





Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation

发布者: jessie | 发布时间: 2005-12-9 17:15| 查看数: 9709| 评论数: 11|

<IMG src="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/images/title.jpg" border=0><STRONG><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000080 size=2>(1)</FONT></STRONG>
<br><FONT face="Arial Narrow" color=#000080 size=4><FONT color=#000080><B>[不妙]<A>something</A> is to pay<br></B></FONT><br>经理感到事情有些不妙。<br>The manager had a hunch that something was to pay.<br><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语的“有些不妙”或“有点不对头”的概念常可用something is to pay的句式来表示。这一短语常和feel或have a hunch that连用。<br></FONT><br><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<br></FONT></U></B><br><B>Bob</B>: Didn't you see the writing on the wall?<br><B>Sue</B>: I even didn't have the slightest hunch.<br><B>Bob</B>: But you should be prepared for such an outcome.<br><B>Sue</B>: I had too much confidence in him.<br><B>Bob</B>: But he ruined your business.<br><B>Sue</B>: Well, if I knew there would be something to pay, I wouldn't should chalk it up to experience.<br><B>Bob</B>: Well, you should chalk it up to experience.<br><B>Sue</B>: You're right.


<B><FONT color=#000080>[眼中钉]a <A>thorn</A> in someone's flesh</FONT></B>
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>不知为什么我成了他们的眼中钉了。我可从未错待过他们。<br>I wonder why I become a thorn in their flesh. I've never harmed them.<br>我们说的“眼中钉”与英美人讲的a thorn in someone's flesh指的是一回事,虽比喻有异,但意思相同。与此说法相似的还有“刺耳的话”(a flea in someone's ear)。<br></FONT><br><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<br></FONT></U></B><br><B>Frank</B>: I don't know why I should become a thorn in the John's flesh.<br><B>Betty</B>: You mean your boss?<br><B>Frank</B>: Yeah. He seems to bear me a grudge.<br><B>Betty</B>: That's because you are too much on the ball.<br><B>Frank</B>: But why should that make him hate me?<br><B>Betty</B>: That's because you put him in the shade.


<B><FONT color=#000080>[馋得流口水]make someone's <A>mouth</A> water<br></FONT></B><br>桌上的美味佳肴馋得他直流口水。<br>The delicacies on the table make him mouth water.<br><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>“使某人流口水”指“使某人垂涎”,是地道的汉语口语。这一概念一般是用make someone mouth water的句式来表达的。<br></FONT><br><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<br></FONT></U></B><br><B>Sue</B>: Wow! What a gracious table! Everything looks so beautiful.<br><B>Bob</B>: This might be the best dinner you've ever had.<br><B>Sue</B>: Surely it is. I can hardly wait. They make my mouth water.<br><B>Bob</B>: I feel itching, too. Let's start and try these delicacies.
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[胡说八道]<A>shooting</A> from the hip<br></FONT></B><br>他说我迷恋上李丽了?这简直是胡说八道!<br>He thinks I've got the hots for Lily? It's shooting from the hip!<br><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语中的"胡说八道"曾被译成break wind。其实,英美人更习惯用shoot from the hip来表示这一说法。<br></FONT><br><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B><br><br><B>Rose</B>: I didn't know Joe was two-faced. He stabbed me in the back.<br><B>Mark</B>: What did he do?<br><B>Rose</B>: He told my boyfriend that I had affairs with several men, which, of course, made my boy friend very suspicious of me.<br><B>Mark</B>: I didn't believe he would shoot from the hip like that! It was very vicious of him. You must not put up with him.<br><B>Rose</B>: Of course not! He will soon know what he deserves!
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[各奔东西]<A>drift</A> apart<br></FONT></B><br>毕业后我们班的同学就各奔东西了。<br><br>After graduation my classmates drifted apart.<br><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>“各奔东西”指的是“散开”或“不在一起”的意思,但“散开”或“分散开”的英语是disperse,常指“分散精力”,“疏散人群”或“驱散云雾”等概念。因而,“各奔东西”不宜使用disperse,而应该用drift apart。此语中的drift是漂流的意思。<br></FONT><br><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B><br><br><B>John</B>: What have you been doing these days, mark?<br><B>Mark</B>: I've been trying to track down some of our old friends.<br><B>John</B>: I haven't been keeping in touch with them. We simply drifted apart.<br><B>Mark</B>: We lost track of each other somehow after we graduated.<br><B>John</B>: Did you ever bump into any of them?<br><B>Mark</B>: A few Some have settled down, some are tied down, some are living it up and others are in a rut.
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[呕吐]shoot the <A>cat</A><br></FONT></B><br>他刚吃完饭就吐了。<br><br>He shoot the cat right after the meal.<br><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>Shoot the cat 是一条俚语,意即vomit。表示"呕吐"的概念时,除了用shoot, 还可以用jerk,形成jerk the cat的说法。<br></FONT><br><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences<br></FONT></U></B><br>1、 他告诉医生说他一吃完饭就吐,不知道是为什么。<br><br>He told the doctor that he would shoot the cat right after meals without knowing why.<br><br>2、 他又吐了,肯定又喝多了。<br><br>He's shooting the cat again. He must have drank too many again.<br><br>3、她说吃牛肉就吐,但是还特别想吃。<br><br>She says she would shoot the cat after eating beef and she doesn't seem to be able to resist eating it.
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<B><FONT color=#000080>打嗝]make a <A>belch</A><br></FONT></B><br>孩子打嗝儿了,让他喝口水吧。<br><br>The kid is making a belch. Give him a drink.<br><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语中的“打嗝儿”可以用动词belch来表示,也可以用make a belch的形式。作为动词使用,belch有“猛烈喷射”、“阵阵冒出”以及“打嗝”等意。在日常口语中,英美人一般使用make a belch的说法。<br><br></FONT><br><B><FONT color=#800000><U>Sample Sentences<br></U></FONT></B><br>1、 有人说当你打嗝儿时,想想别的事就会好的。<br><br>It's said that when you are making a belch, think of something else and the belch will be off.<br><br>2、 你快给他多穿点衣服吧。他都打嗝了。<br><br>He's making a belch. Give him more clothes to make him warm.<br><br>3、 有人说打嗝时喝点儿热水就会好的。<br><br>It's said drinking some warm water can help get over the belch.
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[久等]cool one's <A>heels</A><br></FONT></B><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语中“久等”或“足足等了”之类的概念可以用Cool one's heels来表示。比如:I have left cooling my heels since seven o'clock.此语源于古时,人们一般骑马外出,当马走的路程太长或太疲惫时,马蹄就会发热,骑马的人必须停下来,让马休息,一直到马蹄凉下来再走。<br></FONT><br><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences<br></FONT></U></B><br>1、 报社记者必须学会久等,这也是他们的一个任务。<br><br>Newspaper reporters must learn to accept cooling their heels as part of their job.<br><br>2、 他们让我在经理办公室的门外等了好外。<br><br>I was left cooling my heels outside the manager's office.<br><br>3、 让他久等?他是耐不住这个性子的。<br>Asking him to wait ? He had no patience in cooling his heels.<br><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:但值得注意的是,英语cool one's heels作为“久等”或“足足等了”的地道表示法,只能用于“白白等了”的情景之中,若“久等”而“白等”时就应该用be kept waiting来表示。比如:对不起,让您久等了。I'm sorry to have kept you waiting.</FONT>
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[各有利弊]cut <A>both</A> ways<br></FONT></B><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>在国营企业或合资企业工作各有利弊:在国营企业工作比较安定,但工资较少;在合资企业工业挣钱多一些,可是又不稳定。<br></FONT><br>It cuts both ways to work in a state-run enterprise or a joint venture :the pay from a state-run enterprise is relatively lower but you feel more stable while in a joint venture you feel unassured, though the pay is relatively higher.<br><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>“各有利弊”一般是用have both advantages and disadvantages的片语来表示的。但作为口语,用cut both ways似乎更好些。此语直译为“两面都砍”。这也就如同在说,事物既有好的一面,也有其坏的一面;有有利的一面,也有不利的一面,与汉语的“各有利弊”相吻合。<br></FONT><br><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<br></FONT></U></B><br><B>Li Ming</B>: I head that you have found a new job in a joint venture. What about the pay?<br><B>Zhao Hua</B>: 2,000 yuan a month.<br><B>Li Ming:</B> 2,000 yuan a month? That's four times the pay I get! No wonder many people are crazy about finding a job in a joint venture.<br><B>Zhao Hua</B>: Well, it cut both ways. When you work in a state-run enterprise as the one you do now, you feel safe and stable. But those who are working in a joint venture do not have that feeling, you know what I mean.<br><B>Li Ming</B>: Sure, But most people still prefer to have a job that has a higher pay.
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[吃闭门羹]to a <A>locked</A> door<br></FONT></B><br>我昨天去他家看他,不想吃了闭门羹。<br><br>I went to see him yesterday, but unfortunately I was to a locked door.<br><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语中“吃闭门羹”的说法指登门拜访某人而某人不在家。在大多数的场合,是用to a locked door的片语来表示的。<br></FONT><br><br><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<br></FONT></U></B><br><B>Mark</B>: Did you went to see her last week?<br><B>Mike</B>: Yes, I did. But she was out when I called.<br><B>Mark</B>: But you could tell her mother about that.<br><B>Mike</B>: How could I? I was to a locked door.<br><B>Mark</B>: Did you try again?<br><B>Mike</B>: No. I don't feel comfortable running to a locked door. I would rather wait till she appears.
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[哪儿都找了]<A>look</A> high and low<br></FONT></B><br>我哪儿都找遍了,可还是没找到那反钥匙。<br>I looked high and low for the key, but I couldn't find it any where.<br><br><FONT color=#808000 size=2>有人曾把“哪儿都找遍了”译成looked everywhere似乎也说得过去,但英美人还有个look high and low的说法,十分接近“哪儿都找遍了”所表达的语气。但请注意,有时人们会用search high and low来替代look high and low。在这种情况下,search后面一般跟宾语。<br></FONT><br><B><FONT color=#800000><U>Dialogue</U></FONT></B><br><br><B>Mary</B>: Have you found your watch?<br><B>John</B>: No. I looked high and low in the house but I couldn't find it.<br><B>Mary</B>: Where on earth did you put it?<br><B>John</B>: I remember putting it on the bookshelf, but it's not there.<br><B>Mary</B>: Maybe you have put it somewhere else.</FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-9 17:30:58编辑过]


jessie 发表于 2005-12-9 22:46:59

Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation(10)

<FONT color=#000080> </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#000080>[一根筋儿] one </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial color=#000080>track</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial color=#000080>-minded<BR></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>别跟他较劲了。他一根筋儿,你还不知道?<BR>Stop reasoning with him. Don’t you know he is one track-minded?</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“较劲”的概念有时还可以用 to have a chip on one’s shoulder或 to take off one’s gloves to sb.之类的片语来表示。但请注意:to have (carry) a chip on one’s shoulder有“好斗”或“易被激怒”等意;而 to take off one’s gloves to sb.多含有对某人“不依不饶”之意,在使用时一定要注意这种区别。目前北京人常说的“一根筋儿”的概念十分近似于英美人所说的one track-minded 这一片语的含义。此片语直译为“单轨思维”,其意思是说大脑不灵活,缺乏灵活的思维能力。请看下列例句和对话:<BR></FONT><BR><FONT color=#800000><U>Sample Sentences:</U></FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>1、和一根筋儿的人在一起工作真憋气。<BR>You feel choked to work with those who are one track-minded.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2.一根筋儿的人是不会理解你的意图的。 <BR>A one track-minded person will not understand what you intend. <BR><BR><FONT color=#800000><U>Dialogue:</U></FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Dick: I don't see any point in your reasoning with Lora. She has no sense.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Dora: But she jumped down my throat by raising Cain. She has made a mess of our business.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Dick: C’mon, Dora. She’s only one track-minded. But she didn’t mean to be harmful.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Dora: I know. But I couldn’t put up with her.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>注:l、to jump down one’s throat 粗暴地和某人顶嘴,把某人气得说不出话来  <BR>2、to make mess of……把……搞糟,搞乱  <BR>3、to Put up with…容忍… <BR>4、not take (something) too much to heart对……不要太在意</FONT>
< align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[败家子] a black </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>sheep</FONT></A></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>李明是个败家子。他几乎毁了他爸爸的产业。<BR>Li Ming is the black sheep of his family. He had almost ruined his<BR>father’s business.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“败家子”的概念十分近似于英语中 a black sheep(黑绵羊)这一片语所表达的意思。此片语源于谚语 There is a black sheep in every flock.(每群羊里都有一只黑绵羊)。在使用时除了可以说 a black sheep,还可以说 the black sheep,用起来一般不会出错。请看下面的例句和对话。<BR></FONT><BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><U><FONT color=#800080>Sample Sentences</FONT><BR></U><BR>1、乔是个败家子。几年内他竟然挥霍掉十几万美元。 <BR>Joe is the black sheep of his family. He splashed nearly a hundred thousand US dollars in a few years. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2、迪克是个败家子,总给他家里招惹麻烦。 <BR>Dick is a black sheep, always bringing trouble to his family.<BR>3、吉米总是给他家抹黑:经常逃学不说,还总去商店偷东西。 <BR><BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#800080><U>Dialogue<BR></U></FONT><BR>Mary: How could Henry put up with his son, Dick? He splashed a big sum only last year.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jack: Yeah. He is really a black sheep of the family. But what could his father do?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: If I were Henry, I would not put up with him like that.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jack: Well... Don't boast until you are in the same shoes.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>注:1、to splash a big sum挥霍一大笔钱<BR>2、to be in the same shoes (boat)处于同样处境.</FONT>
< align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[他那号人] people of his </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>sort</FONT></A></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>他怎么知道我会变卦?我可不是他那号人,整天喜怒无常的,说变就变。<BR>How could he think I would go back on my words? I am not his<BR>sort, who is fickle and always blowing hot and cold.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“他那号人”或“你那号人”的说法均可用 your sort或 his sort来表示。英语中的sort在修饰人的时候常带有贬义。上面例句中的 to go back on my words是“说话不算数”的意思,也就是我们常说的“失言”。但请注意:to go back on one’s words 和 to eat one's words 所表达的思想概念不是一回事。to eat one’s words的意思是“被迫收回自己说出的(错)话”,而 to go back on one’s words的意思是“失言”,相当于我们口语中所说的“变卦”。上述的 blowing hot and cold是个成语(idiom),其意思是“喜怒无常”。请看下面的例句和对话。<BR></FONT><BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#800080><U>Sample Sentences<BR></U></FONT><BR>1.我可不是你那号人,整天唠唠叨叨的,总爱挑别人的不是。<BR>I’m not your sort, who is always keeping harping on things and trying to find fault with others.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2. 干吗要怀疑她?她可不是你那号人,办事总是偷偷摸摸的。 <BR>Why should you suspect her? She is not your sort, who is always doing things on the sly. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>3. 我可不是你那号人,老爱占别人的便宜。 <BR>I'm not your sort, who always wants to get the best of others.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial><U><FONT color=#800080>Dialogue</FONT><BR></U><BR>Mary: I can’t believe I’m down and out. I have to pinch pennies.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: You can turn to me when the chips are down.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: I know...but...</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John:  Come on, Mary. I know you can always get out from under. But I’m always glad to help.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: Thank you all the same, John. But I think I can work things out and stand on my own feet again.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>注:1、down and out在这里的意思是“没钱了”,其语气相当于汉语的“把钱花个精光”。<BR>此外,这个片语还可用来表示汉语中“一塌糊徐”或“一无所获”之类的概念。<BR>2、to pinch pennies的意思是“节俭”或“花钱谨慎”,有时还可用来表示“手紧”或“吝啬”。<BR>3、the chips are down的意思也是“没钱”,但要比down and out所表达的意思略轻。<BR>4、to get out from under的意思是“摆脱困境”,相当于汉语口语中“硬撑下来”的语气。</FONT>
< align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial></FONT>
jessie 发表于 2005-12-9 22:48:38

Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation(11)

<DIV><STRONG><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000080 size=2>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[无知的人]an </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>ignoramus</FONT></A></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>我还从来没有遇见过象老张那样无知的人。他竟然连好坏都分不清。<BR>I've never met any ignoramus Lao Zhang. He can't even separate the sheep from the goat.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“无知”的概念可以用ignorant或knowing nothing来表示。当我们说某人是个“无知的人”时,除了可以说 ignorant person之外,还可以用an ignoramus. an ignoramus 一语源于G. Ruggle(拉格尔)所写的剧本《无知之辈》。此后,这一表示法被人们广泛使用,意指“无知的人”。请看下面的例句和对话。<BR></FONT><BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#800080><U>Sample sentences<BR></U></FONT><BR>l.即使是再无知的人也不会相信你的话。<BR>Even a top ignoramus would not believe what you said.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2.老板不会把这项工作交给家你这样一个无知的人。 <BR>The boss wouldn't delegate the job to an ignoramus like you.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>3.你也只能欺骗象老刘那样的无知之人。 <BR>You can only fool an ignoramus like Lao Liu.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#800080><U>Dialogue</U></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: You seem quite upset. What’s troubling you?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Joe:  Don’t you know that Jack has ruined my business?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: How come? You used to tell me that he was a good fellow.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Joe: I didn’t know what sort of fellow he was until last week. He disclosed our development plan to another company ,which enabled them to draw the first blood.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: He's really an ignoramus. How come he would do such a foolish thing?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Joe: God knows.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>注:l、ruined my business的意思是“毁了我的生意”。 <BR>2、 to draw the first blood是条俚语,意思是“先发制人”。</FONT>
< align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[没有坏,心眼的人] the </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>salt</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> of the earth<BR></FONT></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>小赵虽然没有受过多少教育,她却是一个非常善良的姑娘,一个没<BR>有一点坏心眼的女孩子。<BR>Xiao Zhao doesn't have much education and, yet, she is a very kind girl - the salt of the earth.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“没有坏心”的概念一般可用harmless(无伤害性)或upright(正直)之类的词来表示。但是诸如此类的词都不如the salt of the earth更形象、生动。the salt of the earth源出《圣经·新约》中的《马太福音》(Matthew)第五章第十三节。此语直译为“大地之盐”,意指“不会腐烂”。显然,盐是一种防腐烂的物质,因此,把人形容为the salt of the earth的意义就不言而喻了。请看下面<BR>的例句和对话。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800080>Sample Sentences</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>l. 小玲没有一点坏心眼,从来没说过谎话,也没做过对不起别人的事。 <BR>Xiao Ling is really the salt of the earth. She has neither lied to nor<BR>harmed anyone.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2. 你不应该欺骗象小李那样连一点坏心眼都没有的女孩子。 <BR>You should not have cheated a girl like Xiao Li who has always been the<BR>salt of the earth. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>3.我承认李华无能,可她是个没有坏心眼的人。 <BR>I admit that Li Hua is not so capable. But she is the salt of the earth.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#800080><U>Dialogue</U></FONT><BR><BR>Joe: Do you really take Sally for an ignoramus, Tom?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Tom: No. I have never thought of her as an ignoramus.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Joe: But why should you let her into such a dirty deal?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Tom: I didn’t think it was.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Joe: But you let her in, and you should not harm a girl like her. She is a nice girl- the salt of the earth.</FONT>
< align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[出众的人] a </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>lulu</FONT></A></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>要说漂亮,我们公司新来的秘书可算是个相貌出众的女孩子了。<BR>Talking about being pretty, our company's new secretary is indeed a<BR>lulu.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“出类拔萃”、“出众”或“冒尖儿”之类的概念一般可以用 the best, the top之类的词来表达,还可以用 a lulu来表示。a lulu是个美国俚语,意指“引人注目”。在某些特定的场合,a lulu还可以用来指极坏、极丑、极难或极大的人或事。请看下面的例句和对话。<BR></FONT><BR><FONT color=#800080><U>Sample Sentences</U></FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>l.老张的儿子张亮可算是个美貌出众的人。 <BR>Lao Zhang's son, Zhang Liang, can be a real lulu in his looks.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2. 在心理学的研究方面,王教授在同龄人中是出类拔萃的。<BR>rofessor Wang is a lulu in the field of psychology among those of his age.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>3. 王先生在人类学方面提出了很新的理论,因此他在该领域成了引人注目的人。<BR>Mr. Wang initiated some new theories in anthropology and therefore<BR>has become a lulu in that field.<BR><BR><FONT color=#800080><U>Dialogue </U></FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: Who is that young man over there?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jack: He's Frank, a lulu in the field of sociology.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: What is he famous for?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jack: Famous for his new theory in social relations of agriculture.</FONT>
<P align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[骗子]  a </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>phony</FONT></A><BR></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>小张真是个骗子。当着我的面他对我赞不绝口,可是在我的背后<BR>却总说我的坏话。<BR>Xiao Zhang is a plain phony. He gives me a song and a dance in my face, but bad-mouths me behind my back.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“骗子”的概念较为笼统,无论是政治方面还是经济方面,或是人品方面不老实的人,我们均可称其为“骗子”。然而在英语里,不同类型的“骗子”却有不尽相同的表示方法。比如, swindler, fraud, impostor, trickster 等。swindler一词尤指“政治骗子”(political swindler),而impostor 则侧重指产品或名誉方面的“冒名顶替者”。trickster 一词常指“搞恶作剧的人”。但是对于“两面三刀”、“阳奉阴违”之类的“骗子”,英语习惯用phony一词来表示。请看下面的对话。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800080>Dialogue</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>Tom:  What’s the worst thing happened to you, Janny?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jenny: The worst thing is to be around selfish people. And l can’t stand phonies. They can't do anything but criticize. They find fault with everything you do.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Tom: I hate phonies. too. A phony pretends to be your friend and then, tries to take advantage of you.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jenny: Yes. They try to show off all the time and they act like they are so big.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Tom:  There are all sorts of phonies around us. Some may give you a song and dance in your face but steal an attack on you without your knowing it.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jenny: That's why I said that the worst thing was to be with the phonies.</FONT>
<P align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[两面派]two-</FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>faced</FONT></A></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>我知道怎样对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。<BR>I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语中的“两面派”相当于英语two-faced一词,而“两面讨好的人”的英语则是to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds。值得注意的是,two-faced 和 to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds在意思上有很大的区别。two-faced一般指当面一套,背地又一套的行为伎俩,而run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 则指人两面讨好,不得罪任何一方的做法。由此可见,两面讨好的人不一定就不好,而两面派就是另外一回事了。请看下面的对话。</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial><U><FONT color=#800080>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U><BR>John: Joe seems to be on his high horse these days. What’s the matter?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: This is “When the cat’s away, the mice will play”</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: But where the the CAT gone?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: He’s on a business trip abroad.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: So he delegated his responsibility to Joe?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: At least nobody in the company is there to keep Joe on his toes.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: How does he get on so well with his boss?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: He's a two-faced person. He knows how to butter up those power.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: But do you think his boss really appreciates that?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: Not really. He is the sort of person who keeps everyone at arm’s<BR>length.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: But why should the boss delegate his responsibility to a person like Joe?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: I think he’s giving him enough rope to hang himself.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: You mean he is trying him out?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: Depends on how Joe behaves.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>注:1、on one’s high horse意指“趾高气扬”,形容人“不可一世”的样子。<BR>2、to keep someone on his toes的意思是“让人处于紧张状态”或“忙个不停”。</FONT>
<P align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[难对付的人]a </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>tartar</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>/a hard nut to crack</FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>想让他听从你的指挥?没门儿!他可是个很难对付的人啊。<BR>Want him to follow your order? No way! He’s a tartar - a hard nut<BR>to crack.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“难对付”的概念在英语中有很多的表示方法:hard to deal with, hard to cope with, hard to get on with,等等。但是在表示某个人难对付时,英美人更喜欢用a tartar或a hard nut to crack来表示。但请注意:当 nut 一词用作复数并在前面加上个走冠词形成the nuts的时候,其意思就成了“极出色的人或物”了。当tartar一词的首写字母大写时,其意是鞑靼人;将首写字母t小写时,意指粗鲁暴躁的人,也就是很难对付的人。但用 a hard nut to crack 来表示汉语“难对付的人”更易于理解,而且还很形象。请看下面的对话。<BR></FONT><BR><U><FONT color=#800080>Dialogue</FONT></U></FONT>
<BR><FONT face=Arial>John:  I'd like you to meet my friend. Linda. She’s a very nice girl to know.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: I ran into her the other day at the fruit market.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: How did you like her?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary:  She’s indeed swell.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: That’s why we hit it off.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary:  But I don’t like her boyfriend. He really turn me off.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: You mean Jack?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: Yeah, He's a tartar, Each time I met him he would jump down my throat. I can’t understand why Linda should love a man like him.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: That's what things are like. A nice girl usually married herself to a man whom other people dislike. I hope you wouldn’t marry a tartar like Jack.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>注:1. She’s indeed swell相当于汉语中的“她确实很棒”。 <BR>2、That’s why we hit it off中的hit it off意思是“很要好”或“很和得来”。<BR>3、to jump down one’s throat是个习语,其意思相当于汉语口语中“说话带火药味儿”或“说话刺耳”的意思。</FONT>
<P align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[大人物]a </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>bigwig</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>/a buzwig<BR></FONT></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>李先生可是这个地区的大人物之一,几乎没人敢得罪他。<BR>Mr. Li is one of the bigwigs in this district. Nobody dares to take<BR>his offense.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“大人物”的概念一般可以用bigwig一词来表示。bigwig是个合成词,由big和wig(假发)组成。据说,古时大人物戴的假发叫wig,现代人将其与big一词二合为一,就产生了bigwig一词。与bigwig 一词相似的表示法还有:V.I.P.(重要人物)和buzwig(大人物)。请看下面的例句。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800080>Sample Sentences</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>1。据说小李的父亲是个大人物。<BR>It is said that Xiao Li's father is a bigwig.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2。 人们常看见那个电影明星和大人物们出出进进的。<BR>That film star is often seen coming and going with bigwigs.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>3。作为当地的一个大人物,张先生不得不时刻注意自己的言行。 <BR>As a bigwig in the locality, Mr. Zhang has to be careful in what he says and does.</FONT></FONT></STRONG></DIV>
jessie 发表于 2005-12-9 22:48:38

Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation(11)

<DIV><STRONG><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000080 size=2>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[无知的人]an </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>ignoramus</FONT></A></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>我还从来没有遇见过象老张那样无知的人。他竟然连好坏都分不清。<BR>I've never met any ignoramus Lao Zhang. He can't even separate the sheep from the goat.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“无知”的概念可以用ignorant或knowing nothing来表示。当我们说某人是个“无知的人”时,除了可以说 ignorant person之外,还可以用an ignoramus. an ignoramus 一语源于G. Ruggle(拉格尔)所写的剧本《无知之辈》。此后,这一表示法被人们广泛使用,意指“无知的人”。请看下面的例句和对话。<BR></FONT><BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#800080><U>Sample sentences<BR></U></FONT><BR>l.即使是再无知的人也不会相信你的话。<BR>Even a top ignoramus would not believe what you said.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2.老板不会把这项工作交给家你这样一个无知的人。 <BR>The boss wouldn't delegate the job to an ignoramus like you.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>3.你也只能欺骗象老刘那样的无知之人。 <BR>You can only fool an ignoramus like Lao Liu.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#800080><U>Dialogue</U></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: You seem quite upset. What’s troubling you?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Joe:  Don’t you know that Jack has ruined my business?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: How come? You used to tell me that he was a good fellow.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Joe: I didn’t know what sort of fellow he was until last week. He disclosed our development plan to another company ,which enabled them to draw the first blood.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: He's really an ignoramus. How come he would do such a foolish thing?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Joe: God knows.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>注:l、ruined my business的意思是“毁了我的生意”。 <BR>2、 to draw the first blood是条俚语,意思是“先发制人”。</FONT>
< align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[没有坏,心眼的人] the </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>salt</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> of the earth<BR></FONT></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>小赵虽然没有受过多少教育,她却是一个非常善良的姑娘,一个没<BR>有一点坏心眼的女孩子。<BR>Xiao Zhao doesn't have much education and, yet, she is a very kind girl - the salt of the earth.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“没有坏心”的概念一般可用harmless(无伤害性)或upright(正直)之类的词来表示。但是诸如此类的词都不如the salt of the earth更形象、生动。the salt of the earth源出《圣经·新约》中的《马太福音》(Matthew)第五章第十三节。此语直译为“大地之盐”,意指“不会腐烂”。显然,盐是一种防腐烂的物质,因此,把人形容为the salt of the earth的意义就不言而喻了。请看下面<BR>的例句和对话。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800080>Sample Sentences</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>l. 小玲没有一点坏心眼,从来没说过谎话,也没做过对不起别人的事。 <BR>Xiao Ling is really the salt of the earth. She has neither lied to nor<BR>harmed anyone.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2. 你不应该欺骗象小李那样连一点坏心眼都没有的女孩子。 <BR>You should not have cheated a girl like Xiao Li who has always been the<BR>salt of the earth. </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>3.我承认李华无能,可她是个没有坏心眼的人。 <BR>I admit that Li Hua is not so capable. But she is the salt of the earth.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#800080><U>Dialogue</U></FONT><BR><BR>Joe: Do you really take Sally for an ignoramus, Tom?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Tom: No. I have never thought of her as an ignoramus.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Joe: But why should you let her into such a dirty deal?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Tom: I didn’t think it was.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Joe: But you let her in, and you should not harm a girl like her. She is a nice girl- the salt of the earth.</FONT>
< align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[出众的人] a </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>lulu</FONT></A></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>要说漂亮,我们公司新来的秘书可算是个相貌出众的女孩子了。<BR>Talking about being pretty, our company's new secretary is indeed a<BR>lulu.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“出类拔萃”、“出众”或“冒尖儿”之类的概念一般可以用 the best, the top之类的词来表达,还可以用 a lulu来表示。a lulu是个美国俚语,意指“引人注目”。在某些特定的场合,a lulu还可以用来指极坏、极丑、极难或极大的人或事。请看下面的例句和对话。<BR></FONT><BR><FONT color=#800080><U>Sample Sentences</U></FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>l.老张的儿子张亮可算是个美貌出众的人。 <BR>Lao Zhang's son, Zhang Liang, can be a real lulu in his looks.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2. 在心理学的研究方面,王教授在同龄人中是出类拔萃的。<BR>rofessor Wang is a lulu in the field of psychology among those of his age.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>3. 王先生在人类学方面提出了很新的理论,因此他在该领域成了引人注目的人。<BR>Mr. Wang initiated some new theories in anthropology and therefore<BR>has become a lulu in that field.<BR><BR><FONT color=#800080><U>Dialogue </U></FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: Who is that young man over there?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jack: He's Frank, a lulu in the field of sociology.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: What is he famous for?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jack: Famous for his new theory in social relations of agriculture.</FONT>
<P align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[骗子]  a </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>phony</FONT></A><BR></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>小张真是个骗子。当着我的面他对我赞不绝口,可是在我的背后<BR>却总说我的坏话。<BR>Xiao Zhang is a plain phony. He gives me a song and a dance in my face, but bad-mouths me behind my back.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“骗子”的概念较为笼统,无论是政治方面还是经济方面,或是人品方面不老实的人,我们均可称其为“骗子”。然而在英语里,不同类型的“骗子”却有不尽相同的表示方法。比如, swindler, fraud, impostor, trickster 等。swindler一词尤指“政治骗子”(political swindler),而impostor 则侧重指产品或名誉方面的“冒名顶替者”。trickster 一词常指“搞恶作剧的人”。但是对于“两面三刀”、“阳奉阴违”之类的“骗子”,英语习惯用phony一词来表示。请看下面的对话。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800080>Dialogue</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>Tom:  What’s the worst thing happened to you, Janny?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jenny: The worst thing is to be around selfish people. And l can’t stand phonies. They can't do anything but criticize. They find fault with everything you do.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Tom: I hate phonies. too. A phony pretends to be your friend and then, tries to take advantage of you.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jenny: Yes. They try to show off all the time and they act like they are so big.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Tom:  There are all sorts of phonies around us. Some may give you a song and dance in your face but steal an attack on you without your knowing it.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Jenny: That's why I said that the worst thing was to be with the phonies.</FONT>
<P align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[两面派]two-</FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>faced</FONT></A></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>我知道怎样对付两面派,而且一眼就能看出谁是一贯两面讨好的人。<BR>I know how to handle two-faced people and can even tell at the first glance who are in the habit of running with the hare and hunting with the hounds.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语中的“两面派”相当于英语two-faced一词,而“两面讨好的人”的英语则是to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds。值得注意的是,two-faced 和 to run with the hare and hunt with the hounds在意思上有很大的区别。two-faced一般指当面一套,背地又一套的行为伎俩,而run with the hare and hunt with the hounds 则指人两面讨好,不得罪任何一方的做法。由此可见,两面讨好的人不一定就不好,而两面派就是另外一回事了。请看下面的对话。</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial><U><FONT color=#800080>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U><BR>John: Joe seems to be on his high horse these days. What’s the matter?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: This is “When the cat’s away, the mice will play”</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: But where the the CAT gone?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: He’s on a business trip abroad.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: So he delegated his responsibility to Joe?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: At least nobody in the company is there to keep Joe on his toes.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: How does he get on so well with his boss?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: He's a two-faced person. He knows how to butter up those power.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: But do you think his boss really appreciates that?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: Not really. He is the sort of person who keeps everyone at arm’s<BR>length.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: But why should the boss delegate his responsibility to a person like Joe?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: I think he’s giving him enough rope to hang himself.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: You mean he is trying him out?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mark: Depends on how Joe behaves.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>注:1、on one’s high horse意指“趾高气扬”,形容人“不可一世”的样子。<BR>2、to keep someone on his toes的意思是“让人处于紧张状态”或“忙个不停”。</FONT>
<P align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[难对付的人]a </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>tartar</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>/a hard nut to crack</FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>想让他听从你的指挥?没门儿!他可是个很难对付的人啊。<BR>Want him to follow your order? No way! He’s a tartar - a hard nut<BR>to crack.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“难对付”的概念在英语中有很多的表示方法:hard to deal with, hard to cope with, hard to get on with,等等。但是在表示某个人难对付时,英美人更喜欢用a tartar或a hard nut to crack来表示。但请注意:当 nut 一词用作复数并在前面加上个走冠词形成the nuts的时候,其意思就成了“极出色的人或物”了。当tartar一词的首写字母大写时,其意是鞑靼人;将首写字母t小写时,意指粗鲁暴躁的人,也就是很难对付的人。但用 a hard nut to crack 来表示汉语“难对付的人”更易于理解,而且还很形象。请看下面的对话。<BR></FONT><BR><U><FONT color=#800080>Dialogue</FONT></U></FONT>
<BR><FONT face=Arial>John:  I'd like you to meet my friend. Linda. She’s a very nice girl to know.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: I ran into her the other day at the fruit market.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: How did you like her?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary:  She’s indeed swell.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: That’s why we hit it off.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary:  But I don’t like her boyfriend. He really turn me off.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: You mean Jack?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Mary: Yeah, He's a tartar, Each time I met him he would jump down my throat. I can’t understand why Linda should love a man like him.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>John: That's what things are like. A nice girl usually married herself to a man whom other people dislike. I hope you wouldn’t marry a tartar like Jack.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>注:1. She’s indeed swell相当于汉语中的“她确实很棒”。 <BR>2、That’s why we hit it off中的hit it off意思是“很要好”或“很和得来”。<BR>3、to jump down one’s throat是个习语,其意思相当于汉语口语中“说话带火药味儿”或“说话刺耳”的意思。</FONT>
<P align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[大人物]a </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>bigwig</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>/a buzwig<BR></FONT></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>李先生可是这个地区的大人物之一,几乎没人敢得罪他。<BR>Mr. Li is one of the bigwigs in this district. Nobody dares to take<BR>his offense.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“大人物”的概念一般可以用bigwig一词来表示。bigwig是个合成词,由big和wig(假发)组成。据说,古时大人物戴的假发叫wig,现代人将其与big一词二合为一,就产生了bigwig一词。与bigwig 一词相似的表示法还有:V.I.P.(重要人物)和buzwig(大人物)。请看下面的例句。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800080>Sample Sentences</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>1。据说小李的父亲是个大人物。<BR>It is said that Xiao Li's father is a bigwig.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2。 人们常看见那个电影明星和大人物们出出进进的。<BR>That film star is often seen coming and going with bigwigs.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>3。作为当地的一个大人物,张先生不得不时刻注意自己的言行。 <BR>As a bigwig in the locality, Mr. Zhang has to be careful in what he says and does.</FONT></FONT></STRONG></DIV>
jessie 发表于 2005-12-9 17:21:01

Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation(2)

<DIV><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000080 size=2><FONT size=3><FONT face="Comic Sans MS"><STRONG>[</STRONG></FONT><STRONG>敷衍搪塞] give someone the </STRONG><A><STRONG>runaround</STRONG></A></FONT><STRONG> <br></STRONG><STRONG>别拿话儿搪塞我们。我们只想知道你到底是同意还是不同意。</STRONG></DIV>
<STRONG>Don’t give us the runaround. We’d just like to know whether you agree or not.</STRONG>
<FONT color=#808000 size=2><STRONG>“拿话儿搪塞”或“敷衍搪塞”的说法可用give someone the runaround的句式来表示。give someone the runaround实际上指“使某人到处乱转”,即在“找借口”或“托辞”。这也就相当于“搪塞”所要表达的意思了。请看下述例句:</STRONG></FONT>
<U><FONT color=#800000><STRONG>Sample Sentences</STRONG></FONT></U>
<STRONG>Don’t give me the runaround. Just tell me if you would marry me or not.</STRONG>
<STRONG>I asked him to lend me some money, but I got nothing except the runaround.</STRONG>
<STRONG>I’ve come to know the definite answer this time, not the runaround again.</STRONG><STRONG>
<FONT color=#000080><STRONG>[哭穷] to</STRONG><A><STRONG> poor-mouth</STRONG></A></FONT>
<STRONG>Don’t poor-mouth to me . I have your number.</STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“哭穷”的说法实际上是指一种“掩盖钱财实力”,“装寒酸”的掩饰行为,可用俚语</FONT><FONT color=#808000 size=2>poor-mouth来表示。例如:每当我要跟他借钱的时候他就跟我哭穷。He would poor-mouth to  me whenever I come to borrow money. 此语是个多义词,有时也可用来表示“说话留有余地”的意思。另外,在特定场合,poor-mouth几乎还与bad- mouth(说坏话)同义。</FONT></STRONG>
<U><FONT color=#800000><STRONG>Dialogue</STRONG></FONT></U>
<STRONG>Mark: I can’t understand why you should believe her story and lent her the money.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Jack: She seemed to be in great need of the money . That’s why I ……</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: Well, you were fooled by her. Each time she borrows money, she will poor-mouth to her target.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Jack: But what would you do if you were in place?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: If were in your place, I wouldn’t lend a single cent to her.</STRONG><STRONG>
<FONT color=#000080><STRONG>[白吃白喝] a </STRONG><A><STRONG>freeloader</STRONG></A></FONT>
<STRONG>I wouldn’t freeload. I’m not a freeloader.</STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#808000 size=2>有人把“白吃白喝”说成:</FONT><FONT color=#808000 size=2>eat and drink without paying, 这种说法很不准确。To eat without paying岂不成了强盗?“白吃白喝”不是不pay,而是自己不用pay,让别人去pay。表达这一概念可以用to freeload, 其意思是:利用别人之慷慨而占便宜。另外,to make use of 、to take advantage of 在某些场合也可用来表示这种概念。</FONT></STRONG>
<FONT color=#800000><U><STRONG>Dialogue</STRONG></U></FONT>
<STRONG>Tom: I feel like having a ball after the exam was over. What about eating out?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Sue: Eating out?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Sue: Well, forget. I’m broke.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Tom: No worries. Everything is on this time. I’ll pick up the tab and treat you .</STRONG>
<STRONG>Sue: No, thanks. But I’m not a freeloader.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Tom: Well, you can treat ME when you are in the chips again.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Sue: I prefer going Dutch.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Tom: All right. I’ll follow yours.</STRONG><STRONG>
<FONT color=#000080><STRONG>[牵线搭桥] pull the </STRONG><A><STRONG>strings</STRONG></A></FONT>
<STRONG>I hear there’s an opening in your company and I would like to fill it. But will you pull some strings for me ?</STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#808000 size=2>英语的</FONT><FONT color=#808000 size=2>pull the strings所表示的意思几乎完全等于汉语中“牵线搭桥”的意思。有时,人们为了得到某种职位或建立某种联系,常常会求助于别人,让人先给搭搭桥。在这种情况下,人们便会说:Will you pull some strings for me ?例如:我不认识你们的老板,你能先为我拉拉线搭个桥吗?Your boss doesn’t know me. Would you pull some strings for me ? 请看下列对话:</FONT></STRONG>
<U><FONT color=#800000><STRONG>Dialogue</STRONG></FONT></U>
<STRONG>John: Are you still hunting for a job. Mark?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: Yes. I’m still pounding the pavements.</STRONG>
<STRONG>John: Listen. There is a job opening in my company. It would suit you to a T.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: Thank you for the information. Could you pull some strings to get me hired?</STRONG>
<STRONG>John: I wish I could , but my hands are tied.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: Do you know anyone who could throw his weight around for me ?</STRONG>
<STRONG>John: Let me see…well… you can turn to Joe . He’s a big hot. Maybe he could put in his two cents worth.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: Asking him for help? I’ll be wasting my breath.</STRONG>
<STRONG>John: How come?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: I asked him once, but he only gave me lip service.</STRONG>
<STRONG>John: Don’t worry. I’ll see what I can do.</STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:</FONT><FONT color=#808000 size=2>I throw one’s weight around for …的意思相当于汉语“为某人使劲儿”的说法。2、put in one’s two cents worth的意思是“发表意见”,但在这里的意思是“请某人说句话”。</FONT></STRONG><STRONG>
<FONT color=#000080><STRONG>[甩掉]</STRONG><A><STRONG>palm</STRONG></A><STRONG> off</STRONG></FONT>
<STRONG>He urged you to palm off all the shoddy goods immediately.</STRONG>
<FONT color=#808000 size=2><STRONG>汉语中的“甩掉”有很多用法,其英语表示法也各不相同。先请看下述例句:</STRONG></FONT>
<U><FONT color=#800000><STRONG>Sample Sentences </STRONG></FONT></U>
<STRONG>1、 他们终于把跟踪的警察给甩掉了。</STRONG>
<STRONG>They had finally managed to get rid of the following police.</STRONG>
<STRONG>2、 当他发现很难甩掉尾巴时,就干脆坐在树下了,看到底会怎么样。</STRONG>
<STRONG>When realizing it difficult to throw off the pursuers, he sat down under a tree, waiting to see what would happen.</STRONG>
<STRONG>3、 你为什么不赶紧甩掉手中的存货?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Why don’t you palm off the stocked goods now?</STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#808000 size=2>从上述例句中可以看出,“甩掉”可以用</FONT><FONT color=#808000 size=2>get fid of ,也可用throw off 或者abandon等词来表示。但在“甩掉”手中的物品时,英美人则习惯用paim of .</FONT></STRONG>
<U><FONT color=#800000><STRONG>Dialogue</STRONG></FONT></U>
<STRONG>John: It seems to me that you believe whatever that guy told you.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: I couldn’t see through him. He set me up by telling me a sob story.</STRONG>
<STRONG>John: Did you buy the whole kit and caboodle from him?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: Yes, I did. He said I could have it for peanuts.</STRONG>
<STRONG>John: And he palmed off all his shoddy goods on a fool like you.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: I didn’t realize it until the trap was sprung.</STRONG>
<STRONG>John: Don’t be so down. Wit once bought is worth twice taught. You can try and palm them off on another guy.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: But I don’t want to cheat somebody else.</STRONG>
<STRONG>John: Then you will have to hold the bag.</STRONG><STRONG>
<FONT color=#000080><STRONG>[得罪某人] get in </STRONG><A><STRONG>Dutch</STRONG></A><STRONG> with someone</STRONG></FONT>
<STRONG>Zhang Ming got in Dutch with his boss and in a few months he was sacked.</STRONG>
<FONT color=#808000 size=2><STRONG>“得罪某人”的说法一般可用offend someone 的片语来表示。但是在口语中,还是用 get in Dutch with…的句型更合适。例如:很少有人敢得罪他。There are few people who dare to get in Dutch with him.</STRONG></FONT>
<U><FONT color=#800000><STRONG>Dialogue</STRONG></FONT></U>
<STRONG>Lucy: Why does Sally want to switch to another job ?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Lisa: She doesn’t want that, actually.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Lucy: But why did she told me that she wanted to work in another place?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Lisa: That’s because she got in Dutch with her boss. She no longer feels it proper to go on working there.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Lucy: I now get it . But she doesn’t have to leave just because of that.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Lisa: I can understand her. I would do the same if I were in the same situation.</STRONG><STRONG>
<FONT color=#000080><STRONG>[说别人的闲话] </STRONG><A><STRONG>dish</STRONG></A><STRONG> the dirt about…</STRONG></FONT>
<STRONG>She is a notorious gossiper here, who is very fond of dishing the dirt about others.</STRONG>
<FONT color=#808000 size=2><STRONG>“说别人的闲话”可以用gossip about的片语来表示。但是作口语,英美人更喜欢用dish the dirt abort.此语中的dish是动词,意思是“把做好的菜盛到盘子里”;the dirt的意思是“泥土”,合在一起的字面意思是“把泥土盛到盘子里”,意指“说玷污他人的话”。</STRONG></FONT>
<FONT color=#800000><U><STRONG>Sample Sentences</STRONG></U></FONT>
<STRONG>1、 我可不愿意和那些爱说别人闲话的人在一起聊天。</STRONG>
<STRONG>I hate to talk with those who are so fond of dishing the dirt about other pepole.</STRONG>
<STRONG>2、 你不相信她的话,她那个人就喜欢说人家的闲话。<O> </O></STRONG>
<STRONG>Don’t believe her. She is the sort who is very fond of dishing the dirt about other people.</STRONG>
<STRONG>3、我经常看到她和其他的女人在一起东家长,西家短地说人家的闲话。 <O></O:P></STRONG>
<STRONG>I often see her talking with other women and dishing the dirt about someone.</STRONG><STRONG>
<FONT color=#000080><STRONG>[挂个电话] give a </STRONG><A><STRONG>buzz</STRONG></A></FONT>
<STRONG>Give me a buzz before coming so that you won’t come to a locked door.</STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#808000 size=2>打电话的表示法大家很熟悉,一般都会用</FONT><FONT color=#808000 size=2>give me a call 或 phone me的片语来表示。但很少人知道give a buzz是嗡嗡的声音,而give sb . a buzz就是给某人挂个电话的意思了。请看下述对话。</FONT></STRONG>
<U><FONT color=#800000><STRONG>Dialogue</STRONG></FONT></U>
<STRONG>Sam: I Just feel like having a talk with you one of these days.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Sue: I’d love it , too. We haven’t had a good chat for a long time.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Sam: What about your former classmates? Are you keeping in touch with them?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Sue: Some are in touch, and some are not.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Sam: Why don’t you ask some of them to come over and have a talk together?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Sue: That’s a good idea. But I’ll to phone them and make a arrangement.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Sam: When you have made it , give me a buzz.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Sue: Sure. I’ll let you know as soon as we have made it .</STRONG><STRONG>
<FONT color=#000080><STRONG>[写封信] drop me a </STRONG><A><STRONG>line</STRONG></A></FONT>
<STRONG>Drop me a line when you have time.</STRONG>
<FONT color=#808000 size=2><STRONG>同“挂个电话”一样,口语中“写封信”是用drop me a line来取代write me a letter的。请看下面的对话:</STRONG></FONT>
<U><FONT color=#800000><STRONG>Dialogue</STRONG></FONT></U>
<STRONG>Lucy: I feel sick at the thought that we’ll soon part.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Lisa: Me, too. But we must be in touch with each other.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Lucy: Surely I will . When I miss you, I will call you and talk with you on the phone.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Lisa: You can also drop me a line when you have any news.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Lucy: Yeah. I like writing letters and I will certainly often write you .</STRONG>
<STRONG>Lisa: I’ll do the same. I think that’s best way to keep in touch.</STRONG><STRONG>
<FONT color=#000080><STRONG>[榨干血汗] </STRONG><A><STRONG>bleed</STRONG></A><STRONG> one white</STRONG></FONT>
<STRONG>They are trying to bleed you white.</STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语“榨干血汗”指“耗尽某人的钱财”。这一概念在英语中有个很好的表示方法:</FONT><FONT color=#808000 size=2>bleed someone white.此语中的bleed 是个动词,意思是“使流血”,与someone white合在一起的字面意思是“让某人的血流光”,相当于我们所说的“榨干血汗”。</FONT></STRONG>
<U><FONT color=#800000><STRONG>Dialogue</STRONG></FONT></U>
<STRONG>Jack: You have been hooked by the guys</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: What do you mean?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Jack: I mean the other guys are ganging up on you. And you must stop.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: But I've already lost 3,000 dollars.</STRONG>
<STRONG>Jack: And they are trying to bleed you white, you know?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Mark: Bleed me white? How can that be true?</STRONG>
<STRONG>Jack: You'll soon have it coming on you if you don't listen to me and stop.</STRONG></FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-9 17:33:31编辑过]

jessie 发表于 2005-12-9 17:27:58

Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation(3)

<B><FONT color=#000080>[崭新的] <A>brand</A> new <BR></FONT></B><BR>他买了一台崭新的轿车。<BR>He bought a brand new car.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>当形容某种物品很新,和从商店刚刚买回来的一样时,其英语的表示法是:be brand new。此语的字面意思是“还带着商标呢”。请看下面的对话:<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Mark</B>: How much is this car, sir?<BR><B>Sir</B>: This car? Oh, it's 3,000 dollars.<BR><B>Mark</B>: Three thousand for a used car?<BR><B>Sir</B>: Oh, no. It's brand new. I bought it only a couple of months ago.<BR><B>Mark</B>: But 3,000 is still a bit too much for a used car.<BR><B>Sir</B>: Then you make a price?<BR><B>Mark</B>: What about 2,500?<BR><B>Sir</B>: 2,500? Then I'd keep it.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[太便宜了]be dirt <A>cheap</A> <BR></FONT></B><BR>这块手表你才花了30美元?真太便宜了!<BR>You bought this watch only for 30 dollars? It's dirt cheap.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语中“没法再便宜了”、“太便宜了”这类的说法除了用我们已经讨论过的 be for a song 之类的说法外,还可以用dirt cheap 的片语来表示。dirt cheap 的字面意思是“便宜如土”,也就是“不能再便宜了”。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800080>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Sue</B>: How much did you pay for the car?<BR><B>Bob</B>: I bought it for 800.<BR><B>Sue</B>: 800 for a Toyota car? It's dirt cheap.<BR><B>Bob</B>: Yeah. It can't be cheaper for a three-year-old car like this.<BR><B>Sue</B>: Does it work well?<BR><B>Bob</B>: Yeah. I tried it out on the high way and it worked just as other cars.<BR><B>Sue</B>: It's really a good bargain.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[费事儿] take a lot of <A>doing</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>做鱼特别费事儿,我可不愿意洗呀、淹呀、炖呀什么的。<BR>It takes a lot of doing to cook a fish. I wouldn't like to spend a lot of time washing, salting, stewing and whatnots for the cooking of it.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>在日常生活中我们常讲的“费事儿”的说法有人曾用 take a lot of time 或 take a lot of trouble之类的片语来表示。虽说这样的说法也能不同程度地表达“费事儿”的概念,但仍不如用 take a lot of doing更符合口语习惯。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Kate</B>: What are you going to cook for the guests?<BR><B>Lucy</B>: I've no idea. Maybe we can get some ready-made food. <BR><B>Kate</B>: Some ready-made food? Didn't you promise to cook something for them?<BR><B>Lucy</B>: Yes, I did. I promised to cook them some beggar's chicken. But it takes a lot of doing, you know?<BR><B>Kate</B>: I know. I also know you should keep your words.<BR><B>Lucy</B>: What do you mean?<BR><B>Kate</B>: I mean you must cook what you have promised.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[知道底细] have someone's <A>number</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>别跟我瞎吹了,我又不是不了解你的底细。<BR>No big talk with me. I have your number.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语“底细”用途很广:既可以指一个人全部的所做所为,也可以指一个人某些不光彩的经历;既可以指一个人的家庭情况,也可以指一个人能力的大小。有些人曾用 details 来表示“底细”并把“我知道她的底细”说成 I know her details。虽然不能说此译有多大的谬误,但听起来总觉得词不达意。其实,英语口语中有个 have someone's number 的片语,其意思就是“知道某人的底细”。</FONT><BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences</FONT></U></B><BR><BR>1.警方已经掌握了嫌疑犯的底细。   <BR>The police have already got the suspect's number.<BR><BR>2.她说在未了解他的底细之前是不会答应与他结婚的。<BR>She said that she wouldn't promise to marry him before she had his number.<BR><BR>3.在你了解她的底细之前怎能如此地相信她呢?<BR>How could you place too much trust in her before you have had <BR>her number?<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:汉语“底细”有时还可以用其它的说法来表示。比如:<BR>1. 我很了解他们成功的底细。I know the true story behind their success. <BR>2. 我很了解她到底是个什么样的人。I know her from A to Z.</FONT>
<p><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT>

<B><FONT color=#000080>[精品]the <A>choicest</A> goods<BR></FONT></B><BR>这家商店卖的手表都是精品,而且种类还特别多。<BR>This shop sells a wide range of watches, all of which are the choicest.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>在谈到商品质量时,我们常说讲的“精品”或“上等品”一般都是用 the choicest 来表示的。但是在英国,“精品”的概念还有其它的表示方法:of the Saville Row quality 或 of the Bond Street quality. Saville Row 是英国伦敦的一条街道。此街荟萃了许多服装行业的精品店,专门出售高档精制的男子服装。因此,of the Saville Row quality 指的就是“精品”。Bond Street 是以销售高档女子精品服装而著称的另一条伦敦的大街。对于中国学生来说,还是用 the choicest 来表示“精品”概念为宜。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences<BR></FONT></U></B><BR>1 这家商店的丝绸都是精品。   <BR>This shop sells the choicest silk and satin.<BR><BR>2 这些手表都是来自各国的精品。 <BR>These watches are all the choicest from different countries.<BR><BR>3 这是一家专营精品的商店。 <BR>This shop specializes in all the choicest goods.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[了解一下情况]get the <A>lay</A> of the land<BR></FONT></B><BR>经理说他想让我们先去海南了解一下那里的情况,然后再决定投资的事。<BR><BR>The manager said that he would like us to go to Hai Nan and get the lay of the land there before deciding on the investment.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语“了解一下情况”多指先作一番调查。此语有很多的表示方法:make a study of, make a survey of, make research on 以及 get the lay of the land 等等。其中当属 get the lay of the land 最富有口语色彩,而且可用于表示很多情景中的“了解一下情况”。此语中的 land 原指“地形”,后转喻“状况”、“情势”、“情况”等。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences</FONT></U></B><BR><BR>1 当他们了解了对方的情况以后,总司令命令部队马上向那个地区发起进攻。<BR>After getting the lay of the land of the enemy's side, the commander-in-chief ordered an immediate attack on their land.<BR><BR>2 在了解情况以前,你们不应该采取任何行动。<BR>Before getting the lay of land, you should not take any actions.<BR><BR>3 我们最好先了解一下那里的情况,然后再决定投资的数额。<BR>We'd better get the lay of the land there before deciding on the sum of the investment.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[掌上明珠]the <A>apple</A> of someone's eye<BR></FONT></B><BR>玲玲是她爷爷的掌上明珠。<BR>Ling Ling is the apple of her grandpa's eye.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语“掌上明珠”的说法一般是用 the apple of someone's eye 的片语来表示的。此语源出圣经《旧约》,古人把 apple 视为眼睛的瞳孔,而把某人视为自己瞳孔的意思当然不言而喻。尽管瞳孔的现在用法是 pupil,而不再是 apple,但这一用法一直延续至今。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences<BR></FONT></U></B><BR>1 老王很宠爱他的女儿,那是他的掌上明珠。<BR>Lao Wang dotes on his daughter. She is the apple of his eye.<BR><BR>2 你千万别得罪她,她可是咱们老板的掌上明珠。<BR>Take care never offend her. She is the apple of our boss's eye.<BR><BR>3 别看别人不把当作一回事,在家里她可是她父亲的掌上明珠。<BR>Although other people never take her seriously. She is the apple in her father's eye at home.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[让人恶心]turn one's <A>stomach</A>/make one sick<BR></FONT></B><BR>听她讲话,看她和男人讲话的那股劲头儿真让我恶心。<BR>Listening to her and seeing the way of her talking with men really turns my stomach.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>有人曾把“让人恶心”直译成 make somebody vomit,听来使人感到很别扭。其实,英语中有个类似的说法:turn one's stomach。此语直译为“让人翻胃”,与汉语“让人恶心”的意思相同。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Lisa</B>: You seem upset. There must be something wrong.<BR><B>Lena</B>: I can't seem to get on with Joe. My marriage with him seems to be a mistake and being in the same house with him turns my stomach.<BR><B>Lisa</B>: How come? You two used to get on like a house on fire, but...<BR><B>Lena</B>: But he turns out to be a liar.<BR><B>Lisa</B>: You mean he's unfaithful?<BR><B>Lena</B>: Worse than that! Well...better to talk about something else. I feel sick of mentioning him.

<FONT color=#000080><B>[惹麻烦了]be in a <A>jam</A><BR></B></FONT><BR>小张这次可惹麻烦了。昨天他又让警察给逮住了。<BR>Xiao Zhang's in a jam now. He was copped out again by the police yesterday.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>单从“麻烦”两个字而言,英语的 in hot soup, in hot water, in trouble 都带有这个意思,但这些与我们日常讲的“惹麻烦了”的概念还有些差别。我们所讲的“惹麻烦了”往往指“通漏子”或“出事”,接近英美人讲的in a jam 的意思。</FONT><BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B><BR><BR><B>Linda</B>: It seems to me that you're on pins and needles these days. What's eating you?<BR><B>Frank</B>: I'm in a jam. Someone in the company charged me with padding my expense account.<BR><B>Linda</B>: You shouldn't have done such a foolish thing.<BR><B>Frank</B>: I know. I only added two other receipts to the account.<BR><B>Linda</B>: But you can withdraw them and apologize to the boss.<BR><B>Frank</B>: The trouble is that the one who charged me is his...<BR><B>Linda</B>: His wife?<BR><B>Frank</B>: No. His secretary.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:pad one's account 的意思是“虚报账目”。</FONT>
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[关系很好]be on good <A>terms</A> with<BR></FONT></B><BR>据说老张和那个部长的关系特别好。<BR>It's said that Lao Zhang is on very good terms with the minister.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>“关系很好”的概念比较正式的表达法是 have a good relationship with 或 have good ties with 等等。但是在口语中,英美人更习惯用be on good terms with 的句式。如果表示关系不好的概念,可以用 be not on good terms with 或者 be on bad terms with 的片语。</FONT>
<B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Linda</B>: It seems that Sandra is on very good terms with the boss.<BR><B>Sandy</B>: Yeah. They're just like a house of fire.<BR><B>Linda</B>: Does his wife know that?<BR><B>Sandy</B>: What if she knows it? She's just like a lamb in front of him.<BR><B>Linda</B>: I wouldn't stand that sort of marriage.<BR><B>Sandy</B>: Don't boast. We never know what will happen. [em23][em23]
jessie 发表于 2005-12-9 17:54:17

Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation(4)

<B><FONT color=#000080>[跟别人要钱]<A>mooch</A> off someone<BR></FONT></B><BR>我最讨厌跟别人要钱的人了。<BR>I feel sick of those who mooch off others.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>我们这里讲的“跟别人要钱”指专门为占便宜而向他人索取钱财的行为。这种人当然不会还钱,但又不同于诈骗或欺骗。这个说法应该用mooch off的片语来表示。此语中的mooch是动词,含有“强行讨取”之意。比如:他又跟我要了50元钱。He again mooched 50 yuan off me.<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Linda</B>: Did Joe go to borrow money from you?<BR><B>Sandra</B>: Yeah. He came to me and wanted to mooch me off.<BR><B>Linda</B>: Did you give him any?<BR><B>Sandra</B>: of course not, I've been mooched off several times<BR><B>Linda</B>: I'm sorry you were taken in. He's a big liar!

<B><FONT color=#000080>[钱挣海了]<A>coin</A> money<BR></FONT></B><BR>这几年老张的钱挣海了。谁也没料到他会发这么大的财。<BR>Lao Zhang is coining money these few years. Who can ever expect he would be able to make bundles like this!<BR><BR>汉语“钱挣海了”的概念除了可以用make a killing, make bundles, make a bomb的短语表示之外,还可以用coin money,并且这种表示法更形象一些。<BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Kelly</B>: I don't know why I'm always caught short<BR><B>Sally</B>: That's because money burns a hole in your pocket Waste not, want not. You know?<BR><B>Kelly</B>: But why are so many other people so fortunate? I know some guys who are rolling in money and they splash their money without thinking twice.<BR><B>Sally</B>: Maybe they're on the gravy train.<BR><B>Kelly</B>: Yes. Take Thomas for example, he seems to be coining money and rolling in it.<BR><B>Sally</B>: You'll never know. You may run into money one day and coin money, too.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[钱多得花不完] have money to <A>burn</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>老李的钱多得花不完,要不他敢这么挥霍?<BR>Lao Li has money to burn. Otherwise, how could he splash his money about like anything.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>“钱多得花不完”是个夸张的说法,意思是有很多很多的钱。英语中也有个类似的夸张说法:have money to burn(有可以供焚烧的钱)。此语的实际意思是说钱多得到了烧了也不心疼的地步。汉语中的“大肆挥霍”可以用to splash about或to blew来表示。</FONT><BR><BR><B><FONT color=#800000><U>Dialogue</U></FONT></B>
<B>Frank</B>: I hear Joe is making a killing out of clothes selling.<BR><B>Betty</B>: That's true He's his clients eating of his hand.<BR><B>Frank</B>: There's always someone who rides the gravy train.<BR><B>Betty</B>: That's the way things are, but he deserves it for the way he work. He's been working very hard.<BR><B>Frank</B>: But Why don't we ask him to invest in out project? We are running short of funds, aren't we?<BR><B>Betty</B>: Yes. But I don't think he's interested, though he has money to burn.<BR><B>Frank</B>: Why not?<BR><B>Betty</B>: He wouldn't do anything on the off-chance unless he's so sure of what he's doing.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注: do things on the off-chance的意思相当于汉语“干事靠运气”的说法。</FONT>
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[钱能生钱] Money <A>begets</A> money.<BR></FONT></B><BR>钱能生钱。没本钱又怎能挣大钱呢?<BR>Money begets money Without money in hand, how can you make bundles?<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>在英语中有个谚语 Money begets money,与汉语的“钱能生钱”的意思一致。有些学生曾用Money can born money来表示,但是,born是bear的过去分词,不能当动词原形来使用。此外,英语中已有的说法我们应该照搬,在没有把握的情况下不宜再创造。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Frank</B>: It seems easier for rich people to get still richer.<BR><B>Betty</B>: That's because money begets money.<BR><B>Frank</B>: Yes. Those who have little money don't have good chances.<BR><B>Betty</B>: They may have chances, but the problem is that they can't achieve a lot with the little money they have.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[没钱]be <A>broke</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>我手头没钱了,咱们别到外面去吃了。<BR>I don't want to eat out today, I'm broke.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语“没钱”的概念当然可以用have little money, have no money以及be penniless之类的说法来表示。但是,英语中有个be broke的说法,与我们所讲“没钱”的意思一致。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Ted</B>: I feel like having a ball. Let's eat out tonight.<BR><B>Sue</B>: Eat out? Forget it. I'm broke.<BR><B>Ted</B>: Don't worry. I'll treat you. I'm loaded today.<BR><B>Sue</B>: No. We'd better go Dutch. I don't want to freeload.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:(1)feel like having a ball是地道的美国口语,意思相当于汉语“特有情绪”或“特别高兴”。(2)be loaded也是个地道的口语表示法,意思相当于“兜儿里有钱”。(3)go Dutch的意思是“自己付自己的钱”。(4)freeload是个动词,意思相当于汉语的“白吃白喝”。</FONT>
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[钱来之不易]Money doesn't <A>grow</A> on trees.<BR></FONT></B><BR>你不应该如此挥霍。钱来之不易呀!<BR>You should not splash your money about like this. Money doesn't grow on trees.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语的“钱来之不易”有人曾用Money doesn't come easily的句式译之。在一般情况下,这样的译法当然可以。但是,英语中有个更地道的表示方法:Money doesn't grow on trees(钱不是长在树上的)。</FONT><BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B><BR><BR><B>Ted</B>: Why are you throwing all these odds and ends out?<BR><B>Sue</B>: I don't want these odds and ends to take up the space.<BR><B>Ted</B>: But we may need them one day.<BR><B>Sue</B>: When we need them, we may go to the shop. It's very close to us.<BR><B>Ted</B>: But they will cost you some money. Money doesn't grow on trees, you know?<BR><B>Sue</B>: I know. But these trival things do not cost much.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:odds and ends指家里的“零碎东西”。</FONT>
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[敲竹杠]a <A>clip</A> joint<BR></FONT></B><BR>那可是一家漫天要价、大敲竹杠的商店啊!<BR>That shop is plain a clip joint!<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>clip一词有cheat或overcharge之意;joint大致与place同义。在英美等国,a clip joint常指索价甚高或漫天要价的商店或餐馆。比如:如果没熟人介绍,你千万不要涉足香港的酒吧。那里漫天要价的酒吧太多了。You should never step into a bar in Hong Kong that you haven't been introduced to by an acquaintance. There're too many clip joints there.此外,还可以用a rip-off joint表示“敲竹杠”。</FONT><BR><BR><FONT color=#800000><B><U>Dialogue</U></B><BR></FONT><BR><B>Jenny</B>: I'd like to buy a new fur coat. This is already done for. But can you recommend a shop?<BR><B>Tommy</B>: Why don't you go to the Myre? They have all the choicest fur products.<BR><B>Jenny</B>: The Myre? Forget it.<BR><B>Tommy</B>: Why?<BR><B>Jenny</B>: It's some clip joint. Their prices are sky-high. I wouldn't waste my money in such a rip-off joint.<BR><B>Tommy</B>: But you can haggle.<BR><B>Jenny</B>: I don't like that. I would rather go to another Shop.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:(1)the Choicest fur Products的意思是“皮货精品”。(2)the Prices are sky-high的意思是“价钱太高了”。(3)haggle的意思是“讨价还价”与bargain同义。</FONT>
<p><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT>

<B><FONT color=#000080>[生活很富裕] be well <A>fixed</A></FONT></B>
自从中国对外开放以后,有些农民也成了企业家,而且大部分农民的生活都富裕起来了。<BR><BR>Since China opened to the outside world, some farmers have become entrepreneurs and many are well-fixed, living a much more comfortable life.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语“生活富裕起来了”的概念一般可以用become better-off的片语来表示。我们这里讲的be well-fixed中的fixed指“安定”,加上well(有钱),也就相当于我们所说“生活得很富裕”了。</FONT>
<B><U><FONT color=#808000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B><BR><BR><B>Ted</B>: It's amazing that many Chinese peasants are enjoying a much better life than before.<BR><B>Li Ming</B>: Yes. Thanks to China's opening policy.<BR><B>Ted</B>: Ten years ago when I first visited China, I noticed that many peasants were living from hand to mouth.<BR><B>Li Ming:</B> That's true. But now they put on a new look. And many have become well-fixed without having to worry about the next meal as they did in the past<BR><B>Ted</B>: I can understand how they feel. And I'm glad they become much better off.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:(1)live from hand to mouth的意思是“饥寒交迫”。(2)put on a new look相当于“旧貌换新颜”的说法。</FONT>
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[吃了上顿没下顿〕not know where the next <A>meal</A> comes<BR></FONT></B><BR>虽然很多人都已经富裕起来了,可是仍有些人吃了上顿没下顿。<BR><BR>In Spite the fact that many have now become well-fixed, some people still remain in a state that they do not know where me next meal汉语口语中“吃了上顿没下顿”的说法与英语not know where the next meal comes的意思完全吻合。<BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B>
<B>Tina</B>: I feel sorry for these people fumbling in the garbage.<BR><B>Ted</B>: They all have to do that to make a living. These people usually don't know where their next meal would come.<BR><B>Tina</B>: How can they tolerate such a kind of life?<BR><B>Ted</B>: If you were in the same boat, you would know the answer.

<BR><B><FONT color=#000080>[发财]<A>rake</A> it in<BR></FONT></B><BR>他在海南挣了很多钱。真没想到他会发财。<BR>He made bundles in Hai Nan. He was unexpectedly raking it in.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>我们前面提到的making bundles, making a bomb, coining money, rolling in money以及have money to burn之类的片语均强调“挣大钱”或“特别有钱”的状态,而我们这里讨论的rake it in则侧重强调“发财”的动态。rake原指用耙子“耙”的动作,引伸喻指“迅速获取”。与it(钱)in(进)合在一起的字面意思是“很快搂进来很多的钱”,相当于“发了大财”。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Tina</B>: Do you believe in fate?<BR><B>Sue</B>: In fate? What do you mean?<BR><B>Tina</B>: Some people remain poor for a better part of their life and, out of the blue, they rake it in and become millionaires.<BR><B>Sue</B>: Nothing surprising A cat may look at a King They can't remain poor all their lives.<BR><B>Tina</B>: But few people would believe that Joe can run into a fortune<BR><B>Sue</B>: But he did. That is the way of life

<B><FONT color=#000080>[太宰人了]cost an <A>arm</A> and a leg</FONT></B>
这个饭馆太宰人了。一个白菜豆腐汤也得要上几十元。<BR>Eating in this restaurant will cost you an arm and a leg. You'll have to pay tens of yuan for even a soup of cabbage and beancurd.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>在谈到物价的话题时,北京人近年来讲的“宰人”的英语表示法难倒了许多中国学生。其实,英美人早有类似的说法,其中,cost an arm and leg 就是很好的一例。此语的字面意思是“得让你付出一只胳膊和一条腿”,这样的夸张比喻且不比汉语的“宰人”更具体?</FONT>
<B><FONT color=#800000><U>Dialogue:</U></FONT></B>
<B>John</B>: which car do you like to buy?<BR><B>Mary</B>: I'd like this Benz. It stands out against all the other cars.<BR><B>John</B>: Well... it's indeed a very good car. But it will cost an arm and a leg.<BR><B>Mary</B>: I didn't expect that you were in the market for another car.<BR><B>John</B>: I'm thinking about it, but for the time being, I'd like another car.
jessie 发表于 2005-12-9 17:58:20

Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation(5)

<STRONG><FONT color=#000080> </FONT></STRONG>
<STRONG><FONT color=#000080>[大吵大闹]</FONT></STRONG><A><STRONG><FONT color=#000080>yell</FONT></STRONG></A><STRONG><FONT color=#000080> bloody murder<BR></FONT></STRONG><BR>如果我的妻子知道我为他们花了多少钱,她一定会大吵大闹的。<BR>My wife will certainly yell bloody murder when she learns how much I have spent for them.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>学过英语的人大都用shout一词来表示汉语的“大吵大闹”,这种表示法却未能传达出“闹”的成分和“吵”的语气。英语口语中有个yell bloody murder的说法,即包含了“吵”的架势,也包含了“闹”的色彩。但必须同的是,yell bloody murder是美国用法,英国人用blue murder,很少bloody一词。另外,当英国人在表示“大吵大闹”的概念时,一般习惯使用scream blue murder。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences<BR></FONT></U></B><BR>1.如果他知道我把这个消息告诉了你,一定会跟我大吵大闹的。<BR><BR>He'll yell bloody murder to me if he knows I've told you this.<BR><BR>2.你为什么要跟她大吵大闹的?她又没说你的坏话。<BR><BR>Why should you yell bloody murder to her? She didn't say anything bad about you.<BR><BR>3.当她得知他的丈夫和别的女孩子约会时,她就大吵大闹起来。<BR><BR>When she learned that her husband had dated other girls, she started yelling bloody murder.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[很象]the <A>spitting</A> image of<BR></FONT></B><BR>小李真象他的爸爸,在老婆面前象条虫似的。<BR><BR>Xiao Li is plain the spitting image of his father, who behaves just like a lamb in front of his wife.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>不同的“很象”在英语中有不同的表示方法。而在“小李很象他的父亲”一句中,用the spitting image of的片语比其它的更确切。此语中spitting的意思是“影子”,这样,其语意也就很清楚了。请看下面的例句:<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences<BR></FONT></U></B><BR>1.她长得很象她的妈妈。<BR><BR>She takes after her mother.<BR><BR>2.他跟他的父亲长得一模一样。<BR><BR>He's a dead ringer of his father.<BR><BR>3.你的手迹很象老张的。<BR><BR>Your handwriting is similar to Lao Zhang's.<BR><BR>4.在吃东西方面,他特别象他的父亲。<BR><BR>In eating, he's the spitting image of his father.<BR><BR>5.她很象个电影明星。<BR><BR>She's just like a film star.<BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>John</B>: Who's that kid teasing the cat?<BR><B>Mary</B>: He's Henry's son.<BR><B>John</B>: He's really the spitting mage of his father, isn't he?<BR><B>Mary</B>: Yes. He takes after his father. He's chip off the old block.<BR><B>John</B>: Like father, like son, of course.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:Like father, like son.是个谚语,意思是“有其父,必有其子”。</FONT>
<p><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT>

<B><FONT color=#000080>[绝交信]<A>Dear</A> John<BR></FONT></B><BR>贝克收到他女朋友的绝交信的那天简直都气疯了。<BR><BR>Beck went plain crazy with anger on the day when he received his Dear John from his exgirlfriend.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语“绝交信”的说法在英语口语情景中一般是用Dear John来表示的。此语原为第二次世界大战的军队用语,后传入民间。Dear John既可以作名词单独使用,也可以用作形容词,形成a Dear John letter的表示方法。</FONT><BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Joe</B>: It seems that Jack is very down these days.<BR><B>Sue</B>: That's because he got his Dear John from Sandra.<BR><B>Joe</B>: They used to get on like a house on fire.<BR><B>Sue</B>: Yes, they used to get on like a house on fire, but Sandra soon got fed up and turned to another guy.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:get on like a house on fire的意思是“打得火热”。</FONT>
<p><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT>

<B><FONT color=#000080>[不能轻信]<A>take</A> something with a grain of salt<BR></FONT></B><BR>他说的话你可不能全信。他是个说谎不带脸红的人。<BR>You must always take what he says with a grain of salt. He's born liar.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>“不能轻信”的说法当然可以用not believe的句式来表示。但在英语中有个更地道的说法:take something with a grain of salt。此语愿意为“不加盐就不能吃的食物”,后转喻“不加分析就不能轻信的话”,也就相当于“不能轻信”的意思。</FONT>
<B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue <BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Lora</B>:  Why are you so happy today?<BR><B>Lisa</B>: John told me that he would invest in our project.<BR><B>Lora</B>:  It's really naive of you to believe him. He never keeps his words.<BR><B>Lisa</B>: He was serious enough when he made the promise.<BR><B>Lora</B>:  Very well. But you still need to take what he says with a grain of salt. You can't always trust him.<BR><B>Lisa</B>: I'll see whether he is serious or not.

<FONT color=#000080><B>[告发、检举]<A>blow</A> the whistle<BR></B></FONT><BR>据说检举这个事的政府官员也被调职了。<BR>It's said that those government officials who had blown the whistle also got transferred.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“告发”或“揭发”的概念有时可以用report或tell on somebody来表示。比如有人告发你的。Someone will tell on you.但在很多情况下,不如用blow the whistle更形象。此语是个俚语,意思是“检举揭发”某人的不正当行为。比如:公司中某个职员揭发了总经理的偷税行为。Someone in the company has blown the whistle on the general manager who committed tax evasion.再如:有人揭发老张伪造帐目。Someone blew the whistle on Lao Zhang's doctoring the accounts.此外,还有其它一些表示“揭发”概念的词或短语:expose, unmask, bring to light, reveal, make known,等等。</FONT><BR><BR><FONT color=#800000><U><B>Dialogue<BR></B></U></FONT><BR><B>Mark</B>: Do you know that the general manager was charged with embezzlement?<BR><B>Mike</B>: Yes, Someone has blown the whistle on him.<BR><B>Mark</B>: Do you know who that someone is?<BR><B>Mike</B>: Someone in the company, of course.

<B><U><FONT color=#000080>[指控]<A>charge</A> somebody with<BR></FONT></U></B><BR>他被指控犯有强奸罪并被逮捕了。<BR>He was charged with raping and got arrested.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>“指控”及“控告”一般是用be charged with的短语来表示的。请看下面的例句:<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences</FONT></U></B><BR><BR>1.他被指控犯有贪污罪。<BR><BR>He was charged with embezzlement.<BR><BR>2.有人控告他走私<BR><BR>He was charged with smuggling.<BR><BR>3.有人控告她从商店里偷东西。<BR><BR>She was charged with shoplifting.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[刮目相看]<A>Sit</A> up and take notice<BR></FONT></B><BR>他最近出了几十分畅销的书,这使得很多人对他刮目相看。<BR>He has published a number of books and they all become best-sellers, the fact of which makes many people sit up and take notice.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>有人曾把汉语的“刮目相看”译成to look at somebody distinctively或treat somebody with increased respect。这样的译法不能算作是忠实的翻译。在英语中,有个sit up and take notice的说法,其字面意思是“坐起来并开始注意”。这与汉语表示愿未引人注意,后因某事使人评价很高的“刮目相看”的意思几乎完全一致。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences<BR></FONT></U></B><BR>1.由于某种原因,虽然那个老师曾被人看不起,可是当他讲的课受到一位美国著名教授的高度赞扬时,过去看不起那些人也开始刮目相看了。<BR><BR>The teacher had been looked sown upon for one reason or another. But when his teaching was highly spoken of by a very famous American professor, many people around him began to sit up and take notice.<BR><BR>2、长期以来,人们从未把他当作一回事。可是当他在国外受到外国人的赞扬并被留下来在大学任教时,他原来的同事才对他刮目相看。<BR><BR>He had long been taken for granted until he was highly recommended and asked to remain in a university to teach abroad when his former colleagues began to sit up and take notice.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[挺不错的]be <A>hunky</A>-dory<BR></FONT></B><BR>他的女朋友挺不错的,跟谁都合得来。<BR><BR>His girlfriend is hunky-dory, getting on nicely with almost everyone.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语中"挺不错的"或"没说的"之类的说法可以用hunky-dory来表示。Hunky-dory是美国俚语,常用来表示"顶呱呱的"、"非常令人满意的"、"没说的"以及"挺不错的"之类的说法。过去,美国海军的舰艇在日本横滨的港口停泊时,士兵们常到横滨最主要的大街"本町道"(Honcho-dori)去游逛。到了那个地方,士兵们吃喝玩乐,一切都很开心。以后当士兵们提起那条街就随口说出Honky-dori , 用以表示十分令人满意的心情。<BR></FONT><BR><B><FONT color=#800000><U>Sample Sentences<BR></U></FONT></B><BR>1、 A:你买的那套房子怎样?A:How about the house you have just bought?<BR><BR>B:挺不错的。房后还有个花园呢。B:It's hunky-dory. There's even a beautiful garden behind the house.<BR><BR>2、 A:你新买的车怎么样?A:How about the car you've just bought?<BR><BR>B:没说的。既省油,马力也不小。B:It's hunky-dory. It's both economic and powerful.<BR><BR>3、 A:你的这个工作怎样?A:How about your new job?<BR><BR>B:挺不错的。办公室里的人都很说得来。B:I'ts hunky-dory. People in the office all hit it off.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[已经……了]be <A>over</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>电影已经演完了。<BR><BR>The film is over.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>在表示"已经了"的概念或思想情绪时,多数口语场合都可以用be over的短语来表示。请看下面的例句:</FONT><BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences<BR></FONT></U></B><BR>1、 雨已经停了。 The rain is over.<BR><BR>2、 腿不疼了。 The pain in the leg is over.<BR><BR>3、 会议早已结束了。 The meeting is already over.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[断断续续]be <A>off</A> and on </FONT></B><BR><BR>我断断续续学了十二年的英语了。<BR><BR>I have been learning English off and on for 12 years.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语"断断续续"的概念一般都是用off and on 这一短语来表示的。Off and on 在句中一般作状语,相当于一个副词,可放在动词之前,也可放在动词之后。除了可以用来表示"断断续续"的概念,还可以用来表示"有时……有时"或"一会儿……一会儿"之类的意思。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences<BR></FONT></U></B><BR>1、 他已经断断续续地在北京住了三十五年了。He's been living in Beijing off and on for 35 years.<BR>2、 这个灯有时亮,有时又不亮了。The light is on and off .<BR>3、 这个牙一会儿疼,一会儿又不疼。The ache in the tooth is off and on .<BR>
jessie 发表于 2005-12-9 18:02:38

Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation(6)

<STRONG><FONT color=#000080> </FONT></STRONG><STRONG><FONT color=#000080>[前途远大]have the </FONT></STRONG><A><STRONG><FONT color=#000080>world</FONT></STRONG></A><STRONG><FONT color=#000080> before one<BR></FONT></STRONG><BR>你们的前途很远大,但仍须努力工作。<BR>You all have the world before you. But you'll still need to work hard.

<FONT color=#808000 size=2>“前途远大”或“前程无量”之类的说法除了可以用have a bright future或have a prosperous future来表示外,还可以用have the world before one。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Henry</B>: Hey, boys. Don't be too proud of being young. I know you all have the world before you, but you will have to work hard to make your world beautiful.<BR><B>Jack</B>: Yes, Henry, we're all working hard.<BR><B>Henry</B>: But you aren't working hard enough.<BR><B>Jack</B>: We still have a lot of time to work still harder. But one fact you cannot blink is that we must not overwork ourselves. All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, you know?

<B><FONT color=#000080>[好险]a narrow <A>squeak</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>昨天晚上好险哪。老板同一个妇女职员在办公室里动手动脚的,差一点儿让他的妻子给撞上。<BR>The boss had a narrow squeak last night in his office: his spooning with a girl clerk was almost found out by his wife.

<FONT color=#808000 size=2>“好险”或“险些”的说法在汉语中一般有两种场合:一种是人命关开的场合,比如:“险些被压死”。这种场合的“险些”英语是用have a close shave的片语来表示的;另一种是有惊无险的场合,比如“干坏事险些被发现”,一般是用a narrow squeak来表示的。squeak原指短促的尖叫声,用作俚语的意思是“勉强地”、“侥幸地”,与narrow合用,常用于“非常勉强的成功”或“脱险”。</FONT><BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B><BR><BR>John: Do you know why our boss becomes watchful at Joe?<BR>Mary: No idea. They used to get on like a house on fire.<BR>John: That becomes a past story.<BR>Mary: What's happened?<BR>John: Joe got himself too familiar with the boss's wife and his spooning with her was almost found out by the boss.<BR>Mary: What a narrow squeak! If it was found out, Joe will certainly be in trouble.<BR>John: But I bet he will have it coming on him.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[手气好]have the <A>Midas</A> touch<BR></FONT></B><BR>王先生的手气特别好,干什么都挣钱。<BR>Mr. Wang has the Midas touch: everything he does turns to gold.

<FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语“手气好”的概念在大多数的情况下均可用have the Midas touch来表示。此语源自希腊神话。据说,神赐给一个叫Midas的人一种特殊的力量,任何东西只要被他的手一碰就会变成黄金。后来Midas touch便用来喻指“有发财的运气或技能”了。</FONT><BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR>Sue: You seem quite down. What's eating you?<BR>Tim: I lost all my money.<BR>Sue: But you insisted that you had the Midas touch.<BR>Tim: That was because I seldom lost.<BR>Sue: But luck is not always on the same person. You should know that.<BR>Tim: I didn't believe they could take me to the cleaners.<BR>Sue: But they did. You've got to stop by now.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:take somebody to the cleaners的意思是“让某人输得精光”。</FONT>
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[走运]be on the <A>gravy</A> train<BR></FONT></B><BR>这几年他一直很走运。<BR>He's been on the gravy train these years.

<FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语“走运”或“运气好”的概念基本上可以用be on the gravy train的片语来表示。值得注意的是:当此语中的gravy train之前跟不定冠词a,形成a gravy train时,其意思是“美差事”或“有油水”。只有当使用be on the gravy train的形式时,其意思者是“走运”。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#808000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Mike</B>: There are always people who are on the gravy train.<BR><B>Mark</B>: That's what things are. Some people always seem to have the Midas touch. They make bundles by doing almost everything.<BR><B>Mike</B>: But nobody would believe that Jack can make bundles.<BR><B>Mark</B>: He is making a lot of money. But I don't think he'll always be on the gravy train.<BR><B>Mike</B>: No. God won't always bless the same person, I believe.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[让人给骗了]be <A>ripped</A> off <BR></FONT></B><BR>我又被那个家伙骗了。<BR>I was ripped off again by that guy.

<FONT color=#808000 size=2>在英语里,不同形式和不同内容的"骗"有不同的表示方法。Be fooled, be taken in, be done in ,以及be cheated 和 be deceived往往用于指"精神"方面的"骗",而be conned, be hooked, be hooked , be swindled 及我们这里讲的be ripped off 侧重指金钱或物质方面的"被骗"。Rip off 带有"欺诈"、"诈骗"之意,在表达这一概念时较为常用。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Susan</B>: Why are you down in the dumps?<BR><B>Sandra</B>: I've got ripped off. Someone conned me and I lost more than 2,000 dollars.<BR><B>Susan</B>: You're kidding! Why couldn't you see through him?<BR><B>Sandra</B>: Maybe I'm still wet behind the ears.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:be down in the dumps 的意思是"神情沮丧"。</FONT>
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[不入虎穴,焉得虎子]Nothing <A>venture</A>, nothing have<BR></FONT></B><BR>不入虎穴,焉得虎子。不吃苦,哪能会有收获?<BR>Nothing venture, nothing have. No pains, no gains.

<FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语的"不入虎穴,焉得虎子"是条成语,现有直译和意译两种译法。在较为正式的场合,此语多采用直译,而在非正式或大多数口语情景中,一般采用意译:Nothing venture, nothing have. 此语直译成汉语的意思是"不冒险就无收获"。</FONT><BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B><BR><BR><B>John</B>: How's your business , Mark?<BR><B>Mark</B>: It let me down I can't put my finger on why business is bad . Retailing is a hard nut to crack.<BR><B>John</B>: But you can't let things drift. You will have to do something.<BR><B>Mark</B>: I'm thinking of expanding my business to widen the profit margin. But I need a short term interest-free loan .<BR><B>John</B>: I advise you to take stock of the situation before actually carry out your plan. You should remain on the safe side.<BR><B>Mark</B>: I know. But nothing venture, nothing have. I've got to take risks.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:(1) go overboard 一般指"过分追求",但在此文中指"仓促地大量进货";(2)make one's hair stand on end 的意思是"使人毛骨悚然";(3)A rolling stone gathers no moss 是个谚语,意即"滚石不生苔,转业不聚财";(4)take stock of …的意思是"估计形势"或"对形势作出正确的判断"。<BR></FONT>
<p><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT>

<B><FONT color=#000080>[白费力气]<A>plough</A> the air<BR></FONT></B><BR>只要打定了主意,他是绝对不会再改变的。你再劝他也只是白费力气。<BR>He wouldn't change his idea once he's made up his mind. Any attempt to let him change will only be ploughing the air.

<FONT color=#808000 size=2>"白费力气"一般可以用be in vain 的片语来表示。但作为地道的口语表达形式,用plough the air 更好。Plough the air 直译为"在空气中耕耘",这当然是徒劳的,白费力气的。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue <BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>John</B>: Why did you get so cross with Jack?<BR><B>Mark</B>: He butted in and loused up my talk with a potential client.<BR><B>John</B>: Don't worry. Maybe we can try and iron out the problem.<BR><B>Mark</B>: That'll be ploughing the air. The client has already turned to another seller.<BR><B>John</B>: But do you think we can save the situation somehow?<BR><B>Mark</B>: Not even z dog's chance.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:(1)get cross with...的意思是“生某人的气”;(2)louse up...的意思是“把某事搞得一团糟”;(3)Not even a dog's chance是个俚语,意指“没有一点可能”。</FONT>
<p><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT>

<B><FONT color=#000080>[命好]lead a <A>charmed</A> life<BR></FONT></B><BR>他的命真好。爸爸是政府高级官员,妈妈是公司的总经理,自己过了托福考试并获得美国一所大学的奖学金。<BR>His father is a senior government official, his mother is the general manager of a large company and he himself had passed the TOEFL test and got a scholarship from an American university. He must have been leading a charmed life!

<FONT color=#808000 size=2>对于汉语“命好”或“命大”的说法,有人曾用lucky或have a good luck译之。此译虽不能说是错,但未能表达出其全部意思。其实,英语中lead a charmed life这一片语就十分接近“命好”或“命大”的意思,用之更准确。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B>
<B>Jack</B>: Have you heard about the traffic accident in the Fifth Street last Friday?<BR><B>Mary</B>: Yeah. Four people were killed and three got seriously injured. Of the eight people in the two cars, only the eight-year girl survived the accident.<BR><B>Jack</B>: That's what I mean. That girl must lead a charmed life. Isn't it a mystery?<BR><B>Mary</B>: well...I've also heard that a girl who fell from a six-story building only got slightly injured.<BR><B>Jack</B>: She leads a charmed life, too. That's another mystery!<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:(1)be in the dark的意思是“对某事一无所知”;(2)survive an accident的意思是“在车祸中幸免于难”。</FONT>
<p><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT>

<B><FONT color=#000080>[遭殃、倒霉]get in the <A>neck</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>在家里,如果孩子们打架被父母发现了,倒霉的总是年龄大的孩子。<BR>In the family, if the kicks-up are found out by the parents, it's always the oldest of the children who'll get in the neck.

<FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语“遭殃”、“倒霉”或某些场合中的“背黑锅”之类的概念在很多情况下都以用的片语来表示。此语的来源大概是:犯错的人或罪犯往往要被人用手掐住脖子并遭惩罚。后来人们便借此喻指“遭殃”或“倒霉”之类的概念了。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Jack</B>: Another mystery about life is that when a group of people are involved in wrong doings, there's always someone who can get away with a blue murder while others get in the neck.<BR><B>Mary</B>: That's for sure. Joe got in the neck the other day when he and his friends were racing on the highway. Of the live boys, only Joe got cooped out by the police.<BR><B>Jack</B>: He should have it coming on him. He's always been driving live a lunatic.

<B><FONT color=#000080>[背黑锅]hold the <A>bag</A></FONT></B>
在任何情况下,我从没有让任何人为我背黑锅。<BR>Under no circumstances have I made anyone hold the bag for me.

<FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语中“背黑锅”的说法意指某人干了坏事而责任却落在未干坏事的人身上。英美人把这种情况说成“捧着布袋子”(hold the bag),但值得注意的是:英美人讲的hold the bag 的人既可能是同犯错误的人,也可能是没有牵连的人。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B>
<B>Tom</B>: Why did Sue rage at you like that?<BR><B>Sam</B>: She blamed me for what we did yesterday.<BR><B>Tom</B>: What did you do?<BR><B>Sam</B>: We sold unlicensed medicine. But when we saw the police coming, we ran away.<BR><B>Tom</B>: What about Sue?<BR><B>Sam</B>: She was too slow to run away. She was caught by the police.<BR><B>Tom</B>: So she was left holding the bag?<BR><B>Sam</B>: I didn't want that, of course.<BR>
jessie 发表于 2005-12-9 18:50:36

Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation(7)

<FONT color=#000080> </FONT><FONT face=Arial color=#000080>[活该]</FONT><A><FONT face=Arial color=#000080>should</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial color=#000080> have it coming on somebody </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>他挨揍真是活该!谁让他老欺负别人。<BR>He's got beaten up ? He should have it coming on him for the way he often ill-treats others.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语中"活该"的概念有几种表示方法。有时可用serve somebody right, 有时可以用 somebody deserves it , 有时甚至还可以用It's due for somebody. 我们这里讲的 should have coming on somebody 表达的也是"活该"的概念,其真正含义是"应得的下场"。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800000>Sample Sentences</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>1、 A:没想到老板把他的秘书给开除了。<BR>A: It's came as a surprise that the boss had dismissed his secretary.<BR>B:那才活该呢!谁让她总是那么趾高气扬的。<BR>B: She should have it coming on her , for she's been too conceited.<BR>2、 A:有人给老板在背后捅了一刀。<BR>A: Someone stabbed the boss in the back! <BR>B:活该!谁让他总吹牛。<BR>B: He should have it coming on him , for the way he always talks big.</FONT>
<a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[犹豫不定]be of two </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>minds</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> </FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>我打算买辆汽车,可心里一直犹豫不定,不知道买哪个牌子的好。<BR>I'm thinking of buying a car , but I'm still of two minds. I can hardly decide as to which brand I should take.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>我们日常生活中讲的"犹豫不定"、"拿不定主意"、"下不了决心"以及"不知该怎么好"之类的话均可用be of two minds 的片语来表示。此语直译为"处于两个大脑之间",亦即"犹豫不定"。顺便提一下:be of two minds 是美语习惯,而英国人则使用be in two minds 的形式。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>Bob: Have you decided on the job ? I mean which company do you like to work for ?<BR>Tom :Well…I'm still of two minds. I like both of them.<BR>Bob: But you can't work in two companies, can you?<BR>Tom: No. But I can't make up my mind as to which one I should choose.<BR>Bob: That's all up to you, of course.</FONT>
<a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[心事重重]</FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>something</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> weighs heavily on one's mind</FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>老板这几天沉默寡言,看起来好象心事重重的。<BR>The boss is quite down these days, He seems to have something weighing heavily on his mind.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>我们日常所讲的"心事重重"或"有什么心事"之类的说法可以用something weighs heavily on one's mind 的句式来表示。此语中的weigh是"重压",与on one's mind 合在一起就成了"某事沉重地压在某人的心头",也就等于"心事重重"。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800000>Sample Sentences</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>1、 他看起来有些心事重重的。你知道他有什么心事吗?<BR>Something seems to have been weighing heavily on his mind recently. Do you know what that something is ?</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>2、 他女儿要和一个外国人结婚,这总使他感到心事重重的。<BR>The fact that his daughter is going to marry a foreigner seems to weigh heavily on his mind.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>3、 我能看得出你这几天有什么心事。<BR>I can see that there's something that weighs on your mind these days.</FONT>
<a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[埋头苦干]keep one's </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>nose</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> to the grindstone</FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>这年头,只会埋头苦干的人是挣不了大钱的。<BR>These years those who're keeping their nose to the grindstone can't make bundles.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语中"老老实实地干活儿"、"埋头苦干"之类的概念都可以用keep one's nose to the grindstone的习语表示。此语直译为"鼻子贴着磨盘转",亦即"埋头苦干"。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>Lora: How can we get rich?<BR>Lisa: Working hard.<BR>Lora: Working hard to get rich? No way!<BR>Lisa: Why?<BR>Lora: Can you give me an example showing the one who gets rich by working hard?<BR>Lisa: I don't know what else we can do. The only thing I know is to keep my nose to the grindstone.<BR>Lora: That's why you can't make a lot of money. You see , those who have been keeping their nose to the grindstone get only peanuts.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>注:get peanuts的意思是"挣微不足道的钱",亦即"挣不了多少钱"。</FONT>
<a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[心凉了半截]</FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>cool</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> one's ardor</FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>丽丽深深地爱上了公司的老板并打算嫁给他。但是,当她听说他玩弄过几个女孩子之后,她的心凉了半截。<BR>Lili was head over heels in love with their company's boss and was thinking of marrying him , but the news that he had taken several girls for a ride cooled her ardor.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语"心凉了半截"的说法在很多情况下都可以用cool one's ardor 的片语来表示。此语中的ardor是"热情",cool是"冷却",合在一起直译为"冷却热情",亦即"心凉了半截"</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>Dora: I hear that Bob is going to many Sue .<BR>Lora: Bob was thinking of marrying her. But when he knew that Sue had been going out with several other men , it cooled his ardor.<BR>Dora: So he will give up the idea?<BR>Lora: That's for sure.</FONT>
<a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[使人大为激动]make one's </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>spine</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> tingle </FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>小李答应与他结婚使他大为激动。<BR>Xiao Li's promise to marry him made his spine tingle.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语"使人激动"的说法曾被误译为make one's blood boil。有人将此习语译成"使人热血沸腾"。这些都是由于对此习语的误解所致。实际上,make one's blood boil 的意思是"激怒某人",而非"使人激动"。"使人激动"的说法除了可用make one excited 的片语来表示,在大多数的情况下均可用make one's spine tingle的说法。此语中的spine是"脊骨";tingle是"震颤"或"抖动",喻指"激动"。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>Dora: When Frank told me that he was to marry me , he made my spine tingle. I thought it was my dream come true .<BR>Lora: But he didn't marry you .<BR>Dora: Later I learned that he was just taking me for a ride . I was so naive to believe him .<BR>Lora: Few men can be trusted these days, you know?</FONT>
<a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[怀恨在心]bear somebody a </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>grudge</FONT></A></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>千万别得罪他,他会对你怀恨在心的。<BR>Take care not to offend him, or he'll bear you a grudge.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>"对某人怀恨在心"的说法一般是用bear somebody a grudge的形式来表示的。Grudge 含有妒忌、怨恨以及恶怒之意;bear是动词,意思是"抱有"或"带有",两者合在一起接近"怀恨在心"的意思。</FONT>
<U><FONT face=Arial color=#000080>Dialogue</FONT></U>
<FONT face=Arial>Cathy: Why did you speak to the office wolf like that?<BR>Betty: Because he was unfair to me .<BR>Cathy: But he will certainly bear you a grudge.<BR>Betty: I don't care. I couldn't stand him.<BR>Cathy: But sometimes you'll have to eat humble pie .</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>注:eat humble pie 的意思是"忍辱含含垢"。</FONT>
<a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[感到四肢无力]feel </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>wobbly</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> and rough</FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>这几天我总感到四肢无力。<BR>I feel wobbly and rough these few days.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>有人曾把“四肢无力”用英语have no strength来表示,这显然是中国式的英语。其实,feel jaded和feel sluggish都能表达“四肢无力”的意思。前者侧重表示“疲倦”、“精疲力竭”,而后者侧重表达“懒惰”和“不太想动弹”的状态。我们日常所讲的“四肢无力”大都指身体不舒服时混身乏力的状态,因此,用feel wobbly and rough才较准确。<BR></FONT><BR><FONT color=#800000><U>Dialogue</U></FONT></FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Susan: I'm already on the edge.<BR>Sandy: You feel under the weather?<BR>Susan: Yeah! I feel wobbly and rough. I often feel dizzy and I'm losing a lot of sleep, too.<BR>Sandy: Have you been to see the doctor?<BR>Susan: Yes, I have. He gave me a check-up, but couldn't find anything seriously wrong.<BR>Sandy: You may be in for a nerve break-down. You really could do with a break. <BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:could do with a break的意思是“真该好好地休息休息”。</FONT></FONT>
<a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[受冷落]feel </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>left</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> out<BR></FONT></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>在这样的场合上有谁会愿意受到冷落呢?<BR>Who would like to feel left out at such a function?</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>“受冷落”在英语中有很多的表示方法,比如,get a cold shoulder和get deserted,等等。当几个人在一起聊天时,谁都不理睬其中一个人,这个人就会感觉受到冷落。在这样的情景中,用get deserted就不如用feel left out更符合英美人的口语习惯。当然,get a cold shoulder的说法也很地道,此语常有“不受欢迎”之意。</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial>Sally: James, I thought you might feel a bit lonely in a place far away from home.<BR>James: By no means. I am used to living by myself.<BR>Sally: But we don't want you to feel left out.<BR>James: No. People around me keep me busy and make my spine tingle. I enjoy my life here.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:go out of one's way to 的意思是“尽全力”。</FONT></FONT>
< align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT color=#808000 size=2></FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[不容易]no </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>cinch</FONT></A><BR></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>我是挣了钱,但这钱挣的不太容易了。<BR>I know I've made some money, but it was no cinch to get it.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial color=#808000 size=2>汉语“不容易”的概念较为笼统,若用英语来表示,不同语境有不同的表示方法。一般说来,可以用not easy或difficult之类的单词来表示,但作为地道的口语,no piece of cake或no cinch或no picnic就是几个广为人知的习惯用语。a piece of cake常用来喻指“轻松的事”,no piece of cake意指“不轻松”。no cinch中的cinch指“马鞍等的肚带”,常用来喻指“容易做的事”或“必然发生的事”。因此,no cinch这个俚语的意思就与我们所说的“不容易”相吻合了。<BR><BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U><BR>Linda: How did you get the job?<BR>Sally: Through the help of John.<BR>Linda: How are you getting no with it?<BR>Sally: It takes time to get used to all the routines. And doing a good job in such a big company is no piece of cake.<BR>Linda: Of course. We have to work hard and get things done. I know it's no cinch to work in a big company. But on the other hand, the pay is usually much better.<BR>Sally: You deserve such a good pay for all the things you do.<BR>Linda: Certainly</FONT>
jessie 发表于 2005-12-9 18:54:50

Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation(8)

<FONT color=#000080> </FONT>
<FONT face=Arial color=#000080>[偷懒耍滑头]</FONT><A><FONT face=Arial color=#000080>goof</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial color=#000080>-off<BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial>小王总是偷懒耍滑头。上班时,不是去打电话,就是跑到医务室去看病。<BR>Xiao Wang's always goofing-off -- either making phone calls or going to the clinic to see doctors during office hours.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
</FONT><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“偷懒耍滑头”很接近英语goof-off这一短语的意思。此语主要用于逃避工作或故意偷懒的场合。</FONT><BR><BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences<BR></FONT></U><BR>1.别偷懒耍滑头,开始干活儿吧!<BR>Stop goofing-off and get down to work!<BR><BR>2.杰克很聪明。如果他不偷懒,一定会得到更高的分数。<BR>Jack's clever. He could get even higher scores if he didn't goof-off.<BR><BR>3.李明因上班偷懒而被开除了。<BR>Li Ming had been fired for goofing-off at work.</FONT>
<FONT face=Arial><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U><BR>Sue: It seems that Dora is a big apple in her boss's eyes.<BR>Tim: Yes, she is. She's an eager beaver and never goofs-off<BR>Sue: She really wants to get ahead.<BR>Tim: Yes. She's ambitious and hopes to make the mark.<BR>Sue: She will succeed.<BR>Tim: I bet she will. If she goofs-off at work, the boss wouldn't like her like anything.<BR>Sue: That's true. Bosses all like their employees to work hard.</FONT>
< align=right><a href="http://www.cycnet.com/englishcorner/practical/cnsaying/index.htm" target="_blank" ><FONT face=Arial></FONT></A><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[大动肝火]be up in </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>arms</FONT></A><BR></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>由于公司最近几个月的销售业绩不佳,老板正在大动肝火。<BR>The boss is up in arms about the company's poor sales record in the past few months. </FONT><FONT face=Arial>
</FONT><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“大动肝火”或“愤怒已极”之类的概念除了可以用fly into a rage, be filled with indignation的片语表示外,还可以用be up in arms的习语来表达。此语的意思是“举起双臂,抖动两个拳头”,表示愤怒。</FONT><BR><BR><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences</FONT></U><BR><BR>l.你未经允许就用了爸爸的汽车,这使他大为恼火。<BR>Dad is up in arms because you used his car without asking for his permission.<BR><BR>2.居民们对政府在他们住所附近建造工厂的计划表示极大的愤慨。<BR>Residents are all getting up in arms over the government's plan to build a factory near their residence.<BR><BR>3.你为什么要为这么点的小事而如此地大动肝火呢? <BR>Why should you fly into such a rage at a small thing like this?</FONT>
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<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[保持冷静]keep </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>cool</FONT></A><BR></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>即使是在十分气愤的情况下她也能保持冷静。<BR>She can keep cool even under heavy pressure of anger.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
</FONT><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“保持冷静”的说法在英语中有以下几种表示方法:to keep cool, to keep calm, cool it, hold one's horses,等等。但是在口语中,英美人通常keep cool和keep calm两种。<BR></FONT><BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U><BR>Jack: Keep cool, Jenny. You don't have to be so angry.<BR>Jenny: Keep cool? How can I keep cool? Didn't you know that he broke my car again?<BR>Jack: I Know that. But What's done can't be undone. What's the use of raging like this?<BR>Jenny: I just want to tell him that he broke my car and that I am angry.<BR>Jack: Hold your horses, Jenny. I'm sure he will send it to the repair shop and soon get it refixed.<BR>Jenny: But I don't want my car to often stay with the repairmen</FONT>
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<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[说话兜圈子]beat about the </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>bush</FONT></A><BR></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>别跟我兜圈子了,快说你到底想干什么吧!<BR>Stop beating about the bush. Just tell me what you want!</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
</FONT><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>“说话兜圈子”意指“说话拐弯抹角”或不能“直来直去”。可以用 beat about (around) the bush的片语来表示。此语直译为“在灌木丛中胡乱拍打”,意思就是“分敲侧击”或“兜圈子”。<BR></FONT><BR><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U><BR><BR>Lucy: I...er... I want to ask you something.<BR>Lisa: Say what you want to say.<BR>Lucy: I...er... You see, I want to buy a new car.<BR>Lisa: Yes. You want to buy a new car. What else?<BR>Lucy: The car is very expensive and I...er...<BR>Lisa: Listen, Lucy. Stop beating about the bush. Say what you really want!<BR>Lucy: I'm wondering if you could possibly lend me some money.<BR>Lisa: I'm sorry, Lucy. I'm indeed very sorry But I don’t have any money lend to you.</FONT>
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<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[心怀叵测]have an </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>ax</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> to grind<BR></FONT></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>她总是心怀叵测,对她说的话你得多留神。<BR>She always has an ax to grind. You should take whatever she say with a pinch of salt.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#000080 size=2>“心怀叵测”相当于汉语口语中“没安好心”或“没好心”的意思。接近于英语have an ax to grind的说法。此语直译为“有一把斧子要磨”。据说,此语源于美国政治家本杰明·富兰克林(Benjmin Franklin,1706--1790)的少年生活,一天有一男子想磨斧子。由于他不知怎样使用磨石,于是,年幼的富兰克林便用尽全身力量把重达一百多公斤的grindstone推转很多次。此间,那个男子连连夸奖富兰克林。可是,斧子刚一磨好,他就嘲笑地对富兰克林说:“是故意让你这样干的”说罢转身就走了。后来此语转喻“心怀叵测”。</FONT><BR><BR><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U><BR><BR>Sue: Why don't you talk with Jenny? She may be able to help you. <BR>Tim: Talk with Jenny? You'll never know what she'll do.<BR>Sue: What do you mean?<BR>Tim: She may ruin you. She always has an ox to grind if she promises to help others.<BR>Sue: How come?<BR>Tim: Well...Once bitten, twice shy. I know what sort of person she is.</FONT>
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<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[心术不正]not have one's </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>heart</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> in the right place<BR></FONT></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>他的心术不正,动不动就在别人的背后涌刀子。<BR>He doesn't have his heart in the right place. He would find every opportunity to stab in the back of others.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>上面谈到的“心怀叵测”强调“另有企图”或“用心不良”的某段时间内的行为,而“心术不正”则指人坏的品质。因此,偶尔“心怀叵测”的人倒不一定是个一贯“心术不正”的人。有人曾用not have a good heart译之,但不如用not have the heart in the right place的表示法更符合口语习惯。此语直译为“心没长在正地方上”,即“心术不正”。<BR></FONT><BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U><BR>Sue: I don't see any point in your being nice to Jack.<BR>Tim: Why not?<BR>Sue: He is not someone who deserves your kindness.<BR>Tim: I'm confused. Didn't you say he is capable?<BR>Sue: I did say that. But his heart is not in the right place. That's why I advise you against being too nice to him.<BR>Tim: But I need his cooperation in the project.<BR>Sue: I certainly know that. But you must be careful with him. He may let you in and take advantage of you.</FONT>
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<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[背后捅刀子]</FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>stab</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> in the back<BR></FONT></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>我万万没有想到张某会在背后捅我一刀。我过去太信任她了。<BR>I was taken aback and didn't think Zhang would stab me in the back. I placed too much trust in her.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语中“背后捅刀子”、“暗下毒手”以及“脚底使绊”之类的概念在很多情况下都可用 stab somebody in the back的片语来表示。此语与汉语的“背后捅刀子”几乎是形合意切。<BR></FONT><BR><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U><BR><BR>Mark: I can't understand why a person like you should be passed over for promotion.<BR>Sally: It was all because of Muriel.<BR>Mark: Muriel? What did she do?<BR>Sally: She stabbed me in the back. She told the boss that I had gossiped about him. So he bears me a grudge.<BR>Mark: That was very bad of her.</FONT>
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<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[说某人的坏话]</FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>badmouth</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> somebody<BR></FONT></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>我从来没说过任何人的坏话。<BR>I've never badmouthed anyone.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>“说人的坏话”在英语口语中有两种表示方法:一是speak evil of somebody, 二是badmouth somebody。比较起来,后者更具口语色彩。<BR></FONT><BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#800000><U>Dialogue<BR></U></FONT><BR>Nancy: Why were you so angry with Sue?<BR>Sally: She spoke evil of me behind my back.<BR>Nancy: What did she say?<BR>Sally: She said to the boss that I often goofed-off.<BR>Nancy: It's very bad of her to badmouth you. You two used to get on with each other, didn't see you.<BR>Sally: But I couldn't see through her.<BR>Nancy: Wit once taught is worth twice taught. You should chalk it up to experience.</FONT>
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<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[傻笑]</FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>grin</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> like a Cheshire cat<BR></FONT></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>她真是个傻帽,时常无缘无故地就傻笑起来。<BR>She's a real nitwit. She would now and then burst out grinning like a Cheshire cat for no reason at all.</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
<FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>“无缘无故地傻笑”的概念常可以用grin like a Cheshire cat的说法来表示。此语中的Cheshire为英同郡名:柴郡。据说此地有一种猫,常常会无缘无故地咧开嘴冲着主人笑。后来人们便以此来形容傻笑的人了。<BR></FONT><BR></FONT><FONT face=Arial>Dialogue<BR><BR>Lucy: I hate to talk with Linda.<BR>Lisa: Why? Isn't she a pleasant person?<BR>Lucy: She might be pleasant to other people, but certainly not to me.<BR>Lisa: There must be something that has made you think of her like that.<BR>Lucy: When I was talking with her, she often bursts out grinning like a Cheshire cat, You don't know what she is laughing at.<BR>Lisa: There are some girls who often do like her. That's a kind of personality.</FONT>
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<FONT color=#000080><FONT face=Arial>[厚着脸皮去干]have the </FONT><A><FONT face=Arial>gall</FONT></A><FONT face=Arial> to do<BR></FONT></FONT><BR><FONT face=Arial>你怎么能厚着脸皮报怨说别人不勤快?<BR>How call you have the gall to complain about other people's being lazy?</FONT><FONT face=Arial>
</FONT><FONT face=Arial><FONT color=#808000 size=2>英语的gall是“胆汁”,to have the gall to do 直译为“有足够的胆汁去做”。中世纪欧洲的医学认为,如果胆分泌的胆汁过多,人就会傲慢无理或不知羞耻,因此,to have the gall to do的实际意思就成了“有足够胆量去干”,也就“厚着脸皮云干”了。<BR></FONT><BR><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U><BR><BR>Tom: Why did he jump down your throat like that?<BR>Sue: He said that I was not diligent enough.<BR>Tom: How could he have the gall to blame you? He himself always goofs-off and never works hard.<BR>Sue: He's unfair. And he's no sense.</FONT>
jessie 发表于 2005-12-9 19:05:28

Chinese Phrases and Sayings with English Translation(9)

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<B><FONT color=#000080>[海量] have a </FONT><A><FONT color=#000080>hollow</FONT></A><FONT color=#000080> leg<BR></FONT></B><BR>你想灌醉他?他可是海量,从来没有醉过。<BR>Want to drink him under the table? Well...you can never do. He's got a hollow leg, you know.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语“海量”的言我之意是“喝不醉”,意指“能喝很多”。在谈及某人的酒量时,常有人说He can drink many bottles of wine。虽不能说此语有错,但听来总感不地道,而且中国人所说的酒不是英美人讲的wine,而应该是liqueur或spirits。汉语的“海量”之说与英语的have a hollow leg十分接近。have a hollow leg直译为“有一条中空的腿”,其意思是:无论喝多少,都不会醉。</FONT><BR><B><FONT color=#800000><U>Dialogue<BR></U></FONT></B><B>Bob</B>: You seem to be upset. What's eating you?<BR><B>Sue</B>: It's about my boyfriend, Jack, He got drunk again last night.<BR><B>Bob</B>: Why didn't you prevent him? It's your fault, I think.<BR><B>Sue</B>: I told him many times not to drink with those guys, but he just turned a deaf ear. Those guys all have a hollow leg, you know.<BR><B>Bob</B>: Doesn't he know that?<BR><B>Sue</B>: I think he does. But he insisted that he could just drink as much.
<B><FONT color=#000080>[不分上下]be <A>neck</A> and neck<BR></FONT></B><BR>论开车技术,小李和小王那真是不分上下。可要说到做饭,小李可就比小王差远了。<BR>In the skills of driving, Xiao Li and Xiao Wang are neck and neck. But when it comes to cooking, Xiao Li is far next to Xiao Wang.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语中“不分上下”的说法在英语中有很多不同的表示方法。比如:the same as ..., as well as ...,be similar in ..., share much similarity in ...,等等。但是,若用be neck and neck来表示“不分上下”最为贴切。此语从赛马用语发展而来,原指把数匹马的脖子(neck)排成一列地向前奔跑,后来用以表示“势均力敌”、“并驾齐驱”之类的概念。</FONT><BR><BR>1.当选票计算到一半的时候,张先生和赵先生仍是不分上下。<BR><BR>When the votes were half counted, Mr. Zhang and Mr. Zhao were still neck and neck.<BR><BR>2.在画油画方面,王先生和李先生不分上下。<BR><BR>In the skills of oil painting, Mr. Wang and Mr. Li are neck and neck.<BR><BR>3.两个队已经打了近两个小时,可他们的比分仍不分上下。<BR>The two teams have been playing for two hours, and yet, they are still neck and neck in their scores.
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[略胜一筹]be a <A>notch</A> above<BR></FONT></B><BR>论油画,张先生比刘先生画得好。但是谈到水彩画,刘先生可就比张先生略胜一筹了。<BR><BR>In oil painting, Mr. Zhang paints better than Mr. Li. But when it comes to water colors, Mr. Liu appears to be a notch above Mr. Zhang.<BR><BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>“略胜一筹”一般可以用be better than...的句式来表示。例如:John's better at driving than his wife is。但用be a notch above...的句式更符合口语习惯。此语中notch的意思是“痕迹”。据说,古时人们比赛时把一根木棍插在地上,从下往上将得分刻得在木棍上。这样,得分高的人的notch也就高于得分低的人了。后来人们便借此比喻be better或be higher的概念了。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences<BR></FONT></U></B><BR>1.论教语法,王教授要比学院其他任何人都略胜一筹。<BR>In teaching grammar, Professor Wang can be a notch above all the other professors.<BR><BR>2.论教英语口语,王教授比其他任何人都强得多。<BR>In teaching oral English, Professor Wang is several notches above other professors.<BR><BR>3.从汽车的整体质量而言,奔驰轿车比其它任何牌子轿车都好。<BR>In the overall quality, Benz cars are a notch above all the other brands.
<B><FONT color=#000080>[有头脑]be a <A>brain</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>他可是个有头脑的人,决不会相信你的那一套。<BR>He's a brain, who wouldn't be fooled into believing your babbling.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语“有头脑”之说意指聪明,有智谋。表达这一概念可以用以下几种方法:be intelligent, have a brain, to have one's head screwed on the right way以及be a brain,等等。但用be a brain更符合口语习惯。此概念有时还可以用be on the ball来表示。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Sue</B>: Jack's a brain.<BR><B>Ted</B>: But I can't stand him. He rubs me the wrong way and I can hardly put up with him.<BR><B>Sue</B>: Why? Doesn't he have his feet on the ground?<BR><B>Ted</B>: Well... I can't tolerate the way he talks to me.<BR><B>Sue</B>: I read his application and I feel he's the cream of the crop.<BR><B>Ted</B>: You mean you still want to hire him?<BR><B>Sue</B>: Yeah. I wouldn't employ a fool who's good for nothing, you know?<BR><B>Ted</B>: Well... it's up to you.
<B><FONT color=#000080>[很能干]to have a lot on the <A>ball</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>我知道李明很能干,但我怀疑他是否真的愿意到我们这儿来工作。<BR>I know Li Ming has a lot on the ball. But I'm not sure if he likes to work here.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>“很能干”在英语中有很多表示方法。比如:to be able to do..., to be capable of doing...,to be sufficient in doing...,等等,但to have a lot on the ball更符合英美人的口语习惯。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Mary</B>: Do you think Joe can do a good job in the business?<BR><B>John</B>: I'm sure he can, He's a lot on the ball, you know.<BR><B>Mary</B>: But is he capable of dealing with such a business?<BR><B>John</B>: I bet he is. He can turn almost everything into a fine art.<BR><B>Mary</B>: It seems you are so confident of him.<BR><B>John</B>: That's because he's so sufficient and capable.<BR><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:He can turn everything into a fine art的意思是“他什么事都能干得很好”。</FONT>
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[有名无实]a poor <A>apology</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>你刚才提到的那个作家只不过是个有名无实的人。他的作品太没意思了。<BR>The man you've just mentioned is but a poor apology for a writer. His writings are tedious.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语的“有名无实”用英语a poor apology来表示是再贴切不过的了。在这里,apology直译为“歉意”,意指“勉强的代用品”。加上形容词poor的衬托,就有了“滥竽充数”的意思了。</FONT><BR><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences</FONT></U></B>
1.她很有名气,可只不过是个有名无实的歌星。<BR>She does have a big name, but she's only a poor apology for a good singer.<BR><BR>2.我知道他是个大学生,可他也只不过是个有名无实的大学生。<BR>I know he's a college graduate. But he's still a poor apology for a college graduate.<BR><BR>3.那家饭店装饰得确实够水平,不过其饭菜的质量却有名无实。<BR>That hotel is undoubtedly a well furnished hotel, they serve a poor apology for decent meals.
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[绞尽脑汁]to <A>rack</A> one's brain<BR></FONT></B><BR>他已绞尽了脑汁,可是仍未找到问题的答案。<BR>He had racked his brain, but hadn't been able to work out the answer to the problem.<FONT color=#808000 size=2>“绞尽脑汁”可以用to think hard来表示。但用to rack one's brain更符合口语习惯。此片语中的动词rack原有“压榨”和“折磨”之意,这样,用to rack one's brain的意思就不言而喻了。<BR></FONT><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Sample Sentences</FONT></U></B><BR><BR>1.他们绞尽脑汁地想把我们从这个行业挤出去。<BR>They had racked their brains to squeeze us out of the line.<BR><BR>2.她绞尽脑汁地想爬到那个位置。<BR>She was racking her brain to get to that position.<BR><BR>3.在这个问题上他们已经绞尽脑汁,你不应该再催他们。<BR>They have racked their brains on that problem. You should not press them anymore.
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<B><FONT color=#000080>[没骨气]have no <A>guts</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>真没想到小高那么没骨气,竟然嫁给了坑害过她父亲的人。<BR>I'm surprised to learn that Xiao Gao had married the man who had once done her father in. She really has no guts.
<DIV><FONT color=#808000 size=2>我们中国人所说的“骨气”相当于英美人所讲的guts.比如,当我们说对某人恨之入骨时,英美人就说hate to the guts,而不说hate to the bones. guts是内脏的意思,以后人们将其引伸喻指勇气、毅力或力量等。<BR></FONT><BR><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B><BR><BR>John: Someone seized the opportunity and was trying to sow discord between Ted and his wife.<BR>Mary: You mean they are not on their best of terms?<BR>John: well...his wife doesn't seem to be on his side.<BR>Mary: She has no guts. If I were her, I wouldn't straddle the fence.<BR>John: But she is apparently on the side of other people.</DIV>
<DIV><FONT color=#808000 size=2>注:to sow discord between...在……之间挑拨离间;teething trouble指办事一开始的难处</FONT>
<B><FONT color=#000080>[真了不起] really <A>something</A><BR></FONT></B><BR>他真了不起,竟然一个人对付了那么多的对手。<BR>He overwhelmed so many of his opponents alone. He's really something.</DIV>
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>汉语口语中“真了不起”之说在英语中有很多的表示方法,比如incredible和tip-top,都是“很棒”或“十分出色”的意思。在口语中,还可以用really something来表示。在下面的对话中,用really something.表示“真了不起”的概念显然要比用其它的更合适。<BR></FONT><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue<BR></FONT></U></B><BR><B>Mary</B>: It's too bad that Henry's political opponents resorted to mudslinging. I hate to see someone rake over the coals.<BR><B>Jack</B>: They really put him through the wringer. They had no scruples about hitting below the belt.<BR><B>Mary</B>: He won't take it lying down. Henry will go down swinging.<BR><B>Jack</B>: I think so. If I were him, I wouldn't say "uncle", either.<BR><B>Mary</B>: But he has to paddle his own canoe. The other guys have decided to gang up on him.<BR><B>Jack</B>: He's really something!
<B><FONT color=#000080>[昙花一现] a <A>flash</A> in the pan</FONT></B><BR><BR>那个可是也只是昙花一现,出了几张唱片就消声匿迹了。<BR>That singer was only a flash in the pan. He disappeared into the air after having made one or two records.
<FONT color=#808000 size=2>“昙花一现”的概念可以用a flash in the pan的短语来表示。此语中flash的意思是“闪光”,pan是旧式火枪的“药池”。据说,在使用这种火枪的时候,有时只见药池冒出火花却发不出子弹。后来人们将此现象转而比喻一时“走红”或“成功”的人或事。该语常作表语,用作定语时需用连接号:a flash-in-the-pan.<BR></FONT><B><U><FONT color=#800000>Dialogue</FONT></U></B><BR><BR><B>Tom</B>: People said that the singer was a knockout. She was pretty and her performance brought the house down.<BR><B>Sue</B>: But the hit was only a flash in the pan. Her fame as a good singer didn't last long.<BR><B>Tom</B>: Why was that?<BR><B>Sue</B>: There are many one-day stars like her. They all disappear into thin air. <BR><B>Tom</B>: But that shouldn't be the case with her. She seems to have all the makings for a star.
shunitang 发表于 2008-7-11 14:53:18
很好的东西呀 顶
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