






发布者: 流水绯红 | 发布时间: 2005-12-15 20:27| 查看数: 3719| 评论数: 0|

Tony Blair:
(In French)
Mr President, IOC members, distinguished <BR>guests. I am sorry I can't be with you in person. My responsibility as host of <BR>the G8 summit, which starts today, means I must be back in the UK. It is the only <BR>reason I am not at your historic session. I was, however, honoured to meet many <BR>of you over the last few days, and delighted to renew old friendships.
Last year I was privileged to attend the superb Olympic Games and Paralympic Games <BR>in Athens. And proud to be one of 20,000 Britons, the largest group of overseas <BR>spectators.
Athens inspired me - and taught me much about the Olympic Movement. <BR>Our goal is to witness its power in London.
(in English)
It is a unique honour to act as Host City. I also understand it is an honour which comes <BR>with a great responsibility - and which requires the highest levels of co-operation <BR>with the IOC.
My promise to you is that we will be your very best partners. <BR>All of us who have made guarantees to you are ready to deliver on them <BR>now. On security. On finance. On every single undertaking we have given. &lt;/P&gt;&lt&gt;If <BR>you award London the Games, I pledge to you personally we will continue to give <BR>the highest level of support to Seb Coe and Keith Mills as they lead the Organising <BR>Committee, backed up by our Olympic Minister Tessa Jowell.
My entire Government  and the main Opposition parties too - are united behind this bid. It has total <BR>political support.
It is the nation's bid. It has excited people throughout <BR>the country. More than three million have already volunteered their support. &lt;/P&gt;&lt&gt;And <BR>that support goes beyond our shores too. We were honoured to receive the endorsement <BR>of the most inspiring statesman of our age: Nelson Mandela. He said this: `I can't <BR>think of a better place than London to hold an event that unites the world. London <BR>will inspire young people around the world and ensure that the Olympic Games remain <BR>the dream for future generations'.T
hose words remind us that as leaders, in government or sport, we have a duty to reach beyond our own time and borders. <BR>To have a vision which serves those who come after us.
Our vision is to see millions more young people - in Britain and across the world - participating <BR>in sport, and improving their lives as a result of that participation.
And London has the power to make that happen. It is a city with a voice that talks <BR>to young people. And, with more than 1,000 foreign media correspondents <BR>based here, it is a city with a voice that is heard all around the world.
It is that unique combination of strengths which London offers - a global platform <BR>for the Olympic message to young people.
Not just for the 17 days of the competition, but for the years leading up to the Games, and beyond.


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