骸说明,这一豪华客轮当初沉没时,船体断裂成了3部分,而并非以前人们普遍认为的两部分。正因为如此,船体下沉速度也要比先前认为的快。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>    据美联社12月5日报道,泰坦尼克历史学家帕克斯·斯蒂芬森在美国马萨诸塞州伍兹霍尔海洋研究所的一次会议上表示:“泰坦尼克号的崩溃以及它的下沉从未被精确地描绘过。” </FONT>
<FONT size=4>    1985年,海洋探险家罗伯特·巴拉德在纽芬兰岛东南方380英里(约610公里)处,1.3万英尺(约3900米)的水底,发现了大量的泰坦尼克号残骸。当时,他描绘说,船体断裂成两大部分。1997年描绘这场巨大灾难的好莱坞影片《泰坦尼克号》就是按照这种说法来描绘船体沉没时的情景的。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>    然而,由美国历史频道(History Channel)发起的一项最新的探险活动则在距离其它残骸三分之一英里远的地方发现了两块船体碎片,每片大约为40英尺长,90英尺宽。海洋探险家们表示,这些船体碎片所处的位置说明,当时“泰坦尼克号”的船底和船身分离,从而形成了第3块主要的船体残骸,而不久之后它就一分为二。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>    报道说,“泰坦尼克号”被其拥有者称为是一艘不会沉没的豪华客轮,然而就在其处女航时,撞上了北大西洋一座冰山,并于1912年4月14日沉没,船上1500余人因此失去了生命。 </FONT>
<FONT size=4>    (国际在线独家资讯 王高山) </FONT>
<FONT size=4>本稿件为国际在线专稿,媒体转载请注明稿件来源和译者姓名。 </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    Undersea explorers said Monday that the discovery of more wreckage from the Titanic suggests that the luxury liner broke into three sections — not two, as commonly thought — and thus sank faster than previously believed. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    "The breakup and sinking of the Titanic has never been accurately depicted," Parks Stephenson, a Titanic historian, said at a conference at the Woods Hole Oceanographic Institute. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    The ocean liner that was billed as "unsinkable" by its owner struck an iceberg on its maiden voyage and went down in the North Atlantic on April 14, 1912. About 1,500 people were killed. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    Undersea explorer Robert Ballard located the bulk of the wreck in 1985, at a depth of 13,000 feet and about 380 miles southeast of Newfoundland. He declared that the ship had broken into two major sections, and that is the way the sinking was portrayed in the 1997 movie about he catastrophe. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    However, the latest expedition, sponsored by the History Channel, found two hull pieces, each roughly 40 feet by 90 feet and lying about a third of a mile from the rest of the wreck. The explorers said the location of the wreckage indicates that the ship's bottom came off the ship intact — constituting a third major piece — and later broke in two. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    Ballard played down the importance of the find. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    "They found a fragment, big deal," Ballard said. "Am I surprised? No. When you go down there, there's stuff all over the place. It hit an iceberg and it sank. Get over it."</FONT>


samin 发表于 2005-12-10 21:24:33
There are too much unacquianted words that I don't know...<BR><FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>Ballard played down the importance of the find. <BR></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084 size=4>    "They found a fragment, big deal," Ballard said. "Am I surprised? No. When you go down there, there's stuff all over the place. It hit an iceberg and it sank. Get over it."</FONT> <BR>the two sentences were not translated yet,how do  "get over it" mean?<BR>
Anyway,thank David for providing this article
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