






发布者: david | 发布时间: 2005-12-28 09:10| 查看数: 3497| 评论数: 0|

<FONT color=#840084>[双语新闻]</FONT>想治疗打鼾?澳洲土著乐器能为你带来福音<br>  Want to Stop Snoring? Try the Didgeridoo
<FONT color=#0008ff><STRONG>摘要:</STRONG> <br>    你的枕边人睡觉打鼾,吵得你也整宿整宿睡不着?现在有办法了。瑞士研究人员最近发现,不管你是否相信,要解决这个困扰很多人的问题,很可能要靠澳大利亚土著人的一种</FONT><a href="http://list.china.alibaba.com/buyer/offerlist/1805.html" target="_blank" >乐器</A><FONT color=#0008ff>——迪吉里杜管来帮忙。<br>    Kept awake at night by a snoring partner? The answer to your woes could lie -- believe it or not -- with the Australian didgeridoo.</FONT> <br>
    你的枕边人睡觉打鼾,吵得你也整宿整宿睡不着?现在有办法了。瑞士研究人员最近发现,不管你是否相信,要解决这个困扰很多人的问题,很可能要靠澳大利亚土著人的一种乐器——迪吉里杜管来帮忙。 <br>
    据路透社12月22日报道,瑞士研究人员前不久对25名睡觉打鼾且患有中度阻塞性睡眠呼吸暂停综合征的患者进行了研究。在研究过程中,每天会有一半的人接受吹奏迪吉里杜管的课程。迪吉里杜管是世界上最古老的乐器之一,是一种管乐,大约有1.5米长。这种乐器源于澳大利亚北部地区的土著部落,它的传统制作方法很简单。实际上,它就是由一根被白蚁挖空的空心树干制成的。 <br>
    打鼾和呼吸暂停综合征都属于比较常见的睡眠紊乱现象。研究发现,在长达4个月的试验过程中,那些白天吹奏这种乐器的人,他们日间嗜睡和呼吸暂停的症状都得到了明显的改善;而他们的伴侣也表示,他们夜间的打鼾症状也得到了缓解。 <br>
    对此,研究人员认为,正是吹奏迪吉里杜管所需要的呼吸技巧及相关训练让这些患者的症状得到了改善。研究人员还表示,他们的这一发现有望为众多的患有呼吸暂停综合征的人们和他们的伴侣带来福音。 <br>
    报道说,这一研究的具体成果将被发表在12月24日的《英国医学杂志》<a href="http://search.china.alibaba.com/offer/&ccedil;&frac12;‘&ccedil;&raquo;&#339;.html" target="_blank" >网络</A>版上。 <br>
    (国际在线独家资讯 王高山) <br>
本稿件为国际在线专稿,媒体转载请注明稿件来源和译者姓名。 <br>
   <FONT face=Arial color=#840084>Kept awake at night by a snoring partner? The answer to your woes could lie -- believe it or not -- with the Australian didgeridoo. </FONT><br>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084>    Researchers in Switzerland examined 25 patients who suffered from snoring and moderate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome, both common sleep disorders. </FONT><br>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084>    Half the group were given daily lessons in playing the didgeridoo, a wind instrument about 1.5 meters (yards) long which originated in northern Australia and is traditionally made from the trunk of a tree hollowed out by termites. </FONT><br>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084>    The study, published in the British Medical Journal's online edition on Friday, found that those who played the unusual instrument over a four-month trial period saw a significant improvement in their daytime sleepiness and apnea. </FONT><br>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084>    Their partners also reported less disturbance from snoring. </FONT><br>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084>    The researchers said training the upper airways through the breathing techniques required to play the didgeridoo was behind the improvement. </FONT><br>
<FONT face=Arial color=#840084>    "Our results may give hope to many people with moderate obstructive sleep apnea syndrome and snoring, as well as their partners," the report's authors said</FONT>
[此贴子已经被作者于2005-12-28 12:55:25编辑过]


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