





How to Take Initiative at Work: Seeing the Big Picture

发布者: jessie | 发布时间: 2005-12-26 15:29| 查看数: 2790| 评论数: 2|

< align=center><FONT color=#006666 size=5>How to Take Initiative at Work: Seeing the Big Picture</FONT>
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< align=center><FONT color=#006666 size=5>如何在工作中不断进取: 综观全局 </FONT>
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<FONT color=#003333>    The biggest mistake in life is to think that you work for someone else. True, you may have a boss and you may collect a paycheck from a company but, ultimately,you are master of your own destiny1. You decide what potential you reach in your career and what you will eventually accomplish2 in your life. </FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  Regardless of your circumstances, you can make a difference. This is particularly true at your current workplace. Every day you have the chance to excel3, to stand out4, and to be exceptional.You can make a suggestion to improve a product or service or to better serve your customers. You can identify an opportunity to save money or pursue a new idea or innovation5. You can help a coworker do his or her job better or learn a new skill that you can use for the rest of your life. </FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  It all comes down to initiative6, that is, taking action to get some thing done at work without waiting for your boss to tell you what to do or when and how to do it. </FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  To be able to take initiative in your job you first need to see how you and your position relate to the </FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>larger scheme7 of things at work. In most jobs this role is not explicitly8 explained, so you need to investigate how you fit into your organization's overall operation. Ask yourself: </FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  Why was my job created? Most jobs are created to help with some pressing need of the organization: better or faster service, lower costs, fewer problems, improved opportunities. If you can understand the initial needs for your position, you will be better able to consistently address these needs? ? and go beyond them. </FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  How does my job relate to others in the organization?Whom do you interact9 with everyday? Whom do you support, and who are the people who support you? How can you make your manager's job easier? Questions like these help you to see the contribution you make in your position? ? and how you can expand it. </FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  What opportunities to contribute to the organization exist in my job? Every job provides unique opportunities for the employee who looks for them.Consider the problems in your department. What part do you play in the process? What areas of operation do you get to observe? Knowing how you contribute to your organization can give you the leverage10 to do even more to help. </FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  How is my job linked to the organization's objectives?By defining your position in terms of the goals and objectives of the organizations, you can increase your worth to it. How does your position impact the mission of the organization? How does the customer benefit from the job you do? How does the organization make or save money based on your performance? Once you see your role in the big picture, you are better able to take the initiative to do those things that can best help. </FONT></TD>
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<FONT color=#003333>    人生中最大的错误便是认为你在为别人工作。不错,你有上司,你在一家公司领取一份薪水,但是归根到底你是自己命运的主人。你决定在你的事业中挖掘出多少自己的潜力,在你的生活中最终获得什么成就。</FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  不管所处的条件如何,你可以出人头地,特别是在你现任的工作中。每天你都有机会胜人一筹,干得出色,出类拔萃。你可以提出建议改进产品、改善服务,或更好地为客户服务。你可以找到机会节省资金,有所创新。你可以帮助一位同事把工作做得更好,或是学习一项新技能让你受益终身。</FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  这都可归结为进取精神,即无需等待老板告诉你该做些什么,何时做、如何做,而是你自己采取行动将事情做好。</FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>综观全局</FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  要想在工作中不断进取,你首先需要看清你和你的职位与体工作的关系。在大部分的工作岗位中,这一关系并无明确的说明,这就需要你做些调查看看自己如何才能融入到企业的整体运作中去。问问自己:</FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  为什么要设我这一项工作?许 多工作的设置是为了有助于满足企业的一些迫切要求:更好更快的服务,更低的费用,更少的问题,更好的机会。如果你能够弄清企业对你这一位置的基本需求,你就能更好地满足这些需求——甚至做得更出色。</FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  我的工作在企业中与他人的关系如何?你每天都与谁互动?你 协助谁,谁又协助你?你该如何让你的经理的工作更顺利?诸如此类的问题能够帮助你看清你在自己岗位中应做出的贡献——以及如何能做得更多。</FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  我工作中有哪些机会能有助于企业的发展?每一工作岗位都会为有心人提供独一无二的机会。考虑一下你所在部门存在的问题。在整个过程中你起着 怎样的作用?在机构运行中哪些方面你应加以注意?知道如何为企业做贡献有助于你做出更多的贡献。</FONT>
<FONT color=#003333>  我的工作与企业的目标有怎样的关系?从企业的目标出发确定自己的职能,能帮助你提高自身的价值。你的职能如何影响企业的任务?客户将如何受益于你的工作?企业如何基于你的表现获取利润或节约资金?一旦你看清你在全局中的角色,你便能更主动去做最有益于企业的事。 </FONT></TD></TR></TABLE>


July 发表于 2005-12-27 19:32:29
jessie 发表于 2005-12-27 20:38:46
<DIV class=quote><B>以下是引用<I>July</I>在2005-12-27 19:32:29的发言:</B><BR>很不错啊,继续,都是真理。</DIV>

<DIV><STRONG><FONT face="Comic Sans MS" color=#000080 size=2>真理要从实践中得来,可我还没能够真正地融入到其中,使其成为我自己的真理。</FONT></STRONG></DIV>
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