





莱昂纳多身兼制片人 拍肯尼迪遇刺案

发布者: yingy1ng | 发布时间: 2010-11-22 17:19| 查看数: 1066| 评论数: 0|

  “约翰-肯尼迪遇刺案”一直是美国文化中一直被人所孜孜不断挖掘的一个话题。莱昂纳多有望加盟《Legacy of Secrecy》

  The assassination of US president John F Kennedy is one of those subjects that never seem to stop cropping up like a whack-a-mole in our culture. But it’s been a while since someone really tackled it cinematically, so now Leonardo DiCaprio’s having a crack, nabbing the rights to Lamar Waldron and Thom Hartmann’s book Legacy of Secrecy, which digs into one likely explanation for that fateful day in Dallas.

  “约翰-肯尼迪遇刺案”一直是美国文化中一直被人所孜孜不断挖掘的一个话题,据好莱坞媒体报道,好莱坞“一哥”莱昂纳多-迪卡胡里奥已经从作者拉马尔-沃尔德伦和汤姆-哈特曼手中取得了文学作品《Legacy of Secrecy》的电影改编权,计划将这一历史题材搬上银屏。

  Variety reports that DiCaprio first learned about the book from his father, George, and got to work with his Appian Way production company to lock in a film deal.

  Legacy of Secrecy: The Long Shadow of the JFK Assassination researches the idea that Mob boss Carlos Marcello was the man who ordered the hit, having confessed as such to confidant Jack Van Laningham. Unfortunately for Marcello, Van Laningham was a deep-cover informant for the FBI. Waldron and Hartmann dug through declassified files and also found that many of Marcello’s close associates and family members were arrested in the wake of the assassination.

  迪卡胡里奥从父亲乔治那里得知了这本书,并且通过了他自创的Appian Way影视公司敲定了这一计划。《Legacy of Secrecy》讲述了FBI线人Jack Van Laningham在黑帮老大卡洛斯-马塞罗身边向机构挖取情报,而卡洛斯曾向Jack透露他一手计划了刺杀总统的计划。

  DiCaprio will most likely play Van Laningham in the final film, which Warner Bros., under its deal with DiCaprio’s team, is looking at getting out into cinemas for 2013, which also happens to be the 50th anniversary of the assassination itself.

  这部电影将交由与莱昂纳多关系交好的华纳影业投资,由这位男演员自己的团队拍摄,片中他将扮演Van Laningham一角,电影有望2013年上映,时藉肯尼迪遇刺五十周年纪念。


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