






发布者: kevin | 发布时间: 2007-8-28 11:11| 查看数: 2648| 评论数: 0|

1.Red Rose 轮不能修理受到的损坏.MV Red Rose cannot repair damage.

2.Red Rose 轮处在危急状况中.  MV Red Rose in critical condition.  

3.Red Rose 轮将抛弃货物以脱浅.MV Red Rose will jettison cargo to refloat.

4.Red Rose 轮需要拖轮协助.MV Red Rose requires tug assistance.

5.Red Rose 轮只能慢速航进.MV Red Rose can only proceed at slow speed.

6.按规定,只能由一名驾驶员分配食物和饮用水.Provisions and drinking water will be distributed by an officer only as per the regulations.

7.保持镇静,没有理由恐慌,救生艇员完全知道应该怎样做.Keep calm.There is no reason to panic.The lifeboatmen know exactly what to do.

8.被我船救起的人员是永乐轮的船员.The person picked up by my ship is crew of MV Utopia.

9.不管天气如何,穿戴好保暖\长袖衬衫\结实的鞋和帽子,不要穿高跟鞋.Put on warm clothing,long-sleeved shirts,strong shoes and head covering whatecer the weather.No high-heeled shoes.

10.不能抛弃IMO危险品货物.Do not jettison IMO-Class cargo.

11.不要返回房间取你的物品.Do not return to your cabin to collect your property.

12.不要进入救生筏,进入救生筏的命令将由驾驶台或驾驶员发出.Do not enter the liferafts.The order to enter the liferafts will be given from the bridge or by the officers.

13.不要让儿童攀登或坐在船舶的栏杆上.Never let children climb or sit on the ship's rails.

14.不要忘记个人证件和眼睛,如果需要带上药片.Do not forget personal documents,your spectacles and medicine if necessary.

15.船舶不得在分道通航制区域内抛锚.No vessels shall anchor in a traffic separation schemes.

16.船舶应尽可能避免在分道通航制区域内或其端部附近抛锚.a vessel shall so far as practicablc avoid anchoring in a traffic separation scheme or in areas near its terminations.

17.从停车到启动需要多长时间?How longdoes it take to start engine from stopped?

18.带好你的救生衣和毛毯.你将在床下找到你的救生衣.Take your lifejacket and a blanket.you will find your lifejacket under your bed.

19.当发出7短声1长声的全船紧急警报时,所有的旅客必须到你们的集合点.When the general emergency alarm is sounded,which consists of seven short blasts and one prolonged blast,all passengers have to go to their assembly station.

20.带好你的救生衣和毛毯,救生衣存放在房间内你们的床下和集合处.Take your lifejacket and a blanket with you.lifejackets are stored in your cabins under your beds and at your assembly stations.

21.建议你上船后试穿救生衣.You are encouraged to try on your lifejacke when entering the lifeboat.

22.当叫到你的名字时,请大声回答"到".When your name is called out,please answer loudly "here".

23.当进入救生筏后应立即保持入口畅通,坐在救生筏内.Clear the entranc of the liferaft immediately after entering.Sit down in the liferaft immediately.

24.当进入救生艇时不要相互推挤,应立即坐在艇内.Do not push each other when entering the lifeboat.Sit down in the lifeboat immediately.

25.当你听到连续不断的1长声和1短声的弃船警报时,请采取与全船紧急报警相同的行动.When you hear the abandon ship alarm,which consists of one prolonged and one short blast repeated continuously,please act in the same manner as under the general emergency alarm.


航海英语翻译题200个汉译英.rar (7.71 KB, 下载次数: 8, 售价: 2 朵鲜花)


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