






发布者: magicsunxq | 发布时间: 2007-7-26 15:37| 查看数: 3079| 评论数: 7|

I have been reading Harry Potter 7these days. I don't know whether you like reading english novel or not. what I have ever read is the series of harry's stories. I think I am not good at the english and I am not familiar with the western, for I can understand what the story is but I don't understand the fun or the joke the author mentioned.


lullaby 发表于 2007-7-26 19:50:09
I have download Harry Potter7 novel....but I feel it's too difficult to read an original English novel without dictionary....
magicsunxq 发表于 2007-7-27 09:42:47

回复 #2 lullaby 的帖子

I'm agree with you. That's why I don't buy the book, I mean the original version.And the price 218 RMB is high for the poor student like me.
芥末膏 发表于 2007-7-28 08:30:35

回复 #3 magicsunxq 的帖子

To tell the truth, I've never read any English novels before. So to me, you're marvelous. I remember one Malaysian told me one of the best ways to learn a language is to learn by reading books.

I'm sure you're going the right direction.
ttqyuan 发表于 2007-7-30 17:27:23
原帖由 lullaby 于 2007-7-26 19:50 发表

I have download Harry Potter7 novel....but I feel it's too difficult to read an original English novel without dictionary....

lullabypls tell me where can I download the novel

thank you very much
芥末膏 发表于 2007-8-1 09:13:29
I want to know where we can download many books, no matter it's in Chinese or English.
RayCard 发表于 2007-8-7 14:27:33
I think J. K Rolin's books are for kids(did i spell the writer's name right? )actually i don't even know her ever wrote anything other than Harry Porter. butshe 's been writing this for like ten years, and i beleive most of her readers are kids. ten years ago i might be interested in little Harry's adventure in that magical world(even harry is no longer a kid). but now i don't feel like reading this anymore. kind of lost my eyes of imagination, can't see any attractiveness of it.

go find the book and read ,before you lost your sense .

p.s : i heard that words Rolin use are really obscure, hard to understand (oh i hate to use this kind of words). you better find yourself a dictionary ,a good one.
magicsunxq 发表于 2007-8-7 16:29:46

回复 #7 RayCard 的帖子

Rowling. It's J.K.Rowling that made up Harry's story. As U knew, she wrote nothing more than Harry Potter in these more than ten years. I'm totally agree with what you said on the most of readers, but I believe many people--not children here--are interested in the english boy's story. He is a boy who not only is a wizard but is a human being of love, courage and humor. So I think not only the kids would be in fond of Harry, the adults would do,as it did in case of me and my lots of friends at my age about.
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