






发布者: 潇涩雨夜 | 发布时间: 2007-8-11 13:05| 查看数: 2513| 评论数: 1|

expect sb. to do sth. 期望某人做某事

不知道大家有没有这样的经历,吃饭时,老妈慈祥地看着你,说:“你过得开心就好,我可不指望老了的时候,你来养活我。”这“指望某人做某事”就是“expect sb to sth”。别以为这个词组太过普通,多和老外聊聊天,你就知道它有多“伟大”了。现在,我们一起来操练一下吧!]

普通句 I would expect him to be the kind of person. 我期望他成为那种人。

次级高手句 I would expect him to be the kind of person, who’s loving. 我期望他成为那种有爱心的人。

高手句 I would expect him to be the kind of person, who’s loving, caring. 我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀的人。

超级高手句 I would expect him to be the kind of person, who’s loving, caring and happy all the time. 我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。

专家句 If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who’s loving, caring and happy all the time. 如果,我有孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。

[Steven解句] If I had a baby now,(假设。。。) I would expect him to be the kind of person(核心句), who’s loving, caring and happy all the time.(他是这样的人)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (It is almost 9:30 P.M. now. All the friends are ready to leave.) (这会儿差不多是晚上9点30分了。?>

Tina: You know, I’ve been thinking about what kind of person my baby will be? 你知道吗,我一直在想我的宝宝会成为怎样的人。

Sue: The question should not bother you at the moment. Tina, You don’t even have a boy friend. (laughing…) 这会儿,你不该有这样的问题吧。Tina,你现在甚至连男朋友都没有。

Tina: That’s the cruelest thing you’ve ever said to me. 这是你对我说过的最残酷的话了。

Steven: Ok, here’s what I’m thinking. If I had a baby now, I would expect him to be the kind of person, who’s loving, caring and happy all the time. 好吧,我是这么想的。如果我有个孩子的话,我期望他成为那种有爱心、懂得关怀、永远快乐的人。

Tina: How nice you are, Steve. You’re just a really loving guy. I’ll buy you breakfast tomorrow morning. Steve, 你太好了。你真是个有爱心的人。 明天早上我给你买早饭!

Steve: Tina, I have to add something. I’m not planning to have a baby. Tina,知道吗?我需要补充一下。我没打算要孩子。 No more…than…/和...一样不...

[每个英语学习者都会经过“比较级”的考验,但是懂得了,“more… than”是“比...更...”的含义并不代表你就已经将这种句型攻克.下面Steven就想考考你:用no more…than…来表达“我不过和他一样寒酸.”,英文句子应该怎么说呢?如果没有反应过来的话,就和Steven进入下面密集型操练吧!]


普通句 I’m no more an expert than Linda. 我和Linda一样都不是什么专家.

次级高手句 I’m no more an expert on dating than Linda. 我和Linda一样都不是什么约会的高手.

高手句 I’m no more an expert on dating than Linda is. 我和Linda一样都不是什么约会的高手.

超级高手句 I’m no more an expert on dating than Linda is in the kitchen. 就像Linda做菜不怎么样一样,我也不是什么约会的高手.

专家句 As you all know, I’m no more an expert on dating than Linda is in the kitchen. 你们大家都知道,就像Linda做菜不怎么样一样,我也不是什么约会的高手.

[Steven解句] As you all know(正如你们大家所知) +I’m no more an expert on dating than Linda is in the kitchen. (核心句).

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (Tangle is going to have a date. He’s asking all the friends for advice.) (Tangle正要去赴一个约会.他正在征询朋友们意见.)

Susan: I’m curious, Tangle. How long have you not dated girls. 我很好奇,Tangle.你有多就没约会了?

Steven: This seems to be a tough one, hehe. 这个问题可不好回答,呵呵.

Tina: What do you mean? Tangle is an excellent guy all the women are dreaming about. 你什么意思?我们Tangle可是所有女人梦想的优秀男士.

Tangle: Tina, stop saying that. That doesn’t make me feel good. As you all know, I’m no more an expert on dating than Linda is in the kitchen. Tina,别说了.这不能使我感觉好受.你们大家都知道,就像Linda做菜不怎么样一样,我也不是什么约会的高手.

Linda: Hey, you guys. Does my cooking bother you? Now I need to prove something to you. Ok, how about, let’s say, you date the girl. I cook the dinner. 嘿!你们这帮家伙.我做饭惹着你们什么了?现在我要想你们证明一下.好吧,我们这样,你去约会,我来做饭.

All: Oh no…. 可别...

Manage to do sth/成功做某事 [现在如果和老外谈话的时候,想表达“成功做某事”的你还在用success in doing sth的话,可就有些老土了.口语中manage to do sth出现频率非常之高,即便是想表达小小的成功,比如:我成功地劝说他参加我们晚会;我成功地和他取得了联系等等.下面就和Steven一起操练一下,将其占为己有吧!]


普通句 I managed to get in contact. 我成功地取得了联系.

次级高手句 I managed to get in contact with the lady. 我成功地同那位女士取得了联系.

高手句 I managed to get in contact with the lady, who’s in charge of this project. 我成功地同负责这个项目的女士取得了联系.

超级高手句 I managed to get in contact with the lady, who’s in charge of this project in the company. 我成功地同那家公司负责这个项目的女士取得了联系.

专家句 The day before yesterday, I managed to get in contact with the lady, who’s in charge of this project in the company. 前天,我成功地同那家公司负责这个项目的女士取得了联系.

[Steven解句] The day before yesterday(说个时间) + I managed to get in contact with the lady (核心句), + who’s in charge of this project in the company.(那位女士是谁?)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (Arnold just answered a phone call. He’s talking to others.)(Arnold刚回了个电话.他正和大家聊着.)

Arnold: Guess what? I just managed to get in contact once again with the lady, who’s in charge of Project 100 in AB Mobile. 你们猜怎么着?我又一次同AB 移动通讯的那位负责“项目100”的女士取得了联系.

Linda: You mean the German lady? 你是说那个德国女人?

Tangle: What? 什么?

Arnold: Guess everybody has a very deep impression on her. 我猜大家对她都有很深的印象吧.

Tina: That’s for sure. She asked me to revise a proposal for 15 times. I mean 15 times! My dad has never been hard on me like that. 当然.她叫我改个计划,改了15次.我是说15次啊!我老爸也从来没有对我那么苛刻过.

Arnold: Unfortunately, I have to work on another project with her. 不幸的是,我不得不和她合作另外一个项目.

Susan: She’s always harsh on girls, who are more lovely and smart. Let her try some guys for a change this time. 她对比自己可爱、聪明的女孩儿总是很刻薄.这次让她试试男生吧.

Steven: Who’s gonna be the lucky guy! Hehe. 谁是那位幸运男士?呵呵...

All: You!!! 你!!!

Come up with … /想起... [“我刚想起一个好主意.”很多人会不假思索地说成“I just thought of a good idea!” 没有错!不过,我们要让大家说的是大部分人都在使用的表达.这样就有了我们今天的“come up with…”.所以,刚才这句话我们就应当说成是“I just came up with a good idea. ”那“我想起了一个小时候妈妈常给我讲的一个故事”应该怎么说呢?有点复杂了吧.还是和Steven一起从简单的做起吧!]


普通句 I come up with a story. 我想起了一个故事.

次级高手句 I just come up with an old story. 我刚想起一个古老的故事.

高手句 I just come up with an old story my mom had told me. 我刚想起一个妈妈给我讲过的古老的故事.

超级高手句 I just come up with an old story my mom had told me a lot of times. 我刚想起一个妈妈给我讲过多次的古老的故事.

专家句 I just come up with an old story my mom had told me a lot of times before. 我刚想起一个以前妈妈给我讲过多次的一个古老的故事.

[Steven解句] I just come up with an old story (核心句), + my mom had told me a lot of times before.(解释“故事”)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (The six friends are usually very busy at the office. The happiest moment will be when they spare some time to relax in a bar near to their office building. They talk, laugh and tell stories in turn. It’s Steven’s turn at the moment.) (六个好朋友在办公室的时候总是很忙. 他们最快乐的时刻莫过于抽出时间在就近的一家酒吧里放松.他们说着、笑着、轮流讲着故事.这会儿该Steven了.)

Tina: Steve, now it’s your turn. Steve,现在该你了.

Steven: I have to figure out what I have on my mind at the moment. 我这会儿必须想想看.

Linda: Come on. You’re always like that. 快点儿,你总是这样.

Steven: You’re challenging my memory. Hmmmm…well, I just come up with an old story my mom had told me a lot of times before. It’s called… 你在考验我的记忆力.嗯...有了,我刚想起一个以前妈妈给我讲过多次的一个古老的故事.叫做...

Tangle: A little boy and a bear. 小男孩儿和熊.

Arnold: Long long time ago there lived a little boy. A bear’s living nearby… 很久以前住着一个小男孩儿.附近住着一只熊.

Tina: Would you please tell us anything new? 请你讲点新鲜的好不好?

Linda: Let’s say, you tell us a new story. Otherwise you pay the bill on your own. 这样吧,你讲个新故事. 否则你今天自己付账.

Steven: I come up with another story. 我想起了另外一个故事.

(All laughing.) (大家笑了起来)

The fact is…/事实上...

[如果你还没有习惯使用The fact is…/the truth is…后面加句子的句型的话,这会儿就和Steven一起来大胆操练一下吧.有了不同句型的积累和铺垫,我们就会达到一个说话有品味、有层次的口语交流新境界!]


普通句 The fact is young people think Christmas as the most important day. 事实上,年轻人认为圣诞节是最重要的一天.

次级高手句 The fact is young people nowadays think Christmas as the most important day. 事实上,现在的年轻人认为圣诞节是最重要的一天.

高手句 The fact is young people nowadays think Christmas as the most important day for love and friendship. 事实上,现在的年轻人认为圣诞节对于爱情和友谊来说是最重要的一天.

超级高手句 The fact is young people nowadays think Christmas as the most important day for love and friendship and some of them care more about Christmas than the Spring Festival. 事实上,现在的年轻人认为圣诞节对于爱情和友谊来说是最重要的一天,并且有些人和春节相比对圣诞节更加关注.

专家句 The fact is young people nowadays think Christmas as the most important day for love and friendship and some of them even care more about Christmas than the Spring Festival. 事实上,现在的年轻人认为圣诞节对于爱情和友谊来说是最重要的一天,并且有些人和春节相比甚至对圣诞节更加关注.

[Steven解句] The face is (核心句), + young people nowadays think Christmas as the most important day for love and friendship and some of them even care more about Christmas than Spring Festival.(都是我们要说的事实)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (When Chrismas comes, everyone becomes talkative about the topic. The friends are comparing Chrismas day with Spring Festival.) (圣诞节到的时候,每个人都对这个话题乐此不疲.几个好朋友正在比较圣诞节和春节.)

Tina: To be frank, I think the Spring Festival is a bit old-fashioned now. 说实话,我觉得春节现在有点过时了.

Tangle: But it still remains the most important day in China. 但它依旧是中国最重要的节日.

Steven: Well, they are of different styles. The fact is young people nowadays think Christmas as the most important day for love and friendship and the Spring Fesitival for families’ reunion. 嗯.他们风格是不一样的.事实上,现在的年轻人认为圣诞节对于爱情和友谊来说是最重要的一天,而春节是家人团聚的日子.

Linda: That’s right. It’s like I never go back home for Christmas. But I will surely have the reunion dinner with my family on New Year\'s Eve. 对.就好比我不会因为是圣诞节回家.但是我一定会和家人一起吃年夜饭.

Steven: The Christmas Day is a family reunion day only in western countries. It’s somewhat like the Spring Fesitival in China. 圣诞节只有在西方国家才是家人团聚的日子.有些象中国的春节.

Tina: We just celebrate it for other use. 我们只是另有他用而已.

It takes sb some time to do sth [记得一次让我的一个学生造句.我问她:请你翻译一下这句话---“我花了很久的时间才明白.”.她回答说:I understand it with a long time. 可不是吗?with就是有用的意思.但是人家美国人就是不这么说啊,怎么办?改吧,要培养英语的思维,可不是一天两天的事儿.所以,今天就和Steven开始搞定It 开头的系列句型吧!]


普通句 It takes me a long time. 我花了好长时间.

次级高手句 It takes me quite a long time. 我花了相当长的时间.

高手句 It takes me quite a long time to understand. 我花了相当长的时间来理解.

超级高手句 It takes me quite a long time to understand the meaning of the painting. 我花了相当长的时间才理解那幅油画的意义.

专家句 It takes me quite a long time to understand the meaning of the painting by PICA-SSO. 我花了相当长的时间才理解毕加索的那幅油画的意义.

[Steven解句] It takes me quite a long time to understand (核心句), + the meaning of the painting by PICA-SSO.(加个理解的对象试试看.)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (One of their partners gave Tangle two tickets to an art work exhibition. Steven accompanied him to go there.)(他们的合作伙伴送给Tangle两张艺术作品展的票.Steven陪他一起去了那

Tangle: Hey, Whose work are you looking at? 嘿!你在看谁的作品?

Steven: PICA-SSO’s. But I hate him. 毕加索的.但是我讨厌他.

Tangle: Why? 怎么了?

Steven: Cuz he makes me look like stupid. I don’t even have an idea about what he wanted to convey by the works. 因为他的作品总是使我看起来很蠢.我甚至对他想通过作品表达的思想一无所知.

Tangle: Well, it took me quite a long time to understand the meaning of the painting by him. 嗯,我也是花了好了长时间才明白他作品的含义的.

Steven: But I don’t even understand a single work of his. Does than mean I don’t have a taste for art? 但是,他的一部作品我都看不懂.这是不是说明我没有艺术品位?

Tangle: Not really, you have a very elegant dressing style. Also you have a very good sense of colors. He is an abstractism artist. Their works are always hard to understand. 不见得.你对服装的品位句很高雅.还有你对颜色的感觉也很好.他是位抽象派画家.他们的作品总是很难理解的.

Steven: Some of his works look like my 5-year-old cousin’s. But I don’t even understand. 他的一些作品看起来有些象我5岁的表弟画的.但是我还是不能理解.

Tangle: Believe me! You won’t suddenly understand his works by keep on saying that. 相信我!你一直这样说下去,也不会突然明白的.

As though/好像

普通句 It looks as though they are fighting. 看起来他们象是在打架。

次级高手句 It looks as though they are fighting with each other. 看起来他们象是在打架。

高手句 It looks as though they are fighting with each other for something. 看起来他们象是为了什么事情在打架。

超级高手句 There are so many people watching the two guys, as though they are fighting with each other for something. 那么多人在看那两个人,看起来他们象是为了什么事情在打架。

专家句 There are so many people watching the two guys out there, as though they are fighting with each other for something. 那么多人在那儿看那两个人,看起来他们象是为了什么事情在打架。

[Steven解句] There are so many people watching the two guys out there(出状况了) + as though they are fighting with each other for something.(核心句)。

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (Some noise comes from outside. Tina runs to the windows.) (外面有些噪音。Tina跑道窗户旁边。)

Tina: Look! There are so many people out there. 看!那里有那么多人。

Susan: What’s happening? 发生了什么事?

Tina: There are two guys in the middle. It looks as though they are fighting for something. 两个人在当中。看起来他们好像因为什么事情在打架。

Linda: Don’t you think the shorter guy looks a bit familiar. 你不觉的矮一些的那位看起来有些眼熟吗?

Steven: Well, it took me quite a long time to understand the meaning of the painting by him. 嗯,我也是花了好了长时间才明白他作品的含义的。

Steven: I think so. 我觉得也是。

Linda: He’s … 他是。。。

Tina: Arnold! Oh, my god! Arnold!哦,天哪!

Steven: Let’s hurry out to see what happened. 我们赶紧出去看看发生了什么事。

(It turns out that Arnold cought a thief who had stolen a woman’s wallet.) (原来,Arnold抓住了偷一个女人钱包的小偷。)

Find out.../找出...

普通句 I’ll find out that. 我会查出来的。

次级高手句 I’ll try to find out that. 我会努力查一下的。

高手句 I’ll try to find out whether I can spare some time or not. 我会努力查一下我能否抽出时间的。

超级高手句 I’ll try to find out whether I can spare some time for it or not. 我会努力查一下我能否为它抽出时间的。

专家句 I’ll try to find out whether I can spare some time for it or not in one day or two. 我会在一两天里努力查一下我能否为它抽出时间的。

[Steven解句] I’ll try to find out whether I can spare some time for it or not (核心句), + in one day or two.(一两天:加个时间说明白。)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] ( Small organizations are always in need of hands. Like in Lwoods Studio, the six friends are packed with work usually. So it is a bit hard for them to arrange their daily work when a new project comes. They’re trying to work things out at the moment.) (小的机构总是缺人手,就象在Lwoods工作室,六个好朋友通常手头的事情都安排的慢慢的。所以,当有新的项目的时候,安排日常工作就有些困难了。他们这会儿正在努力想办法解决。)

Steven: I just got a call from English Studio. They are asking us for the articles. 我刚接到《英语工作室》的一个电话。他们在向我们要文章呢。

Tina: Everybody is booked with things. We simply need more editors. 每个人手头的事情都安排得满满的。我们真的需要更多的编辑。

Steven: But the problem is that we don’t have any at the moment. And seeking for good editors and writers takes a while. So, how about Linda? 但问题是我们这会儿没有。还有要找好的编辑和作者要花好些功夫呢。所以,Linda怎么样?

Linda: Me? You’re joking. You know my workload. 我?你在开玩笑吧。你清楚我的工作量。

Steven: I know. I understand that totally. But you are a quick hand in writing. And they need the articles next Monday. And I’ll owe you an ice cream. 我知道。我完全理解。但是你是个写作快手。他们下周一就要文章。我欠你一个冰淇淋吧

Linda: Haagen-Dazs! 哈根达斯的!

Steven: O.K. 好吧!

Linda: You got the deal! 成交!

Steven(to Tina): See? Ice creams always work on her. (对Tina说)看到没有?冰淇淋在她身上屡试不爽。

Used to do sth/过去常常做某事

我们完全可以说,I did …before. 但是used to do sth是那样地道,不用岂不是可惜了?再者,Steven可是在收集了大量的采访材料后得出的结论,相信我!used to do绝对好用,让我们一起操练一下,把它消化掉吧!]

普通句 I used to take diet pills. 我过去吃过减肥药丸。

次级高手句 I used to take diet pills and eat diet food. 我过去吃过减肥药丸,吃过减肥食品。

高手句 I used to take diet pills and eat diet food for one year. 我过去吃减肥药丸和减肥食品有整整一年。

超级高手句 I used to take diet pills and eat diet food for one year when I was in college. 我过去在学校的时候吃减肥药丸和减肥食品有整整一年。

专家句 I used to take diet pills and eat diet food for one year when I was still in college. 我过去还在学校的时候吃减肥药丸和减肥食品有整整一年。

[Steven解句] I used to take diet pills and eat diet food for one year (核心句), + when I was still in college..(When + 句子 点明时间)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (Tina is a very fashionable girl. So you can imagine she is always crazy about buying new clothes. But today she looks a bit upset. The reason is…) (Tina是个很时髦的女孩儿。所以,你能想象她总是疯狂购买新衣服。但是今天她看起来有些不高兴。原因是。。。)

Tina: Linda, you know what? I can’t fit in the jeans I bought last month. I’ve been putting on a lot of weight. Linda, 你知道吗?上个月我买的牛仔裤穿不上了。我长了好多分量。

Linda: Looking at me can make you happy. So don’t take your eyes off me, baby. 看着我会使你高兴的。不要把你的目光从我的身上移开,宝贝儿。

Tina: I’m not kidding. I weight much more this month. I have to go on a diet. 我没有开玩笑。我这个月重了好多。我得减肥了。

Linda: What will you do then? 那你怎么做?

Tina: Eat less. But the problem is I love eating meals cooked by my mom too much. I’ve been thinking about some diet pills. Do you think they work? 少吃些。可问题是我太喜欢吃妈妈做的菜了。我在想能不能吃些减肥药。你认为有用吗?

Linda: Most dieters believe that taking diet pills and eating diet food can really help. But I don’t think so. I used to take diet pills and eat diet food for one year when I was still in college. But they just didn’t work on me at all. Maybe I’m genetically fat. It has taken me quite a long time to get used to that. Now I love my ice cream more than anything else. Most important of all, you must be a happy person. Well, if you really want to lose weight, as a friend, I’m telling you yoga or some exercises of other forms may be worth a try. 大多数减肥者相信吃减肥药和减肥食品就能真正帮助减肥。但是我不这样想。我过去还在学校的时候吃减肥药丸和减肥食品有整整一年。但是这些多我丝毫不起作用。 可能我就是先天性肥胖。 我花了好长时间才接受这个现实。现在我爱冰淇淋胜于一切。最重要的是,你一定要开心。嗯,如果你真的想减肥的话,作为朋友我告诉你,瑜迦或其他形式的一些锻炼值得一试。

Tina: You’re right. Be happy and work things out. Now, I…. 你是对的。开心点儿,然后解决问题。现在我。。。

Linda: What? 什么?

Tina: I’m going to buy some ice creams to share with you guys. 我要去买些冰淇淋和你们大家一起吃。

Happen to do sth/碰巧做某事

[“今天在街上碰巧见到了Mary。”“那个项目的负责人碰巧是我的高中同学。”“碰巧我这里有两张票。”这里面的“碰巧”,我们都可以用“happen to do sth”。这个用法很多人初中就学过,但是Steven想问上一句,有哪位在平时说话的时候用过?舌头打结了吧。说到底,还是掌握不够熟练,现在Steven就要通过“五句操练”非要你记住、并能随口说出不可!]

普通句 I happened to pass by the Grand Theater. 我碰巧经过大戏院。

次级高手句 I happened to pass by the Grand Theater and see the poster. 我碰巧经过大戏院并看到海报。

高手句 I happened to pass by the Grand Theater and see the poster of Mariah Carey’s concert. 我碰巧经过大戏院并看到玛丽亚•凯瑞演唱会的海报。

超级高手句 I happened to pass by the Grand Theater and see the poster of Mariah Carey’s solo concert. 我碰巧经过大戏院并看到玛丽亚•凯瑞个人演唱会的海报。

专家句 I happened to pass by the Grand Theater and see the poster of Mariah Carey’s solo concert this afternoon. 我今天下午碰巧经过大戏院并看到玛丽亚•凯瑞个人演唱会的海报。

[Steven解句] I happened to pass by the Grand Theater(核心句) + see the poster of Mariah Carey’s solo concert this afternoon. (and表并列)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (Steven just comes back after signing a contract with a publishing press. He looks really excited.) (史蒂文刚与一家出版社签约回来,他看起来十分激动。)

Steven: Hey, you guys! 嘿!伙计们!

Arnold: What’s going on with you? Calm down a bit. Tina’s doing some recording. 你是怎么了?安静点。天娜正在录音。。

Steven: Guess who will give a performance at the closing ceremony of Shanghai International culture festival? 你们猜猜谁会在上海国际文化节闭幕典礼上表演?

Susan: Who? 谁啊?

Steven: Mariah Carey! 玛丽亚•凯瑞!!

Tina: Really? She’s my favorite female star. I love her songs, especially her performance on live shows! How did you know that? 真的啊?她是我最喜爱的女歌星了。我喜欢她的歌,尤其喜欢她的现场表演!你是怎么知道这个消息的?

Steven: I happened to pass by the Grand Theater and see the poster of her solo concert this afternoon. You know what? I’ll definitely go for it. 我今天下午碰巧经过大戏院并看到玛丽亚•凯瑞个人演唱会的海报。知道吧?反正我是绝对要去的。

Arnold: Are you sure you are financially ready? 你确信自己付得起钱?

Steven: This seems to be a tough question. 这倒是个问题。

Be(get,become) involved in…/介入(卷进)某事...

[假如有一天朋友问你,想不想做一笔投资生意。怀疑是否能真正取得收益的你可能会说:“我可不想搀和进去。”这“搀和进去”就是我们今天要说的Be(get, become) involved in…。Steven我也是在看美国大片的时候才注意的,后来才发现这“involved in”真是太好用了,一定要做到张口就来啊!下面和Steven一起进入“五句操练!]

普通句 I don’t want to get involved. 我不想搀和进去。

次级高手句 I don’t want to get involved in the business. 我不想搀和到这个生意中去。

高手句 I don’t want to get involved in the business you told me. 我不想搀和到你告诉我的这个生意中去。

超级高手句 I don’t want to get involved in the business you told me last night. 我不想搀和到你昨晚告诉我的这个生意中去。

专家句 I don’t want to get involved in the business you told me last night, since I don’t have extra money to do that. 我不想搀和到你昨晚告诉我的这个生意中去,因为我没有闲钱去这么做。

[Steven解句] I don’t want to get involved in the business (核心句), + you told me last night(什么样的business呢?) + since I don’t have extra money to do that.(原因是。。。) 我不想搀和到这个生意中去。 (核心句), + 你昨晚告诉我的(什么样的business呢?) +因为我没有闲钱去这么做。(原因是。。。)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (Tina and Linda want to make some money by selling some cosmetic products, because one of Linda’s girl friends can get those products at a very low price. They asked Steven to put some money in last night. Early this morning, Steven is stepping into the office.) (天娜和琳达希望通过销售一些化妆用品来赚点钱,因为琳达的一个女友可以用一个很低的价格获得那些产品。昨晚她们请求史蒂文也为这个生意投资点钱。这天早晨,史蒂文走进了办公室。)

Tina: Morning, Mr. Handsome! Have you decided? 早啊!帅哥!你决定了吗?

Steven: I’ve been thinking about it the whole night? 我昨晚一直在思考这个事情。

Linda: It took you the whole night, 8 hours to be exact, to think about that? 这要花掉你整个晚上,就是说8个小时,来想这个问题?

Steven: Actually I’m still thinking about it at the moment. 其实我现在还在想呢。

Tina: Hehe, come on, no kidding. Tell me what you think about the business. 呵呵,好啦,别开玩笑了。告诉我你对这个生意的看法如何?

Steven: I don’t want to get involved in the business you told me last night, since I don’t have extra money to do that. 我不想搀和到你昨晚告诉我的这个生意中去,因为我没有闲钱去这么做。

Tina: Are you talking about the extra money with us? We are the girls who have been broke for 3 months in a row. 你认为我们就有闲钱吗?我们是已经破产了三个月的女孩们啊。

Steven: So why do you still want to do the business? I know nothing about cosmetic products. 那么你为什么还希望做这个生意啊?我对化妆品根本一无所知啊。

Linda: But we do. All you need to do is to put 4000RMB on the table. That’s it. 但是我们知道啊。你所要做的就是在桌子上放上4000元钱。仅此而已。

Steven: What do you two do then? 那么你们俩再怎么做呢?

Tina: We’re going to talk with those who need our products with our beautiful faces and charming smiles. 我们再用我们漂亮的脸蛋和迷人的微笑去和那些需要我们产品的人谈啊。

Steven: Oh…My…God… 哦,老天爷……

Nothing but…/只有...

[Nothing but love can last forever;Nothing but love will start to make your head spin round and round;Nothing but love could hold our world together;Nothing but love…这一小段摘自一首叫做《Nothing but Love》小诗,除了让我们真切地感受到了诗人对爱情的美好愿望之外,就是不听重复在耳畔的Nothing but…]


普通句 There’s nothing but some milk. 只有牛奶了。

次级高手句 There’s nothing but some milk left. 只剩下牛奶了。

高手句 There’s nothing but some milk left in the fridge. 电冰箱里只剩下一些牛奶了。

超级高手句 It seems that there’s nothing but some milk left in the fridge. 看起来电冰箱里只剩下一些牛奶了。

专家句 Unfortunately, it seems that there’s nothing but some milk left in the fridge. 不幸的是,看起来电冰箱里只剩下一些牛奶了。

[Steven解句] Unfortunately,(不幸的是。。。) + it seems that (看起来。。。) + there’s nothing but some milk left in the fridge.(核心句)

不幸的是,(不幸的是。。。) +看起来(看起来。。。) +电冰箱里只剩下一些牛奶了。(核心句)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (Arnold comes back pretty late today and hasn’t eaten anything. So he walks to the fridge to check out if there’s anything left in it.) (阿诺德今天回家很晚,并且还没有吃饭。所以他走到冰箱前,想看看是否还有食物。)

Arnold: I’m so hungry. The guys just kept on talking and talking and talking about nothing concerning the contract. Oh, my! Well, it seems there’s nothing but some milk left in the fridge. …Hey! Guys! Where is the cheesecake I bought this morning?….Linda? 我饿死了。那个家伙不停地说啊说啊说啊,就是不谈合约的事情。我的天!好吧,看起来电冰箱里只剩下一些牛奶了……嘿,伙计们!我今早买的奶酪去哪里了?……琳达?

Linda: What’re you talking about? I do like eating. But this time it’s none of my business. 你说什么呀?我是喜欢吃。但是这次不关我的事。

Arnold: Tina? 天娜?

Tina: You know I’m on a diet. 你知道我正在减肥。

Arnold: How about Susan? 那么苏珊呢?

Susan: That’s unfair! Why don’t you just ask guys first?不公平!为什么你不先问问男生?

Tina & Linda: Yeah, that’s unfair! 是啊,这不公平!!

Arnold: Steven? 史蒂文?

Steven: O.K. I did it. 是我吃了。

Arnold: And I’m hungry now! 我现在很饿!!

Steven: Alright, I’ll make it up for you. Tangle, come on and go downstairs with me. 好啦,我会补偿你的。泰戈,和我一起下楼去。

Arnold: Does this have anything to do with Tangle? 这事还和泰戈有关?

Steven: It is he who asked me to split the cake. 史蒂文:是他让我和他一起吃的。

Be worth doing…/值得做某事

虽说Be worth doing..看起来用法简单,但事实上很多人不能百分百地将其正确使用。接下来请大家看看,几组句子,找找规律:

1) I read the book. /The Book is worth reading. 我读那本书。/那本书值得读。 2) I watch the movie. /The movie is worth watching. 我看那部电影。/那部电影值得看。 3) I go to the park. /the park is worth going to. 我去那个公园。/那个公园值得去。现在请接Steven的下句,“I repeat the saying.”对了!“The saying is worth repeating.” 请再看几个句子: 4)It is worth a try. 那值得一试。 5) The meal cooked by Mary is worth a taste. Mary做的饭值得尝一尝。 6) The pictures on this website are worth a look. 那个网站上的图片值得看一看。找到规律了吗?好好想想吧!现在请和Steven进入今天的“五句操练”!!

普通句 It isn’t worth watching. 那不值得看。

次级高手句 I don’t think it is worth watching. 我认为那不值得看。

高手句 I don’t think it is worth watching, because Matrix I is a hit. 我认为那不值得看,因为《黑客帝国1》太成功了。

超级高手句 I don’t think it is worth watching, because Matrix I is such a hit. 我认为那不值得看,因为《黑客帝国1》太成功了。

专家句 I don’t think it is worth watching, because Matrix I is such a hit and sequels never seem to surpass the original one. 我认为那不值得看,因为《黑客帝国1》太成功了,而续集看起来总是无法超越。

[Steven解句] I don’t think(加句子) +it is worth watching (核心句), + because Matrix I is such a hit and sequels never seem to surpass the original one.(because 说原因)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (The friends are having their lunch break. Tangle is still surfing on line.) (好朋友们在午休。Tangle还在上网。)

Tangle: Matrix 2 is reloading in Shanghai next month… 《黑客帝国2》下个月将登陆上海。。。

Susan: I watched Matrix 1 when I was still in college, but I just failed to understand it. 我在大学的时候就看了第一集,不过没搞懂它在说什么。

Tina: People don’t think while watching movies. What they enjoy most are the actions and the music and the stars in them. 大家看电影的时候都不思考的。他们最喜欢的是当中的动作、音乐和明星。

Steven: Anyway, do you think Matrix 2 is going to be another blockbuster? 不管怎么说,你认为第二集会同样一鸣惊人吗?

Tangle: Definitely, Andy and Larry Wachowski are the most creative guys ever. I will surely go to watch it. You, Steve? 当然,Wachowski兄弟Andy 和 Larry是两个最有创意的家伙。我一定会去看的。你呢?Steve?

Steven: I don’t think it is worth watching, because Matrix I is such a hit and sequels never seem to surpass original ones. 我认为那不值得看,因为《黑客帝国1》太成功了,而续集看起来总是无法超越。

Tangle: Actually, the sequels of many movies are better than the original ones in both polts and techniques. 事实上,很多影片的续集无论从情节上和技术上总要好于第一集。

Tina: Who cares? I go to the movie for Keanu Reeves. He’s my dream lover. 谁在乎?我去电影院是去看keanu Reaves。他可是我的梦中情人。

I’d Like to… /我愿意...

[很多人总喜欢抱怨别人在同自己说话的时候没有分寸、没有修养,但是否曾注意到自己说话也同样不十分客气呢?其实,对他人长久地保持良好的态度很难,尤其是在我们不太耐烦的时候.这时,我们需要笑一下,放轻松,告诫自己要宽容,和对方说话的时候多用“Would like to”.这样长此以往,你一定会成为一个讨人喜欢的人.下面就和Steven一起做个讨人喜欢的人吧!]


普通句I’d like to help you. 我愿意帮你.

次级高手句I’d like to help you with the project 我愿意帮你做那个项目.

高手句 I’d like to help you with the project we talked about last time. 我愿意帮你做上次我们谈论的那个项目.

超级高手句I’d like to help you with the project we talked about last time in your office. 我愿意帮你做上次我们在你办公室里谈论的那个项目.

专家句 If I have time, I’d like to help you with the project we talked about last time in your office. 如果我有时间,我愿意帮你做上次我们在你办公室里谈论的那个项目.

[Steven解句] If I have time,(如果...讲条件) + I’d like to help you with the project (核心句) + we talked about last time in your office.(解释Project,让你表达更清楚)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (Steven is busy working on an article. The phone rings. It is his friend Kevin’s.) (Steven这忙着写一篇文章,电话响了.那是他的朋友Kevin打来的.)

Kevin:How’s everything going, Steve? Steve一切可好?

Steven:Very busy and fussy. You? 很忙,事情很杂.你呢?

Kevin:Me too. O.K. Let me put it straight. Remember the project we talked about last time in your office? 我也一样啊.好吧,我直说了.记得上次在你办公室我们谈论的那个项目吗?

Steven: I do. So what’s up? 记得啊.怎么了?

Kevin: I do need your help. 我需要你的帮助.

Steven: Kevin, if I have time at the moment, I’d like to help you with it. Kevin,如果我这会儿有时间的话,我愿意帮你做的.

Kevin: And you always don’t have time. 而你总是没有时间.

Steven:When’s the deadline for the translation part? 翻译的部分的期限是什么时候?

Kevin: Before next Tuesday. 下周二之前.

Steven:O.K. I’ll spare some time for it on the weekend. 好的.我周末会抽时间来做的.

Kevin: Thank you so much, buddy. 太感谢了,老兄.

Steven: You’ve killed my weekend. 你可把我的周末给毁了.

Kevin: I’ll treat you a dinner in Pizza Hut some time. 什么时候我请你在“必胜客”吃晚饭.

Steven: O.K. See you then. 好的,再见.

Kevin: Bye. 再见!

Susan: Whose call? 谁的电话?

Steven: Kevin’s. Kevin的.

Tina: Oh, my. The Pizza Hut guy. 哦,天哪.那个必胜客小子.

Steven:He promised to treat you with pizza there? 他也答应请你在那儿吃匹萨了吗?

Tina: 6 months ago. He never seems to remember that. 半年前.看来他想不起来了.

Steven: Never mind. We two go together this time. 别介意.我们这次一起去.

It is time to .…/该是...的时间了

It is time to .…/该是...的时间了



It is time to rush out. 是该冲出去的时间了.


It is time to rush out to the Nanjing Road. 是该冲出去到南京路的时候了.


It is time to rush out to the Nanjing Road to sweep the stores. 是该冲出去到南京路、横扫各个商店的时候了.


It is time to rush out to the Nanjing Road to sweep the stores for the last-minute discount. 是该为了零点打折冲出去到南京路、横扫各个商店的时候了.


I guess it is time to rush out to the Nanjing Road to sweep the stores for the last-minute discount. 我猜,现在是该为了零点打折冲出去到南京路、横扫各个商店的时候了.

[Steven解句] I guess(我猜) + it is time to rush out to the Nanjing Road(核心句) + to sweep the stores for the last-minute discount.(to加目的说明白)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (It is said that girls are always crazy about shopping. It is 100% true. It is very late on Christmas Eve now. Tina, Linda and Susan are asking the guys to give them a company for the last-minute shopping in Nanjing Road.) (据说女孩子总是对购物情有独钟.这完全没错.这会儿的圣诞夜已经很晚了.Tina, Linda和Susan正要男生们陪她们在南京路进行零点抢购.)


How exciting it will be! All the people will flood to Nanjing Road. We might also meet our friends there. 那将多么令人兴奋啊!所有的人将涌向南京路.我们可能会遇到我们的朋友的.

Steveno you go there every year? 你是每年都去那儿吗?

Tina: Yes, only for the last-mimute shopping. I usually spend all the money in my pocket. You know, Chirstmas is for spending not for saving. Americans will spend all the money they earn in the whole year on that day. 是啊,只是去零点抢购.我通常会花光口袋里所有的钱.你知道,圣诞节是要消费的,不能节约的.美国人总会在那天花光他们一年赚的钱.

Tangle: That sounds like crazy. But I’m not an American, so I don’t have to squander my RMBs. 听起来简直太疯狂了.但是我不是美国人,所以我不用挥霍我的人民币.

Linda: We have got to start off right now. It’s time to rush out to Nanjing Road to sweep the stores. Girls! Go! 我们现在得走了.该是冲向南京路,横扫各个商店的时候了.姑娘们!走!

Tangle: I’ve told you, girls. I don’t want to buy anything. 我告诉过你们了.我不想买东西.

Tina:Then you have to carry something for ladies. 那你就必须给女士们提东西.

It turns out to be…/结果...



It turns out to be the last chance. 结果那是最后一次机会.


It turns out to be the last chance for me. 结果那对我来说是最后一次机会.


It turns out to be the last chance for me to sit by him. 结果那是我最后一次坐在他身边.


It turns out to be the last chance for me to sit by him listening to him. 结果那是我最后一次坐在他身边,听他说话.


It turns out to be the last chance for me to sit by him listening to him that day. 结果那天是我最后一次坐在他身边,听他说话.

[Steven解句] It turns out to be the last chance(核心句) + for me(对我来说) + to sit by him listening to his words that day.(做...是最后一次)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (After answering a phone call, Susan bursts out to tears.) (回了一个电话之后,Susan哭了起来)

Steven:Are you O.K., Susan? 你怎么了,苏珊?

Tina: What happened,girl? 发生什么事了?

Susan: Remember last time I told you my dad was ill in bed? He just past away. 还记得上次我告诉你们我父亲生病了的事吗?他刚刚去世了.

Linda: I’m sorry, Susan. 很抱歉,苏珊.


Last time I went back to see him, he looked so happy. I can’t imagine it turns out to be the last chance for me to sit by him listening to his words that day. 上次我回去看望他,他看上去是那么高兴.真无法想象那天竟然是我最后一次坐在他身旁听他说话.


Oh, our little girl… 噢,我可怜的孩子…


I’m thinking about going back to Hangzhou for one day to two to take care of the funeral affairs. 我正在考虑回杭州一两天料理丧事.


I think you need a company. 我觉得你需要有人陪着你.


I’ll go with her. 那我和她一块去.


Thank you, Linda. 谢谢你,琳达.

For a change/改变一下,调剂一下

[生活中有太多的一成不变,为了给自己增添动力,我们需要做一下改变,那怕只是小小的.就比如:从来不买花的你,给家里添了一束满天星;或是很久没有奢侈过的你,大掏腰包请朋友们下馆子;或是多年来保持一种发型的你,也突然染了头发...等等等等,给自己一点新鲜,也给周围的人一丝惊喜.We just do it for a change. ]


I get up early for a change. 我早起做个改变.


I get up early these days for a change. 我这些天早起给自己做个改变.


I begin to get up early these days for a change. 我这些天开始早起给自己做个改变.


I begin to get up early to do some morning exercises these days for a change. 我这些天开始早起做早操给自己做个改变.


As you all know, I\'ve began to get up early to do some morning exercises for a change. 你们都知道,我这些天开始早起做早操给自己做个改变.

[Steven解句] As you all know, +I\'ve began to get up early to do some morning exercises for a change.(核心句)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (Linda, dressed in a sport suit today, jogs into the office.) (Linda,今天穿着套运动服,跑进了办公室.)

Tina: inda, you look so different today. Just really…sporty. Linda,你今天看起来很不一样啊.实在是...很运动的样子.

Tangel: d we see the sun rose in the west today? 我们今天看到太阳从西边出来了吗?

Linda: u know what? I\'ve began to get up early to do some morning exercises for a change.


Tina: lose weight? 减肥?

Linda: t necessarily. Cuz, I still have some icecream in the fridge. I’m doing it just for a change.


Steven: change in your figure? 不是想改变身材?

Linda: d like to do anything but something that makes me feel painful for a change.


Talk sb out of/劝说某人不要做某事---talk sb into sth/劝说某人做某事

[大家仔细看看这对反意句型,一个out of,一个into还真是形象生动、易于理解呢.如果,你现在用persuade sb to do sth来解决问题的话,Steven劝你今天好好操练一番,把最实用的表达“劝说”的用法一举攻克!]


I talk him into the project. 我劝他加入这个项目.


Let me talk him into the project. 让我说服他加入这个项目.


Let me talk him into the project we are handling. 让我说服他加入我们正在做的这个项目.


Let me talk him into the project we are handling at the moment. 让我说服他加入我们这会儿正在做的这个项目.


Let me try talking him into the project we are handling at the moment. 让我试着说服他加入我们这会儿正在做的这个项目.


I talked him out of it. 我劝他不要那样作.


I talked him out of working. 我劝他不要工作.


I talked him out of working for his boss. 我劝他不要为他的老板工作.


I talked him out of working for his boss, after he fulfilled the contract. 我劝他在合约满后不要给他的老板工作.


I talked him out of working for his boss, after he fulfilled the contract with his last company. 我劝他在和公司合约满后不要给他的老板工作.


Let me try talking him into the project(核心句

+ we are handling at the moment.(我们正在做的“Project”)

I talked him out of working for his boss(核心句), after he fulfilled the contract with his last company.(加个时间说明白)

[Steven精品五句之沪江编辑部的故事] (The six friends are talking about a new book they are going to publish next month. Now they need a designer to come up with a good idea about the cover of the book. They are thinking about another friend.) (六位朋友在谈论他们下个月即将出版的一本新书.现在他们需要一位设计师能为书的封面想出好点子.他们正想到另外一个朋友.)


I don’t you whether you remember the guy or not. He’s surely quanlified for this job. 我不知道你们时候还记得那个人.他一定能胜任这份工作.


Who? 谁啊?


Ben. He used to work with Crazy Design before. And I met him at an Art Work Exhibition. He’s really a nice person. We were very close before. I talked him out of working for his boss, after he fulfilled the contract there. Now he’s set up his own studio. Ben.他以前给Crazy设计公司工作.我是在一个艺术作品展上遇到他的.他实在是个非常好的人.我们过去很要好.我劝他在那里合约满后不要再给他的老板工作.现在他已经成立了自己的工作室.


That’s cool. You can talk him into the project we are handling at the moment. 那真棒!你可以劝他加入到我们这会儿正在做的项目.


Definitely. 当然!


How does he look like? 他长的怎么样?


Come on. He’s not your type. 算了吧.他不属于你的类型.


How do you know that? 你怎么知道?


According to the guys you used to date. 根据你以前约会的那些男生.


yewang 发表于 2007-8-12 22:31:29
great! thanks!
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