






发布者: magicsunxq | 发布时间: 2007-10-12 19:52| 查看数: 4503| 评论数: 4|


还有Cover Letter,写在正文?还是写在简历一开头


上官飞飞 发表于 2007-10-13 09:56:19
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-10-13 10:02:20
求职信即Cover Letter,顾名思义,在寄送时应当覆盖在简历的上面,而不是下面。尽可能把简历中无法表现的、而确实是自身亮点的内容写在求职信上,以事实说话,不要泛泛空谈。


When writing your cover letter, keep in mind that the reviewer is only interested in one thing: the facts. Do not think of your cover letter as an autobiography; it should be brief and to the point. The purpose of the cover letter (and resume) should be one thing – it should demonstrate that you meet or exceed the requirements listed in the job description. It should demonstrate that you're interested in the position, and that you're available to accept the position if offered. Additional information beyond this can be counterproductive, as it dilutes the core purpose of the cover letter.


When writing the cover letter, avoid negatives. A cover letter is not the place to explain why you left or are leaving an employer, why there are gaps in your employment dates, etc. These "negatives" are best delivered in person during the interview so that your personality can counter them.


[ 本帖最后由 xinyuegegegood 于 2007-10-13 10:11 编辑 ]
上官飞飞 发表于 2007-10-13 10:07:18

写给中介的cover letter,比较标准的格式

Rud Bergfeld

274 Madison Avenue

North York,M1N 0Y6

(416) 679-****

February 20, 20--

Mr. Richard K. Dean

Richard Dean & Associates

1490 Old Toll Road

Madison, Connecticut 06443

Dear Mr. Dean:

Presently, I am concluding a public acquisition for private investors--I selected the prospect, structured financing and negotiated arrangements with previous management, but have declined the permanent CEO position. Instead, I desire to continue to enjoy the "Thrill of the Hunt" in locating, acquiring and building high technology organizations. Several associates have mentioned your firm often represents technology-driven companies with strong growth/acquisition goals, and I understand you are searching now for a CEO or Executive VP who will make your client money.

My diverse background demonstrates exceptional officer-level sales, marketing, financial and leadership abilities in high tech areas:

? The technical, management, and executive team I identified recruited and trained boosted corporate revenues from $11 to $100 million in only five years, increasing ROI by an astounding 300%.

? Created a worldwide sales organization (affiliates and reps) in 40 countries and dominated those markets with new technologies in only 1-1/2 years; it took the competition over 3 years to respond.

? Assembled the capital and designed the equity structure at extremely favorable terms to the founders, completing the project in three quarters of the time called for by the strategic plan.

I enjoy the challenge of creating, building and growing a professional organization. Opportunities and potential are of paramount importance. I would be most pleased to discuss with you and your client how I would quickly duplicate these successes and build on them. Could we talk about it in the next week or ten days? My travel schedule picks up substantially late this month and I'll be much more difficult to reach.

With enthusiasm,

Rud Bergfeld


参与人数 1鲜花 +20 收起 理由
椰风树影 + 20 我很赞同


magicsunxq 发表于 2007-10-13 17:03:36

我的cover letter怎么很短很短,也就楼上那篇的大概一半都不到
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