





[原创]"Never judge"

发布者: Cactus | 发布时间: 2005-12-13 10:07| 查看数: 5074| 评论数: 1|

<FONT size=5>The  Bible  tells  us  that  "Never judge".</FONT>
<FONT size=5>Nevertheless, I haven't come to realize it until I met something unusal yesterday.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>I kept silent on the phone for nearly two minutes. I tried my best not to open my mouth and replied her even a single word. Two minutes could be short, but I felt it was so long and unbearable at that time.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>The great warth was just burning violently in my heart. I felt it was the first time in my life that I had chose to shut my mouth due to the overwheleming wrath.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>The person on the other side of the line was actually one of my friends. </FONT>
<FONT size=5>We were highschool classmates, but seldom chatted at that time. Therefore, I didn't know her very well, so was she until I came to work in Peking early this April.  </FONT>
<FONT size=5>This big metropolis is after all entirely new to  me, so I was happy to meet her, and tried to keep contact with her in the coming 8 months.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>Usually, we shared all the latest happenings on the phone, with both joy and sorrow.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>Afterwards, she even helped to make a "blind date" for me. Her colleague was quite all right with his personality and background conditions, but I just found that I had no feeling of love about his face. After a month's dates, I decided to break up with him.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>This friend was not happy about this. She just kept saying that I was very much the ignorant bear, always trying to pick the best corn in the field, only to result in getting nothing at the end.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>At first, I thought she was just direct, though her words always sound so critical to me. The same goes with her repeatitive "sound reminder" that the certificate of overseas master degree that I achieved within a year was nothing, and I should never value it with high anticipation.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>I have been sharing with her nearly all the details about my happy stories in my current famous company. I told her honestly that if only had one of my parents' friends in Peking  made the recommendation for me before the interview, I would have already lost the opportunity to get employed, for these job vacancies were not open to the society.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>Once for a while, she just remarked with admiration that "you are really such a lucky dog to get such a good family to always support your dream, and also enable you to get the current good job with less difficulty compared with me and some other ordinary university graduates." Everytime, I just smiled and admited this.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>Last month, I made an unforgettable mistake in my job, and was transferred into a new department. What's worse, the company leader decided to postphone the time to sign the following contract with me. </FONT>
<FONT size=5>As a great setback in my life so far, I was truly under pressure. I shared with her my worries on the phone again, but emphasized that I would try my best to get it through with harder work, since the company still offered me another period of time to make compensation for the entire issue. She just said she was happy to see that I managed to keep the right attitude. </FONT>
<FONT size=5>Unlike my smooth life experiences, this friend of mine came from a single-parent family. She just went to a private college, but still managed to come to peking for post-graduate qualification examinations. Moved by her strong determination, a very excellent postgraduate from the top TsingHua University became her cohibatant boyfriend, and had already bought themselves a new flat for marriage. However, this friend of mine failed the postgraduate qualification exam again not long ago, and decided to self-study at home again for the certificate of lawyer.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>More than once, she complaint about her tedious study life at home, and her worry about living on her boyfriend's earnings. Yesterday, she even grunted on the phone that "I just found to live in Peking is too hard for me, I really wanted to go back home."</FONT>
<FONT size=5>"I never feel life in Peking is so hard, even I'm probably to lose my current job and get no boyfriend to settle down. We really need to be content with our life."</FONT>
<FONT size=5>To my great surprise, she didn't appreciate my comfort at all, but replied in a sacarstic tonge: "Don't tell me you are satisfied with your current life, you are just lying! "<br>Dispite my astonishment, she just went on her attacking words: "I've told you several times, don't be too picky about choosing your future boyfriend, but you didn't listen to me. The better your personal conditions became, the harder men will accept you as their girlfriend. "</FONT>
<FONT size=5>"Hey, don't say like this, I just have the confidence in myself. If you are good enough, your Mr. right will sooner get you." I replied.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>She just burst into a cold laughter: "You are just living in fantasy all the time! How many  graduates can be like you, get parents with 'social connection', and help you to the good job without trouble? "</FONT>
<FONT size=5>I suddenly got angry as well, "'social connection'? Is it what you are talking about? do you think I get my current job just because of it? do you think the so-called 'social connection' can help me win the other competitors in my job if I'm such an incapable fool? "</FONT>
<FONT size=5>"Capable? " She raised her ironical tone and laughed coldly again. "Look at the mistake you made! You parents had helped you to pravell the way, but you failed to jump at the opportunity!"</FONT>
<FONT size=5>Like a sword into my heart, I suddenly found no voice to reply her. She just went on with her coldness speech:</FONT>
<FONT size=5>"I can tell you that for graduates like me,we have to send our resumes over and over again but get no interview at all! You don't deserve to say that we have to be content with our current life...."</FONT>
<FONT size=5>She went on and on, I simply forgot what exactly she was talking about. Wrath grew rapidly, I could no longer bear her condemn without pity.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>What does she think she is? How does she know I'm not really self-satisfied with the current situation even it's an adversity as I claim? How can she judge me like such a rubbish fool?</FONT>
<FONT size=5>I didn't say anything for two minutes. She finally realized that she had talked too much. "Of course, I know for a new worker, it's quite inevitable to make mistake, but...." she suddenly tried to say something soft, but I stopped her there:</FONT>
<FONT size=5>"Listen, I still get something to do, goodbye!"I was actually too exhausted to listen to any of her words.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>I was extremely sad afterwards. She was judging me in such a distorted way, though she was even my friend!</FONT>
<FONT size=5>Deep in thoughts, it occured to me vincent's words that people without sense of humor are always judging the right humurous person by critisizing his taste.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>I started to review my own fault in the past. He is correct. We may have different opinions about certain things, it's all right to get our own opinions, but it's unfair to make the judgment on the people by his face.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>The hobly Bible just tell us "Never judge." We should really think about this.</FONT>
<FONT size=5>                 Joan writes on Decemeber 13th, 2005 in Office</FONT><br><br><br><br><br><br><br><br>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-13 10:12:08编辑过]


Tzxuan 发表于 2005-12-13 14:21:32
"steady as she grows."
your friend was just temporarily out of her mind. Jealousy kills the goodness on her. And I venture a telling that she will regret doing so to you straight afterwards. Give your confidence and credence to the goodness of people. Try to be good people ourselves. But if she continues this way to you, you should show her your spirit and fight back. Give her some color to see see if necessary.
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