





Senior leaders join panel discussions

发布者: zhenru | 发布时间: 2007-10-17 15:33| 查看数: 1724| 评论数: 0|

Wu Bangguo joins a panel discussion with delegates of China's eastern province of Anhui Monday afternoon. He says that Hu's report is far-sighted, resourceful, practical and has addressed all the crucial issues faced by the Party at the current critical stage of reform and development.
BEIJING, Oct. 16 - Hu Jintao's report delivered to the 17th National Congress of the Communist Party of China (CPC) on Monday morning is in line with the development of the times and the interests of the people, and conducive to advancing the Party's cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics, senior Chinese leaders said Monday afternoon during panel discussions with Party delegates.

Hu's report is far-sighted, resourceful, practical and has addressed all the crucial issues faced by the Party at the current critical stage of reform and development, said Wu Bangguo, who joined a discussion with delegates of China's eastern province of Anhui.

"The 16th CPC Central Committee headed by Hu Jintao has led the nation to break new ground in the cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics and in adapting Marxism with Chinese conditions," Wu said.

He said building Chinese socialism is the fundamental reason for China's achievements in the past 29 years of reform and opening-up and will lead to more victories in the country's building of a moderately prosperous society.

In his report, Hu cited the miraculous growth of China's economy from "once on the verge of collapse" to the fourth largest in the world. "The Chinese people, once inadequately fed and clad,are leading a fairly comfortable life on the whole."

The Scientific Outlook on Development, Wu said, is a continuation and development of the collective wisdom of the previous three generations of CPC leadership. "It is an important guiding principle we must stick to in China's social and economic development," he said.

During a discussion with delegates from eastern Jiangxi Province, Zeng Qinghong said the Party is "promising" and its cause enjoys a rosy prospect.

The Party should remain united under the leadership generated at the 17th CPC congress, check corruption, improve Party building,and keep pace with the times to score greater achievements, Zeng said, adding the new leaders should inherit and carry forward the good tradition and style of the Party.

He approved Jiangxi's development in the recent five years, which he attributed to the development of local specific industries, modern agriculture and urbanization. "It's in line with the expectations of the central authorities and the aspiration of the people, Zeng said.

Li Changchun stressed the importance of cultural development during a discussion with the Guangdong delegation. "The report will provide strong ideological guarantee, spiritual impetus and cultural conditions to stimulate both officials and the masses in building a moderately prosperous society," he said.

The priority for the moment is to study, publicize and implement the essence of the Party congress, Li said.

"We should step up building the socialist value system and harmonious culture, and unite all forces to promote our cause of building socialism with Chinese characteristics," he said, adding the Party will continue to underscore reform and innovation in the cultural sector to "maximize creativity and vitality".

Luo Gan also stressed social harmony, stability and implementation of the Scientific Outlook on Development to maintain balanced development.

"We must prevent and reduce social conflicts right from the source, attach great importance to the conflicts and problems arising out of the social and economic development... and strive for building a harmonious society," he told delegates of east China's Shandong Province.


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