






发布者: 流水绯红 | 发布时间: 2006-1-1 04:22| 查看数: 7078| 评论数: 2|

<STRONG><FONT color=#008000 size=4>Freddy Adu: Wonder Kid of the Soccer World<br>足坛神奇小子阿杜</FONT></STRONG>


<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  Freddy Adu is 14 years old and that makes him the youngest pro athlete in any team sport in more than a century and at $ 500,000 a year, the highest paid player in American pro soccer before ever playing a single game. Freddy Adu, can do just about anything he wants with a soccer ball including fake much older players right out of their cleats. People who know say that he could develop into the best player not just in America but in the entire soccer mad world. And at an age where most kids are begging their parents for a higher allowance, he'd got a million dollar contract with Nike and another endorsement deal with Pepsi. In his first commercial Pepsi has paired Freddy with the best soccer player in history: Pele. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  弗雷迪&#8226;阿杜年仅14岁,因而成为逾百年来,团体运动中最年轻的职业运动员。而且,他拿着一年50万美元的薪水,成为美国没有比赛经验的职业球员中薪酬最高的一位。弗雷迪&#8226;阿杜踢球简直随心所欲,比如他能以假动作令那些比他老练得多的球员防守失位。知情的人都说阿杜不仅能成为美国,而且能成为整个狂热的足球世界里最优秀的球员。在大多数孩子还在向父母乞求多一点零用钱的年龄,阿杜已经与耐克签了一个100万美元的广告合同,而且与百事可乐公司也有广告合约。在阿杜的首个商业广告中,百事公司让他和足球史上最优秀的球星贝利,同台竞技。 <br>                 <IMG src="https://mlls.englishvod.net/jasinda/media/text/20051109103446281/editor/20051117154547421.jpg"></IMG></TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">ele: I told him, "Listen, God gave it to you that the gift to play football." </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">贝利:我告诉他:“听着,上帝赐予了你踢足球的天赋。” </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  Bruce Arena is the most influential figure in American soccer, coach of the men's national team that will compete for the World Cup in 2006, a team Freddy hopes to make. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  布鲁斯&#8226;阿里纳是美国足球领域最有影响力的人物,他是带领美国男子国家足球队竞争2006年世界杯的主教练。阿杜一直希望自己能加入此队。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: What is it in his play that makes everybody who knows what they are talking about say "oh, wow". </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:是什么让每一个懂得足球的人看阿杜踢球时都赞不绝口? </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Bruce: He's strong, he's quick, he's agile, he's got good balance and he's got great vision, he is very special. We think he's gonna be a great one. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">布鲁斯:他身材结实,速度很快,反应灵敏,平衡感强,而且洞察力极佳。他的确非常特别。我们相信他一定会成为一名出色的球员。 </TD></TR></TABLE>

<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  Freddy learned the game as soon as he learned to walk in his native Ghana in West Africa and he didn't just play soccer he lived it. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  阿杜原籍西非的加纳,并在当地出生,自学会走路起,他就开始学踢足球了。而他不单单只是踢足球,而是把它踢出神来了。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: I did not go one day without playing. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:一天不踢球我就过不下去。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: Just kicking and learning and you loved it? </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:你就是这样踢踢玩玩,自己学习,就爱上足球了吗? </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: Yes, it was awesome, it was awesome because you know like there was no coaches, no one to tell you what to do. It was just you play and learn stuff on your own. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:是的,那简直不可思议,因为要知道,没有教练,没有人告诉你怎么去做,只是自己一边踢一边琢磨踢球的窍门。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  It was during those early days in Ghana that Freddy's mother Amelia first encouraged her soccer prodigy.</TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">
  正是以前在加纳的那段日子,阿杜的母亲亚美里亚第一个给予她的足球天才儿子鼓励。 </TD></TR></TABLE>

<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: My mom was always the supplier of soccer balls and so people were always knocking on my door and trying to get me out, so we could play. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:我妈妈总是为我提供足球,因为那里的人总是敲我家的门叫我出去,然后我们就可以一起踢了。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  Freddy's street soccer days ended in 1998 after his parents entered a visa lottery at the US embassy in Ghana. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  1998年,阿杜的父母参与了美国驻加纳大使馆的签证抽签,阿杜街头足球的日子从此结束了。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: You won the lottery? </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:你们被抽中了? </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: Exactly. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:的确如此。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: And got a visa to come to the United States. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:你们得到了来美国的签证。 </TD></TR></TABLE>

<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: Come to the United States... </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:来美国…… </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: How old were you when you came here? </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:你来美国时多少岁? </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: I was eight years old. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:我那时8岁。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: Was it scary? </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:当时是不是不知所措? </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: Yes and sad, I didn't even have a ball when I first came I didn't even have a soccer ball, so it was hard. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:是的,而且挺难过的。我刚来到的时候甚至连个球都没有。我连个足球都没有,日子很难熬。 </TD></TR></TABLE>

<TD></IMG><IMG src="https://mlls.englishvod.net/jasinda/media/text/20051109103446281/editor/20051117151246781.jpg"></IMG></IMG></TD>
<TD><IMG src="https://mlls.englishvod.net/jasinda/media/text/20051109103446281/editor/20051117151259156.jpg"></IMG></IMG></TD>
<TD><IMG src="https://mlls.englishvod.net/jasinda/media/text/20051109103446281/editor/20051117151310953.jpg"></IMG></TD></TR></TABLE>

<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  Life got even harder, after they settled near Washington D.C. Freddy says his father just abandoned the family one day. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  阿杜说,他们全家在华盛顿特区附近住下来后,有一天他的父亲抛弃了他们,于是日子便更难熬了。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: Do you ever see him? </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:到现在你见过他吗? </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: No, I don't see him, he's completely out of the picture now. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:不,没见过,现在完全不知道他的情况。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  Amelia, suddenly the sole breadwinner for Freddy and his younger brother, worked two jobs to make ends meet. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  从此亚美里亚一下子成了家里的唯一经济支柱,她要做两份工作才能养活阿杜和弟弟。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: She'd wake up at five in the morning leave at six go to work, she's gone; she gets off work at six o'clock in the evening to go to an overnight job. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:妈妈早上5点就起床,6点离家去工作,她十分劳累;她晚上6点下班后再去做另一份通宵工作。</TD></TR></TABLE>

<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  Meanwhile Freddy's soccer skills were noticed on the playground. And he was recruited for a local league team. In less than a year he was the best player on an all-star team...playing with kids four and five years older than he was. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">  在这期间,阿杜的足球才能在运动场上逐渐为人所注意。他被招进当地的一支足球联队。不到一年的时间,他成为了全明星队的最佳球员,与年龄比他大四、五岁的孩子一起踢球。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: One of the big soccer teams in Europe actually an Italian team, didn't they offer you a big huge amount of money to come and play for them? </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:欧洲的一个大球会,确切地说是意大利的一个球会,是不是曾出大价钱让你为他们踢球? </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: Yeah! </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:是的。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: How much was it do you remember? </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:你不记得是多少钱吗?</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: It was 750,000 dollars to, uh, play for Inter Milan. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:是75万美元,为国际米兰效力。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: And how old were you then? </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:你那时多少岁? </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: I was ten. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:10岁。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: Oh, my gosh! Your mother said no. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:天啊!但你的妈妈说不要去。</TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: She said no, you know, and she was looking out for our well-being. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:她说不要去,你知道,她那是为我们着想。 </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Interviewer: What is the very best moment so far that you have had playing soccer? </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">记者:到目前为止,你踢足球经历过最快乐的一刻是什么? </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">Adu: We were tied with Sierra Leone one-one in the second game of a tournament and they were just beating me up all over the field and I mean I'm having a nightmare and in the 88th minute one of my team mates Jamie Watson flicks the ball to me, I run by the defender, take out the goalie and score. When teams are abusing me like that, the greatest thing to do is to just score on them, that was the greatest feeling. </TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%">阿杜:在联赛的第二场比赛中我们和塞拉利昂队1:1打成平手,在球场上他们都在不停地对我进行恶意侵犯,那简直就是一场噩梦。在比赛进行到第88分钟时,我的队友杰米&#8226;沃特森将球轻轻一磕传给我,我晃过防守队员,引对方守门员出击,然后射门得分。当对手像那样恶意侵犯我的时候,最棒的反击就是从他们身上得分,那种感觉最爽! </TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%"><FONT color=green><STRONG>Interviewer: That's exciting. </STRONG></FONT></TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%"><FONT color=green><STRONG>记者:真是让人兴奋。 </STRONG></FONT></TD></TR>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%"><FONT color=green><STRONG>Freddy: Oh, man... </STRONG></FONT></TD>
<TD vAlign=top width="50%"><FONT color=green><STRONG>阿杜:哦,爽呀……</STRONG></FONT> </TD></TR>
< align=center><STRONG><FONT color=#a52a2a size=4>Mini-Bio of Freddy Adu阿杜小传</FONT></STRONG>

<TD> <IMG src="https://mlls.englishvod.net/jasinda/media/text/20051109103446281/editor/20051117160442859.jpg"></IMG></TD>
< align=left>Number: 9<br>Height: 5'8<br>Weight: 140 Lb.<br>Position: FWD<br>Birthdate: June 2, 1989<br>Birthplace: Tema, Ghana<br>Previous Club: US U20 National Team(美国20岁以下国家队)<br>Current Club: DC United(华盛顿特区联队)</TD></TR></TABLE><STRONG><FONT color=brown size=4><br>Soccer experience in America:</FONT></STRONG><br>  Settled in Washington D.C., a school friend invited Freddy to play soccer at recess; there Freddy was quickly made a member of a local soccer team. After helping his team dominate the league, Freddy then played at two youth soccer tournament in Italy, where he was named the MVP (Most Valuable Player). Later, Freddy join the U.S. Soccer Federation's residency program. There, he is training with the top U-17 players in the country. In November 2003 he signed a 6-year contract to play for the MLS team, DC United.
[此贴子已经被作者于2006-1-1 4:25:15编辑过]


boboo 发表于 2006-1-8 20:57:21
疯了 !!!
Rittub 发表于 2006-1-9 07:46:55
always buy him in cm/fm <br>
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