






发布者: ANDY_Z | 发布时间: 2007-10-7 00:54| 查看数: 1914| 评论数: 1|

 who am I

I am a boy who come form JINA XIN. optimistic attitude,frank ,persitst pneuma are my special features. That features makes me have a good attitude to face the difficultles of my life. when things are all going badly , I never give up , butI stand up soon and conquer it ."just do it " is my victorious arms all the time .

I am a product engineer .look at the new product which have been designed by me. I have a kind of sense of achievement .Yes , there is no deny that I like my job even spending all my energy .but the affair of human always going out my wish. the more I pay out ,the less i get .that is true ,that makes me dissatisfied. so i decide to make me stronger to study more knowledge and to learn more technology.

Everybody all has his own dream. certainly, I also own a dream . the dream is to be a rich man as best as i can do .i am not avarice. i only want to help the man meeds money badly , such the children who are unalbe to go to school ,the man who have gravely ill . they are helpless ,they are even utterly disheartened. at this time they need help, they need money ,they need the attention of society. so if i can help they ,i will be very happy!


zx8956 发表于 2007-10-8 17:02:21
呵呵 :lol :lol :lol :lol
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