






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2007-6-30 18:49| 查看数: 2329| 评论数: 2|

World millionaires' club numbers 9.5 million: research

2007-06-29 18:28:35CRIENGLISH.com
World millionaires' club numbers 9.5 million: research


The number of millionaires in the world increased by 8.3 percent in 2006, with about 9.5 million individuals now estimated to have more than a million dollars in financial assets, a report said Wednesday.

The survey by financial services group Capgemini and US investment bank Merrill Lynch said strong global economic growth and gains on the stock market(1) explained the expansion of the exclusive club of "High Net Worth Individuals" (HNWIs)(2).

The financial assets owned by the group totalled 37.2 trillion dollars, an increase of 11.4 percent from 2005, with Singapore, India, Indonesia and Russia producing the greatest number of new millionaires.

"Real GDP(3) and market capitalization(4) growth rates, two primary drivers of wealth generation, accelerated throughout 2006, which helped to increase the total number of HNWIs around the world as well as the amount of wealth they control," the report said.

The number of Ultra-HNWIs -- individuals with financial assets exceeding 30 million dollars -- increased by 11.3 percent in 2006, with the global population of this extremely affluent(5) group now estimated at 94,970 people.

The financial assets of Ultra-HNWIs increased by 16.8 percent compared with 2005, the report said, illustrating a trend whereby wealth is increasingly concentrated in the hands of the already wealthy, the report said.

"Global wealth continued to consolidate(6) in 2006, a trend we have reported for the past 11 years," the report said.

Capgemini and Merrill Lynch define a millionaire as someone with more than one million dollars in financial assets such as cash, equities(7), bonds(8) or funds.

They do not include the value of an individual's primary residence or private collections of objects such as art, antiques or coins.

1. stock market:股市

2. HNWIs:报告将富人分为三类——一般富人(Mass High Net Worth Individuals),即个人金融资产在100万美元以上、500万美元以下者;中级富人(Mid-Tier Millionaires,MTM),即个人金融资产在500万美元到3000万美元之间者;超级富人(Ultra-HNWIs),即个人金融资产在3000万美元以上者。


经济服务公司Capgemini和美国投资银行Merrill Lynch称全球经济的大幅度增长和股市繁荣是“富人俱乐部”增员的主要原因。此研究由他们共同支持完成。






Capgemini和Merrill Lynch对富人的定义是金融资产超过100万美金,包括现金、股票、债券或者基金。


中国国际广播电台 译

3. GDP:gross domestic produc缩写,国内生产总值

4. capitalisation:资本、资本化

5. affluent:丰富的

6. consolidate:巩固

7. equity:股票

8. bond:债券


海伦 发表于 2007-7-2 08:58:41
lullaby 发表于 2007-7-2 09:05:09
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