





视频商务英语口语 6 : Making travel arrangements(1)含文本

发布者: daisy95071 | 发布时间: 2007-11-13 15:36| 查看数: 3341| 评论数: 1|



daisy95071 发表于 2007-11-13 15:36:55
KATE MCKENNA: January 28th! We can' t make that deadline. 凯特.麦凯纳:1月28日! 我们不可能做到。

DON BRADLEY: Yes, we can. It' s difficult but it' s possible.


KATE MCKENNA: I don' t know. We' re launching The Mad Monkey on January 26th.

凯特.麦凯纳:我不确定。我们1月26日要推出Mad Monkey。

DON BRADLEY: We can re-schedule the launch of Mad Monkey, can' t we? 堂.布拉德利:我们可以重新确定推出Mad Monkey的时间,对吧?

KATE MCKENNA: I' ll have to talk to the distributors as soon as possible.


DON BRADLEY: When can you go and see them?


KATE MCKENNA: I' ll have to take the first flight I can.


MR. SAKAI: The presentation was very interesting. 酒井先生:演示很有趣。

CLIVE HARRIS: Thank you. 克莱夫.哈里斯:谢谢。

MR. SAKAI: There are exciting possibilities for both our companies.


CLIVE HARRIS: Yes, I think so. 克莱夫.哈里斯:是的,我是这样看的。

We have a lot to discuss, don' t we? 我们有很多东西要讨论,对吧?

MR. SAKAI: Yes, we do. 酒井先生:是的,确实。

I would like to stay an extra day if that is possible. 如有可能,我想多待一天。

CLIVE HARRIS: I would be delighted. 克莱夫.哈里斯:我太高兴了。

We can arrange everything. 我们可以安排一切事宜。

What is your itinerary? 你的行程是怎样的?

MR. SAKAI: I am scheduled to fly to Frankfurt tomorrow morning at seven.


Would it be possible to find out if there is an afternoon flight? 有可能查一下有没有下午的航班?

CLIVE HARRIS: Of course. I' ll do that now. 克莱夫.哈里斯:当然可以。我现在就查。

CLIVE HARRIS: Jenny, we need to check flights to Frankfurt for Sakai-san...


PHIL WATSON: So that' s excellent. We agree on the design.


I think those colours will work well together and the lettering looks good.


EDWARD GREEN: I think Don will be very happy with this but I' ll confirm by fax tomorrow morning.


PHIL WATSON: And when is your deadline? 菲尔.沃森:你的最后期限是什么时候?

EDWARD GREEN: Everything must be ready for the launch on February 15th.


KATE MCKENNA: January 28th! We can' t make that deadline.

凯特.麦凯纳:1月28日! 我们不可能做到。

DON BRADLEY: Yes, we can. It' s difficult but it' s possible.


KATE MCKENNA: I don' t know. We' re launching The Mad Monkey on January 26th.

凯特.麦凯纳:我不确定。我们1月26日要推出Mad Monkey。

DON BRADLEY: We can re-schedule the launch of Mad Monkey, can' t we?

堂.布拉德利:我们可以重新确定推出Mad Monkey的时间,对吧?

KATE MCKENNA: I' ll have to talk to the distributors as soon as possible. 凯特.麦凯纳:我要尽快和销售商说一下。

DON BRADLEY: When can you go and see them? 堂.布拉德利:你什么时候可以去见他们?

KATE MCKENNA: I' ll have to take the first flight I can. 凯特.麦凯纳:我必须搭乘能赶上的头班飞机。

MR. SAKAI: The presentation was very interesting. 酒井先生:演示很有趣。

CLIVE HARRIS: Thank you. 克莱夫.哈里斯:谢谢。

MR. SAKAI: There are exciting possibilities for both our companies.


CLIVE HARRIS: Yes, I think so. 克莱夫.哈里斯:是的,我是这样看的。

We have a lot to discuss, don' t we? 我们有很多东西要讨论,对吧?

MR. SAKAI: Yes, we do. 酒井先生:是的,确实。

I would like to stay an extra day if that is possible. 如有可能,我想多待一天。

CLIVE HARRIS: I would be delighted. 克莱夫.哈里斯:我太高兴了。

We can arrange everything. 我们可以安排一切事宜。

What is your itinerary? 你的行程是怎样的?

MR. SAKAI: I am scheduled to fly to Frankfurt tomorrow morning at seven.


Would it be possible to find out if there is an afternoon flight? 有可能查一下有没有下午的航班?

CLIVE HARRIS: Of course. I' ll do that now. 克莱夫.哈里斯:当然可以。我现在就查。

CLIVE HARRIS: Jenny, we need to check flights to Frankfurt for Sakai-san...


PHIL WATSON: So that' s excellent. We agree on the design.


I think those colours will work well together and the lettering looks good.


EDWARD GREEN: I think Don will be very happy with this but I' ll confirm by fax tomorrow morning.


PHIL WATSON: And when is your deadline? 菲尔.沃森:你的最后期限是什么时候?

EDWARD GREEN: Everything must be ready for the launch on February 15th.


JENNY ROSS: Is there an earlier flight? 詹妮.罗斯:有没有早点的航班?

...No, I really want a direct flight...Okay, I' ll hang on.


KATE MCKENNA: Sorry Jenny. 凯特.麦凯纳:对不起,詹妮。

Could you find out the times of flights to Atlanta and reserve me a seat?


Business class. Non smoking. 商务仓。非吸烟区。

Returning the day after tomorrow.Thanks. 后天返回。谢谢。

I' m going home to pack a bag. 我要回家收拾包裹。

I' ll phone you in half an hour. 我半小时后再给你电话。
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