





Spanish guitar

发布者: ?鱼児◇.. | 发布时间: 2007-7-22 14:32| 查看数: 2309| 评论数: 1|

Spanish guitar 总是以性感示人的Toni Braxton声音却异常动人。在她如泣如诉的歌声中,听者感受到她用心展示的荡气回肠和柔情细语。她的低沉,融合了充沛的爆发力和诉说伤痕往事的细腻。拥有5座葛莱美奖的Toni Braxton(唐妮-布蕾斯顿)是流行乐坛最有实力的女歌手之一,但让她为国人所知恐怕要归功于在德国世界杯上与IL Divo(美声男伶)合作的那首著名的《The Time Of My Lives》,而她的经典之作《Unbreak My Heart》也是最撩动人心的抒情单曲。  Spanish Guitar  Toni Braxton A smoky room, a small cafe  They come to hear you play And drink and dance the night away I sit out in the crowd And close my eyes Dream you're mine But you don't know You don't even know that I am there I wish that I was in your arms Like that Spanish guitar And you would play me through the night 'Till the dawn I wish you'd hold me in your arms Like that Spanish guitar All night long, all night long I'd be your song, I'd be your song Steal my heart with every note you play I pray you'll look my way And hold me to your heart someday I long to be the one that you caress with tenderness And you don't know You don't even know that I exist I wish that I was in your arms Like that Spanish guitar And you would play me through the night 'Till the dawn I wish you'd hold me in your arms Like that Spanish guitar All night long, all night long I'd be your song, I'd be your song   西班牙吉它  唐妮-布蕾斯顿 布满烟气的屋子, 一个小咖啡馆他们来听你演奏 喝着唱着直到夜色远去 远远的我坐在人群之外 闭上眼睛 梦想你是属于我的 但是你不知道 你甚至从来不知道我在这里 我希望在你的怀里 就像一把西班牙吉他 然后你就会彻夜将我弹奏 我希望你会拥我在怀里 就像抱着一把西班牙吉他 整夜整夜的我将是你的歌, 你的歌你弹奏的每一个音符 偷走了我的心我祈祷 某一天你会向我望来把我放在你心中 我渴望你温柔的爱抚我但是你不知道你甚至不知道我的存在  


参与人数 1鲜花 +10 收起 理由
mengxxx911 + 10 赠送红包



海伦 发表于 2007-7-23 09:41:32
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