





Cancer Character

发布者: bobo | 发布时间: 2007-9-25 14:25| 查看数: 3115| 评论数: 2|

Does anyone else ever notice there exists such kind of people whose pleasure is mainly based on making others unhappy?Whatever he does or says, no matter how unconsciously it seems to be, just bothers you and makes you feel uneasy. If this sort of persons unfortunately stay close to you or because of some reasons you can't get rid of them, the feeling is just like owning a dog that bites. There are tons of examples showing how these people behaves since I've got one of them around me. For instance, when someone reaches me for help, the son of bitch just jumps out the minute I start talking and behaves like an authority, points out whatever errors in my words and denies whatever solutions I give. One doesn't have to go far to imagine what kind of rage I'm holding on this, however as a gentleman I say nothing but let the guy asking for help turn to him. "No, no, I am no expert to that, just ask bobo, he knows that well." he says. I am really pissed off at that moment and have a strong desire to stab him. It's not difficult for me to think of another example because this sort of things happened too frequently. Here is another one: When I was racking my brains trying to work out the assignment and another guy in my dorm was sleeping in his bed, the son of bitch came back and turned on his laptop to play his musics while murmuring to himself "This is too easy, now I got nothing to do, this is tooooo easy....."

Well.....I can't pick out any other better words than "Cancer Cell" to make the comparison. Like cancer cells infecting adjacent healthy cells and spreading crazyly, this kind person with this cancer character do exactly the same thing-to bring about annoyance and spread it.


magicsunxq 发表于 2007-9-25 17:51:40
I don't like them either.

It really brothers me.
芥末膏 发表于 2007-9-26 10:42:54
There are some people they don't care about others' feelings. They don't deserve the care and respect from others, either. To them, just say what you want to say from the bottom of your hearts, but in a polite way as gentlemen always do. There is no need to beat around the bushes.

[ 本帖最后由 芥末膏 于 2007-9-26 10:48 编辑 ]
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