






发布者: tataoo | 发布时间: 2007-7-31 18:14| 查看数: 2773| 评论数: 1|

<FONT color=#800080><FONT size=4>[题解] <BR><BR>  置身中华几千年的时空,总有恍若隔世之感。我的视线和思维恣意收放,仍游刃有余。不知怎的,我脑海里, 《东风破》的低吟浅唱中,竟徘徊着《诗经》千年前的相思女子。犹抱琵琶,弹破东风,看透枫染红尘。分飞后,荒烟漫草,岁月比人瘦。 <BR><BR>  青衫飘飘的良人,可知我心思悠悠? <BR><BR>  千年来的思妇怨女,身影重叠,琴声呜咽,婉转在周杰伦的歌里。我和身边很多人,都是由《东风破》开始,从周杰伦的对立面转过身来成了拥趸。再加上方文山先生匠心独具,将白话与古词曲糅杂,意境深远,让人们潜移默化中陶醉于中国文化。 <BR><BR>  我自不量力,把《东风破》翻成英文,想把中文的古意渗透进英文,这种Chinese English比之于Chinglish,自有其独到的美: <BR><BR>[译文] <BR><BR>东风破 <BR><BR>Breezes into Pieces <BR><BR>一盏离愁孤单伫立在窗口&nbsp;&nbsp; 我在门後假装你人还没走 <BR>All alone in wait by the window, <BR><BR>Stands a sad lamp in parting sorrow. <BR><BR>To linger behind an unbelieving gate, <BR><BR>Isn’t my longing gaze all but too late? <BR><BR>旧地如重游月圆更寂寞&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp;&nbsp; 夜半清醒的烛火不忍苛责我 <BR><BR>Lonelier is the moon full and cold, <BR><BR>Bitter still is when an old love retold. <BR><BR>A midnight candle struggles to keep awake, <BR><BR>Isn’t a sleepless grief all but my mistake? <BR><BR>一壶漂泊浪迹天涯难入喉&nbsp;&nbsp; 你走之後酒暖回忆思念瘦 <BR><BR>To the end of the world I drift, <BR><BR>With a pot of wine too heavy to lift. <BR><BR>The wine revives a memory thin and thick.. <BR><BR>Doesn’t it warm up all but a heart so love-sick? <BR><BR>水向东流时间怎麼偷&nbsp;&nbsp; 花开就一次成熟我却错过 <BR><BR>How can I bear to steal the hour <BR><BR>As water flows east to catch a flower, <BR><BR>Soon blooming, soon withering, and so forgotten. <BR><BR>Didn’t my life miss all but a fateful blossom? <BR><BR>谁在用琵琶弹奏一曲东风破&nbsp;&nbsp;岁月在墙上剥落看见小时候 <BR><BR>Who played upon a lute amid eastern breezes, <BR><BR>Heart torn apart and tune falling into pieces? <BR><BR>A weary wall stands peeling and silent. <BR><BR>Doesn’t it remind all but an age innocent? <BR><BR>犹记得那年我们都还很年幼&nbsp;&nbsp;而如今琴声幽幽我的等候你没听过 <BR><BR>Youthful hours are no more and passed. <BR><BR>Am I alone holding to by-gones fast? <BR><BR>In vain is the music blown to float. <BR><BR>Isn’t my wait all but a sobbing note? <BR><BR>谁再用琵琶弹奏一曲东风破&nbsp;&nbsp;枫叶将故事染色结局我看透 <BR><BR>Never could the same lute ever play <BR><BR>A tune long gone and blown far away. <BR><BR>Maples live for a moment bright and brief. <BR><BR>Wouldn’t our story come to all but a grief? <BR><BR>篱笆外的古道我牵著你走过&nbsp;&nbsp;荒烟漫草的年头就连分手都很沉默 <BR><BR>Beyond hedges an ancient path forgot the time <BR><BR>When we walked along with your hand in mine. <BR><BR>Parting words speak less than a silent tear. <BR><BR>Isn’t memory all but smoky grass far and near</FONT>?</FONT>


椰风树影 发表于 2007-7-31 20:41:56
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